I was listening to a Republican strategist who explained that a huge segment of the population like Biden. It is hard to wrap my head around someone who is so corrupt and is surrounded by incompetent buffoons but this conclusion is the only one that makes sense. When Trump was elected a baby boomer acquaintance went to the rallies to protest his election as she exclaimed, "I she can't believe at much age I need to protest a fascist presidency." Now we have a true fascist in the office and no one cares because he isn't Trump.

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Soooo.... how do you really feel about these freaks? πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ They are freaks, they deserve all the scorn that can be heaped on them. They lie, to the detriment of the people. They need to be put out of business, never to work again in any field having to do with the communication of facts or information.

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They are the embodiment of evil. And, i suggest, victims of evil as well. Sadly raised materialistically , some simply born narcissists seeking $ and power. Running the west into a hell of their design.

Sterilized humans giving way to test-tube factory pre-indoctrinated babies. Brainwashed while aging, the rest of us killed off en masse as useless eaters who want to live by truth vs ideology. Another grand experiment is revealed. Canada has fallen by any reasonable measure of nationhood.

But the fight that returns the world to sanity will rest only the ashes of the evil plan.

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They won't ever forgive Trump for not starting any new wars.

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They're all trash being paid off by the money printers. Stop the money printers and shut down that corrupt system, most of the problems go away.

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Don’t think this is about Trump: in the end, declassification authority puts a knife in that. This is about Obama sticking the knife in Joe so that he doesn’t run in 24 making room for the next placesitter. Joe’s family corruption was useful as a VP; too obvious now

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Trump is our president. He can take things home. VP is not THE president. He ran for pres 3 times and the deep state pretended him in. This is not about the rights of our prez. Documents are from when he was the fake VP.

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Sorry Dr Alexander, I am in the Salty Army. He has a nearly 3 hr show on Rumble every Sunday, Wed, and Fri at 4:30 avocado time, tonight there isn’t a show he is going to use his snowboard he go from the salt queen for Christmas.

He was saying similar things! Hard to believe? I don’t think so.

Thanks Dr Alexander

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This is so true. While not perfect, President Trump did a lot of good for this country.

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I continued to be amazed at the childish, dangerous, false, insulting comments made during Trump's admin. AND he STILL managed to accomplish so much. How is this going to end? I have no respect or hope for our government now. I am a retired political theory professor and see nothing but the downfall of America from all the shenanigans that went on and continue with the political party of hatred.

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Imho the kind of functioning justice system it takes to nail biden will investigate and maybe even find merit in legal action vs Trump. But will fail as it always has, to pin him on, well, trumped-up charges.

Sorry, i couldn’t resist.

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Would that the 'Queen' -- currently slated for 'King' -- was also 'taken off the Board' with the, normally (what is 'normal' now(?), definitive act of "King for King."

(Side note, Dr. Alexander -- had I not -- early, EARLY ON in this 'game of Thrones' contributed half my stash of retirement funds to The Cause, I would be continuing to contribute to all worthy information 'specialists,' such as yourself. Know that, for now, I am disseminating the findings of your important work (and others of note) with nearly every post.

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The left will do anything to oust Trump. When he beat Hillary, he delayed The Great Reset agenda 4 years. Now with Biden in, it's full bore to Total Totalitarianism.

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"The Left" has no meaning. Perhaps the best way to explain it is by referencing "The Right" - who is the "Right" - Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, Hitler, Franco, Trump, ?? Perhaps you see the point. But I can assure you - as a "leftist" of 50 some years, that neither the Corporate Capitalist Media, nor ANYONE in Congress is on the Left. You want Left, or to critique "The Left" - study Lenin.

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Kamala promised to destroy her enemies and so far she’s been ruthless for all of is

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