Putin is defending his people from the demonic globalists who are trying to take over the world. While we go along dying from the shots and suffer one attack after the other.

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@John of course you know Putin and Russia have thrown off the Globalists long ago. NONE OF THEIR CRAP IS ALLOWED IN RUSSIA. Here in the USA they have infested our Government, Agencies, institutions, Military, Finance, Healthcare, Education, Legal and Justice. We will throw them off as well, but IMO it won’t be overnight, and it won’t be pretty. AMERICANS ARE GETTING FED UP IN LARGER NUMBERS EVERY DAY. 🙏🇺🇸🙏

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we have no business wanting regime change in russia. i want regime change right here! can we get this idiot out of office before he starts WW3? not every country is going to have "our form" of government. we spent 20 years and how many billions trying to spread "democracy" in Afghanistan and the taliban undid it all in about 40 seconds. putin is good for russia and frankly, he's a better leader than what we have right now.

who in the current administration is a serious adult? the giggling, vacuous VP? the hardly even there but at least gay sec of transportation? the luggage stealing cross dresser? the quota filling press secretary? the continual senior moment president?

at least putin is a man and the russians respect him so what business is it of ours?

there are plenty of things here that we could spend $100 billion on like cleaning up the ohio river for starters, paying down some of the debt to ease inflation, trimming healthcare costs, filling a few potholes.

this is bullshit. these war mongers have some fantasy of the USA running the entire world when we can't even run our kindergartens! now they're talking about war with china which is absurd because china makes just about everything we use, most of the medications that our fat sick population lives on and it holds a lot of our debt and owns a lot of our farmland. what are we even talking about?

and how do you square your net zero carbon aspirations (which are foolish enough to begin with) when you want to have wars all the time? you think you can fly those fighter jets on wind power?

russia wasn't bothering us and wouldn't have invaded ukraine if we didn't constantly poke the bear. i never thought i'd say this but i'm pretty sure that the war in ukraine would not have happened had Trump been in office.

my god, will we survive another two years of this nonsense?

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

This man knows his 'stuff'. Spot on, he is. My wife born in Russia, entered her teens years in the early 90's - NEVER had much, but tells some, what are to a US-born citizen, horrific stories about that time.

Putin not always beloved - but respected, in Russia. To a point, anyway.

Can't say the same for biden, nor his administration, nor America's hegemony. We have NO business in that region - except for the fact that we created this Monster of an issue ........ and NOW have , or DO , "business" there. Military-Industrial complex THRIVES as a result. Not you, not me, but THEY....

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Putin spends a lot of time with Chabad Lubovitch, but unlike Biden and Trump, his ministers are not full of them. There has also been an exodus of the so called "jewish oligarchs" who stole the Russian people's assets when the USSR collapsed. Just as Stalin finally did in the 1940's, Putin knows how corrosive jewish banking and media can be, and he is pro Christian and anti-degeneracy.

WHENEVER a nation of the past 150 years develops a degeneracy or a communism problem, you will find the Tribe.

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We should all identify as the opposite gender from now on, Jen ssaki would scream

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Not so fast to hold KK up as a great resource. According to US lawyer Robert Barnes (a great judge of character, well read, and a champion of the people), there are things about KK's origins that don't quite add up to the image he presents. Barnes suggests that KK was either recruited as a useful tool or he has drunk the koolaid on certain topics, making him unreliable. Just because he is good at social media marketing, and he makes sense on some things, doesn't make him right on everything. His inability to set aside his bias and have an objective discussion (as has been witnessed in when he was a guest on Viva Frei's rumble channel) should raise some concerns.

Don't let someone who is a practiced debater lure you into thinking he is right. Use discretion to filter what he is presenting. Check independently. Understand what his motivations might be for his stronger-expressed opinions.

Best insights on the Ukr/Rus situation I have found is on yt channel The Duran.

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'I went to Kiev and all I got was this lousy olive green with Banderan insignia t-shirt'

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Well it’s just like in the US being a billionaire, you’re also controlled, just saying 🤷‍♂️

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I am the same as you! No Barack Obama put that piece of trash in charge of Ukraine little gay dude in his little leather pants with his black stilettos!

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People need to get real. If you're against the funding of war - then don't fund the people who are funding the war. It's quite simple. But you see, we rarely look to what we are doing, preferring always to look at what others should be doing. Absolving oneself of one's own hand in the situation is shifting the blame. It's hypocrisy to fund the politicians then say you're against funding war. Same with if you use banks. All wars are bankers wars. That's a pretty accurate saying.

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There is no comparison...The Dummy might qualify as Putin's houseboy if he paid him off and lied about his qualifications. I fully support Putin and will never support The Dummy.

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Pretty interesting take by Kisin.

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