That smug piece of shit isn’t even remorseful! Firing squad for this creature!

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on the spot

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He was ready for Laken, she wasn’t ready for him. He jumped out of hiding, to her horror, I’m sure. She might’ve been able to break from his grip with mace, but would’ve had to have it already open & in hand. He would’ve killed her with her own gun, had she been carrying. He’s no doubt done this before. He is a psychopath/sociopath murdering monster. Welcomed by the last administration & given benefits paid for by us! That would’ve continued under Kamala, which is why I voted for Trump. We shouldn’t have to continue paying for this pos in prison. I hope & pray his fellow inmates get justice for Laken!

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he was hunting women we are told...in media

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What a punk ass pos! I hope he suffers greatly, in this life & as he rots in hell.

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Devils need to die. Have no right to life!

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NOT ENOUGH! Throw this POS in the cremation chamber ALIVE; the way the Soviets did traitors. This animal betrayed Laken of her LIFE. Televise this worldwide as an example and break out the popcorn! 🍿 DO IT OFTEN ENOUGH (DAILY), especially with the backlog of these (should be reclassified as) enemy combatants, and you’ll find (a), a deterrent effect kicking in; (b), self-deportation occurring; or (c), BOTH.

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