“Science” is indeed dead. Lancet lost all credibility when they published the fraudulent HCQ study. Pharma is their master.

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And some wonder why people have lost faith in “the science?”

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Jul 7, 2023
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Nothing there...

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Well, for anyone who didn’t believe the Lancet was a big fat filthy cockroach, it just crawled out of the woodwork. Again.

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What happened to the editors who approved those fudged papers dismissing HCQ and IVM?

My guess is nothing happened to them.

Let me know when you learn of even one person who has been held accountable for anything untoward related to COVID>

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Lancet has been in the tank for Big Pharma since the Wakefield article was deep-sixed twenty plus years ago!

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Follow the money!!!!!! They will not be able to buy their way out of this corrupt status. History will not be kind them. They had a chance to do the right thing. They FAILED BIG TIME.

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Somebody must have paied them lots of money to retract the paper. The problem is that it's too late. A lot of people know about the paper already. The fact that they withdrew the paper will make things worse for them. I would not be surprised at all if a brave American judge will order Lancet to make it available to the public.

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Would an American judge have any jurisdiction?

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NO. This journal is a UK product.

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Pfollow the 💰 💵 💴

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That would make a great T-shirt

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I was thankfully able to both download, save & read the 48 page Dr. Nicolas Hulscher, Dr. Michael Alexander, Dr. Peter McCullough et al, 'A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination' published in the Lancet Richard Amerling, Heather Gessling, Roger Hodkinson, Mark Trozzi, Peter A McCullough + Harvey A. Risch, Yale School of Public Health, William Makis, Cancer Control Alberta Health Services 5Jul’23

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Thank you for this professional Research mRNA injection death study based on Autopsy Studies, which Pharma-med controlled CDC NIH, FDA & other captured agencies have meticulously avoided implementing. We’ve a glimpse of how bad professional Health organization Capture is. In the following, I point out what mostly poorer people are culturally doing to unite bottom-up health care together effectively in extended-family & neighbourhood collaboration, for informed consent & more natural successful health strategies in the Multihome traditions of all humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors for many 10s of 1000s of years. One can liken this Bottom-up 'fractal' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') caring & sharing to the natural Autonomous gene, cell, tissue & organ functions of the human body, where the base is strong in ECONOMIC-MEMORY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory SARGEANT PEPPERS' LONELY HEARTS-CLUB-BAND The Psychological vulnerability of the average divided & isolated people in our colonial system such as in the detached Nuclear Family expensive suburban sprawl home served by extensive freeway systems, leave most very economically & socially vulnerable to authoritarian orders. Such 30% of populations, without day-to-day walking ease of social contacts & collaborative settings of proximity, fall easy prey to hidden centralized-event-plan, Gain-of-function MSM & controlled Social Media hype supposed pandemics & Experimental, Emergency-Use-Authorization EUA only so-called solutions. With the Nobel award winning Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine or Vitamin D3 & Zinc over the counter medicines tested in many 100s of billions of doses on many billions of people strategically Media tarnished & Peer Review by Medical Experts almost completely suppressed, the average person in Western countries felt panicked & perceived no other options. The highest uptake compliance of mandated mRNA Vax injections is in the Suburbs & institutional settings. We remember how Elder folk & handicapped folk living in Residences, Group Homes & Hospital institutional extensions were quarantined from family contact & suffered the highest rates of Vax injection & deaths. These institutional settings see 5 shift-staff per day plus 3 specialists totaling 8 changes of the guard per day times 365.25 days per year = 2922 Changes of the guard per year. Shift & specialist Professionals have very little continuity or cultural appreciation for the inherent strengths of their clients, residents, patients or charges. Patients perceive this im-personalization as well as loss of personal value & meaning to living in relationship, over many months & years, leading to degrading health outcomes. A POWERFUL INTELLIGENT CULTURAL MULTIHOME RESPONSE BY THE POOR 70% of populations live in Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village clusters). 20% of Multihome Dwellers are intentionally living in proximity with members of their Extended-Families for social & economic collaboration. TOO BIG, DISTRIBUTED, DECENTRALIZED & EFFECTIVE FOR INSTITUTIONAL OVERSIGHT Multihome-extended families contribute trillions of $$ to the Turtle-Island (N. America) 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') per year, forming the largest Essential Goods & Service caring & sharing economy on Turtle Island worth many trillions of $ per year, albeit unstudied by academia, unrecognized & unfunded by institutions & government. Typically with this increased casual walking either down the apartment hallway or down the block, elders, youth, handicapped, injured, ill & middling ages benefit from extensive in person, face-to-face contact & complementary exchanges of talents, goods, services, resources & dreams. These networked interpersonal face-to-face conversations, reaching out to other sources of information among peers, enable diverse Multihome-Dwellers to put our minds together. Many of us in the traditions of our indigenous ancestors are taking Multihome care to the next traditional organized level of Community-Economy, web-software mediated universal livelihood-based caring & sharing in the MULTIHOMES (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) where 70% of people live today in loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, critical-mass, economies-of-scale with PRIVACY for individual sovereignty & PROXIMITY for collaboration guaranteed by free-choice & full Merit-based record keeping for all contributions. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/C-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are is a web-based Community-Circular-Economy software: A) CATALOGUE local individual & business for: talents, goods, services, resources & dreams. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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No surprise. But so infuriating! To say the least.

Don’t give up. They can run but they cannot hide forever.

Thank you for your courageous work!

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The Lancet showed us who and what they are when they published the totally fraudulent paper that killed HCQ. That deed alone is what was used as an excuse to have the FDA pull its EUA. How many people died because of their stunt?! That journal is very corrupt and an embarrassment to its former legitimate purpose. They should be investigated and put out of business like so many of them.

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One thing seems certain, as we circle the drain at the end of the West, most if not all of those who extolled the virtues of the shots will be sickened by them, while those who went along to go along will find it very hard to conceal their lies. The globalists will fail in most a most spectacular way.

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Short answer? Yes.

The only real surprise here to me is it made it onto even the pre-print server.

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I wonder if that was intentional knowing they would pull it to make the authors look bad and discredit them as researchers. I can hear the useful idiots now, “oh those quack antivaxxers tried to say autopsies showed correlation to the shots. Their anti science conspiracy was just just thrown out by the most prestigious journal, The Lancet. They should be criminally prosecuted for the misinformation they spread and put in jail” That is how the uneducated masses who have been brainwashed not to think critically, and there are a lot of them,spread their holier than thou stupidity, that others repeat, in their stupidity all the while thinking they are correct. It’s really revolting to those who actually know what’s going on and do the homework to have the facts. These journals are very bad actors but the have the big bucks to hire the spin doctors that mind control the masses. I pray we can take them all down and expose them for the dishonest hacks they are.


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Certainly a possibility but whatever the reason this Jeanie will not be put back in the bottle. These authors are not realistically impunable.

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Which just goes to show how desperately stupid they actually are.

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Ubetcha Lancet was coerced!

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Why was Lancet selected? The outcome seems predictable.

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Lancet is one of the most highly cited medical journals. Ranking and influence is based on the number of citations in other published medical papers.

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Color me shocked.

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