The satanic monsters are pushing trans and drag queens which I believe is all part of the trafficking shit.

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Indeed. The Synagogue of Satan has had a good 25 years, creating a degenerate, and dying nation.


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evil gets in in every way it can. don't judge a problem so quickly. This is how the jewish people always get brought in. Satan hates them because they are still God's chosen. Through the line of David Jesus Christ killed satan once and for all. They have many evil monsters, but so do the gentiles. I promise this though, satan looooves when people blame the jews cuz it gives him a way to split up , and sow seeds that weaken us all. God said curse the hebrews and i will curse you.Bless the hebrews and i will bless you. Gentiles remember this...if God has put the jewish people in a state of having veils over their eyes(preventing them from accepting Jesus as messiah)until they call for Him at the end of the Tribulation period. What should gentiles expect? I don't know? Paul writes about so much of what we are all going through in Romans.Love is so strong. Love trumps hate every single time. Look at the depravity hate is bringing on these filthy things i don't even have words ugly enough to describe them. Be slow to judge.Then you can really make more accurate attacks.We are at war with satan, and his filthy people.bless

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In the interim, they have created another pestilent nightmare for decent white people. They can not live with us, the number of expulsions over the past 4000 years prove that. Meanwhile, God slumbered while his "chosenites" murdered over 200M in the 20th century, using their latest bullshit, Communism as the cover to do so. Nah, appreciate your religio-babble, but at the moment, I have far harsher methods than "love" for defense.

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If someone is XY and has testicles but also has natural external female genitalia and breasts then I don't think it's fair to stop them having surgery to transition. The problem is all these XY "females" who have artificially created breasts and still have penis and testes intact. There have been numerous cases of biological women in female prisons getting pregnant after male prisoners applied to transition and took hormines and then were placed in women's prisons with sex starved women with male genitalia intact. They rape all the lesbians and any hetero women who aren't interested and have consenting relations with the rest. These are the same sort of transwomen who hang around in little girls' change rooms and toilets. It would not be tolerated in most countries but then again most countries probably don't have rigged elections. I wonder if the big guy gets 10% from the US child trafficking operations.

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My perspective is the human race has grown tolerant, porculent and weak. When I was a Lolbertarian, my enemy was the eugenicists. However, witnessing the result of a century of subsidizing shit, I now realize we have to first dispose of it.

A strong leader is needed, and none of the traditional "isms" controlled by that most conniving Tribe, will be allowed to remain. They inviolated the Constitution, and Natural Law. Freaks will be excised.

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When I grew up, if a boy at school went into a girl’s washroom, he’d be sent to reform school.

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No normal parent wants their daughters subjected to this. The Dems should be protecting kids, not enabling molestation and rape.

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I do agree with XY point. I had a friend who’s child had this issue. She went through her school years female. Not one person knew except immediate family. She is now a very loving caring parent. She cannot conceive but her and her husband have 6 surrogate children

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Yes there are a small number who are raised as female and seem female in many respects despite being XY. Some even have a womb and are theoretically capable of conception although most are infertile. And then there are the opposite, like Hitler who was XX but brought up as a male. These are legitimate cases for transition, unlike confused childrem with gender dysphoria who undergo unnecessary mastectomy or removal of their penis and unlike XY who are biologically normal but psychopathic and who undergo partial transition only in order to rape or molest women or girls.

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I can't imagine he wouldn't get his 10%.

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Entertain this week, molest next week.

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It's weird how anyone could be entertained by drag queens.

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They would be quite entertaining, under a rusty, dull, slow moving guillotine.

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She is completely right . I feel for the Poor children that this is happening to. And hope that one Day the predators will find the justice they deserve.

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I feel that justice is too nice a word.

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It's the justice from GOD . 🙏

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Lara is always Truthful, only reports what she can Prove, and is tuff as nails.

And just a beautiful personal all around!

And by the way Dr. Paul, I'm stealing this ... "the fecal, putrid, banal, vapid, bottom-dweller low-life media". ;)

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Lara Logan is one of the few real journalists left in this country. She's ready for battle each day and plays in enemy territory much of the time. She's always worth listening to if you cater to real news and don't want to be misled!

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This is the logical outcome of abortion on demand.

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What if there was a test that could identify Dems and RINOs like Ted Bundy, who was a politically active RINO like Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney, in the womb? Would you still be opposed to Dems and RINOs aborting future generations of Dems and RINOs? Decent women don't abort. It's Dem women like Pelosi and RINO women like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and Liz Cheney who abort. Nothing good is likely to come out of those wombs.

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It's an enigma that I just cannot comprehend why $billions and $Trillions💰💰💰💰are wasted as so few dollars go to stop trafficking

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The Tribe stealing those trillions, happens to be the Tribe committing most pederasty. Their primary religious text tells them to steal, and to abuse children.

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I thoroughly agree. The media are even more despicable than politicians and even banksters.

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It is an international problem made worse by an attempt to impose a rules-based international order on countries that seek to take strong action to combat pedophilia and child trafficking, such as when the US threatened Uganda over its proposal to impose life imprisonment on those who sodomize minors. The US also did not respond well when Russia made it an offence to disseminate gay propaganda to minors including in schools. There are numerous examples of how the problem is made worse internationally by the US attempts to impose US values on conservative Christian people who do not share US values.

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The more Lara speaks out about this topic, the more I admire and respect her. Lin wood does the same. Both do so at great personal cost.

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This is so tragic. A man whom I've seen the anointing of God in his life has been teaching on these lawless times for many years. Because our country once had that rare & exquisite gift of God's Blessing, but squandered it thru the loss of the fear of God, this country will suffer from the Judgement of God.

The waxing cold of man's heart, callousness toward children, even from mothers will become openly sadistic. I'm sorry to be so blunt but until we begin to speak frankly about what is happening right in front of our faces, w/o any prevarication, we will become so weakened by all the trauma from the evil that has subsumed this country and world, we can lose our authority and become powerless.

How do we stay grounded standing in our authority? Repentance and prayer, first. Then volunteer unless God has called you to a specific ministry.

If these so called mega churches spent 10% of their millions on child rescue & ending sex trafficking and openly & loudly preached against it, it would be a lot harder to steal a child. Just my 2 cents.

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Lara Logan is an excellent journalist: I haven't seen her lately I TOTALLY AGREE with you and Lara Logan: Pedophiles and Child traffickers for which there is no rehabilitation at one time was considered a capital offense therefore death penalty, regardless from where they come from: SUPER MAX PRISONS, w/ full spectrum punishment including chemical castration whatever it takes as for as punishment: the Bible speaks and so does Jesus himself address what happens to anyone who harms these little ones. So in this life and the next judgement has been set.

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The "media" must have their reserved platforms at Nuremberg 2.0 It will be crowded. Hanging room only.

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As insanely horrible as murdering humans with big pharma poisons is, this human trafficking is just as bad. Anyone involved in this practice has to be totally insane and anti-life.

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Been following her for a while. God bless her she fighting hard for these children.

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Lara Logan does a good job exposing the evil and like you, Paul is growing the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION with more evidence against ALL Treason!

These messes could have been stopped long ago if The People had UNITED in a real Freedom Movement.

The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a real Freedom Movement with real strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason!

No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!

There is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing about the necessity of unity…



P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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