We need a few hundred more Clay Higgins in the House & Senate!! He truly represents We the People!

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Fed-surrection... genius!

But it's more accurate: free-surrection done by FBI freemasons!

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail and machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


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This piece highlights why the UNITING of The People needs to happen more quickly…


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Fedsurrection for sure.

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Loved his announcements from law enforcement, brought back memories of the public announcements nightly of "do you know where your children are" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBy9VDEWKOE

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Wray is a RINOA. Who appointed Wray and why?

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Trump did and I consider that Trump's WORST pick

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He picked him, he can fire him when he is inaugurated.

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It appears that we are falling off the information cliff. Focus is the name of the game at this point. We will not be able to teach if we have nobody to teach. I want to keep them alive! Then we move to many of the subjects you bring to the table. I am in search of all knowledge that pertains to Covid and all that this scourge brings.

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