This is infuriating. Along with health insurance, money to live on, all kinds of help, while AMERICANS who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads are forgotten people.
They're working for the World Economic Forum along with many Republicans too. This is a global coup d'etat through institutional capture. Look up every company that's a member of the WEF, it's available on their website. Boycott products and services of every member company. Destroying nationalism is one of the first tactics of overthrowing a nation. The Rothschild's did this to Russia in the early 1900's which led to civil decline and into communism of the Soviet Union.
My guess is that it's on purpose. What ever means to take the country down. The One World Order scum are waiting impatiently to destroy the fabric of civilization as we know it.
Please, get out and vote, bring others to vote. That's our only chance.
because pussy mc connell won't do a damn thing against his buddy of 40 years. He has even said so. "Friends" are more important than this country that has given them a very good lifestyle. Hope they all rot in hell. We need a bunch more Rand Pauls, and the too few others who actually care for the US.
there's a method to this madness. soc sec fund is on track to go bankrupt in 2028 (see david martin's work on this). with additional death payouts as the die-off of the jabbed continues, the fund will expire much earlier. stands to reason that additional sources of revenue need to be found.
then there's the argument that as the armed forces start to die off, replacements for them will be needed as well - against us...
I ADORE Lara! Fox News was cowardly and completely wrong to fire her. As a Jewish American sick of the leftist.comparisons of anything they see as advantageous with false accusations of Nazism and likening to the Holocaust- invariably getting a pass. Lara, on the other hand aptly equated Fauci to Mengele, as does EVERY Holocaust survivor and non revisionist historian!
Just as the left and sadly, often with UniParty Establishment Republican complicity, feigns “ moral outrage” when Soros or Zelenskyy are criticized. Suddenly, it’s “ antisemitism”. Soros is an atheist self proclaimed megalomaniac. He describes his years as a Nazi collaborator, seizing assets and personal belongings of German Jews, sending them to concentration camps,” The best years of my life” and “ I feel no guilt. If I hadn’t done it, somebody else would have”. Soros has done everything in his power to deligitimize Israel, America’s foundation and empower radical Islamist regimes. Zelenskyy is only “ Jewish” when he’s angling for a political con.He feels greater allegiance to his belove Azov Regiment Nazis, Soros,the WEF and his ego. He’s proven to be an authoritarian dictator, banning opposition parties, imprisoning political rivals, spreading propaganda, the only television network is state run and lying about casualties, war crimes committed by Ukranian Nazis, zero accountability US taxpayer relief funds and weaponry, now appearing on the dark web.
He is despised by Israel, India, Hungary, Greece and other nations. Lied about a Russian missile strike on Kiev’s Holocaust Memorial Museum, Chernobyl ,the Bucharest massacre, Mariupol,torturing Ukranian POWs by Russian soldiers that was committed by CIA trained Ukranian Nazis, etc. Laura was right and her investigative journalism unparalleled.
According to the U.S., UN, EU, NATO, WEF - everybody is a Nazi … except the Nazis.
Thank you, Leslie. I can’t stand it anymore. Just a few hours ago, a friend who has been languishing in our guest house for three months( supposed to be a week), picked a fight with me about the” Massive growth of “ White Supremacist Neo-Nazis, no longer bothering to hide”. I asked her to please enlighten me. Give specific examples”. She immediately launched into attack mode. Trump and DeSantis are encouraging White Supremacists to take to the streets! What the hell is wrong with you, Gail? Why are you defending them? Trump’s always been a racist, antisemite, pedophile,, rapist, misogynist, violent abuser, criminal, Russian asset…”. For the record, I worked alongside Trump for two years 2000-2002..Derek Jeter( you know, the “ white dude”) hired me to design his 90th fl penthouse in the NYC Trump World Tower. Trump was a daily fixture. Larger than life. Treated everybody equally. From the janitor, workers, Derek’s parents, celebrities, his employees to me. He was very efficient, never publicly humiliated the workers, didn’t pander to the celebs and was very curious. We’d feast on McDonald’s in Derek’s kitchen and he’d pepper me with questions, listened, was positive and also offered professional advice to grow my business. He laughed when I shared stories about dealing with cultural Jewish guilt and NEVER made any indication of bigotry nor sexual impropriety. His musings and insults spanned the entire spectrum.😂. In the midst of the project, the horror of 9/11 occurred. I was alone in Derek’s glass aerie w/ a parallel view of the Towers.A direct view into the bowels of hell.And his employees remained in the building, waiting until it was safe to evacuate every tenant
But my friend, who wasn’t there, never met him, knows better. And DeSantis? The most pro-Jewish, pro-minority, pro-science, strong, independent thinker has made Florida the safest, freest, pro-business, pro-education, pro-equality, anti-corruption state in the nation without tolerance for violence, corporate interference, the WEF or influence peddling.
I told her if anybody was promoting fascism, racism. antisemitism, violence, corruption, influence peddling and destroying everything America once projected, it was her beloved , no longer recognizable party and the most extreme antisemitism was being promoted by the CBC, black progressives, the corporate media and UN, WEF, EU and “ civilized western democracies”. They support the worst of humanity and project their own hatred by blaming their opposition.
But she knows better and I’m a “ right wing conspiracy theorist”. And Fauci’s a Saint, Biden is completely lucid and the IC is a valiant, honorable stanchion of integrity.
I would guess that Donald Trump employed more black Americans(before becoming president) than every other president combined(before becoming president.
He had the MOST diverse employees. As well as white working class. I live in Miami and his Doral Golf and Country Club has a staff w/ more than 350 Latino employees. All legal and very well paid. The staff loves working there.
I’d rather DeSantis 2024 because he’s younger , more disciplined., better organized and without baggage, but what Trump has dealt with 24/7 since entering the 2016 race is unacceptable and unforgivable. Unfortunately. he doesn’t help his own cause
. DeSantis picks and chooses which issues to focus on and who to carry it out.He’s better organized and independent. He also listens to people of every stripe. No baggage. Took on the WEF and Faustus, something the GOP has strangely ignored. As they have their constituents
I have mulled around in my mind. Trump/DeSantis 4 years, DeSantis 8 years. Then we'd have a country back. My gut feeling is that DeSantis would be able to steer Trump when necessary. Who knows.
Well, you are 100% correct, your “guest” is a brainwashed idiot. I hope she’s not one of the 60-70% useless idiot American secular progressive democrat JINO’S. I will never for the life of me understand the mindset of those people. President Trump is definitely no anti-Semite, White Supremacist. I think he has a big heart & a kind soul. I really don’t know how he stands so tall throughout all this character assassination. Don’t get me started on MENGELE Fauci, Dictator biden, or the IC. 🤯
It’s so frustrating. She’s socially liberal, as am I, something I’ve always hoped the GOP would adopt. Not crazy left, but within reality. It would really expand the base. They also need new optics, younger candidates who are energetic messengers w/ ideas and culturally modern.
But her hatred is beyond the pale and irrational.She’s Latina,52 yrs old, brilliant, creative,unbelievably witty and entrepreneurial. However, she hates Trump so passionately that she’s unable to separate policy and fact from personality and fiction. She was a Trump enthusiast when he decided to run in 2015, but started turning off when he continued his puerile insults, unsolicited ad hominem attacks, tweeting and kept moving farther right. I agree with her, but he enacted many great policies and achieved once impossible precedents. Middle East peace, no new wars, took on NATO , criminal Justice reform, opportunity zone and could have done more without the opposition from his own party.And if he had appointed the right people.
It’s ironic, I didn’t vote in the 2016 Presidential election because I thought both candidates were so awful. I voted down ticket. By the 2020 election I was an ardent Trump supporter. I am more of an Independent. Liberals are anti Israel antiJewish & pro abortion with no limits. They have allowed the extremists of the democrat party to take over & destroy the country. I don’t know if we will ever be able to bring back the cities that were & are still being systematically dismantled by George Soros democrats, no law & order AG’s & Mayors. They have brought race relations back 50 years with CRT. The infiltration from within is staggering, by the Chinese, the Marxists, Antifa & BLM. I am not optimistic. The accomplishments of Trump that you listed are correct & there were many more.
My guess is that Trump has learned some very bitter lessons, and this time will go in and do a clean sweep. That he'd use his business skills which are formidable, and tone down the political skills keeping the riff-raff in power.
Go for it. I cannot fathom the lack of awareness that appears endemic in the US. The best information I glean is from independent global news sources.what does that say about us? Our “ elected representatives”?
It goes back a number of years. Paraphrasing Lenin and others, 'give me a child until he is 7, and he's mine for life'. Since the advent of the internet, who raises our children? The media and paid babysitters who may or may not be invested in the children. A friend's 3 year old knows how to work her mother's phone. It's a 24 hour a day barrage of garbage. How many parents have actually sat down and watched some of these shows to see what they're teaching.
Yes, we are in between a rock and a hard place! If those of us who are aware can't create more awareness and beat the system by voting our way out of this mess, the alternative is bleak. Thanks for permission to share your personal story about PDJT...
I remember an interview with soros I think in the mid 1980s, when he spoke with pride about putting other Jews on the trains in WWII, he was just a kid. Disgusting sub human.
I hope Lara can answer a question that has been eating away at me? Is Biden wearing AR ( augmented reality) Contact Lenses and sunglasses? There is no other explanation for his bizarre sometimes black , enlarged corneas. The very few times he has even a slight moment of clarity, his normally squinty blue eyes appear abnormally disproportionate, near black and unblinking. He is never without reflective “ signature” sunglasses in a public space. BlackRock’s current largest investment target is “ Smart Glass”. Am I nuts?
That’s interesting. What can the lenses help him with? I know nothing about this.
The only other thing about the glasses I can think of is there a tiny speaker built in the arm resting by his ear? Is someone speaking to him sometimes? Idk. Just an idea.
Feeding him information. What to say, where to look , how to react, speech cadence, tone… it is a literal visual screen.
I began to dig after the Presidential debate. How was Biden suddenly composed, sentient and able to answer questions without stumbling, losing his thoughts, forgetting words and without gaffes. Everybody was convinced he was wearing an earwig wire. His eyes looked bizarre, a capillary burst, but I didn’t put two and two together…. Until a cryptic comment appeared-“ You’re all looking at the wrong facial part. Look at the obvious. What about his face appeared very inexplicable??
Bingo ! Of course, the internet was wiped as soon as bloggers, You Tube videos began cropping up.
And much more. They provide Geo-location, visuals, names, information… surveillance, answers to questions, prompters… The lenses are equipped with literal cameras , computer screens, they provide artificial intelligence in the form of augmented reality.
The concept was originally marketed as instrumental in enabling Alzheimer’s, dementia , neurological disease suffers and elderly people with failing memory the ability to maintain more independent, lessen their struggles. So they say. It is military spy grade surveillance. But in Biden’s case… all of the aforementioned.
The technology is amazing.Ironically, Huxley prophesied this ability in 1958- and sounded the alarm
This is probably why sometimes he actually looks & sounds somewhat ok, I was going to say normal, but that’s stretching it. He’s always so aggressive, I guess they haven’t figured out how to control that. He’s rather like an angry robot.
Search “ Augmented Reality Contact Lenses and Smart GlassTechnology AI” also, Mojo AR- Contact Lenses”. It is terrifying and the stuff of dark science fiction, no longer fiction.
The latest addition to the destruction of America’s foundation:: The Smithsonian Marxist portrayal of the new “ Latino Exhibit”, described in an op-ed by 3 Latino journalists as a “ disgrace”. Published in The Hill
As a taxpayer unwittingly funding this subversion, where are the Republicans? Is there any oversight?
Henry Kerner, Trump’s Office Of Special Counsel’s appointment. Can’t make this up: Worse, I was aware of McCain/Kerner’s role in the IRS Scandal as an ordinary citizen, having kept tabs on McStain’s toxic corruption dating back to his return from Vietnam. Though before my time, it’s well known history.
Essentially, it was public knowledge and not a single politician from either party nor the MSM/Fox or IC have uttered a peep.
Ditto Chris Wray,Rosenstein,Barr,McMaster,Fiona Hill,Nuland,Haspel,Jerome Adams,Fauci,Birx,Redfield,Cippilone,Krebbs,Atkisson,Kent,Milley,Esper,and other corrupt dirty UniParty Establishment bastards
This is infuriating. Along with health insurance, money to live on, all kinds of help, while AMERICANS who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads are forgotten people.
The Dems will do anything to retain power.
The Dems will get more than they literally bargained for one day. They must really love their grandchildren.
They'll be fine. It's the rest of us unwashed, smelly Walmart types that need to go.
Hitlery thought Walmart was just fine when she was on the board. Being the generous bitch that she is, she voted down a pay raise for staff.
I agree!
They're working for the World Economic Forum along with many Republicans too. This is a global coup d'etat through institutional capture. Look up every company that's a member of the WEF, it's available on their website. Boycott products and services of every member company. Destroying nationalism is one of the first tactics of overthrowing a nation. The Rothschild's did this to Russia in the early 1900's which led to civil decline and into communism of the Soviet Union.
This has to be illegal. It must go against all immigration laws.
My guess is that it's on purpose. What ever means to take the country down. The One World Order scum are waiting impatiently to destroy the fabric of civilization as we know it.
Please, get out and vote, bring others to vote. That's our only chance.
In person, on voting day. We have to overwhelm the mail in voting like in Arizona. Even though the machines are compromised.
Good point.
because pussy mc connell won't do a damn thing against his buddy of 40 years. He has even said so. "Friends" are more important than this country that has given them a very good lifestyle. Hope they all rot in hell. We need a bunch more Rand Pauls, and the too few others who actually care for the US.
The Republicans do nothing which confirms they are all in on this.
there's a method to this madness. soc sec fund is on track to go bankrupt in 2028 (see david martin's work on this). with additional death payouts as the die-off of the jabbed continues, the fund will expire much earlier. stands to reason that additional sources of revenue need to be found.
then there's the argument that as the armed forces start to die off, replacements for them will be needed as well - against us...
Well said.
in Sweden, the government also gives social security numbers to "refugees" immediately, while regular immigrants have to wait.
I ADORE Lara! Fox News was cowardly and completely wrong to fire her. As a Jewish American sick of the leftist.comparisons of anything they see as advantageous with false accusations of Nazism and likening to the Holocaust- invariably getting a pass. Lara, on the other hand aptly equated Fauci to Mengele, as does EVERY Holocaust survivor and non revisionist historian!
Just as the left and sadly, often with UniParty Establishment Republican complicity, feigns “ moral outrage” when Soros or Zelenskyy are criticized. Suddenly, it’s “ antisemitism”. Soros is an atheist self proclaimed megalomaniac. He describes his years as a Nazi collaborator, seizing assets and personal belongings of German Jews, sending them to concentration camps,” The best years of my life” and “ I feel no guilt. If I hadn’t done it, somebody else would have”. Soros has done everything in his power to deligitimize Israel, America’s foundation and empower radical Islamist regimes. Zelenskyy is only “ Jewish” when he’s angling for a political con.He feels greater allegiance to his belove Azov Regiment Nazis, Soros,the WEF and his ego. He’s proven to be an authoritarian dictator, banning opposition parties, imprisoning political rivals, spreading propaganda, the only television network is state run and lying about casualties, war crimes committed by Ukranian Nazis, zero accountability US taxpayer relief funds and weaponry, now appearing on the dark web.
He is despised by Israel, India, Hungary, Greece and other nations. Lied about a Russian missile strike on Kiev’s Holocaust Memorial Museum, Chernobyl ,the Bucharest massacre, Mariupol,torturing Ukranian POWs by Russian soldiers that was committed by CIA trained Ukranian Nazis, etc. Laura was right and her investigative journalism unparalleled.
According to the U.S., UN, EU, NATO, WEF - everybody is a Nazi … except the Nazis.
Well said! Thank you for the truth.
Well said. From another American Jewish woman.
Thank you, Leslie. I can’t stand it anymore. Just a few hours ago, a friend who has been languishing in our guest house for three months( supposed to be a week), picked a fight with me about the” Massive growth of “ White Supremacist Neo-Nazis, no longer bothering to hide”. I asked her to please enlighten me. Give specific examples”. She immediately launched into attack mode. Trump and DeSantis are encouraging White Supremacists to take to the streets! What the hell is wrong with you, Gail? Why are you defending them? Trump’s always been a racist, antisemite, pedophile,, rapist, misogynist, violent abuser, criminal, Russian asset…”. For the record, I worked alongside Trump for two years 2000-2002..Derek Jeter( you know, the “ white dude”) hired me to design his 90th fl penthouse in the NYC Trump World Tower. Trump was a daily fixture. Larger than life. Treated everybody equally. From the janitor, workers, Derek’s parents, celebrities, his employees to me. He was very efficient, never publicly humiliated the workers, didn’t pander to the celebs and was very curious. We’d feast on McDonald’s in Derek’s kitchen and he’d pepper me with questions, listened, was positive and also offered professional advice to grow my business. He laughed when I shared stories about dealing with cultural Jewish guilt and NEVER made any indication of bigotry nor sexual impropriety. His musings and insults spanned the entire spectrum.😂. In the midst of the project, the horror of 9/11 occurred. I was alone in Derek’s glass aerie w/ a parallel view of the Towers.A direct view into the bowels of hell.And his employees remained in the building, waiting until it was safe to evacuate every tenant
But my friend, who wasn’t there, never met him, knows better. And DeSantis? The most pro-Jewish, pro-minority, pro-science, strong, independent thinker has made Florida the safest, freest, pro-business, pro-education, pro-equality, anti-corruption state in the nation without tolerance for violence, corporate interference, the WEF or influence peddling.
I told her if anybody was promoting fascism, racism. antisemitism, violence, corruption, influence peddling and destroying everything America once projected, it was her beloved , no longer recognizable party and the most extreme antisemitism was being promoted by the CBC, black progressives, the corporate media and UN, WEF, EU and “ civilized western democracies”. They support the worst of humanity and project their own hatred by blaming their opposition.
But she knows better and I’m a “ right wing conspiracy theorist”. And Fauci’s a Saint, Biden is completely lucid and the IC is a valiant, honorable stanchion of integrity.
I would guess that Donald Trump employed more black Americans(before becoming president) than every other president combined(before becoming president.
He had the MOST diverse employees. As well as white working class. I live in Miami and his Doral Golf and Country Club has a staff w/ more than 350 Latino employees. All legal and very well paid. The staff loves working there.
I’d rather DeSantis 2024 because he’s younger , more disciplined., better organized and without baggage, but what Trump has dealt with 24/7 since entering the 2016 race is unacceptable and unforgivable. Unfortunately. he doesn’t help his own cause
. DeSantis picks and chooses which issues to focus on and who to carry it out.He’s better organized and independent. He also listens to people of every stripe. No baggage. Took on the WEF and Faustus, something the GOP has strangely ignored. As they have their constituents
I have mulled around in my mind. Trump/DeSantis 4 years, DeSantis 8 years. Then we'd have a country back. My gut feeling is that DeSantis would be able to steer Trump when necessary. Who knows.
Well, you are 100% correct, your “guest” is a brainwashed idiot. I hope she’s not one of the 60-70% useless idiot American secular progressive democrat JINO’S. I will never for the life of me understand the mindset of those people. President Trump is definitely no anti-Semite, White Supremacist. I think he has a big heart & a kind soul. I really don’t know how he stands so tall throughout all this character assassination. Don’t get me started on MENGELE Fauci, Dictator biden, or the IC. 🤯
It’s so frustrating. She’s socially liberal, as am I, something I’ve always hoped the GOP would adopt. Not crazy left, but within reality. It would really expand the base. They also need new optics, younger candidates who are energetic messengers w/ ideas and culturally modern.
But her hatred is beyond the pale and irrational.She’s Latina,52 yrs old, brilliant, creative,unbelievably witty and entrepreneurial. However, she hates Trump so passionately that she’s unable to separate policy and fact from personality and fiction. She was a Trump enthusiast when he decided to run in 2015, but started turning off when he continued his puerile insults, unsolicited ad hominem attacks, tweeting and kept moving farther right. I agree with her, but he enacted many great policies and achieved once impossible precedents. Middle East peace, no new wars, took on NATO , criminal Justice reform, opportunity zone and could have done more without the opposition from his own party.And if he had appointed the right people.
It’s ironic, I didn’t vote in the 2016 Presidential election because I thought both candidates were so awful. I voted down ticket. By the 2020 election I was an ardent Trump supporter. I am more of an Independent. Liberals are anti Israel antiJewish & pro abortion with no limits. They have allowed the extremists of the democrat party to take over & destroy the country. I don’t know if we will ever be able to bring back the cities that were & are still being systematically dismantled by George Soros democrats, no law & order AG’s & Mayors. They have brought race relations back 50 years with CRT. The infiltration from within is staggering, by the Chinese, the Marxists, Antifa & BLM. I am not optimistic. The accomplishments of Trump that you listed are correct & there were many more.
My guess is that Trump has learned some very bitter lessons, and this time will go in and do a clean sweep. That he'd use his business skills which are formidable, and tone down the political skills keeping the riff-raff in power.
Do you mind if I post all or part of your comment on other blogs, when appropriate? I will gladly plug your newsletter...
Go for it. I cannot fathom the lack of awareness that appears endemic in the US. The best information I glean is from independent global news sources.what does that say about us? Our “ elected representatives”?
It goes back a number of years. Paraphrasing Lenin and others, 'give me a child until he is 7, and he's mine for life'. Since the advent of the internet, who raises our children? The media and paid babysitters who may or may not be invested in the children. A friend's 3 year old knows how to work her mother's phone. It's a 24 hour a day barrage of garbage. How many parents have actually sat down and watched some of these shows to see what they're teaching.
Yes, we are in between a rock and a hard place! If those of us who are aware can't create more awareness and beat the system by voting our way out of this mess, the alternative is bleak. Thanks for permission to share your personal story about PDJT...
Go ahead, just a guess I have not researched
Who are you directing this question to?
To Gail ~ loved hearing about her interaction with Trump.
I remember an interview with soros I think in the mid 1980s, when he spoke with pride about putting other Jews on the trains in WWII, he was just a kid. Disgusting sub human.
He has said in an interview that he doesn’t consider himself to be Jewish. I certainly don’t. He’s the antithesis of Jewish
He's an abomination to the human race. The antithesis of Jewish is for sure.
💥Votes For Sale💥 Grab Them While They’re Hot!💥
I hope Lara can answer a question that has been eating away at me? Is Biden wearing AR ( augmented reality) Contact Lenses and sunglasses? There is no other explanation for his bizarre sometimes black , enlarged corneas. The very few times he has even a slight moment of clarity, his normally squinty blue eyes appear abnormally disproportionate, near black and unblinking. He is never without reflective “ signature” sunglasses in a public space. BlackRock’s current largest investment target is “ Smart Glass”. Am I nuts?
That’s interesting. What can the lenses help him with? I know nothing about this.
The only other thing about the glasses I can think of is there a tiny speaker built in the arm resting by his ear? Is someone speaking to him sometimes? Idk. Just an idea.
Feeding him information. What to say, where to look , how to react, speech cadence, tone… it is a literal visual screen.
I began to dig after the Presidential debate. How was Biden suddenly composed, sentient and able to answer questions without stumbling, losing his thoughts, forgetting words and without gaffes. Everybody was convinced he was wearing an earwig wire. His eyes looked bizarre, a capillary burst, but I didn’t put two and two together…. Until a cryptic comment appeared-“ You’re all looking at the wrong facial part. Look at the obvious. What about his face appeared very inexplicable??
Bingo ! Of course, the internet was wiped as soon as bloggers, You Tube videos began cropping up.
Amateur video, but very illuminating:
What AR Contact Lenses provide:
Interesting. Creepy.
Could help him read what he’s supposed to say?
And much more. They provide Geo-location, visuals, names, information… surveillance, answers to questions, prompters… The lenses are equipped with literal cameras , computer screens, they provide artificial intelligence in the form of augmented reality.
The concept was originally marketed as instrumental in enabling Alzheimer’s, dementia , neurological disease suffers and elderly people with failing memory the ability to maintain more independent, lessen their struggles. So they say. It is military spy grade surveillance. But in Biden’s case… all of the aforementioned.
The technology is amazing.Ironically, Huxley prophesied this ability in 1958- and sounded the alarm
This is probably why sometimes he actually looks & sounds somewhat ok, I was going to say normal, but that’s stretching it. He’s always so aggressive, I guess they haven’t figured out how to control that. He’s rather like an angry robot.
Here you go:
Thank you for the info. Out of my field, but now will need to learn more.
Exactly. It is near transhumanism
One escaped the Board Of Propaganda Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes”
Search “ Augmented Reality Contact Lenses and Smart GlassTechnology AI” also, Mojo AR- Contact Lenses”. It is terrifying and the stuff of dark science fiction, no longer fiction.
This one makes my stomach churn...and then the adrenaline lol. Hold me back!
way past time to arrest all these TRAITORS
Arrest?! Really?
First step.
The latest addition to the destruction of America’s foundation:: The Smithsonian Marxist portrayal of the new “ Latino Exhibit”, described in an op-ed by 3 Latino journalists as a “ disgrace”. Published in The Hill
As a taxpayer unwittingly funding this subversion, where are the Republicans? Is there any oversight?
If true, that is truly astonishing.
So,don't you realize that was always the plan?Why act surprised.
Gotta replace all those vax injured and killed Americans with somebody...
Willing slaves. No connection to the Constitution.
Henry Kerner, Trump’s Office Of Special Counsel’s appointment. Can’t make this up: Worse, I was aware of McCain/Kerner’s role in the IRS Scandal as an ordinary citizen, having kept tabs on McStain’s toxic corruption dating back to his return from Vietnam. Though before my time, it’s well known history.
Essentially, it was public knowledge and not a single politician from either party nor the MSM/Fox or IC have uttered a peep.
Ditto Chris Wray,Rosenstein,Barr,McMaster,Fiona Hill,Nuland,Haspel,Jerome Adams,Fauci,Birx,Redfield,Cippilone,Krebbs,Atkisson,Kent,Milley,Esper,and other corrupt dirty UniParty Establishment bastards
List of real deplorables.
AR. Contact lens.