Knowing is a type of action and it is the beginning of all other types of action, including the political. I presume that you are aware of this, and are acting accordingly with not only online writing but your own, unmediated forms of peaceful networking.
Use your purchasing power as well---even when it involves relative inconvenience,…
Knowing is a type of action and it is the beginning of all other types of action, including the political. I presume that you are aware of this, and are acting accordingly with not only online writing but your own, unmediated forms of peaceful networking.
Use your purchasing power as well---even when it involves relative inconvenience, consumer sacrifice and perhaps an alternatively good standard of living.
Never back down from opportunities to politely and peacefully inform, Socratically question and congenially provoke thought. Though done respectfully, this must be done with due persistence.
If so inclined, join boards, citizen groups, oversight committees, run for office, go to work for entities where you can make a difference.
Recognize that women are often positioned to act with more liberty, to question, and to lawfully resist in ways that society does not afford men. The crass types of politician are afraid of women, mainly because they do not respect them and, thus, do not understand them nor know how to speak with them.
Engage in enterprise, including business entrepreneurship, in order to build an alternative and replete, locally-generative economy. This will include banking.
There are some early-morning, sleepy ideas. Generate more and act.
Great suggestions. Yes, knowing is vital, as a starting point. I just know too many people who stop there. And yes, I'm a knowledge spreader, and engage in a bunch of other things.
Using old fashioned methods (from before the Suffragette movement) women had more power--of a constructive nature--than most people today realize. Power over the economy and society itself.
Agreed RE Nichols. The Great Malefactors steering this madness (either by tight design or by strong $tillions of influence) have been long at work driving a wedge between men and women so that Peoples (nations, ethnic groups, religions) are disempowered from within and completely confused about what is the real problem and who is their real enemy.
If women were smart, they would re-assess from whence comes their real power and safety. That is, they would understand first that women and men are endowed with different strengths and are limited by different aspects of the social order---variously separate or overlapping to different degrees, of course.
The wise and strategic course leading to reproductive and genetic fitness of individuals and of various collections of Peoples (just mentioned) would be to cleverly integrate the complimentary powers of male and female. In this fashion, they flourish and triumph together---as is the natural order. Instead, we have stunted human development resulting from solving artificially introduced and propagandized "problems," completely distracted from the real challenge. In the crippled condition, we continue to decline toward the state of slavery (not an exaggeration), human degradation and depersonalization and--ultimately--extermination.
Back in the 1890's G.K. Chesterton praised women for being FRUGAL. Nothing like the image of the silly, spendthrift suburban housewife from fifties sitcoms. One too many on both sides still associate with "trad values." Blondie was shallow, silly, and a gossip. But trying to change her into Dagwood was not an improvement.
Sure, the 1950s were "modern times." The poison had already been administered in large doses.
No, to find what is really "trad," to use your choice of descriptors, we will have to go back further---or as I like to say, much more radically into the future.
Knowing is a type of action and it is the beginning of all other types of action, including the political. I presume that you are aware of this, and are acting accordingly with not only online writing but your own, unmediated forms of peaceful networking.
Use your purchasing power as well---even when it involves relative inconvenience, consumer sacrifice and perhaps an alternatively good standard of living.
Never back down from opportunities to politely and peacefully inform, Socratically question and congenially provoke thought. Though done respectfully, this must be done with due persistence.
If so inclined, join boards, citizen groups, oversight committees, run for office, go to work for entities where you can make a difference.
Recognize that women are often positioned to act with more liberty, to question, and to lawfully resist in ways that society does not afford men. The crass types of politician are afraid of women, mainly because they do not respect them and, thus, do not understand them nor know how to speak with them.
Engage in enterprise, including business entrepreneurship, in order to build an alternative and replete, locally-generative economy. This will include banking.
There are some early-morning, sleepy ideas. Generate more and act.
Great suggestions. Yes, knowing is vital, as a starting point. I just know too many people who stop there. And yes, I'm a knowledge spreader, and engage in a bunch of other things.
Staty nartering. Form communities with trusts. Buy gpld/silver. Pay divodends to members of trust. Circumvent banks.
Using old fashioned methods (from before the Suffragette movement) women had more power--of a constructive nature--than most people today realize. Power over the economy and society itself.
Agreed RE Nichols. The Great Malefactors steering this madness (either by tight design or by strong $tillions of influence) have been long at work driving a wedge between men and women so that Peoples (nations, ethnic groups, religions) are disempowered from within and completely confused about what is the real problem and who is their real enemy.
If women were smart, they would re-assess from whence comes their real power and safety. That is, they would understand first that women and men are endowed with different strengths and are limited by different aspects of the social order---variously separate or overlapping to different degrees, of course.
The wise and strategic course leading to reproductive and genetic fitness of individuals and of various collections of Peoples (just mentioned) would be to cleverly integrate the complimentary powers of male and female. In this fashion, they flourish and triumph together---as is the natural order. Instead, we have stunted human development resulting from solving artificially introduced and propagandized "problems," completely distracted from the real challenge. In the crippled condition, we continue to decline toward the state of slavery (not an exaggeration), human degradation and depersonalization and--ultimately--extermination.
Back in the 1890's G.K. Chesterton praised women for being FRUGAL. Nothing like the image of the silly, spendthrift suburban housewife from fifties sitcoms. One too many on both sides still associate with "trad values." Blondie was shallow, silly, and a gossip. But trying to change her into Dagwood was not an improvement.
Sure, the 1950s were "modern times." The poison had already been administered in large doses.
No, to find what is really "trad," to use your choice of descriptors, we will have to go back further---or as I like to say, much more radically into the future.