So sad and horrible that this is going on and is a forbidden topic. I really don't feel like flying anymore.

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I live near two busy airports, so I have planes and helicopters flying over my house all the time. I used to find it kind of fun to watch the different aircraft go by. Now I shudder.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023


My problem is getting past the smoke and mirrors since we are now abundantly aware that the "authorities" have not only lied to the public, they have also enforced lying on the "media" and now it's no longer clear which bit of the story is reasonable.

For example..

If we all got scared of flying then one part of the "Scarey Climate" agenda can be checked off.

Due to this whole engineered assault on humanity, the basic framework of trust has broken down.

Given that the Schwab/Charles/Deagel/Rockefeller/Rome output has consistently aimed at terrifying A LARGE PERCENTAGE of the world population via the meme of this alleged oncoming climate disaster, and given that this media terroristic exercise could convincingly bring in restrictions on human activity, it matters less that one or more peg in this nonsense is not working because, once trust is gone, civilisation is basically "7175-UP" anyway.

Folks who tend to think more clearly are going to have to waste a heap of valuable time explaining the new NO MASK regulations to Mr and Mrs Karen, for example, who are then going off to their Karina neighbours to explain everything the wrong way round. As it goes.

A whole miasmatic web of impenetrable fog has been cast over the hominosphere.

Maybe an air pilot died, or nearly died, or didn`t die or anything at all. The reporting arm of the polity destroyed its credibility and is no position, therefore, to ask to restore it.

Thinking also of the errors made in government, including the ridiculous (in the northern continents) and vicious (elsewhere) of the police - for example - some people at least are wondering, not WHY we need "government", but what of its functions can be replaced by other concepts without heading the same way that we have just experienced.

Fortunately, for the moment, ourselves here are without the need for civil aviation, so I feel deep sympathy for those of us who do need to fly.

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The wealthy elites are supposedly requesting unvaccinated pilots.

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So either there's lots of unvaxed airplane drivers out there gagging for a gig, or there are less available for Useless Eater Airlines. "Zero Sum" in a possibly macabre kind of way.

Guess we should investigate the folks that print vax certs for a fee ...

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I asked this question on the free2fly rumble channel...


As far as they know this is not actually true...


5 weeks ago

Is it true that the WEF 'dignitaries' were requesting unvaxxed pilots for their private jets? - It's a nice idea :-) - but I can't see it actually being the case?



5 weeks ago

No this was not true, or at least was not what was said in the video circulated claiming such. We put out a statement on this on our social media.

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Omg this is outrageous!!

It’s only a matter of time until the whole plane ✈️ coming down cannot be stopped!! 😡

I can’t believe how the FAA is playing Russian Roulette with everyone’s Lives !! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Exactly 😡😡😡😡😡👍✈️🚞

They Must be Destroyed!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Air travel is to be replace by holidays in the metaverse, via virtual reality idiot goggles, so you can travel the world (and the universe!) without leaving your hamster cage in your 15 minute city.

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It’s unreal isn’t it !!!

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And simply for the sake of politics.

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Total Insanity 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Not politics as we know it - preparation for the Beast (Antichrist) appearance on the world stage...


"20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which …"

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How many will it take before people catch on..... it’s the SHOT!!!!!!

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Pray that this doesn’t happen to pilot and copilot in flight! American airlines has reduced 50,000 flights this summer because of pilot shortages. We can thank the FAA and Fauci fatal formula in how to managed this preplanned pandemic!! The clowns in DC still are pushing for injections!

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The FAA have also reduced the heart fitness requirement for their pilots now... :-(

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What the hell is wrong with these people? This is happening over and over again. This is so not ok. What do we do about this? And everything else that’s just a shitshow? (Sorry)

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I can only say Thank God it landed safely. I'm not sure this will continue to be the case. I have not been on an airplane since the year 1999. I'm glad I do not have to travel.

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Kathy - They have a pilot and a co-pilot. Don't worry. I read a while back that they rehired unvaccinated pilots.

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unvaxxed pilots were snapped up by corporations and rich folks.

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Get me a Crocodile Sandwich!!

And make it Snappy!!!

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Remember, people have been flying daily since the jab. We have never had a disaster. I guarantee you, you will be safe.

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"Past performance does not guarantee future results" as they say on the finance contract form.

Caveat Emptor.

Hint: Maybe everyone with the scope to do so should boycott airlines NOW and see how the crater in the cash flow affects the mental health of airline executives, world economic forum bloviators, and so on.

Act When You Can! Before You Have To!

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A little late to boycott I'm afraid. They have been flying for almost 2 years with vaccinated pilots. They have also managed to hide the deaths of pilots. Unvaccinated pilots were re-hired - one of the best kept secrets. I'm just happy we didn't have an incident during this time.

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Are you being sarcastic?

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If this was zero hedge, 99% probable as they've given up the /sarc tag because it's great training for noobs/trolls/bots without it. Know your enemy ....

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There's a lot going on that you're unaware of.

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Guess your reply was meant for Lucifer?

Well, go for it, take a flight, he guarantees your safety!!

Lucifer, hmmmm. Reminds me of what?

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I was a pilot at one time, but just a private pilot - not commercial. But I do know and am aware of how important it is to have 2 fully functioning pilots up front. That's why at mealtime both pilots have something different for safety sake.

What will happen someday is the following...........one pilot will suddenly be out of action as they are approaching to land.......it will be at night, strong crosswinds, and a tired, stressed out single pilot having to do EVERYTHING all by him/her self..........closely watching instruments, handling the throttles, talking to air traffic control and them talking to him/her, keeping the plane properly lined up on the runway approach, not too high or low, center with the runway. And the trauma of the person they were just talking to slumped over in their seat - DIED SUDDENLY.

And now the FAA in the US has reduced the pilots heart test score parameters with their semi annual medical tests to reflect the damage that Covid jabs have caused many of them because otherwise they'd have to lay off too many pilots.

Thankfully my flying days and travel by air are pretty much over - my wife and I have seen most of the top 20 places around the world that are on most people's dream list. I've travelled extensively in North America by car but never get tired of our Rockies and the Maritimes and have seen a great many natural and man made wonders in the US but I can drive to the ones I haven't seen yet.

Good luck on your air travels folks. Sit by a door for quick access to the ground if the landing is a mess.

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DiedSuddenly™ - brought to you by Pfizer

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I posted below but maybe you can answer. What do you think of the plane flying to Germany from Texas having a forced return because of turbulence? I know about that terrible crash years ago with AirFrance and recall it was human error combined with turbulence. Any ideas? Just curious

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There may be a few crashes unfortunately, but the airlines will hide evidence and the FAA will also lie it all away.

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"There may be a few crashes unfortunately, but the airlines will provide an unvaxed certificate for the sake of public confidence".

You're right, this is absolutely terrible, maybe we can get permission to use the term "diabolical" in its true and original sense.

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The globalist and bureaucrats responsible for forcing the gene therapy need to face a jury and do time for their crimes, only then can the healing begin😢

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This cannot be stresed often enough.

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Time- how about eternity? Breach of public trust on ANY scale attracts serious sanction. This however is a gigantically different scale of ball game.

PS don't forget the Media. Or the pop up "virolology/public health" ten minute tv spox.

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Exactly. Eternity

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British Airways pilot died of heart attack in Egypt I believe recently. A Dreamliner had to be sent from London because the coffin wouldn’t fit into the plane (that he was supposed to fly) that went back to the U.K. How very sad this all is and how terribly dangerous. When the true horror of this experiment on humanity sinks in for those in denial I am not sure what will happen

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Loving the Dreamliner sent for a corpse. This gets more metaphysical by the day!

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No updates on condition of pilot.

Dying pilots are remarkably difficult to extricate from their seats, as evidenced by previous case.


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I’m not scared to fly as long as there’s a co-pilot. Single pilot? No way.

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Gee, I didn't see anything about this on propaganda-gorged PBS News Hour or the BBC in America. Did ABC, CBS, or NBC report this?

It happened on Saturday night and it's just coming to light on Tuesday afternoon?...

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People often say to me: "when are you going overseas, Barry? Don't you want to travel abroad again? South Africa is going to the dogs".

I reply: "These days I travel as far as my Mini motor vehicle will take me".

The problem however with travelling in the Mini is the damn acoustics – at speeds in excess of 120 km/h it is very much like trying to make conversation with a woman you’ve just met on the nightclub dancefloor over music pumped out at 120 decibels. So, it’s a lot of:

“oh yes”


“exactly, I also think Rishi Sunak is a useless fraud”

“what – I remind you of your dad?”

Which suits me just fine as I have the perfect legitimate excuse for minimal conversation with my co-pilot during road trips.

In keeping with my new ideology of supporting local SA operations in small towns, I will continue on my journey to find the promised land. The future of SA is now a foreign country – they’ll do things differently there.

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Love you Dr Paul keep it up.

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Dr Makis has posted about 4 planes. Read posts where there is talk of having just one pilot!

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