Why is it whenever these leaks come out in conservatives favor nothing ever happens?

We know why, Trump said it in the cnn townhall "You can't get a FAIR trial in DC or New York", and he didn't mean just him.

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The role of a secret police security surveillance state operative must be incredibly dangerous, potentially bringing the agent into contact with the deadly coronavirus at any time. The lucrative pay and conditions and frequent awarding of medals would hardly compensate. They should be getting at least double or triple the schedule of boosters recommended for the rest of the population while also undertaking a gruelling regimen of intense cardiovascular exercise.

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yeah sure, pounding them keys on the keyboard and probably at home slamming a beer, sucking on a joint or crack pipe, sitting around naked hanging out with hunter biden trying to entrap those middle aged Pro Life advocates, old high school friend who's becoming a budding conspiracy nut, or what they call a "Racial/Ethnic Racialization student who's parents divorced and has isolated himself in his basement playing wargames online (so the FBI or more likely CIA/Mossad can radicalize him into becoming the next shooter), and two options to chose from. Surprisingly they didn't have parents storming the School Boards or the Transgender scenario listed, not to say it isn't an option once hired.

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Wow! The entire job description and duty statement!

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No there's lots more at the link from the documents, minus my additions, though I meant to say "2 other scenarios" that they outlined. It does look like an internal hiring posting, and was from the last part dated 01/29/2021 titled "DHS OTVTP Choose Your Own Adventure Outline"

The first part was dated August 25,2020 for a "Press Closed" event for DHS addressing "Domestic Terrorism Threat and Actions To Combat" with a lot more details of what, why, and how and the issues they had to consider while doing it.

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That has been the truth for 40 years.

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You're a domestic terrorist if you mow your lawn? Are you still a domestic terrorist when you mow the lawns of elderly liberals that ask you to?

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Oh for sure and the new definition of dangerous conservative is someone who believes there are only 70 or fewer genders.

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Luckily, we're adding a new "gender" for some of them. Neutered. Just like the dogs.

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If you help your friends and family you’re a super spreader…. of love.

Love = terror - Orwellian

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/california-launches-snitch-hotline-to-report-hate-acts-including-name-calling/ We are living in a police state. This is very reminiscent of the E. German Stasi. Snitching on your friends, relatives, neighbors was encouraged.

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It's like it's a synthesis of the Stasi and the Gestapo, producing police state hybrid vigor.

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All of these agencies starting with DOD and on down much be elminated.

Protect the damn border.

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Remember the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Florida a few years ago when it was full of Latinos/gays. A big deal was made of the fact that the victims were Latinos/gays but the wife of the perpetrator who was an islamic extremist said he was gay but it was covered up. The least likely person to be a perpetrator of thesesorts of atrocities is a white heterosexual non-cuck conservative despite this demographic being the target of an incessant hate campaign from RINOs and other cucks, Dems and the media.

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The real domestic terrorist are govt agencies. It's time to call them that. Who are you more afraid of, the guy you pass on the street or govt agents? The FB I tops the list.

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Concern about the potential of radical RINOs and other cuck conservatives and LGBT to be radicalised toward violence is justified. Non-cuck conservatives are convenient scapegoats to distract attention from the threat of growing radicalisation of transgender persons towards violence. Is it any wonder a deadly mass shooting was able to be perpetrated by a transgender person at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee? I would not be surprised if the perpetrator was a RINO.

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THE ILLEGAL USURPER joe bidens terrorist regime With the republocrats ARE GUILTY UNITE WE THE PEOPLE WE HAVE A JOB TO DO

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GESTAPO IN THE USA. A government agency brands vaccine skepticism as domestic violent extremism. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/gestapo-in-the-usa

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DHS = Gestapo

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What do you expect when the majority of the DC Swamp is populated by leftist parasites who hate everything? Do you think democrats and liberals would be targeted by anyone? Not in a million years. That would be a crime punishable by death.

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everyone that framed or lied etc on 🇺🇸 citizens must be tryed for Treason

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Domestic terrorism can happen to anyone. Say it ain't so Dr Alexander.





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