punish all the wrongs in COVID, prior and beyond, all, my role this rounds is punishment, is retribution, is accountability, I will ensure Trump jails them all, my role, they know it!
No it's not enough said. The idea that you can vote people in and things will turn good is nonsense, total nonsense. Your belief in voting for people is sealing the right for them to keep us in captivity.
Denise, isn’t that the point of voting? Candidate Biden is a colossal failure, the Keebler elves in the Republican Party that challenged Trump had no substantive policies and some were coping his! And we’ve seen what President Trump gave us, peace, a seat at the table, energy dominance, little to no inflation, wage increase for minorities and low skilled workers & others- because he plugged the border and would’ve hermetically sealed it to some extent, if it wasn’t for the collaborationists Uni-Party shills that tried to block his every move. Is Trump perfect? Far from it, but I’d rather be in the trenches with him than anyone of those neocon Rino scumbags that are happy loosing because they can’t be bothered to engage with the people and actually do some governing!
Just look at that loser Mitch CCP McConnell, the only thing he has sold out on is what he hasn’t seen!
I like a fighter--not these whining cry babies pretending to be better than everyone else!
The GOPe want RINOS Jack Smith, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Commie Barrett to take Trump out so they can install Neocon Nikki, the Beast 666. Would that be better?
I believe that Trump was hoodwinked by the experts he called in, and then heavily relied upon. These were all people of impeccable reputations, and years of service in their various fields. It is interesting that few at this time are calling those individuals on the carpet. However, some of the staunchest former Trump supporters insist on holding Trump solely responsible. Frankly, I think it was a set up. Nevertheless, I do not know another human being who could withstand the attacks and pressure this man has withstood since 2015. I stand with Trump, and I will always stand with Trump. He is, and was, the best thing that has happened for this country in decades. And, he is probably the only who can turn this sinking ship we are on around. THAT is why they are attacking Trump so mercilessly.
Notably, the same attacks on Trump, are curiously void of blame for Pence as covid czar. I contend that Pence was very much complicit in the deliberate sabotage and subterfuge, which Birx actually bragged and boasted of. That Fauci and she were rewarded with *book deals*, university *professorships*, executive positions with biotech companies, etc---and in Fauci's case, a special deal to keep him on the NIAID payroll so that he can also retain his Secret Service protection---and other bonuses, AKA payoffs for a job well done, only buttresses the glaring reality of a malicious hoax pulled over on Trump and the people.
Dr Brix wrote in her book how she directly subverted Trump. Fauci should’ve been fired, but I understand why he didn’t do it. The mockingbird media would’ve said he’s undermining the medical profession bla bla bla! Remember when Trump said Hydroxychloroquine works and wanted other therapeutics how they all went nuts? That should’ve been a big red flag to people to stop taking the vaccine - was Trump sending a subliminal message?
Birx was very boastful, too, and proud of her subterfuge. Yes, Fauci, by rights, should have been fired 30 years ago, in regard to his murderous AIDS treatment via AZT. As a federal agency hire, not an appointee, though, Trump could not have fired him.
As far as I am concerned from the UK it has to be Trump as he will pull the US out of the WHO and stop this insane transfer of individual and state sovereignty to a pharma captured corrupt and evil supra national organisation. Trump can see what the globalists are up to and he stands against them which is why he has been so vilified by 'the establishment'. If the Dems rig the election a second time we are all lost IMO.
Margaret the biggest mistake was trusting the wrong people around Trump. Those snakes led the whole nation into an unmitigated disaster. Trump is getting blamed for it all. He took their advice based on their credentials and did not know about the massive collusion going on to over throw him and make him unelectable.
I agree he made horrible mistakes when it came to the people he trusted, Patti. I also understand he is being unfairly targeted with ridiculous legal persecution now.
I can’t give him a pass when it comes to COVID policies and Operation Warp Speed, though, when he is still bragging about having saved millions of lives with them after three years of grievous evidence to the contrary.
As I told JDLynn, I understand why people choose to vote for him, and I give him credit where due when it comes to taking on the globalists. His role in COVID tyranny and the lethal injection are just not among those reasons.
Not acknowledging is a mistake..granted. What he did for the economy and wealth of the country gives him a pass in my book. We all have faults and ego is among them!
Everything is calculated to steal our time, our mind space. If they don't know how deadly the vaccine was then should they have any place in determining our lives? If we have to "write to our congress person" to tell them what the score is, that admits they are incompetent to even be noticed.
Did you read all of President Trump’s Executive Orders? Read the Law of War Manual? Downloaded a flight app and see all the Military Flights with Call Signs GITMO? Have you Read Agenda 2020 & 2030? The UN Sustainable Goals?
This was planned long before President Trump. Trump is the CIG. The US WhiteHats & The Global Military Alliance are taking all this corruption down.
Of course, I know this was planned long before Trump and he is but one of *many* players in COVID tyranny.
That said, Katherine Watt has read all of the relevant executive orders, and she and Sasha have both confirmed he would have had culpability based on the information he was privy to and actions he authorized.
Even if he didn’t, though, he demonstrated extremely poor judgment in advisors despite having access to the life-saving advice of people like Dr. Zelenko and Paul. He dropped his talks with RFK Jr. about a vaccine safety commission after Pfizer gave him a million-dollar inauguration contribution (https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/health-companies-gave-generously-president-trumps-inauguration/). And he gave Fauci, Birx, et al presidential commendations:
Despite the majority of his supporters shouting to him about the dangers of the injections for three years now, he *still* boasts proudly about having saved millions of lives with his beloved injection and pooh-poohs any claims about the harms:
I’m going to bed and don’t have time to go round and round on this so will just conclude by saying I don’t care if you or anyone else wants to vote for Trump. He is a pragmatic choice for numerous reasons, and I commend him for initiating the US’s withdrawal from the WHO. I just encourage those who choose to do so to be honest with themselves about his stance on the injections and stop jumping to his defense in the areas where he failed humanity.
Read the date, please, on his presidential commendation. January 2021, long before it could be established that the vaccines had dangers attached to them. Regardless, the notion that he was somehow brewing up the toxic brew in his basement, is a quaint one that overlooks the realities that he had no direct input into the technical development, only in making them available, voluntarily, for the most susceptible demographics.
*Apologizing* for the malicious treachery of those deputized to oversee the response and development of the vaccine, is not only pointless, but a means of sabotaging his election bid. The minute...nay, the second...he would *apologize* ( interestingly, Pence---the covid czar, as it were, is given a free pass), that apology would be wielded as a bludgeon, as the left and Never-Trumpers on the right, *suddenly* realize the deficits of the vaccines.
President Trump’s vaccine had in it: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Doxycycline & Zinc.
It did not have MRNA. That was Biden’s.
He did not mandate any vaccine. Again, that was Biden.
We all were told that Covid had a 95% Survival Rate.
March 21,20 President Trump tweeted about Hydroxchlorquine & Azithromycin.
Trump told us what the Dr’s gave him when he had Covid.
I am honest with myself. I listened to what he said, I did the research. I am also accountable for my own health choices.
President Trump did not fail humanity.
The USWhiteHats Military are standing with President Trump. They have been for the last 8 years. I guess you don’t realize that he is the CIG and the USWhiteHats and the Global Military Alliance have been taking down the corruption for the last 8 years.
One more fact: March 28,14 - Trump tweeted about Healthy Young Child gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines. Doesn’t feel good and changes. Autism in many cases’.
No one is perfect. That includes President Trump.
Truth matters Margaret. Respectfully, you don’t have all the truth.
Thankfully they are JD. My gut says during this process we may see boots on the ground in the US and some suffering as described in George Washington's vision of our nations future.
Paul, Trump displayed nothing but American values. He is not a liar. Is not political. ALL POLITICIANS ARE LIARS. You have ZERO evidence that Trump has negative behaviors. NONE. Not political, no understanding of the Trilateral-Bilderberg-CFR domestic terrorist deep state, he brought abroad poor personnel. Then had them create poor processing of information resulting in poor politics and poor policies. Wray, Mattis and a zillion more trash brought abroad, show this evidence. Not about Trump. Our Navarro brought up the above points in Taking Back.
Point being is that when you reflect upon 'stains' against Trump, you're parroting CFR mind control. You're math trained to look for objective evidence. STAY THAT WAY. Once you enter thought processes of my mind controlled-hijacked Communist (fake communist) party, you're becoming compromised.
Hold the line for Trump. Stay true to American Values all based upon our Constitution. AND that is why Trilateral NWO terrorists work overtime to overcome and destroy the Constitution handed us by a group of Puritans working through NWO writers such as international central banker Hamilton (Hamilton was gifted but not mature. Read Federalist Papers. Simply surprising how smart he was yet how stupid at the ground level).
It shouldn't matter whether Trump is a good man or a bad man, why should it have any effect on us? Because our minds are so entrenched in the thinking that we need to be "governed" like little children, this stuff captures our thinking and our daily attention. And that's what it's supposed to do - that's ALL it's supposed to do. Because what you think doesn't make a single shred of difference to what they do. As long as the people continue to fight about Trump or Biden, Coke of Pepsi, paper or plastic, they have you where they need you - under their auspices and you not thinking of anything outside of that motif.
Denise, the way that our Constitutional Republic works is that our thinking is expressed through the elections of those who represent our perspectives and points of view. I do certainly believe that our government is inexcusably bloated, and that much should and must be handed back to the states. But, we must work with the system we have currently. Otherwise, we risk anarchy.
This is pretty basic stuff. It’s just the way our government works. If you want more representation then I suggest you go and meet personally with your local, regional, or state representatives. You may have an impact. You can even organize others to meet and participate with you.
UNTIL Trump acknowledges his mistakes (assuming they were "mistakes"); UNTIL Trump calls out by name each and every one of the major criminals in banking, Wall Street, and government, along with the crimes they've committed, plus the specific punishment that they will be receiving under his 2024 presidency; UNTIL Trump openly confesses that the jabs are bio-killers, and apologizes to the country for his role in making the jabs a reality; UNTIL Trump confesses that he was wrong in locking down our country --- UNTIL at least those things happen, I wouldn't Trust Trump as far as I can throw him (which isn't very far, I assure you)!
He is appreciated world wide. Don’t trust him- Then you have not read all of His Executive Orders, Read the Law of War Manual. Seen all the Military Flights that say GITMO, not read anything about the Quantum Financial System, haven’t seen the number of banks connected to it, don’t know anything about Cheyenne Mountain Military Base, don’t know how many trafficked children and adults are being rescued, etc etc. You need to apologize to President Trump, not vice versa.
Now go and do the research. Trump has been working for America and the world for the last 8 years. What have you been doing except complaining?
If you think for one minute Trump is going to ever admit he was wrong and the jabs kill, I got a bridge I wanna sell you. He may do allot of other things to save the country but the most important thing which is telling the truth on the jabs, that will never happen. He's been selling the poison pokes right up till late last year, so why on earth would he now change course and have egg on his face.
Hannah is implying that Trump will not admit something that is STILL not obvious to all because he doesn’t want egg on his face? You can love her, and hug her, and ask her to remain in the fight all you want, Paul. But what fight? She’s communicated her perspective and view of Trump, and she’s certainly shown passion, but not smarts, in my view. At least not from what I’ve read here.
Dama if he did, dam if he didn’t & dam if he does say hey, fuck you know i screwed up!
He gave the options to take the jab or not take the jab, he also said there’s therapeutics that might be another alternative!
I am the biggest vaccine skeptic in America, because I do not trust the American government for one second to tell the truth about vaccines and other health issues.
With that said, I did my own dam research prior to Covid and found that these people in charge of medical decisions have been lying their asses off for decades, along with the mockingbird media!Why did I do my own research? Because I had a family member that was severely injured by a TETANUS SHOT and was in the ICU for 9 months. Because she developed Guillain-Barre (gee-YAH-buh-RAY) syndrome and almost died!
So I knew from the get go I was never taking any of these shots & I was prepared to get fired from my job because of my beliefs!
Now, imagine for one minute what the headlines would have been if he didn’t do his best to have a remedy for Covid 19?
He showed us what his remedy was for COVID-19 by disclosing his use of Dr. Zelenko. He was up against a coup designed to take him down. And, they did. For a time. People who want to place this all on Trump‘s shoulders are either ill informed, or don’t understand politics at all. I couldn’t agree with you more about what you’ve written.
Very lying eyes! I’m now starting to think Trump was sending subliminal messages when he was vouching for the therapeutics!
And this is another point not many people know about - in order for there to have been an EAU for vaccines - there couldn’t have been a therapeutic solution that worked for Covid! This is why these so called medical experts were all shitting on Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin
Your last sentence...that was the trap. They believed they could functionally lock down the country via a glorified flu virus that has the exact same infection and mortality rate as in any moderate flue season. Without a *vaccine* as a remedy, the country would never open up until such time as the left was in total control. Those who insist on the self-perceived, self-elevating signaling of virtue by demanding an *apology*---that anyone can intuit EASILY will be used like a boomerang against Trump---as the predicate for considering voting for him, are, imo, in many cases, dishonest. They surely must intuit, as we do, that an *apology* will be read and used as *guilt*, and be trumpeted endlessly as a reason why we must not vote for him. He was sabotaged, and that boast comes from Birx herself. This toothpaste can't be put back in the tube, so those persisting in seeing little trees instead of the whole forest, had better develop the emotional and moral maturity, FAST, to understand what is at stake here.
Hannah, you don’t understand politics very well, do you? The Covid vaccination, and vaccinations in general, are very sensitive and controversial topics for many, many people. If he takes a stand one way he alienates an entire demographic. If he takes a stand another way he alienates that demographic. The truth will come out with regard to the vaccines. And, anyone who had any curiosity, and did any research saw all of this in advance. Including you. PS. sorry, I did not intend this comment to go to you JDLynn. You and I are on exactly the same page.
So you believe that hanging him by the rope of grossly exaggerated claims of his *blame*---as if he cooked up the vaccine himself, in a black iron kettle in the WH basement---is a productive way to restore the descent of this nation under the left?
Thanks Dr Alexander. The Oligarchs set up trump. Recall Fauci's Keynote address. Listen to it again carefully especially his mention of DNA RNA vax roll out starting that month or the next Jan/ Feb 2017. The Oligarchs planned it over 2 decades. Several heard the Oligarchs plan as they have witnessed being there. The MODERNA "mRNA" toxins were registered in Nov 2018. Obama even announced the coming "Spanish Flu" in 2014 several months after funding/ signing for the "Universal Vax" in 2013.
There is the criminal's doomsday clock which represents their coverups. However there is the real clock, actual history. Gods plan for humanity (not theirs!):
The Hype really started in 2017 and was collaborated on in 2019. We even saw the UN WEF NATO handshakes! "Strategic Partnerships" Handshakes for what??....
This may shock you... here's what Moderna's representative said....
Tues. 30 Jan. Moderna Executive Says Exploding Number of Vaccine Injuries Is “Not Our Problem.” Then they go on to say that, “Moderna has no interest in using their profits to compensate the millions of victims”.
Agree. If it is done it will require a MAJOR amount of work, will be VERY messy and will meet a HUGE amount of resistance. It could border on becoming a civil war but if the USA is to be saved, it has to be done. The rot has to be cleared out, COMPLETELY.
Trump is the only person that can get my vote! Enough said!
No it's not enough said. The idea that you can vote people in and things will turn good is nonsense, total nonsense. Your belief in voting for people is sealing the right for them to keep us in captivity.
Denise, isn’t that the point of voting? Candidate Biden is a colossal failure, the Keebler elves in the Republican Party that challenged Trump had no substantive policies and some were coping his! And we’ve seen what President Trump gave us, peace, a seat at the table, energy dominance, little to no inflation, wage increase for minorities and low skilled workers & others- because he plugged the border and would’ve hermetically sealed it to some extent, if it wasn’t for the collaborationists Uni-Party shills that tried to block his every move. Is Trump perfect? Far from it, but I’d rather be in the trenches with him than anyone of those neocon Rino scumbags that are happy loosing because they can’t be bothered to engage with the people and actually do some governing!
Just look at that loser Mitch CCP McConnell, the only thing he has sold out on is what he hasn’t seen!
I like a fighter--not these whining cry babies pretending to be better than everyone else!
The GOPe want RINOS Jack Smith, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Commie Barrett to take Trump out so they can install Neocon Nikki, the Beast 666. Would that be better?
I believe that Trump was hoodwinked by the experts he called in, and then heavily relied upon. These were all people of impeccable reputations, and years of service in their various fields. It is interesting that few at this time are calling those individuals on the carpet. However, some of the staunchest former Trump supporters insist on holding Trump solely responsible. Frankly, I think it was a set up. Nevertheless, I do not know another human being who could withstand the attacks and pressure this man has withstood since 2015. I stand with Trump, and I will always stand with Trump. He is, and was, the best thing that has happened for this country in decades. And, he is probably the only who can turn this sinking ship we are on around. THAT is why they are attacking Trump so mercilessly.
Notably, the same attacks on Trump, are curiously void of blame for Pence as covid czar. I contend that Pence was very much complicit in the deliberate sabotage and subterfuge, which Birx actually bragged and boasted of. That Fauci and she were rewarded with *book deals*, university *professorships*, executive positions with biotech companies, etc---and in Fauci's case, a special deal to keep him on the NIAID payroll so that he can also retain his Secret Service protection---and other bonuses, AKA payoffs for a job well done, only buttresses the glaring reality of a malicious hoax pulled over on Trump and the people.
Dr Brix wrote in her book how she directly subverted Trump. Fauci should’ve been fired, but I understand why he didn’t do it. The mockingbird media would’ve said he’s undermining the medical profession bla bla bla! Remember when Trump said Hydroxychloroquine works and wanted other therapeutics how they all went nuts? That should’ve been a big red flag to people to stop taking the vaccine - was Trump sending a subliminal message?
Birx was very boastful, too, and proud of her subterfuge. Yes, Fauci, by rights, should have been fired 30 years ago, in regard to his murderous AIDS treatment via AZT. As a federal agency hire, not an appointee, though, Trump could not have fired him.
Well said Suzi! I’m with you 100%!
I love Trump. I will always support him because he actually did make America Great Again! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
As far as I am concerned from the UK it has to be Trump as he will pull the US out of the WHO and stop this insane transfer of individual and state sovereignty to a pharma captured corrupt and evil supra national organisation. Trump can see what the globalists are up to and he stands against them which is why he has been so vilified by 'the establishment'. If the Dems rig the election a second time we are all lost IMO.
Patricia, I could not agree with you more. Bless you.
Paul, Paul, Paul. Mistakes Were NOT Made :-)
Margaret the biggest mistake was trusting the wrong people around Trump. Those snakes led the whole nation into an unmitigated disaster. Trump is getting blamed for it all. He took their advice based on their credentials and did not know about the massive collusion going on to over throw him and make him unelectable.
I agree he made horrible mistakes when it came to the people he trusted, Patti. I also understand he is being unfairly targeted with ridiculous legal persecution now.
I can’t give him a pass when it comes to COVID policies and Operation Warp Speed, though, when he is still bragging about having saved millions of lives with them after three years of grievous evidence to the contrary.
As I told JDLynn, I understand why people choose to vote for him, and I give him credit where due when it comes to taking on the globalists. His role in COVID tyranny and the lethal injection are just not among those reasons.
Not acknowledging is a mistake..granted. What he did for the economy and wealth of the country gives him a pass in my book. We all have faults and ego is among them!
Yes, I'd much rather live under a Trump presidency than a Biden one :-)
Everything is calculated to steal our time, our mind space. If they don't know how deadly the vaccine was then should they have any place in determining our lives? If we have to "write to our congress person" to tell them what the score is, that admits they are incompetent to even be noticed.
Margaret, Margaret, Margaret:
Did you read all of President Trump’s Executive Orders? Read the Law of War Manual? Downloaded a flight app and see all the Military Flights with Call Signs GITMO? Have you Read Agenda 2020 & 2030? The UN Sustainable Goals?
This was planned long before President Trump. Trump is the CIG. The US WhiteHats & The Global Military Alliance are taking all this corruption down.
Of course, I know this was planned long before Trump and he is but one of *many* players in COVID tyranny.
That said, Katherine Watt has read all of the relevant executive orders, and she and Sasha have both confirmed he would have had culpability based on the information he was privy to and actions he authorized.
Even if he didn’t, though, he demonstrated extremely poor judgment in advisors despite having access to the life-saving advice of people like Dr. Zelenko and Paul. He dropped his talks with RFK Jr. about a vaccine safety commission after Pfizer gave him a million-dollar inauguration contribution (https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/health-companies-gave-generously-president-trumps-inauguration/). And he gave Fauci, Birx, et al presidential commendations:
• https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trump-awards-presidential-commendations-operation-warp-speed-team/
Despite the majority of his supporters shouting to him about the dangers of the injections for three years now, he *still* boasts proudly about having saved millions of lives with his beloved injection and pooh-poohs any claims about the harms:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHW7629LyiE
I’m going to bed and don’t have time to go round and round on this so will just conclude by saying I don’t care if you or anyone else wants to vote for Trump. He is a pragmatic choice for numerous reasons, and I commend him for initiating the US’s withdrawal from the WHO. I just encourage those who choose to do so to be honest with themselves about his stance on the injections and stop jumping to his defense in the areas where he failed humanity.
Read the date, please, on his presidential commendation. January 2021, long before it could be established that the vaccines had dangers attached to them. Regardless, the notion that he was somehow brewing up the toxic brew in his basement, is a quaint one that overlooks the realities that he had no direct input into the technical development, only in making them available, voluntarily, for the most susceptible demographics.
*Apologizing* for the malicious treachery of those deputized to oversee the response and development of the vaccine, is not only pointless, but a means of sabotaging his election bid. The minute...nay, the second...he would *apologize* ( interestingly, Pence---the covid czar, as it were, is given a free pass), that apology would be wielded as a bludgeon, as the left and Never-Trumpers on the right, *suddenly* realize the deficits of the vaccines.
I could not have said it better. You were and are looking at the big picture of view, which is vital.
President Trump’s vaccine had in it: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Doxycycline & Zinc.
It did not have MRNA. That was Biden’s.
He did not mandate any vaccine. Again, that was Biden.
We all were told that Covid had a 95% Survival Rate.
March 21,20 President Trump tweeted about Hydroxchlorquine & Azithromycin.
Trump told us what the Dr’s gave him when he had Covid.
I am honest with myself. I listened to what he said, I did the research. I am also accountable for my own health choices.
President Trump did not fail humanity.
The USWhiteHats Military are standing with President Trump. They have been for the last 8 years. I guess you don’t realize that he is the CIG and the USWhiteHats and the Global Military Alliance have been taking down the corruption for the last 8 years.
One more fact: March 28,14 - Trump tweeted about Healthy Young Child gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines. Doesn’t feel good and changes. Autism in many cases’.
No one is perfect. That includes President Trump.
Truth matters Margaret. Respectfully, you don’t have all the truth.
Take care!
Commander In Chief
Thankfully they are JD. My gut says during this process we may see boots on the ground in the US and some suffering as described in George Washington's vision of our nations future.
What do you mean by that? I’m assuming you are not a Trump supporter. Can you explain why to us?
I was mainly chiding Paul for using the phrase “Mistakes were made” :-) If you’re not familiar with my poem “Mistakes Were NOT Made,” see:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-video-dr-mike
Regarding my stance on Trump, see my reply to JDLynn below.
Paul, Trump displayed nothing but American values. He is not a liar. Is not political. ALL POLITICIANS ARE LIARS. You have ZERO evidence that Trump has negative behaviors. NONE. Not political, no understanding of the Trilateral-Bilderberg-CFR domestic terrorist deep state, he brought abroad poor personnel. Then had them create poor processing of information resulting in poor politics and poor policies. Wray, Mattis and a zillion more trash brought abroad, show this evidence. Not about Trump. Our Navarro brought up the above points in Taking Back.
Point being is that when you reflect upon 'stains' against Trump, you're parroting CFR mind control. You're math trained to look for objective evidence. STAY THAT WAY. Once you enter thought processes of my mind controlled-hijacked Communist (fake communist) party, you're becoming compromised.
Hold the line for Trump. Stay true to American Values all based upon our Constitution. AND that is why Trilateral NWO terrorists work overtime to overcome and destroy the Constitution handed us by a group of Puritans working through NWO writers such as international central banker Hamilton (Hamilton was gifted but not mature. Read Federalist Papers. Simply surprising how smart he was yet how stupid at the ground level).
It shouldn't matter whether Trump is a good man or a bad man, why should it have any effect on us? Because our minds are so entrenched in the thinking that we need to be "governed" like little children, this stuff captures our thinking and our daily attention. And that's what it's supposed to do - that's ALL it's supposed to do. Because what you think doesn't make a single shred of difference to what they do. As long as the people continue to fight about Trump or Biden, Coke of Pepsi, paper or plastic, they have you where they need you - under their auspices and you not thinking of anything outside of that motif.
Denise, the way that our Constitutional Republic works is that our thinking is expressed through the elections of those who represent our perspectives and points of view. I do certainly believe that our government is inexcusably bloated, and that much should and must be handed back to the states. But, we must work with the system we have currently. Otherwise, we risk anarchy.
How can a "representative" represent your point of view when they also represent thousands of other constituents? Can you answer me this?
This is pretty basic stuff. It’s just the way our government works. If you want more representation then I suggest you go and meet personally with your local, regional, or state representatives. You may have an impact. You can even organize others to meet and participate with you.
UNTIL Trump acknowledges his mistakes (assuming they were "mistakes"); UNTIL Trump calls out by name each and every one of the major criminals in banking, Wall Street, and government, along with the crimes they've committed, plus the specific punishment that they will be receiving under his 2024 presidency; UNTIL Trump openly confesses that the jabs are bio-killers, and apologizes to the country for his role in making the jabs a reality; UNTIL Trump confesses that he was wrong in locking down our country --- UNTIL at least those things happen, I wouldn't Trust Trump as far as I can throw him (which isn't very far, I assure you)!
Hmm- President Trump is the best President ever.
He is appreciated world wide. Don’t trust him- Then you have not read all of His Executive Orders, Read the Law of War Manual. Seen all the Military Flights that say GITMO, not read anything about the Quantum Financial System, haven’t seen the number of banks connected to it, don’t know anything about Cheyenne Mountain Military Base, don’t know how many trafficked children and adults are being rescued, etc etc. You need to apologize to President Trump, not vice versa.
Now go and do the research. Trump has been working for America and the world for the last 8 years. What have you been doing except complaining?
If you think for one minute Trump is going to ever admit he was wrong and the jabs kill, I got a bridge I wanna sell you. He may do allot of other things to save the country but the most important thing which is telling the truth on the jabs, that will never happen. He's been selling the poison pokes right up till late last year, so why on earth would he now change course and have egg on his face.
stand by, lets see....huge hugs, I love your support, your smarts and passion...please remain in this fight, among the best.
Hannah is implying that Trump will not admit something that is STILL not obvious to all because he doesn’t want egg on his face? You can love her, and hug her, and ask her to remain in the fight all you want, Paul. But what fight? She’s communicated her perspective and view of Trump, and she’s certainly shown passion, but not smarts, in my view. At least not from what I’ve read here.
Dama if he did, dam if he didn’t & dam if he does say hey, fuck you know i screwed up!
He gave the options to take the jab or not take the jab, he also said there’s therapeutics that might be another alternative!
I am the biggest vaccine skeptic in America, because I do not trust the American government for one second to tell the truth about vaccines and other health issues.
With that said, I did my own dam research prior to Covid and found that these people in charge of medical decisions have been lying their asses off for decades, along with the mockingbird media!Why did I do my own research? Because I had a family member that was severely injured by a TETANUS SHOT and was in the ICU for 9 months. Because she developed Guillain-Barre (gee-YAH-buh-RAY) syndrome and almost died!
So I knew from the get go I was never taking any of these shots & I was prepared to get fired from my job because of my beliefs!
Now, imagine for one minute what the headlines would have been if he didn’t do his best to have a remedy for Covid 19?
He showed us what his remedy was for COVID-19 by disclosing his use of Dr. Zelenko. He was up against a coup designed to take him down. And, they did. For a time. People who want to place this all on Trump‘s shoulders are either ill informed, or don’t understand politics at all. I couldn’t agree with you more about what you’ve written.
I’ve watched this entire thing play out before my
Very lying eyes! I’m now starting to think Trump was sending subliminal messages when he was vouching for the therapeutics!
And this is another point not many people know about - in order for there to have been an EAU for vaccines - there couldn’t have been a therapeutic solution that worked for Covid! This is why these so called medical experts were all shitting on Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin
Your last sentence...that was the trap. They believed they could functionally lock down the country via a glorified flu virus that has the exact same infection and mortality rate as in any moderate flue season. Without a *vaccine* as a remedy, the country would never open up until such time as the left was in total control. Those who insist on the self-perceived, self-elevating signaling of virtue by demanding an *apology*---that anyone can intuit EASILY will be used like a boomerang against Trump---as the predicate for considering voting for him, are, imo, in many cases, dishonest. They surely must intuit, as we do, that an *apology* will be read and used as *guilt*, and be trumpeted endlessly as a reason why we must not vote for him. He was sabotaged, and that boast comes from Birx herself. This toothpaste can't be put back in the tube, so those persisting in seeing little trees instead of the whole forest, had better develop the emotional and moral maturity, FAST, to understand what is at stake here.
Hannah, you don’t understand politics very well, do you? The Covid vaccination, and vaccinations in general, are very sensitive and controversial topics for many, many people. If he takes a stand one way he alienates an entire demographic. If he takes a stand another way he alienates that demographic. The truth will come out with regard to the vaccines. And, anyone who had any curiosity, and did any research saw all of this in advance. Including you. PS. sorry, I did not intend this comment to go to you JDLynn. You and I are on exactly the same page.
Only Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA. Not President Trump’s.
He gave you so many hints. He told you what he took when he had Covid. He talked about Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, etc.
I don’t need to buy any bridge. I know the truth.
Now respectfully, do some research.
Respectfully, false statement. Do the research.
Read Dr. Alexander Substacks and all other Dr’s Substacks that are stating the truth. Your notes are incorrect.
End of conversation. Have a wonderful day.
So you believe that hanging him by the rope of grossly exaggerated claims of his *blame*---as if he cooked up the vaccine himself, in a black iron kettle in the WH basement---is a productive way to restore the descent of this nation under the left?
I get it. Nice of you.
- Luc
Thanks Dr Alexander. The Oligarchs set up trump. Recall Fauci's Keynote address. Listen to it again carefully especially his mention of DNA RNA vax roll out starting that month or the next Jan/ Feb 2017. The Oligarchs planned it over 2 decades. Several heard the Oligarchs plan as they have witnessed being there. The MODERNA "mRNA" toxins were registered in Nov 2018. Obama even announced the coming "Spanish Flu" in 2014 several months after funding/ signing for the "Universal Vax" in 2013.
There is the criminal's doomsday clock which represents their coverups. However there is the real clock, actual history. Gods plan for humanity (not theirs!):
The Hype really started in 2017 and was collaborated on in 2019. We even saw the UN WEF NATO handshakes! "Strategic Partnerships" Handshakes for what??....
Biosecurity "innovation" (risk engineering)
The security Risk was what the oligarchs were about to unleash onto the world using unelected, selected puppets
Offered poison injections to Nations, controlled media in france and elsewhere
Planned for
*Several heard the Oligarchs plan as they have testified to the world
as this video confirms, they had planned the roll out in 2016-2017 but Hillary got in so it was pushed back.
This may shock you... here's what Moderna's representative said....
Tues. 30 Jan. Moderna Executive Says Exploding Number of Vaccine Injuries Is “Not Our Problem.” Then they go on to say that, “Moderna has no interest in using their profits to compensate the millions of victims”.
yeah they also were told about the coming pandemic which was handy as they already had MRNA stock on hand several mths BEFORE lockdowns!
First you have to get Trump to
Acknowledge the Vaccines SUCKS & is killing everyone
It would be lovely if justice was served by Trump . Not optimistic.
Agree. If it is done it will require a MAJOR amount of work, will be VERY messy and will meet a HUGE amount of resistance. It could border on becoming a civil war but if the USA is to be saved, it has to be done. The rot has to be cleared out, COMPLETELY.