I am not a publisher, just your average citizen likely in the majority of families (a mix of vaxxed and unvaxxed) that have been pulled through the wringer over and over again. Somehow we've managed to survive the past two years, many have not, and I know many families have fared much worse than mine. I am here for those families and for my kids future. I've lived a full life, and I only want them to enjoy the freedoms that natural law provides, their God-given rights to the freedoms that our founding fathers fought for.

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beautifully written, if you need anything, let me/us know

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Update: I can see my viewpoint can help bring unity towards a cause and not division, which is needed. I will start to publish tonight, just to have a lasting presence, and be there for people. I opened a can of worms so to speak, and I picked my hill, so I will stand on it.

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I have updated the "Righting the Wrongs" Index to also consider co-sponsors of the proposed "No Vaccine Mandate Act" (pending 202022) and death rates by state from VAERS. House of Reps are now ranked for all states by their potential to right the wrongs of legislation infringing on our Constitutional rights: rightingthewrongs.org

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We are in a battle for our souls and our lives, to save our children's health & well being, their future. “Don’t tread on me” has never been clearer in our lifetime than it does right now.

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Let's consider taking "passive action" as a supermajority:

1. Actively reduce BigTech profits by using ad-blockers, private search, a VPN, and DuckDuckGo (or Brave).

2. Actively reduce BigMedia profits by NOT clicking on their click-bait articles, block them, label them as spam.

3. Actively reduce BigPharma profits by integrating healthier habits, better dietary choices, and proper supplementation.

4. Actively reduce BigPolitics profits by NOT giving money to NATIONAL groups (RNC & DNC), give only to LOCAL & STATE groups.

5. Actively reduce BigGov profits by spending less, saving more, and legally avoiding taxes wherever possible.

6. Actively reduce BigTV profits by turning off sports, canceling streaming services, and delaying movie viewings.

7. Actively reduce BigBiz profits by using smaller competitors, shopping local, or by purchasing pre-owned items.

8. Actively reduce BigBank profits by moving savings and retirement accounts to smaller local or regional banks/co-ops.

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Unfortunately, none of these entities react passively when their bottom line is put at risk. Choosing to eat healthier or take supplements has not protected organic food labeling or their attempt to reclassify vitamins as drugs requiring prescription. We need more freedom and less monopoly/money power.

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Yes please follow my stack. I just started one with the comment that Dr. Alexander was kind enough to post. I do have a lot to say, and my better half reminded me that this could be the opportunity to say it and enact change.

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Update: I can see my viewpoint can help bring unity towards a cause and not division, which is needed. I will start to publish tonight, just to have a lasting presence, and be there for people. I opened a can of worms so to speak, and I picked my hill, so I will stand on it.

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Please read bailiwicknews.substack.com

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Just subscribed to your stack and shared to friends. Although I understand that a personal touch is always nice when corresponding with authority, a form letter example would insure more people participate in a timely fashion. It is just easier in our very complicated world. Thank you!

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Thank you. I am staring to feel that is a good idea. I may even tailor to each state. I am thinking on it.

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I have updated the "Righting the Wrongs" Index to also consider co-sponsors of the proposed "No Vaccine Mandate Act" (pending 202022) and death rates by state from VAERS. House of Reps are now ranked for all states by their potential to right the wrongs of legislation infringing on our Constitutional rights: rightingthewrongs.org

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Please see my latest post on the "Righting the Wrongs" Index I developed and let me know which states to focus on first: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/focus-on-forward-the-righting-the

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Proposed H.R.6000 - Cures 2.0 Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) - ( https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6000/text ) and Summary ( https://degette.house.gov/sites/degette.house.gov/files/Cures%202.0%20Section%20by%20Section%20Summary.pdf ) Latest Action: House - 01/04/2022 Referred to the Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research ( https://www.congressweb.com/NPCA/legislators/committee/cmte_id/93/ )

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Can someone also do a deep dive into S.1604 Sponsored by Tom Cotton R-AR. The Bill was signed into law and described as (The Trump Administration’s creation of Operation Warp Speed, on May 15, 2020, and the development of 3 COVID–19 vaccines, in less than a year, was the greatest success in getting the COVID–19 pandemic under control, and one of the greatest public health programs in history), those are their words not mine. A lot of us know now, that these aren't vaccines, they are Bioweapons. We also have seen the vials of Pfizer vaccine when put under a microscope, which seem to contain self assembling nanomaterials, amongst other junk. And WARP SPEED is under HHR, so Dr. Alexander do you know what this Bill is all about? When it was enacted were you there or did you come after it was already signed into law??? No accusations, just asking?

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It started far before 2020. For recent legislation, look at the PREP Act (2005), the 21st Century Cures Act (2015-2016) and currently in the House, the 10+ billion dollar Cures 2.0 Act. More info can be found here: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/focus-on-forward-the-righting-the

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Yikes. I notice Rand Paul voted yes on that.

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Rand Paul is NOT on our side. He very clearly demonstrated that when Fauci wasn’t brought up on charges of perjury.

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I'm on the fence about Paul. One person cannot bring Fauci up on charges, can he? I don't know how Congress works, but even if Paul had wanted to, I doubt he could have pulled it off.

But - he's no Ron Paul, for sure.

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The main point is not to dump people, but to inspire them to right a wrong if they have power to. Everyone at some point in their lives got roped into something that they did not know the end consequences. So instead of dumping people, challenge them to make it right. I only saw maybe 20 nays out of hundreds of yeas. It was done collectively, and needs to be fixed collectively. Rally behind the task at hand, not just people. People come and go. Freedom needs to stay.

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Very well said! Pressure and support those who are in the “good” camp to continue to do good!! Many many have gone along to get along but that mentality won’t work any more. You are so right to say let’s work together to change the trajectory and stop assigning blame to those who may have disappointed in the past.

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He could. The lies were so obvious

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