They claimed that the acute infection or prodrome "covid" was the problem. They didn't take into account what happens to those who get "covid" after the acute infection has sided. They pretended that the Spike protein from infection and/or injection was harmless. The injections cause turbocancers. So does having been infected with covid. Walter M Chesnut who hascopublished with the late Nobel laureate, Luc Montagnier is on the trail of the Spike Protein:

The Observed Aggressive Cancers are a SYMPTOM of a DNA Disease Induced by the Spike Protein: Syncytia forming properties of the Spike Protein induces Aneuploidy – a DIRECT cause of Cancers.


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Paul and all,

You might want to learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization…


Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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When people get sick they can only understand simplistic explanations. And the germ theory is one of those simplistic explanations that have conned people into believing they need a poisonous vaccine to keep them safe. It's always been about The Fear.

New Release. THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG. The Germ Theory Opposed in Song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-chicken-or-the-egg

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Peter and all,

You might want to ALL learn about this since IT is going to be VERY important in the near future…


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