Great post about Malone and Hanson funding. I suggest all look at my comment on this post, Robert Malone's reply and my subsequent comments.

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Yes, I agree. Everyone should read your comments and Malone's response:


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I read it...you are on it👍👏brilliant sir

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Dr. Alexander, Charles isn't making any accusations or derogatory comments about Jeff Hanson, he's simply publishing the data I shared with him and asking questions. I've contacted The Unity Project and asked that they and Jeff Hanson provide us with a written response since Robert Malone has publicly stated that we're lying. We're not lying, Malone is on video claiming that Hanson wrote him a big check.

You were initially on The Unity Project’s Board - did they drop you or did you resign?

Why hasn't The Unity Project and Jeff Hanson responded to my email? Malone is calling me a liar while both entities are silent. I've asked them to clarify, their silence is deafening.

Why is The Unity Project funding an organization with a Socialist activist on their Board of Directors? 🤔

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Keep up the good work. WRT the Unity Project, in the video RM says, while not perfectly clear as pertinent dates aren’t given, something to the effect that Jeff Hanson offered his donation to RM before The Unity Project began. If true and the donation was made before The Unity Project existed and could legally take donations, that would imply the donation was not to The Unity Project since it didn’t exist yet. The dates are very important and are not given so this is somewhat speculative. I am attempting to verify exact dates.

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I find it hard to believe, after these last few years, that people don't know a fraudster when they decide to do business with them....this is not 2020.... I have documentation from 2020 that Malone was a fraud but I did not want to believe it at the time....it was bleak and it looked like he was going to be the hero....but after a while, many substacks, podcasts and articles confirming his trickery, I stopped believing and started following the real fighters.....so, if I could figure it out, I am sure these higher ups in the freedom movement surely should know this fact.....

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Hi Dr. Alexander. Didn’t you used to be on the board for The Unity Project?

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Your substack articles are juicy👏👏👏

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I don’t always agree with Charles but I tend to agree with Dr Alexander and I’ve never trusted Malone. I don’t know anything about Jeff, but I would thoroughly research before forming an opinion there. On the surface it appears to warrant a probe. But Malone has a way of making anything he’s involved in shady by association.

I don’t know why the sincere people in the freedom movement, if any truly are, don’t see him for what he is and give him the boot. The whole movement has been sullied because of his presence. Is it money? How sad if it is. You can’t take it with you.

Why do some see it so clearly and others don’t? I think there’s something important to explore in that question. Why some have opened eyes and some do not. Yet. I’m sure more eyes will be opened.

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Yes, Malone is a fraud and conman, certainly a liar.

Yes, Covid is over. Did anyone die from Covid? Perhaps a few, but most deaths were not from Covid, but other morbidities that people had, complications from those, from the regular flu in elderly and immuno-compromised individuals, and from medical malpractice.

FAR more millions have died from the so-called "vaccine". The real threat now is the continued promotion of a deadly mRNA injection by the health care INDUSTRY.

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It’s also a threat to have millions following a freedom movement that has enemies within it.

I stopped following all of them because I no longer trust that they are all comprised of completely legit members and if the enemies are within and the honest ones can’t tell, there’s a problem, or none are honest.

I’ve known from the get go that Malone is not a good guy. I don’t know Jeff but I think some investigation is in order there. It’s best to research all and know for sure.

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Depends on the view of the potential buyer. It could go either way. There will be a big fight over funding the payoffs when our loved ones die in such a speedy process and the numbers of people dying

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If people were aware of what COVID could do to the market value of nursing homes???? Would be a good time for acquisitions

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My mother was kicked off our rock in a senior center in Dallas.

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My mother was one killed in a Senior Center. Texas

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I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom. I was just wondering if physics still works even within the most evil of places and the minds that puts them together. An experiment: if a folder of evil papers and an evil human were dropped out a very high window, would they both contact the ground at the same time? I saw that somewhere. Anyway, know that your mother is in really good hands, no pain, no hunger, no evil……..

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