On a side note, why do all these people terrified of the common cold, look like they aren’t afraid to have promiscuous sex with other men?

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Lee Devitos profile picture looks EXACTLY like the kind of person I want taking ALLLLLL of the boosters. Leave him alone, he’s doing the right thing.

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I guess he will say that because of the FIVE injections, he just has a "mild" sore throat. It could be much worse without the injections!

Which is a bit weird because, when I got covid, and I have ZERO of those injections, I did not have a sore throat at all! I had a slight fever for two days. Took some echinacea and Vitamin C, and on day 4 was out having a G&T. (It was summertime, after all.)

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I feel sorry for anyone ignorant enough to take even one of these shots. Do they not know how to read or search for information on them besides CNN and the like? God have mercy on their souls, thats all I can say.

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There is no one on the planet who has ever proven ANY vaccine works as advertised or proclaimed by the medial terrorists of big pharma. Let's see all those independent studies that prove otherwise.

Did you know that when our paid-off congress back in 1986 dissolved big pharma off all liability/responsibility for any vaccine outcome, they also stipulated that big pharma was to perform safety studies for vaccines every other year. And how many of these studies have been done over the last 36 years? ZERO! What the heck does that tell you?

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The only way to stop the madness in the USA is by electing people like Sen Ron Johnson and Gov DeSantis as president in 2024.

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I’m calling it vaccine compulsive death disorder (VCDD): Virtual signal that you are mass jabbed while simultaneously showing your positive test result in a never ending cycle until your immune system fails completely, let’s something really deadly in and you can finally report that you have just a few months to live. Very sad.

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Leyland "I'm an idiot" DeVito

"I got a 5th jab on Sept 9 that promised to do what jabs 1, 2, 3 and 4 failed to do - protect me from Covid. I now have Covid." PS "I'm such a brain dead zombie, I'll be sure to get my 6th jab. In fact, I'll keep getting jabbed until it kills me - either Covid or the toxic mRNA."

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Spot on with your analysis of the great harm being created! At risk seniors need to be careful and seek early CORRECT treatment!

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They want you to not believe what your brain tells you. WEIRD

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I just was asked by my neighbor who is 53, had a colectomy 2 years ago due to hereditary precancerous condition FAP, she's a speech therapist at a nursing home, "Should I get another booster"? she said if I don't, I have to get tested weekly and wear a N95 mask. I have shared a ton of information with her. I have no idea if she reads it but she knows my position, so why did she ask? Is she still thinking it will protect her and prevent the spread? She has already had covid despite the shots, was infected by someone at the nursing home. The masking, vax ect failed then, How does she think another booster will protect her or her patients? She does swallowing studies and those evaluations that require her to be in their faces, on the elderly. What are these people thinking. The CMS mandates are dangerous and I believe the cabal is aware they are creating a monster. So keep those misinformed will keep those jabs coming. And while you are at it, gay men, no need to bother abstaining or using prophylaxis. These people are now the super spreaders of new variants. Maybe that's what the plan is. Destroy everyones immune systems.

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Sad that so many comments are blaming his failure to use other “prophylactic” measures.

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How many shot do you think they’ll take until they connect the dots?

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The simple solution to not testing positive for COVID is to not take the tests.

The tests have a configurable level of positivity, in other words the test can be rigged to test more or less positive, it is essentially a mechanism to convince people to hand themselves over to the COVID regime.

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All the people who take the bivalent shot before Bourla are the saddest tools on earth.

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Seems that those who stayed strong and refused this giant wave of covid propaganda nonsense have a lot in common with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego.

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