Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

The confusion can be reduced very simply. Headline: "Man beats women in swimming race" Interviewing and giving a voice to this pathetic, deranged, mentally ill, gender dysphoric failed athlete is the REAL crime. This is mansplaining on steroids (literally)!

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i believe more and more are coming out against this but the weirdos are doubling down. i cannot wait till we get someone in charge that ends this madness. it needs to stop.

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I wish they would quit giving this creep air time. He feeds on it.

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What is happening in the world of transgender is it's based on satanism. If you research the bible you will see what's happening today was happening 2000 years ago where evil and satan worked their diabolical plans, they sacrificed children at the alter and we're doing the same things today with our children, just in a different way, we are mutilating them and destroying their innocence thru drag queens and people like "lea Thomas" We all must turn back to God and pray for His forgiveness , we must repent our sins and return to church, if we can find one satan hasn't corrupted. Lea Thomas is just one fish in a sea of sharks hell bent on destruction, don't stay silent, stand up and speak the truth.

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Thank you for so powerfully rejecting this insanity. William "Lia" Thomas is NOT a woman. He IS a fake and a cheat supported by all the same political activists attempting to destroy our country's values and traditions for personal gain and illegitimate power.

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All these battles are first spiritual in nature. Demons don't sleep. They plan the destruction of God's creation, most especially man. They look for sympathetic ears of people who want to rebel against God's loving guidelines (10 Commandments and such). Then, like Stalin's "Useful Idiots", they get people like this dude to swallow their lies and take advantage of people's innate desires to 'get along with others' and not cause 'pain' so they 'tolerate'. And the demons know that too many good people just want to be 'left alone', so they won't really enter the fight. It becomes easier to then pick off people one by one, and one group at a time. Some red states will push back, but whole swaths of other sick states will embrace the demonic transgender ideology, and clueless parents will walk around thinking they can send their kids to most schools, including colleges, and their child "won't be impacted". Too many people take too little time in their lives to continually strengthen their consciences with God's wisdom daily, and parents don't help to form their children's conscience with God's law. So we get demonic "Garbage in, garbage out". This issue won't be solved without a real religious awakening. Without that, it will just be certain sectors of American society that will huddle behind certain State's laws.

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I’m just as tired of this madness as you are Dr A. I’ve been vocal about it ALL since 2008 when I woke up! And now it’s in my own backyard in NY and I’ve been pushing back as best I can. I’m all for adults doing adult things, but when it crosses the line and affects the mental and physical well being of our children, I can’t sit back and say “well live and let live or love is love” garbage. We have NYS senators and assemblymembers sponsoring sex Ed bills for 5 yo and for minors to have medical procedures done without parental consent. They are coming for our kids and it is all the Dems who are pushing this most of the Reps are silent. Only about 5 or 6 that proposed parental rights bills. I let them know I’m against it and will vote them all out next year if that means anything. We need more people on both sides of the aisle who are going to stand up for our children and not take away their innocence. It’s horrifying. Call write email fax snail mail vote show up get involved and let these senators and assemblymembers know you are opposed-www.nysenate.gov and nyassembly.gov

You can find all the bad bills there and all their phone numbers and email and addresses. Enough is enough.

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The madness is the fu kin liberals/ democrats not stopping the gong show. Instead they push it. Wake the fu k up people.

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I had an encounter with trans people on an app and stated my case that "I wanted to protect my children from encountering biological men in the bathrooms." Boy I got attacked. It went back and forth, back and forth with one person saying, "how do you know it's a trans in the bathroom unless you are looking over the stall wall." Pathetic the things they come up with! The bottom line: even though I said multiple times I want to protect ALL children (whether trans or not), not ONCE did any of them say they wanted to protect MY kids! That's all I need to know!

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Trans people with a penis are men in drag who hate women and children and are more than happy about creating new ways to violate them. I have said from day 1 we need to call it what it is - drag queen story hour and dance shows are sexual grooming and when parents take their children to these freak shows they out themselves as pedophiles doing the same. They are participants & should be charged with child sex abuse. They need to be investigated.

By the way, why don’t we see a female version of drag “kings” with a fake penis dancing and parading into libraries to read to young children? Where is the equality here? Because there are none.

You are 100% correct Paul, they are mentally disturbed perverts who want to rape and groom women and children.

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they are doubling down--the trans activists and government officials, the powers that be. They must be getting scared because people are learning the truth about transgenderism which is the the mutilation and sterilization of kids and young adults.

This guy, Lea Thomas, still has his penis and it’s doubtful he’s taken any estrogen. He is a disgusting fake.

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Needs to be in an institution and not in mainstream society.

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They hate toxic masculinity so much that they pushed real men away and instead welcomed gay men to take over their sports. Who do you blame for this? The women that allow it to happen and celebrate it as if they won some kind of virtue trophy. 🤡

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Agreed! God help us!!! Come, Lord Jesus!!!

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This is the same as the East German Women doping in 1976=cheating.

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He will never be’woman’ as only God created!

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