Trump never stopped early treatment. That’s how I know he wasn’t complicit. OK there was operation warp speed - he was obviously mislead and misdirected. The Fauci Show had been operational and entrenched since the early 1980’s. One thing I don’t quite understand is, how did this go on for so long? P.S. I have never voted for Trump because I’m not American, I don’t agree with all his policies, however, the alternative is unthinkable and has turned out, I believe, an abomination and must be held to account.

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Are people still banging on about Trump FFS.

Move to the present to take care of tomorrow.

The highway carnage is in the rear view mirror; it's time to move forward and do something.

All this clicktivism is just self-serving BS. Like an AA meeting of group sorrow.

No disrespect to Dr Alexander (and his former job portfolio as Trump's advisor); he is actually doing something and has put his professional cock and livelihood on the block and is making a difference.

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then how do you explain Trump investing in the covid quackzine and urging his followers to get the jab?

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His hubris gets in the way of logic sometimes. That's his weak spot.

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More than hubris but opportunism, narcissism and corruption

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This was not a pandemic, it was a Holocaust!

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So now are left with a Pandemic of the Boosted, looming CV variants, other genetically engineered infectious diseases and a totally compromised Healthcare system. Instead of heading towards Herd Immunity, we heading towards Herd Destruction. The Great Reset is in full motion.

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Those awake knew from day one that we are being betrayed and the rest was lulled into the mass psychosis and is incapable to get out... there is hope though that eventually more and more will wake up and see the true agenda behind all of this.


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Dr Paul, could you share the research you did that you mentioned at the Better way Conference. An anecdotal study with 10.000 kids where you compared the health of those who were vaccinated vs non vaccianted vs partially vaccinated. Where can i find this ? Thanks so much.

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In someways I am sorry to say we deserve exactly what we’re getting. We stood by and watched this crazy group of Eugenest kill and sterilize people under the guise of vaccinations throughout Africa and India and did nothing. Now we’re standing by and watching our children be sterilized and murdered and doing nothing. We’re dealing with a little group of crazy people, who have money and power. It will never get into the world criminal courts. It is The Nazi Third Reich all over again and we stand like sheep as they attempt pass laws to sterilize babies. We are watching a Holocaust and lining up for the slaughter……

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The kids don't deserve any of this.

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Yes…. stated much more concise than I

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There was no pandemic- EVER.

Amidst all of your good work it is important to desist in furthering the lie that there ever was a pandemic.

Once you have explored the details of these frauds it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening. The playbook is pretty much the same,the players are the same, they simply refine and expand their techniques. Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7. I have to say that the “messaging” is far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps.

That and they actually produced the cadavers this time through an array of medical democides (remdesivir, neglect, midazolam, ventilators, etc.) which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses. They essentially slaughtered tens of thousands of eldely folks throughout the Western world in March/April 2020 using similar policies that were mandated by these governments and their “health sectors.” Those who are parroting the pandemic lie are covering up this reality. Those who are going along with these lies are colluding with those very same forces that committed these crimes.

It’s breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear this had and still has on millions and a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves.

This is particularly true among the “educated” classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.

As for the Covid™ fable of 2020 itself, it was and is a nasty lie- all of it from top to bottom.

Every single one of the media bullhorns that were blasting the Covid fiction for the past year have direct financial ties to Pharma Inc. It’s not exactly accurate to say Pharma uses its power to influence the news- more to the point it is Pharma that writes the script. Pharma and its investors own “the news” and you will speak the Pharma gospel if you wish to maintain your advertising revenue and position of privilege- it goes without saying. And when we speak about Pharma this cannot be separated out from the investor class who rakes in oceans of taxpayer wealth through numerous Pandemic Ponzi Schemes with Pharma as its “offering” and its Trojan Horse. ROI on vaccines is particularly high and as it is a “safe” product for investors- not so much for anyone else- as they have indemnification for these poisons.

“Covid-19” was and is a business plan not a medical emergency.

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…to add, anyone who read the Rockefeller 2010 Scenarios for the Future International Development aka operation lockstep KNEW, perhaps you Allen. The so called study, actually a collaborative plan predicted operation lockdown. We the readers abruptly recognized the blatant unprecedented alleged pandemic media fear campaign, the media using the WW1 Spanish Flu deaths data to further scare the public into irrational antisocial behavior displayed even against their more sane analytical family members. Some of us recognized the scenario operation was set in motion…. There were many dots to connect oblivious to the fear triggered trained Pavlovian media watching masses, like Agenda 21 under the guise of global sustainability… I remember thinking when the ice bucket challenge became a social media virtue signaling phenomena the masses could be convinced of anything. The shadow controllers of governments knew this, planned well and pulled off the greatest global destructive genocidal hoax ever conceived since Nazi Germany… publicly accepted false flags reward the ruling class with great wealth and more importantly power… will the fooled ever wake up that they are participating in the tyranny and their own complicit Great Reset crime against humanity imprisonment? God help us! https://principia-scientific.com/2010-rockefellers-operation-lockstep-predicted-2020-lockdown/

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This is a huge crime against humanity, a case of racketeering on a scale never seen before and most surely a product of a "biolab".

But on the point that the virus is real: where is the proof that virus was ever isolated? Have you seen the proof?

You don't have to be trained in the field but you can question people in the know. My high school philosophy teacher taught us to question everything and everybody, draw your own conclusions.

Jon Rappoport has asked questions for a very long time and his work is very credible to me: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/category/covid/

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"A virus with an infection fatality rate of 0.15% and 0.05% in persons less than 70 years"

Every time I see the IFR for COVID-19, I like to remind people how much lower it would have been if early treatment protocols hadn't been squelched...

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My 96 year old sister in law just died in the hospital "from CVD".

She had extreme dementia, heart condition and a host of other morbidities, however she supposedly got CVD or at least had symptoms, maybe a fake positive test, so they attribute her death to CVD.

This is criminal in every respect.

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the Austrian Minister of Health recently announced that doctors can be held liable for quackzine injuries

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And all we have been through is bringing down the cabal that has run our lives with lies and deception for centuries. Time is get our brains out of what has been done and start doing what needs to be done to lift humanity to its rightful position! Time to raise our voices and be vocal! Thank you, for having the courage to do so! The Georgia Guide Stones have fallen!

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Check out the excellent video interviews of people like Drs. Alexander, McCullough and Malone in the “Covid Revealed” series (if you haven’t already seen it). Links to the various interviews at this page: http://preview.Tinyurl.com/StopCovidNow

(The “preview.” part lets you see the link to which the shortcut redirects and is optional. Two other related links follow.)

Videos on mask ineffectiveness:


All the above and a few more:


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It was the seasonal flu and pumped up to be a “killer virus “ from bats. Communist China took the lead acting role by shutting down Wuhan city, a city known for its air pollution ( toxic air) which of course enters into the water and food supply. This of course will get people sick. It was never a “ virus” but toxins causing sickness. Of course, big pharmaceutical companies saw this as an opportunity to make an experimental “ vaccine “ to stop the “virus” and make billions of dollars as they made back room deals with government entities. The only problem they had was natural immunity so they dismissed the global gold standard. It was always about the “ vaccines “ from the very start and people bought the lies and will continue to buy the lies this fall as they line up like sheep to get their new experimental “vaccines “ and flu shots. I know five people that got the experimental jabs and died within three days to six months of getting jabbed. They were in their 40s and 50s. How many of the experimentally vaccinated will die this year ? It’s vaccine toxemia!

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May I suggest that we act for JUSTICE and for PREVENTION. No one is safe while Gates and Fauci remain empowered and not prosecution. Please see this and 12 articles that can help with the leading pair's prosecution. https://www.ur1light.com/12-pieces-for-prosecution-of-gates-and-fauci

Also, the great majority of Africans; responses remain a shining hope and example, I think. Please see this for Substack--https://donpaul.substack.com/p/asante-africa-winning-against-covid-and-the-pandemic-treaty-within-the-who-more-wins-can-soon-come I especially LIKE how passionate Dr. Alexander is about the wrongs we're suffered and the fight we have to wage.

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