nothing, you think we have many classes on immunology, vaccinology, virology & you would be wrong; they say that they learnt immunology last 3 years from Bridle, Alexander, Couey, Yeadon, Geert VB
This is the truth. From my own reading I learned that the Rockefeller foundation made it a point to involve themselves in medical school curricula starting in the second decade of the 20th century. Their goal was to make "natural" cures appear to be "quack" medicine, compared to "drugs" they could produce from petroleum products as the real cures.
I went to medical school in 1975-1978. Over the course of my medical school training and internship and residency, we were taught about each "medication." We had to learn the pharmacokinetics, the side effects, what drugs interact badly with a given drug, etc. for EACH medication. (Pharmacology).
We were never taught very much about the role of vitamins, except we were taught which vitamins were needed for health; and the diseases that could be caused by vitamin deficiencies. However, to this day doctors are never taught that Vitamin D3 is essential for human immune systems!
In the northern latitudes, there are seasonal colds and flu viruses in fall and winter. We were never taught the truth, that people who are deficient in Vitamin D3 are most likely to suffer from colds, the flu, or COVID 19. Not only that, but during the plandemic, the government made efforts to cover up the role of Vitamin D3. The reason is, if everyone in the US or UK had adequate levels of D3 they never would have even got COVID 19!
This is an example of what is left out of medical curricula. It becomes a matter of "received wisdom" to focus on "drugs" especially the latest "drugs." It is a matter of received wisdom to never look for natural methods of cures, because we are taught from the beginning that only "non MDs" (i.e. "quacks") focus on natural methods, the implication being that they focus on those because they don't have "the training" to understand drugs!
This is so ingrained in doctors, I only understand it now that I have been retired since the year 2000.
So try to understand that doctors are taught a kind of dogma, and they want to feel they are among the "educated" and well trained ones. To them it is important to do the right thing for their patients, and that means following what they have been taught. They are afraid to be considered a "quack," They can't think outside the box unless they are extremely self-confident and do not care what other doctors think.
It takes many years of practice for doctors to really think for themselves and focus primarily on what their patients' need.
COVID 19 destroyed the ability of doctors to "think outside the box." But it also destroyed the ability of doctors to just do their jobs: to decide FOR THEMSELVES what their patients needed. Most were afraid they would simply lose their ability to practice medicine if they didn't go with the protocols from NIH.
People who choose medicine as a career are people who want to help others, are willing to work for years to get a degree, and then more years for specialty training. These are not sociopaths! These are people who spend hours studying every day for years. Usually starting in high school and college and then more years after that.
What you do get are people who have a strong conscience and who feel it is on them to do the right thing. In general there are not a lot of independent thinkers. They are taught to read, study, and comprehend what they are taught. Thinking for yourself is a different skill set from the way doctors are trained to think.
Try to understand that not everyone has the moral fiber to say, "I guess I will be thrown off the staff of the hospital, and I might lose my license to practice medicine, and I might not be able to support my family or pay our mortgage, but so what, I've got to do the right thing."
Those who could do this, e.g. Dr. McCullough, had a reputation that was so stellar, that no matter what the "fact checkers" said about him, he could stand on his belief in himself and his ability to understand and analyze the scientific research.
Maybe there are others who wanted to do what he did. But after spending their whole lives trying to "do the right thing" it is just not that simple to throw it all away and maybe end up unable to pay your bills.
I feel very sad for all the doctors who felt they had no choice. They have to live with themselves for the rest of their lives.
I do not feel it is on me to be the judge of them.
I feel we are going to have to bring to justice the primary psychopaths who are determined to depopulate the globe.
We are going to need to bring people like Bill Gates, Tedros at WHO, the heads of Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen, Alex Azar, and others who put in place the legal framework for the US bioterrorism kill box. There will be plenty of people to bring to justice.
We cannot bring to justice every single doctor who tried to survive under ridiculous circumstances, but we can bring to justice all those that put doctors in that position: Fauci, Birx, Collins, Walensky, and others.
We probably need a Truth and Reconciliation process for people to be brought before a commission and have to make reparation to the patients and families they damaged or killed.
But just about every doctor in the country recommended their patients get a COVID shot.
So it's not realistic to imprison them all. There has to be another way of getting justice.
Well, every single damned one of them, whether consciously or not. participated in the complete destruction of the medical institution. (Now that I think about it, insofar as discussing the current medical institution, they should actually be proud)!
From the beginning I felt gobsmacked as to how they can live with themselves.
Tonight I tried to understand the actual thinking, and to try to see if there is a gray area, where people made the wrong decision, but they did it because they just did not have the confidence (or material wealth to fall back on) to act on principle.
From what I can tell, our local hospitals have hemorrhaged doctors. It isn't surprising given the ridiculous requirements put on doctors.
I, too wish all doctors could have had the integrity of Dr. McCullough.
But I also feel it is "holier than thou" to act as if I am above all these doctors, as if I am not also a flawed human being. I do not know how I would have acted if I were in their shoes.
I feel it is easy to take pot shots at people for doing what we think now is the wrong thing.
I am trying to look at both sides.
Personally, even though I am an MD, when all this happened my husband had been diagnosed with a glioblastoma. I asked my doctor should I get a vaccine and he said yes. I and my husband got a vaccine. I started to doing research, and then eventually we both got another vaccine. But after that my research led me to see that the vaccines were causing way more harm than good. I now regret I got the vaccine. My husband (who has not had a recurrence since his diagnosis in 2019) got a pulmonary embolus from the vaccine!
But I do not feel that I want to take my doctors to court for their "advice." They were doing what they thought was best. That is different from a Bill Gates who is not a doctor but thinks he knows better than doctors what people need. Heck, he's not even a college graduate. But he's been doing experiments trying to block out the sun's rays. He's without question a psychopath. But I cannot say realistically that all doctors who recommended the shot are psychopathic criminals. I feel they too were misinformed when information was lacking.
Maybe you feel it is black and white: anyone who recommended the vaccine should be imprisoned.
Thanks for the very thoughtful response. My problem with this started when they all called this mRNA goo a “vaccine.” It is not a vaccine and you know this. It is a transfection intended for all healthy humans to “augment” their healthy immune systems. WOW! Are you kidding me? So, I’m not a doctor. I’m a lawyer. Big deal. I saw through this when they all started changing definitions
You are a thoughtful person and use your mind. You didn't have stresses that made you vulnerable to the fear campaign. (You might have had stresses, but not ones that impaired your reasoning ability). I think that doctors who understood immunology and also understood that vaccines typically take 5-10 years before they are granted approval SHOULD have been extremely skeptical and wary.
Also there was a huge amount of misinformation and lies coming from the government agencies, such as that "this was a unique virus."
Doctors have known about coronaviruses for decades. Even though I trained in the late 1970's I clearly remember learning that rhinoviruses (responsible for the common cold) one type of coronavirus, mutates so quickly that it is impossible to create a vaccine for them. No sooner do you create the vaccine than the particular rhinovirus has already mutated making the vaccine useless.
So surely doctors who trained more recently than the 1970's would know EVEN MORE than I did about coronaviruses (colds and the flu). It is difficult for me to imagine that they suddenly lost all their knowledge.
But what happened inside hospitals is that everyone was told "this is the plan: we follow the NIH guidelines, we follow whatever the CDC says. We don't question it." Doctors who refused to follow these guidelines lost their admitting privileges and some of them lost their license to practice medicine: this is how you create willing or unwilling ACCOMPLICES in mass murder.
Every day I think about the doctors I know and wonder how they can cope with the guilt they must feel for going along with treatment plans that make patients worse or kill them.
They have culpability, for sure, that cannot be ignored. But they were threatened and coerced to commit malpractice or lose their ability to practice. I am not trying to justify it, I am just trying to understand what happened.
It is strikingly similar to what happened in Nazi Germany. If you protected or cared for Jews you could lose your professional position and eventually you could even lose your life.
Fascism is a form of totalitarianism in which the government and corporate entities are fused and the government becomes an organized criminal racket. I would say this is what we have now.
Wow. Eve, what a response! Honestly, I am not worthy. I mean it. I think we’re both trying to figure this out from different perspectives. Let’s put it this way, I’d probably rather be around someone like you, with your thoughtful empathy than someone like me, with his frustrated anger. Still— and this is God’s truth— I went to a friend’s/ mentor’s funeral yesterday. Huge turnout. He was pretty athletic. Played tennis regularly. Worked out daily. Died suddenly 4 days ago. I’m speechless.
I agree, we are both trying to figure this out. And I, too, feel grateful that there are people like you who care enough to be angry. Your frustrated anger is part of your deep caring. It is frustrating to not yet have a way to redress this grievance. I live in the hope that we will at some point be able to bring the criminals to justice. That will not bring back your friend/mentor nor all the other beautiful people who have also died too young, unnecessarily.
The thing about those who engineered the plandemic: normal people could never even imagine that any human being could plan such a devastating attack on innocent people around the world. We who are not psychopaths can't even come up with these perverse and evil ideas. I recall that many Jews who lived in Nazi Germany said afterward, "We could never in a million years imagine what Hitler had in store for us."
Your anger is also related to your sense of justice: the entire event (which is still not over) was so completely unjust; the planners essentially blew up the US Bill of Rights and other aspects of our Constitution in their determination to achieve this power grab.
I think we all feel speechless in the face of such evil.
I believe that those who planned this believe themselves to be god-like, and in planning to depopulate the earth, they are attempting to destroy God. But they cannot destroy God. They cannot destroy our faith in humanity, our sense of justice, and our desire to rebuild our country, from the ground up if need be, from the rubble of their destruction.
People who want power so much they are willing to walk over many corpses will ultimately have to meet their maker.
Excellent and balanced analysis, although understandably biased; the fact remains that there were far too many doctors who ignored any critical analysis or proper medical science and followed the scripts dictated to them without hesitation, much less resistance to a narrative they surely knew was wrong; the deeper issue is that the nefarious forces in control knew very well that doctors would immediately fall into line or be forced to by their associations and health ministries because most have always been compliant and unquestioning as they were taught to be.
I agree that far too many doctors ignored critical analysis, proper medical science, and followed the scripts dictated to them. I am not sure how many did so without hesitation.
The reason I say this is that I wasn't practicing in hospitals at the time, so I do not have direct data from my own experience.
Secondly, in my part of the USA, which is the eastern coast, prior to COVID we did not have difficulty getting medical appointments, first medical visits, or consultations within a couple of weeks at most. Since COVID it can take months to get a surgical evaluation for an inguinal hernia, for example. I found out the reason for this from talking with some of the nurses in the hospital: many doctors left. So many left, in fact, that the doctors that are still there are run ragged keeping up with all the work. I suspect that there were a fair number of doctors who decided to close their practices because the rules and regulations of practicing were more consistent with malpractice than good quality care.
On the other hand many doctors on the COVID wards (there were/are dedicated wards) were selected out, and only the most compliant could tolerate the conditions. In this case I think they selected out for Mengele type doctors, i.e., doctors with sociopathic traits or outright psychopathy.
There is another complication and that is that hospitals routinely listed patients as "unvaccinated" when they did not know the patient's vaccine status. This led to doctors associating "unvaccinated" with the patients who were having ARDS and other serious COVID and even "vaccine" complications. They didn't know that many if not most of them were actually vaccinated! So this was actually a very venial plan to make doctors think there was a pandemic of the "unvaccinated."
This is why I say that there were a number of factors operating.
It is certainly true that doctors in general did not distinguish themselves in terms of integrity, honesty, and dedication to the care of their patients. It is true that many committed malpractice for which patients died, and for which families have no recourse to sue, since the PREP acts provided an immunity shield.
I try to be as honest as I can in facing what has happened to all of us. I am not trying to apologize for appalling patient care decisions nor am I trying to minimize how devastating it has been to see doctors turned into murderers. I believe everyone involved is responsible for their behavior to the community, country, and to God.
We are all angry and sad about what has been done to our country and our people.
My husband and I are retirees. My husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma in the fall of 2019. He has had NO RECURRENCES of his original tumor. So we feel deeply blessed. Yet if either of us needs to go to the hospital, we feel fear. The hospital used to be a place where we knew we would get the best care and get well. Now we have decided that if either of us gets a respiratory infection we will treat it OUTSIDE of any hospital.
The covid debacle has damaged trust in the entire US health care system, and it has destroyed our trust in health regulatory agencies in the federal, state, and local governments. They have become despicable in my eyes.
I also agree with you that the deeper issue is the nefarious forces in control believed that doctors would have to fall in line or be ruined. These are the real evil forces in the world today. It is difficult to comprehend the level of evil in human beings that can orchestrate over the past 50 years efforts to create a bioterrorism kill box and throw the switch once the enabling legislation was finally in place.
Thank you for that insightful perspective which provides a broader understanding of the issue; I would only add, as I did in a previous post here, that it was actually quite easy to orchestrate the Covid crisis, especially when there was more than enough evil intention to go around; the psychopathic and evil forces took full advantage of the already vulnerable and corrupt health care systems world-wide; these allopathic-based systems were already ruled and controlled by fake science and charlatans of medical science who always put profit ahead of human health; these same systems prevented honest scientists and doctors from practicing and sharing their proven and remarkable discoveries for almost 200 years!
Thank you so much for pointing that out. But I must say that I only learned the truth about that since the COVID crisis, and were it not for the entire mess, I would have no idea. I only learned in the last three years about how the Rockefeller Institute allied with medical schools to design curricula around the use of petroleum and other chemical based drugs, with the goal of teaching doctors in training that natural substances or supplements were only used by "quacks." While it is true there were plenty of people selling 'snake oil" for remedies in and before the early years of the twentieth century, the effort of the Rockefellers was to portray only the drugs from chemical industry as "curative," while all other substances were portrayed as inferior or possibly hurtful.
An example of this is that I recently learned that seasonal respiratory viruses (including SARS COV2) can be prevented by adequate serum levels of vitamin D3. The governments of many countries started to criticize the use of Vitamin D3 during the COVID crisis, again, for the same venal reasons they tried to prevent doctors from treating patients early with repurposed drugs.
In addition doctors think of vaccines as a positive benefit to society, because they do not realize the "data" in the scientific literature have been faked, i.e. written by people with a vested interest in selling vaccines.
So I completely agree with your statement above, and also I am trying to say MOST DOCTORS DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH DOGMA IS IN THE MEDICAL SCHOOL CURRICULUM. This is one thing I hope we can ultimately change, if we ever get ourselves free from the current globalist totalitarian hell hole.
Quite right; but much of what you say has been known for many decades and can be found in an honest study of our medical history; the facts and the truth were always there, but as you rightly point out, the dogma and propaganda have always dominated and obscured the real history; today's "totalitarian hell" is a direct result of forgetting and ignoring that history where honest science once thrived but was quickly destroyed by the likes of Rockefeller and many others; we didn't just get to this "hell hole" overnight and must take into account human hubris and the collective stupidity of the masses all too willingly ready to follow the next lie and deception; until we come to recognize that lost past and the true heroes of medical science there is little hope that the medical field can be salvaged and finally do what is right.
Of course, immunology and virology 45 years ago were much more simplistic than they are today. But vaccine effectiveness was taught in Community and Family Medicine, and consisted largely of pep talks on how great they were. There was nothing about the science of them.
The official definition of collective immunity changed from "when enough people aquire immunity to fight off a bug" to "when ennough people get sufficiently vaccinated against a bug", before the roll-out started. this is what they can do to official textbooks to suit their new quack science.
That's because virology and viruses are fake and that's what most vaccines are pretending to be used for. What is there to hide if vaccines are safe and effective and useful? They don't expound upon vaccinology because it has no merit.
Tony, thank you. You write that this has all been known for many decades and can be found in an honest study of our medical history. Could you point me to those sources?
I never had any idea about this until I watched the series, The Fall of the Cabal. Honestly, if it weren't for this whole mass murder I still would not know about it. It is true I've been retired since 2000. But where was the evidence available to be learned? What sources?
Truth. The immunology I learned was via electives with giants and research outside of the piss poor standard curriculum
Nutrition? If you mean just trust the food pyramid that was just about it.
It's not health care or preventative care. It's big pharma sick care. You couldn't get me to see a newly minted MD today at gunpoint.
We actually had a bit of nutrition. More hours than we had on vaccines.
This is the truth. From my own reading I learned that the Rockefeller foundation made it a point to involve themselves in medical school curricula starting in the second decade of the 20th century. Their goal was to make "natural" cures appear to be "quack" medicine, compared to "drugs" they could produce from petroleum products as the real cures.
I went to medical school in 1975-1978. Over the course of my medical school training and internship and residency, we were taught about each "medication." We had to learn the pharmacokinetics, the side effects, what drugs interact badly with a given drug, etc. for EACH medication. (Pharmacology).
We were never taught very much about the role of vitamins, except we were taught which vitamins were needed for health; and the diseases that could be caused by vitamin deficiencies. However, to this day doctors are never taught that Vitamin D3 is essential for human immune systems!
In the northern latitudes, there are seasonal colds and flu viruses in fall and winter. We were never taught the truth, that people who are deficient in Vitamin D3 are most likely to suffer from colds, the flu, or COVID 19. Not only that, but during the plandemic, the government made efforts to cover up the role of Vitamin D3. The reason is, if everyone in the US or UK had adequate levels of D3 they never would have even got COVID 19!
This is an example of what is left out of medical curricula. It becomes a matter of "received wisdom" to focus on "drugs" especially the latest "drugs." It is a matter of received wisdom to never look for natural methods of cures, because we are taught from the beginning that only "non MDs" (i.e. "quacks") focus on natural methods, the implication being that they focus on those because they don't have "the training" to understand drugs!
This is so ingrained in doctors, I only understand it now that I have been retired since the year 2000.
So try to understand that doctors are taught a kind of dogma, and they want to feel they are among the "educated" and well trained ones. To them it is important to do the right thing for their patients, and that means following what they have been taught. They are afraid to be considered a "quack," They can't think outside the box unless they are extremely self-confident and do not care what other doctors think.
It takes many years of practice for doctors to really think for themselves and focus primarily on what their patients' need.
COVID 19 destroyed the ability of doctors to "think outside the box." But it also destroyed the ability of doctors to just do their jobs: to decide FOR THEMSELVES what their patients needed. Most were afraid they would simply lose their ability to practice medicine if they didn't go with the protocols from NIH.
People who choose medicine as a career are people who want to help others, are willing to work for years to get a degree, and then more years for specialty training. These are not sociopaths! These are people who spend hours studying every day for years. Usually starting in high school and college and then more years after that.
What you do get are people who have a strong conscience and who feel it is on them to do the right thing. In general there are not a lot of independent thinkers. They are taught to read, study, and comprehend what they are taught. Thinking for yourself is a different skill set from the way doctors are trained to think.
Try to understand that not everyone has the moral fiber to say, "I guess I will be thrown off the staff of the hospital, and I might lose my license to practice medicine, and I might not be able to support my family or pay our mortgage, but so what, I've got to do the right thing."
Those who could do this, e.g. Dr. McCullough, had a reputation that was so stellar, that no matter what the "fact checkers" said about him, he could stand on his belief in himself and his ability to understand and analyze the scientific research.
Maybe there are others who wanted to do what he did. But after spending their whole lives trying to "do the right thing" it is just not that simple to throw it all away and maybe end up unable to pay your bills.
I feel very sad for all the doctors who felt they had no choice. They have to live with themselves for the rest of their lives.
I do not feel it is on me to be the judge of them.
I feel we are going to have to bring to justice the primary psychopaths who are determined to depopulate the globe.
We are going to need to bring people like Bill Gates, Tedros at WHO, the heads of Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen, Alex Azar, and others who put in place the legal framework for the US bioterrorism kill box. There will be plenty of people to bring to justice.
We cannot bring to justice every single doctor who tried to survive under ridiculous circumstances, but we can bring to justice all those that put doctors in that position: Fauci, Birx, Collins, Walensky, and others.
We probably need a Truth and Reconciliation process for people to be brought before a commission and have to make reparation to the patients and families they damaged or killed.
But just about every doctor in the country recommended their patients get a COVID shot.
So it's not realistic to imprison them all. There has to be another way of getting justice.
Well, every single damned one of them, whether consciously or not. participated in the complete destruction of the medical institution. (Now that I think about it, insofar as discussing the current medical institution, they should actually be proud)!
I know that.
From the beginning I felt gobsmacked as to how they can live with themselves.
Tonight I tried to understand the actual thinking, and to try to see if there is a gray area, where people made the wrong decision, but they did it because they just did not have the confidence (or material wealth to fall back on) to act on principle.
From what I can tell, our local hospitals have hemorrhaged doctors. It isn't surprising given the ridiculous requirements put on doctors.
I, too wish all doctors could have had the integrity of Dr. McCullough.
But I also feel it is "holier than thou" to act as if I am above all these doctors, as if I am not also a flawed human being. I do not know how I would have acted if I were in their shoes.
I feel it is easy to take pot shots at people for doing what we think now is the wrong thing.
I am trying to look at both sides.
Personally, even though I am an MD, when all this happened my husband had been diagnosed with a glioblastoma. I asked my doctor should I get a vaccine and he said yes. I and my husband got a vaccine. I started to doing research, and then eventually we both got another vaccine. But after that my research led me to see that the vaccines were causing way more harm than good. I now regret I got the vaccine. My husband (who has not had a recurrence since his diagnosis in 2019) got a pulmonary embolus from the vaccine!
But I do not feel that I want to take my doctors to court for their "advice." They were doing what they thought was best. That is different from a Bill Gates who is not a doctor but thinks he knows better than doctors what people need. Heck, he's not even a college graduate. But he's been doing experiments trying to block out the sun's rays. He's without question a psychopath. But I cannot say realistically that all doctors who recommended the shot are psychopathic criminals. I feel they too were misinformed when information was lacking.
Maybe you feel it is black and white: anyone who recommended the vaccine should be imprisoned.
Thanks for the very thoughtful response. My problem with this started when they all called this mRNA goo a “vaccine.” It is not a vaccine and you know this. It is a transfection intended for all healthy humans to “augment” their healthy immune systems. WOW! Are you kidding me? So, I’m not a doctor. I’m a lawyer. Big deal. I saw through this when they all started changing definitions
You are a thoughtful person and use your mind. You didn't have stresses that made you vulnerable to the fear campaign. (You might have had stresses, but not ones that impaired your reasoning ability). I think that doctors who understood immunology and also understood that vaccines typically take 5-10 years before they are granted approval SHOULD have been extremely skeptical and wary.
Also there was a huge amount of misinformation and lies coming from the government agencies, such as that "this was a unique virus."
Doctors have known about coronaviruses for decades. Even though I trained in the late 1970's I clearly remember learning that rhinoviruses (responsible for the common cold) one type of coronavirus, mutates so quickly that it is impossible to create a vaccine for them. No sooner do you create the vaccine than the particular rhinovirus has already mutated making the vaccine useless.
So surely doctors who trained more recently than the 1970's would know EVEN MORE than I did about coronaviruses (colds and the flu). It is difficult for me to imagine that they suddenly lost all their knowledge.
But what happened inside hospitals is that everyone was told "this is the plan: we follow the NIH guidelines, we follow whatever the CDC says. We don't question it." Doctors who refused to follow these guidelines lost their admitting privileges and some of them lost their license to practice medicine: this is how you create willing or unwilling ACCOMPLICES in mass murder.
Every day I think about the doctors I know and wonder how they can cope with the guilt they must feel for going along with treatment plans that make patients worse or kill them.
They have culpability, for sure, that cannot be ignored. But they were threatened and coerced to commit malpractice or lose their ability to practice. I am not trying to justify it, I am just trying to understand what happened.
It is strikingly similar to what happened in Nazi Germany. If you protected or cared for Jews you could lose your professional position and eventually you could even lose your life.
Fascism is a form of totalitarianism in which the government and corporate entities are fused and the government becomes an organized criminal racket. I would say this is what we have now.
Wow. Eve, what a response! Honestly, I am not worthy. I mean it. I think we’re both trying to figure this out from different perspectives. Let’s put it this way, I’d probably rather be around someone like you, with your thoughtful empathy than someone like me, with his frustrated anger. Still— and this is God’s truth— I went to a friend’s/ mentor’s funeral yesterday. Huge turnout. He was pretty athletic. Played tennis regularly. Worked out daily. Died suddenly 4 days ago. I’m speechless.
I agree, we are both trying to figure this out. And I, too, feel grateful that there are people like you who care enough to be angry. Your frustrated anger is part of your deep caring. It is frustrating to not yet have a way to redress this grievance. I live in the hope that we will at some point be able to bring the criminals to justice. That will not bring back your friend/mentor nor all the other beautiful people who have also died too young, unnecessarily.
The thing about those who engineered the plandemic: normal people could never even imagine that any human being could plan such a devastating attack on innocent people around the world. We who are not psychopaths can't even come up with these perverse and evil ideas. I recall that many Jews who lived in Nazi Germany said afterward, "We could never in a million years imagine what Hitler had in store for us."
Your anger is also related to your sense of justice: the entire event (which is still not over) was so completely unjust; the planners essentially blew up the US Bill of Rights and other aspects of our Constitution in their determination to achieve this power grab.
I think we all feel speechless in the face of such evil.
I believe that those who planned this believe themselves to be god-like, and in planning to depopulate the earth, they are attempting to destroy God. But they cannot destroy God. They cannot destroy our faith in humanity, our sense of justice, and our desire to rebuild our country, from the ground up if need be, from the rubble of their destruction.
People who want power so much they are willing to walk over many corpses will ultimately have to meet their maker.
Excellent and balanced analysis, although understandably biased; the fact remains that there were far too many doctors who ignored any critical analysis or proper medical science and followed the scripts dictated to them without hesitation, much less resistance to a narrative they surely knew was wrong; the deeper issue is that the nefarious forces in control knew very well that doctors would immediately fall into line or be forced to by their associations and health ministries because most have always been compliant and unquestioning as they were taught to be.
I agree that far too many doctors ignored critical analysis, proper medical science, and followed the scripts dictated to them. I am not sure how many did so without hesitation.
The reason I say this is that I wasn't practicing in hospitals at the time, so I do not have direct data from my own experience.
Secondly, in my part of the USA, which is the eastern coast, prior to COVID we did not have difficulty getting medical appointments, first medical visits, or consultations within a couple of weeks at most. Since COVID it can take months to get a surgical evaluation for an inguinal hernia, for example. I found out the reason for this from talking with some of the nurses in the hospital: many doctors left. So many left, in fact, that the doctors that are still there are run ragged keeping up with all the work. I suspect that there were a fair number of doctors who decided to close their practices because the rules and regulations of practicing were more consistent with malpractice than good quality care.
On the other hand many doctors on the COVID wards (there were/are dedicated wards) were selected out, and only the most compliant could tolerate the conditions. In this case I think they selected out for Mengele type doctors, i.e., doctors with sociopathic traits or outright psychopathy.
There is another complication and that is that hospitals routinely listed patients as "unvaccinated" when they did not know the patient's vaccine status. This led to doctors associating "unvaccinated" with the patients who were having ARDS and other serious COVID and even "vaccine" complications. They didn't know that many if not most of them were actually vaccinated! So this was actually a very venial plan to make doctors think there was a pandemic of the "unvaccinated."
This is why I say that there were a number of factors operating.
It is certainly true that doctors in general did not distinguish themselves in terms of integrity, honesty, and dedication to the care of their patients. It is true that many committed malpractice for which patients died, and for which families have no recourse to sue, since the PREP acts provided an immunity shield.
I try to be as honest as I can in facing what has happened to all of us. I am not trying to apologize for appalling patient care decisions nor am I trying to minimize how devastating it has been to see doctors turned into murderers. I believe everyone involved is responsible for their behavior to the community, country, and to God.
We are all angry and sad about what has been done to our country and our people.
My husband and I are retirees. My husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma in the fall of 2019. He has had NO RECURRENCES of his original tumor. So we feel deeply blessed. Yet if either of us needs to go to the hospital, we feel fear. The hospital used to be a place where we knew we would get the best care and get well. Now we have decided that if either of us gets a respiratory infection we will treat it OUTSIDE of any hospital.
The covid debacle has damaged trust in the entire US health care system, and it has destroyed our trust in health regulatory agencies in the federal, state, and local governments. They have become despicable in my eyes.
I also agree with you that the deeper issue is the nefarious forces in control believed that doctors would have to fall in line or be ruined. These are the real evil forces in the world today. It is difficult to comprehend the level of evil in human beings that can orchestrate over the past 50 years efforts to create a bioterrorism kill box and throw the switch once the enabling legislation was finally in place.
Thank you for that insightful perspective which provides a broader understanding of the issue; I would only add, as I did in a previous post here, that it was actually quite easy to orchestrate the Covid crisis, especially when there was more than enough evil intention to go around; the psychopathic and evil forces took full advantage of the already vulnerable and corrupt health care systems world-wide; these allopathic-based systems were already ruled and controlled by fake science and charlatans of medical science who always put profit ahead of human health; these same systems prevented honest scientists and doctors from practicing and sharing their proven and remarkable discoveries for almost 200 years!
Thank you so much for pointing that out. But I must say that I only learned the truth about that since the COVID crisis, and were it not for the entire mess, I would have no idea. I only learned in the last three years about how the Rockefeller Institute allied with medical schools to design curricula around the use of petroleum and other chemical based drugs, with the goal of teaching doctors in training that natural substances or supplements were only used by "quacks." While it is true there were plenty of people selling 'snake oil" for remedies in and before the early years of the twentieth century, the effort of the Rockefellers was to portray only the drugs from chemical industry as "curative," while all other substances were portrayed as inferior or possibly hurtful.
An example of this is that I recently learned that seasonal respiratory viruses (including SARS COV2) can be prevented by adequate serum levels of vitamin D3. The governments of many countries started to criticize the use of Vitamin D3 during the COVID crisis, again, for the same venal reasons they tried to prevent doctors from treating patients early with repurposed drugs.
In addition doctors think of vaccines as a positive benefit to society, because they do not realize the "data" in the scientific literature have been faked, i.e. written by people with a vested interest in selling vaccines.
So I completely agree with your statement above, and also I am trying to say MOST DOCTORS DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH DOGMA IS IN THE MEDICAL SCHOOL CURRICULUM. This is one thing I hope we can ultimately change, if we ever get ourselves free from the current globalist totalitarian hell hole.
Quite right; but much of what you say has been known for many decades and can be found in an honest study of our medical history; the facts and the truth were always there, but as you rightly point out, the dogma and propaganda have always dominated and obscured the real history; today's "totalitarian hell" is a direct result of forgetting and ignoring that history where honest science once thrived but was quickly destroyed by the likes of Rockefeller and many others; we didn't just get to this "hell hole" overnight and must take into account human hubris and the collective stupidity of the masses all too willingly ready to follow the next lie and deception; until we come to recognize that lost past and the true heroes of medical science there is little hope that the medical field can be salvaged and finally do what is right.
I was treated by aceye specialist with 2 mercy who used laser eyes and left me with a big floater
He never informed me that there was a side affect and when I told him he just said everyone gets them even he has them
He is a criminal with no care for his patients
I never went back
Of course, immunology and virology 45 years ago were much more simplistic than they are today. But vaccine effectiveness was taught in Community and Family Medicine, and consisted largely of pep talks on how great they were. There was nothing about the science of them.
The official definition of collective immunity changed from "when enough people aquire immunity to fight off a bug" to "when ennough people get sufficiently vaccinated against a bug", before the roll-out started. this is what they can do to official textbooks to suit their new quack science.
That's because virology and viruses are fake and that's what most vaccines are pretending to be used for. What is there to hide if vaccines are safe and effective and useful? They don't expound upon vaccinology because it has no merit.
That's about it drs are drug pushes they don't even learn about nutrition
When my husband mentioned he was taking vitamins doc said he had expensive pee
Tony, thank you. You write that this has all been known for many decades and can be found in an honest study of our medical history. Could you point me to those sources?
I never had any idea about this until I watched the series, The Fall of the Cabal. Honestly, if it weren't for this whole mass murder I still would not know about it. It is true I've been retired since 2000. But where was the evidence available to be learned? What sources?