I have openly spoken out against Malone for a long time and took a lot of abuse for doing so but I do not trust him and never did. If he writes something of importance I feel people need to hear I will share it. I do not let my personal opinion stop sharing what I feel is important. But I believe he is paid controlled opposition. You do not swim in the swamp for 30+ years without being part of the swamp and he has been well paid by the swamp.

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Seems to me from my perspective as a Pureblood yet lowly security guard with a worthless music performance degree, all the people speaking out and writing against the Official Covid Narrative (💩💣🕳💩💣🕳💩💣🕳) should be singing off the same choir book at all times; if they have issues with one another they should be respectful and for heavens sakes! Qualify/footnote what they're saying..

But Malone is not doing this; rather he's behaving like a bull in a china shop with his broadside $25 million lawsuit(s)

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Look up Hubris in the dictionary you’ll find Malone’s name. He’s smooth though and polished to a brilliant shine. Many can’t see past the glare.

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Paging Sage Hana

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Malone derided people for their lack of expertise & number of sheepskins on their walls:

Fake lawyer wins all 26 cases.


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All I can say is this, when is Malone going to be straight? Will he ever? I think NOT! IMO and yes like butt holes we all have one, but it seems my intuition about Malone is that of an “KIss ass attention getting blow-hard” who thinks the world revolves around him and him alone! That’s why, “Alone-Malone”! Something never sat right with me when I first listened to him. Aside from, UMM, UMM, UMM, UMM, and UMM, and being a supposed UMM, UMM, intellectual, UMM, I couldn’t listen, UMM to UMM him UMM, more than, UMM, UMM a minute! I’m sure his credentials would fill a small size garage, at UMM, least in his mind, I can’t or understand why nor can I understand why he waste time on anyone or anything other than be a truthful person! Obviously he needs to have the “spotlight” on him 24X7 or UMM, UMM, he’ll melt! I say, grow a pair, shut your mouth and teach others what your God given intelligence can provide and or offer others! Who bit-pickers need not apply which is how I feel about him! The world’s being scorched and it’s NOT CLIMATE CHANGE! Regardless of who, what, were or why, I’ve already wasted enough time on, “UMM”? I forgot who I was talking about.


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It seems like there are many in the " Truth " movement that have been wrapped in ray of light. It's been tough watching it all crumble. It definitely seems like this is one of the PSYOPS, especially the BIG names. Liars them all and NO moral backbone. Btw...planes don't just fall out the sky, unless you stall the engine and DON'T DRINK YOUR URINE....It's literally toxins released from your body.

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Didn’t he give permission to the DOD to use his technology? Didn’t he state that was his discovery, his technology? Then listen people, whomever rightfully owns this technology, is the only one that can give you or anyone permission via patent licensing agreement (PLA) to USE it! I do not trust this guy either. Dr Yeadon by far exceeds this man. Dr Yeadon was at the top of his class and became the top in his field! Dr Malone will eventually have to explain his role in all of this! After all, who did he contract and work with? The DOD! BTW, how about that disrespectful commercial he did with two beautiful women mocking the sick! What a sick AH!

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Oct 23, 2023
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That is despicable and sacrilegious. Frankly, putting something out like that shows he has no regard for Jesus or our Heavenly Father. I wouldn’t sleep to well at night taking shots at our Lord Jesus Christ like that. I get his substacks and cartoons and just delete them now. I lost all respect for him when he sued the Breggin’s who are fine people and didn’t deserve this. I agree with others that he is paid opposition. This attack on Yeadon as well isn’t playing out to his benefit. This completely solidified my thoughts on this man!!!!!!!

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That was really weird and not remotely funny

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Here's a whole bunch more for you: 😘


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Oct 23, 2023
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Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammed living as gay roommates in 21st Century London and sharing barbs in a bar with an agnostic/athiest barmaid we never see...Yeah.. just about as blasphemous as you can get, really.. Still, even having though picked up Christianity again over the last few years, I occasionally derive some cynical humour from it.

Hopefully God will gently smile at these sophomoric, not to say puerile, attempts at humour... 🤔

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Oct 24, 2023
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Oh, I expect I'm damned anyway... Hopefully The Lake of Fire has a shallow end that's merely uncomfortably warm.. 🙄

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