It's Day 1 of the National Citizens Inquiry in Alberta Canada today. The evidence continues to mount against the Trudeau/Freeland/Singh WEF led cabal...real Canucks know that #TrudeauMustGo.

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I can't see that Canucks know that #TrudeauMustGo. There's an old saying "you get the government you deserve." Canucks already re-elected Trudeau once. No offence butthat doesn't exactly suggest that Canucks are very bright. I could easily foresse them doing it again It's the "govern me harder daddy" syndrome. Canucks are big time far leftists, probably second only to the US and Cuba.

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Consider that we had to use Dominion Voting machines so we may have had little to do with the outcome. Do you really think 80 million people voted for Biden? How about Brazil? All the same voting machines connected to the internet. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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I'm pretty sure that there were no Dominion machines in Germany in 1933 when mainly sex crazed females elected Hitler into power. I suspect it's the same in Canada. The women swoon over Turdeau and fantasize about going to bed with him. That's why it did him no harm when there was alll the publicity about him groping women.

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Unfortunately those of us on the anti-evil side aren't willing or able to live up to the following advice:

Matthew 10:16 (NIV) “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

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Brilliant comment.

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Awake....., sadly I might have to agree with you on this. "Govern me harder daddy" seems to be what so many want. I am not even sure if the Liberals were re-elected OR if they were re-selected. Too many here, want endless socialism. :(

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Goebbels said "We never forced the German people. They gave us a mandate and now they cry because their little throats are being cut." Turdeau never hid what he is. Canucks are like the Germans who elected Hitler into power. They don't care that Turdeau gropes women, wears blackface or sets stormtroopers on to truckers.

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...hence my use of the adjective 'real'. Lots of wannabe canucks in the country, and many forgetting what their forefathers fought for...

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My uncle died in WW2 while doing his part to keep Canadia🍁🇨🇦 free, meanwhile Turdeau is surrendering Canadia to authoritarianism without a shot being fired.

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Canada needs a real Canuck to lead it. Someone like Ted Cruz would be ideal.

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Trudeau admires the communist China tyranny, that's where his brain is.

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He has a brain?

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Maybe reptilian?

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His "brain" was left behind in Cuba where he was spawned.

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By now, I guess he knows he can get away with anything. There are no negative consequences for being spectacularly wrong. When "leaders" know this, they act accordingly. First they are somewhat hesitant about pushing A, B, or C ... then they get away with that, and they become more confident. Eventually, they become completely arrogant and beyond brazen. Brazen becomes more brazen, which becomes Anything and Everything is Now Possible - which is about where we are today.

But every action creates a reaction. There's a sleeping giant out there (the public) that hasn't woken up yet ... but if they ever do .... I hope Trudeau has a really nice bug-out shelter in New Zealand.

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I like that bout the sleeping giant. it does exist.

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But now we need to shake them from their slumber and fast. Watched the documentary "Unacceptable" this week and it was excellent and brought tears to my eyes more than once. Generally law-abiding Canadians being thrown in jail while real criminals are given bail and ultimately a 'light' sentence. Need I say more about Trudeau?

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The masses, Canadian masses? Will never wake up. The gov did get away with everything, does get away and will continue….

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He's rarely here - he has many shelters where he gets some brushing up and encouragement from his many unelected handlers in my opinion . Maybe Klaus has a lovely guest room for him while they plot and plan the next big thing .

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Once again, his name is spelled Turdeau, Castreau, or Brandeau.

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The dictator is evil dangerous corrupt WEF and without a soul.

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All these people are "initiates". They are on the inside.

They receive instructions from someone.

They only follow their instructions, or they will be "un-ititated" (killed).

They always follow instructions, not science, not advice. Figure out where the instructions come from and you will know all.

Hello, Klaus' boss. (all public figures are mid level bag carriers)

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Sorry, Can't bear to watch him. It's bad for the soul.

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Any questions?

Trudeau, his mom, and Castro


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Here's a question:

You mean Trudeau, his mom and dad?

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Yes, family pic!

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Omg… no one I know would believe. I am alone on that.

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Trudeau has been groomed since a child to play his role.

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No need to insult doorknobs! I'd say Trudeau and his advisors are the Gold Standard. So 1 TD (Trudeau Unit) is the dumbest. So, Tam would be a 0.9 I guess.

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When I try and send any of the National Citizens Inquiry stuff to people , they either don't respond , ( the usual shunning behavior of not engaging) or say , they don't listen to CBC , or say ,they don't like politics - and these are well educated people who mostly are 5 into these gene shots . Not sure who they listened to get get all the safe and effective shots?

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Of course Trudeau is aware of what is going on. It is his job to ensure that what is happening keeps going to plan and to implement the required legislation, and all of those people that are elected know the plan as well and those who do not speak out against it seem happy to go along with the plan, and Njoo and Tam are there to give some sort of credence to the lies and seem to be very happy imposing this genocidal plan on the population.

It is the same in the USA, UK, EU, most of Asia, South America, Australia and New Zealand.

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Add him to the list of pathological liars.

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Trudeau and the entire Liberal party (I'd say), Tam and Njoo are all wacko. Trying to get them to face the music via courts - good luck with that, seeing how the judges are mostly siding with the narrative of the day. Remember what Klaus Swab said, WEF has infiltrated half of the politicians and no doubt, institutions, media and the judicial system. Horrendous!

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Another useless puke.

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Does anyone think all of them got the real jab?? I would bet none got the poison what common people got!!

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