PASS THE WORD - The Chlorine Dioxide Solution CURES MALARIA in ONE DOSE. CDS has become an invaluable part of this household's 'medicine chest'. We have used it to kill Lyme disease, and correct 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome', though it is capable of much more. CDS Works with OXYGEN. Malaria is a blood vector; Chlorine Dioxide off gasses oxygen into the bloodstream -seeking out any pathogens with a miraculous system that only God could have designed, that is, the oxygen it releases targets ONLY pathogens, and leaves our healthy cells, beneficial bacteria, and natural flora intact. It is one of the 3 most remarkable elements for healing on earth with DMSO, and Hypochlorous Acid close behind. Read more HERE - https://theparalleluniverse.substack.com/p/gods-miracle-medicines-part-i-a-basic - and HERE - https://theparalleluniverse.substack.com/p/gods-miracle-medicines-part-iii-oxygen. I'll finish by saying I use CDS (also known as MMS) daily. Victoria

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I can attest that Maryland is not very Tropical. Although it does get hot and humid in July and August. I’ll place my bet on a runaway Gates Genetically Enhanced Mosquito that magically mutated to spread Malaria.

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Not the best time to be a hypochondriac. Contrary to what Lester Dolt and Rachel "The Cow" might say: The best thing you can do for your health is to simply turn off the TV and get on with your life. It's short enough without being scared shitless every moment of everyday.

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Naah...its Gill Bates letting his damn moquitoes out everywhere....they are carrying malaria, I'll bet money on it.

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What about Gates' new mosquitos?

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Was Billy Bob Gates with his man boobs seen in the neighborhood releasing his special crop of GMO mosquitoes?

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My comment (I live in Maryland) has to do with the "spraying" that the state of Maryland announced last Friday that they would be doing. They announced it at something like 3 pm that they would be spraying a "reasonably safe for humans" spray at 7:30 pm.

This is so alarming. How do we know what they are spraying and if it actually IS safe? I don't trust any of them, anymore (sad to say).

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Mosquitoes modified to eradicate malaria with Bill Gates' backing The one that got away 💸💸Malaria remains one of the greatest infectious disease burdens in the world

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2023Chloroquine is used to prevent and treat malaria. It is also used to treat liver infection caused by protozoa (extraintestinal amebiasis). Chloroquine may also be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients.

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Geee… maybe the new Gates mosquito (malaria) jab will be free? Methylene blue (yes, a dye from 1870) was the first anti malarial treatment circa 1890s. It’s cheap, turns your mouth blue for 8 hours, and law of Hormesis applies.

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It was the French virologist Luc Montagnier (doctorate in medicine and has received more than 20 major awards, including a 2008 Nobel prize for his work on HIV, human immunodeficiency virus) who told a French television station in April 2020 that he believed SARS-COV2 was man-made in a laboratory. Montagnier revealed, "The presence of elements of HIV and germ of Malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have risen naturally." In July 2020, Montagnier published a paper supporting his claims of the coronavirus originating from human experimentation in a lab.

On August 30, 2001, Professor Luc Montagnier presented new evidence at the ICC (International Criminal Court with a sworn affidavit alleging world governments are complicit in crimes against humanity and genocide.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Maybe the jab is being activated by 5g.

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U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in July that five malaria cases have been reported in Florida and Texas over the past two months

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As long as we're on the subject of the malevolent introduction of disease (Malaria) to the USA where it has not been (historically), it serves to mention that Chlorine Dioxide ALSO KILLS COVID and a very long list of other things. You see, the Lord God has HIS weapons too.. He knew this day was coming. We are forewarned AND fore-armed.

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Th gene editing hasn't done the mosquitoes a lot of good either, has it?

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