Dr. Alexander.....while you are blaming these criminals for what they have done we also need to look at the foolish people that took the shot so they could travel, go to football games and to hold on to a job. Parents who will give this vaccine to their children because; God forbid they should keep their kids at home and educate them at the kitchen table. I knew early on I was not going to take that vaccine for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only. I knew natural immunity is and always will be the best immunity. With all the vaccines we give our kids today by the time they are teenagers they don't have much natural immunity left and I believe that is the real reason for vaccines. They are to make people sick not healthy. Good health never comes from the end of needle or a pill bottle. And the other reason is because they are EXPERIMENTAL. That one word should have been enough for most people to say "ah perhaps another day." I will never get that shot but my fear is those of us that have some common sense still left will get that shot one way or another. Whether it be in our food, air or water they will make sure we get their poison because EVERYONE must have the poison. It is called the advancement of transhumanism and depopulation.

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Unfortunately, you are right about 'EVERYONE'!!! It is so obvious and I can't understand how people cannot see this.

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As a Canadian I believe our courts are complicit.

I can imagine so many other "overwhelmingly popular" policies that would have immediately stopped by our so-called "checks and balances" that seem to have miraculously disappeared for the entire duration of this psyop.

The only way someone can have a thin delusion that our institutions aren't simply nakedly evil is that they are waiting for ALL the evidence of harm to come out before making a decision...

This should be no comfort because much of the damage that has been done is likely irreversible.

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Hi Dr. Alexander- I wrote about the chaos in the military here. Thanks for your work!


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Excellent...sharing everywhere!

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We need courts - judges - that look at facts, evidence.

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We need courts and Judges that are not bought and paid for

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The “corrupt globalist political cancer” has infected so many, untold numbers of “elites” are actively blackmailed by past and present sins, the odds of our “ruling class” policing themselves and punishing their own is not likely. WE THE PEOPLE must organize against this, against them.

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Dr A - you are SUCH and INSPIRATION of Right vs Wrong and God Bless You for ALL You Do! I miss the truckers here down 270 (was out waiving daily on overpass) Keep up the Great Work/Effort - you are a blessing to America/World! THANK YOU

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Apr 2, 2022·edited Apr 2, 2022

I cannot stand people that at this time are so freaking ignorant of what is happening. Their cognitive dissonance are so huge that those belong in the bracket of the approx Mass Formations 30% that prof M Desmet described as unreachable.

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I could barely get through all the messages....so, they are all vaxxed up and they think it's the lifting of masks that's making them sick....they don't want to believe they were duped so it's easier to blame the unmasked, unvaccinated. etc instead of the leaky jabs....that would take critical thinking and evolving with the facts that are coming in minute by minute....Today’s quick quote is by Eve Ensler and it’s this: “I think the greatest illusion we have is that denial protects us. It’s actually the biggest distortion and lie. In fact, staying asleep is what’s killing us.” I want to tell them "Stop Justifying Your Poisonous Beliefs – The Curse of Denial is real."

If you believe denial is protecting you from feeling worse the delusion will catch up with you, that’s for sure.

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"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." Voltaire

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Apr 3, 2022·edited Apr 3, 2022

Does anyone know how to get ahold of Dr Alexander. We need what is planned this month to be known by as many as possible.

is new to me. It appears the Biden Administration is giving away our sovereignty. In a "crisis" the WHO and United Nations can take over a country. This will be voted on the May 22nd.


Biden is giving out sovereignty away on may 22nd to the WHO. The WHO can declare an emergency and the laws and constitution of the US is null and void.

This law or treaty would go in effect November 2022. No elections. They are being canceled.

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absolutely! They all must face consequences for their criminal actions! Knowingly....... Nuremberg 2.0 is necessary because too many judges, politicians and officials have been bought and are compromised covering for these criminals!!

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Can't be soon enough!!!

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Dr. Alexander see this posted by Etana Hecht posted below. The CDC has done similar recently with "database glitches/ coding errors? I try to avoid hyperbole but they are literally getting away with murder.


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My prayer is this, but no locking up anyone who is a genocidal psychopath, but the courts are just as corrupt as everything else, so Its spiritual warfare and ONLy Jesus the RICK will end this insanity matrix!

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