A nurse friend of mine had a reaction to the 2nd dose of Pfizer, began having severe migraines and was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Took FMLA & tried to go back to work. Couldn’t do it. Had to retire early. Neurologist wouldn’t address it as vax injury. No workers comp for our vax injured 1st responders, Dr’s, nurses & hospital staff. & then you have these captured, incompetent Dr’s whose job it is to heal, instead will never admit they are in part responsible for killing & injuring people. They are just evil.

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In the 21st century wars are fought in the mind using mass hypnosis and nanotechnology. Brains are the battlefield, and the spoils of war.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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A jabbed fit athletic friend just died of this. Most of my friends are thankfully smart enough to remain purebloods. I was reading his obituary as this substack arrived.

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Did she take out insurance on him while urging him to get the shot? Was she seeing another man?

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She's a murderer.

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Dr Alexander did you have a chance to see this video on stat analysis of covid death shot?


Any thoughts?

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Hey these EVIL people will sacrifice anybody to move up.. So I would not put it pass her to have done it on purpose, I mean she knew what it would do so hey now she moves up in the organization for having the fortitude to sacrifice her husband on the sacrificial fire of Big Pharma.. She will definitely get promoted higher up in the WEF and her pHARMACEUTICAL company position, more money more money and titles... She immediately said it was not the vaccine LOL.. She probably already had a side guy on the side or side girl who knows.. No lost for her, insurance money, she moves up in the organization.. No lost and no mourning, moving on up..

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We all live with our mistakes and often play them over and over in our minds.I think that more than enough punishment.

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Not unless we truly repent and are sorry.

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