This whole situation makes me want to throw up, but can't say I'm surprised. The rank and file by and large, bust their chops to do a good job, and protect our country. Like politics, the scum rises to the top and they end up in the District of Corruption. No sense of honor or duty to the men and women under them. SHAME on them, they're an abomination to the United States Military.

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One of the many shining examples of CONSCIENCE, COURAGE & INTEGRITY, who STAND UP!!!

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We need to support and applaud all those who have the courage to speak the truth!

Dr. Long is showing the leadership that is lacking in medicine and government today! My fear is expressed in the follwing article: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/stealth-pathogen-coming

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This particular story is positively mind blowing - it has been ignored for months now, and the DOD is attempting to sweep it under the carpet - here is a quote from a CHD piece:

' On Jan. 28, a DOD spokesman told PolitiFact there was a glitch in the DMED database that “gave the false impression that there was a huge spike in miscarriages, cancer and other medical issues among military members in 2021.”

The spokesman said the database had “been taken down to identify and correct the problem.” '

link to article: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/ron-johnson-dod-respond-covid-vaccine-injuries/

They suggested that the date from the 5 previous years was incorrect due to a computer "glitch", and proceeded to "adjust" THAT data so the most recent year's data would "fit better".

Would be shocking if it was unusual - but these days, it is anything BUT.

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Yet it’s allegedly the most comprehensive database. gaslighting. fraud.

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Dr Long is a true American hero.

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I don’t know how these people sleep at night with all the lying about the shots. I support Dr. Long!

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This makes me sick but the truth is finally getting out. I'm going to share this on FB and see how long it'll stay there. They restrict my posts because I tell too much truth, fact checkers are now on valium because of me LOL. I fear theres going to be a plane crash full of people before this changes, all because of the bullshit lies, starting at the top.

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There already has been a commercial flight that barely made a safe landing because the pilot died mid flight. Stew Peters reported it last fall? The MSM (fake news) said it was not true, but the pilots family assured that it was

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What do you mean you fear? You know.

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Well I pray there won't be because a couple hundred people could die.

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I understand! I’m just saying I think it’s inevitable.

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My mom’s a snowbird. She went to upstate New York & I was a wreck , tracking the flight. ( She is boosted & watches cnn.) we’re helping out her companion while she’s gone. He has had blood pressure issues since the second jab.

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“The Long Term Effects and Efficacy of the Vaccines Are Not Currently Known” – The Purchase Agreement Between the EU Commission and Pfizer

Further proof of the world's governments deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain sight


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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny says that people that have been injected, but have experienced no side effects, are misinformed if they think they will never have any

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If the batches were varied, so many different side effects. so many batches on Hiw bad is my batch dot com.

What will things be like in 2 years?

& all cause mortality rates? Insurance industry will show it. so crazy no autopsy were done since day one. so frustrating to live in such censorship of truth. Gaslighting everywhere we turn.

It hurt my elderly mom and her 85 year old boyfriend. I’m glad to be helping him out, but had shedding problems myself after they had 2 nd shot.

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Dr. Long has been attempting to bring this to the attention of someone with a brain for some time. Shortly after she began administrating the bioweapon, she began to see the effects on the pilots and advised that they should no longer be permitted to operate aircraft. I am glad that her concerns are finally being given some creedence

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Vaccine mandates are all about a political purge…nothing to do with health. How clear is that now?

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And about culling Americans and everything that makes America the country people immigrate to. And killing Western civilization because we are the ones who will fight the globohomopedo satanists, Uniparty, WEF and once awakened will enforce Freedoms. and reinstall God where He should be in our lives.

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She is a true patriot. Thank goodness for her and God Bless her.

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Unfortunately this is beginning of future battles. Coming to a country near you is the WHO Treaty. Yes, the WHO hasn’t given up on their goal to rule the world’s health system. Can you spell OWG via the WHO treaty. You

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Dr. Alexander! My true first name is Elias and I just sent you an email via your drpaulalexander.com website. To say I desperately need your assistance is an understatement. Please look for my contact message, I will be eternally grateful! Kind regards!

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Lt Col Theresa Long ,

Heaven must be missing an angel, God bless you for your courage;

Our nation is in desperate need of the light you allow to shine bright.

Thank you so very much for all that you do,

Sincerely ,

Stephen Lavalle

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A woman with more balls than many of her male coworkers.

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