
this lady and Fauci and all of them must face legal tribunals

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YES, Bill Gates included!

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Dr Death aka Fauci & his side piece Dr Scarf - this is one of the mistakes I blame Trump for, for not firing these two liars—but I understand why he didn’t, the media would’ve attacked him for not “trusting the scientists”—but in their religious indignations they ended up discrediting themselves as psychopathic pseudo scientists!

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issue is he trusted them and maybe you and I would have...recall, he is no doctor or scientist and they were the Task Force team and job was to advise him properly and accurately...they are actually undercutting him...Birx said so...

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Fauci the oompah Loompah is just an administrator. Cary Mullis wasn’t impressed with the small guy, who wasn’t brave enough to have a one to one debate with Mr Mullis, sadly no longer on this earth. Find the timing of this passing coincidental.

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they had him by the gonads on this...he should have no shut down initially...Birx said, once they got him to bite first 2 weeks, he did not know but they were never going to re-open...just had to get him to bite

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We need someone that can't be grabbed by the gonads. They need to have a specially made titanium ball catcher firmly placed in their undies to safely guard the crown presidential " jewels". Otherwise, we won't be getting out of this mess anytime soon. Or maybe it should be made of Gold, with a "make America ballsy" again logo stamped onto it.😁

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Actually you don’t have all the information……look at my comment…..you are emotionally basing your opinion and you have not done the recent research……go look for Dr. Drew’s interview at Prager U….and many other documentaries coming out….do your research…..you are listening to news ….. fake news

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Nope......... Trump is the archetype egoist. He is sooooooooo into himself and his unlimited powers of brain magnificence. He never figures he's wrong. With our luck after his reelection, he'd probably choose many of the same Tribesmen for the same jobs. He'd put a warmonger like Johnny Bolton as "defense" secretary. No flag in his WH office, he'd put a giant picture of the Wailing Wall. The guy is a fathead, a narcissist. He's infatuated with his greatness.

That said, if it 's Bidumb vs. Trump, I vote for the narcissist, not the Ancient Mariner. Having to choose between Trump and Bidumb is a wrenching task. Michael Yon wrote a great piece earlier this week about Trump's weaknesses and largely pathetic performance as POTUS. Bobby? No way, Jose'. I'd OK him being Veep, but not POTUS. Plus, he's a dime store Zionist, we need 'em like another hole in the head. After pulling the voting machine lever, I'd walk out while biting my tongue for voting for Trump......

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I love you for this post Michael...pure honest...dont be so rough on 45....give him the chance, you will be surprised...his selections this time will be different....he has learnt that no one, none on linked to DC can be trusted and he understands they fucked him...with COVID. remember, he is handling this fake fraud case crap too...can you manage what he is all at once? as you launch an election campaign? I give him huge credit. its easy to armchair...but think of him...he is not perfect and I too bristle and have issues with things but he is the only option now...the best we have and only...sometimes we got to trust that the person will rise and be all we want and some. I think he is and will and I trust him this time around...I want him to fix things and help USA get back on footing. for our children

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Wonder why Trump never bothered firing these sociopath fraudsters....

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this is a good question and I know in time, the truth comes....he was caught...he trusted, went along, followed and I think he balked thinking now if he tells them fuck off after the 2 weeks to bend the curve, would the nation think he was insane as he was no doctor...he went along with Pence and Fauci and Birx to close for 2 weeks, how could he now come and say open up when they called for longer closing...we would have thought he was insane and 25th him...no? I think he felt he could not open because he would look insane...and he wanted to open...he did not believe not one word of it.

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If he doesn't start locking them all up right away, then we will know for certain we've been hustled again.....

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I feel same...I trust, I do, and give space to do all the right things...and he wants his legacy intact and his kids and grand kids protected and he loves his nation...he loves America and defends it first. so he is in this game different. he is not a bad man...misguided and made some mistakes but I want to give him the chance to do it right and I think he would. if he does not he will have us to deal with for even us his best advocates, like me, will not be nice...if he puts same cronies and crooks around him again, then a problem...by his VP pick we will know certain things too...but look, he is the only option so we will support him...we have to and again, what I know, saw, understand, dealt with, he is a good human being, smeared and slandered in media...his is a white, christian, conservative, alpha male, heterosexual etc. he is a gonna, lowest rung of the ladder...in USA today...yet he is trying and the key is he loves his flag and nation and people...most cannot say that

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Trump knew he had to let the world see who these liars and monsters were. They had to be exposed, and it couldn't be done arbitrarily with a firing. They had already smeared Trump when he told the truth about HCQ.

Remember when Fauci was standing behind Trump, and Trump used the phrase "Deep State Department"? Trump knew. And Fauci knew that he knew.

Fauci needs a public execution. Swift justice.

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Amen! The sooner the better! NOW is the time since so

Much is coming out about Pfeizer and Moderna lied and didn’t disclose information. Pfeizer, FDA, Big Pharma, and all other organizations need to be tried and executed! Big Bird Flu, virus, when will it all end; until we are all dead?

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Don’t know, unless so many people were “bewitched” by the fake scientists as the authorities of this “PLANDEMIC”. I don’t know if Dr. Ladapo was on staff with DeSantis, but Trump could have checked with with Dr. Alexander about the legitimacy with all this BS. I have some un-higher educated friends that saw through all this bullcrap with myself included. I trusted God and my natural immunity and so did my friends. Well some fell for it.

Yes, hang all these fraudsters that caused so many deaths that needn’t not have happened and all those that are now disabled!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

I was asked to join late April after Task Force was in place and all the frauds set up...Atlas came in end July August, so we came in when the malfeasants were in place and our job was to help 45 as he did not trust those beasts...he did not, he know they were screwing him and we were there to inform and guide honestly but his main issue is leaks and smears, we had Fauci threatening us each day to leak 45 was muzzling him and people would die...and that was a lie...I left in Oct because we were at war, they were trying to destroy me...for I was making life hell for them...inside...as was Atlas...and they went after him too, the deepstate...there is such a thing. but the facts are the facts and when I said social distancing was a fraud, now Fauci says it and people are concerned? nothing about covid was real or true. 45 must now come and fix the wrongs. we have to help him get there and give him a chance

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The old adage “he had a gun at his head” maybe the reason his goollies were squeezed and he couldn’t fire the two goons, Fauci and Birx. Trump also miscalculated the execution of Major Gen. Soleimani. A wrong move.

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Ask Trump...

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Hey Deborah:

Do you realize that viruses and most bacteria are killed at temperatures of 140 F and above. Who cares how may cows have what you are telling us is CV? Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to just advise people to cook the meat before eating it?

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boom, excellent post

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Thanks again Paul.

I trained at UCSF under Dr. Jawitz, who said "Your goal of therapy must not be to Ban the Microbial world."

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And pasteurized milk a novel idea

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I thought this lying hag retired? Is she trying to disguise herself? She looks completely different, maybe the weight of all those dead people weighting down on her

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boom, listen to what she says now on H5N1...she is back at asymptomatic spread in cows and PCR and all the lies again...as if people are that stupid...but then again...hhhmmm, you never know

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Yep, I agree with you! Lies and more lies!!

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Well, At least she changed her face enough to make her pretty much unrecognizable so I don't have to be so starkly reminded of her press conferences in 2020.

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ha ha ha, yes, she gots some lifts I see. she and Conway...

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I’ll make sure not that to ever “talk to text” again, unless I need milk and bread!

I read this statement below, from another stack, which has broken down the full impact I believe, America and the Western World are facing!

I need not mention where or whose stack, but it’s accurate IMO and from all my research and sources answers exactly what questions I’ve been asking.

The stack explains and discusses “how and why” no one will be held accountable. And “how and why” everything we see and say to ourselves and others, such as, “ How can they get away with this”, suddenly makes sense and is answered.

“In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers”.

Thank you Dr Alexander.

Please accept my apologies for my last two reply’s. I misspelled your name, forgot my signature and failed to review and correct before sending.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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AJR, we are so blessed you are here and share of your wisdom, how you write...its critical...I look forward to it, many do. you are a giant...thank you...we are all on same page wanting to save USA, greatest nation and peoples.

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My God Dr,

I’m only a man, blessed with the ability to learn and to express myself, both personally and in writing.

I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything He’s given me!

I am a very simple man and I don’t feel deserving whatsoever to be called a “Giant”. You’ve humbled me more than anyone ever has Dr Alexander! I’m truly blessed!

You’ve brought out a part of me nobody has ever done before. I’m not sure why this is happening. Fate? Or maybe something else greater? What I will say Dr is this, you have allowed me to learn and to understand people and life more clearly.

Which in turn has helped me help others understand, more about the world we live in and those who live within and around us. Who could ask for anything more? Not I sir, Not me!

I’m so very grateful Dr!

I feel it’s so important, in a world gone so amuck, we all must try to make sense of so many nonsensical situations.

The most important part of life, I’ve always believed, is to help others. This is exactly what you’ve done for me. You’ve helped me help others. No one, not one person, can ask for any more! .

All of us must work towards helping others no matter how big our task or how small something might seem. We must help keep our fellow man safe and healthy, with all our beating hearts.

Which is what keeps me striving for an unobtainable perfection in this world we live. This world we all live in.

Your words have expressed something nobody has ever expressed before Dr. Sometimes someone enters your life and you’re not sure why, this is one of those times. I do believe I today I know why.

Your kindness and your love for mankind exceeds my ability to reciprocate and to express my gratitude. As much as I would like too, someday I hope too. Someday I will! For now, you’ve been so supportive and extraordinarily helpful, I can’t thank you enough.

My deepest and most heartfelt appreciation Dr Alexander.

God Bless You Sir!

God bless you and your family!

And May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

She should have been arrested right after she testified to congress that she knew the vaccines weren't going to stop the spread of the virus before the vaccines were rolled out. They all lied to us to try and force us to take their fken poison! WE MUST HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY OR WE ARE LOST AS A NATION!

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exactly, she said that she knew it was not effective and would not work and based on her words alone, it should have never been mandated...she said too that she under cut 45 and slow walked things and in my understanding, even gave his team (us) wrong information etc. she should have faced a court...dangerous inept lady...to now call for all cows to be tested tells you how nutty she is...

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She admitted in her book that she knowingly altered data and presented to the White House with the intent to force lockdowns. The day the book was released she should have been arrested. Pence and fauci were aware of this bullshit. Without accountability we will lose our country.

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Entirely agree.

Birx is so proud of her covid lies and manipulation she admits it, even brags about it in a book. Yet she's considered a reliable source on the phony 'bird-cow flu' by the media? It's insanity.

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Right Deborah. And I have asymptomatic chicken pox.

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ha ha ha

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When you insanely test every cow, are you infecting them at the same time?

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Birx "confessed" recently and apparently, gullible people let her off the hook. She wrote a book, saw God, and winked as she turned her back. Not to be trusted........ever.

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She is expecting the populous to have the three day memory hole and forget that the pcr was what got us into this mess to begin with!

Every cow, let’s start with the mother cow Birx over sample her ass and put her on remdesmivere & a ventilator on high pressure, let her meet her demise

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boom, we got in this mess due to the PCR and if you look back at 2009 H1N1, same.

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They murdered several people I know this way 👍

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boom correct...

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These effing IDIOTS would be no more than fodder for slapstick humor if they weren't so damned dangerous to humanity! And while I hate to say it Dr A, the truth is that the only reason they are so GD dangerous is because the average American has been completely dumbed down and/or brainwashed by Government, beginning with Kindergarten. Thank G-d for the home schooling movement and the few private movements like Prager-U and Wall builders among others. All of our problems are based on either ignorance, apathy or BOTH. Apathy may be the worst of the two but it's hard to draw the line. An example if I may ; The outdoors groups of Fisherman, Hunters, Trappers, etc have always been conservationists and conservatives politically yet until very recently, not a single State in this country could boast even a 50% vote coming out of these groups. Not ONE!! More than half of these "conservatives" did not involve themselves in politics. The same thing can be said of the evangelical communities. Nearly half of them don't participate in politics!! They think their creator doesn't approve of their participation. Perhaps they should read the Bible a few times. Or at least once! Rocker Ted Nugent is addressing the issue of the sportsman not voting, through Hunter Nation. Org and making great progress.

G-d Bless you and ALL who are in the fight with their eyes wide open. These are the most critical times for the Nation since the Founding era without a single doubt. It's past time for all hands on deck. Even my very old hands!

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thank you for this great post...Clive, it is needed and people must read such passion and smarts and God loving nation loving input...we need this and huge admiration...thank you for all you do

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Right back at you Dr A!!

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I truly believe in my heart ❤️ you are a truth seeker. The truth is very dark. We need a major person like you to help us

That’s why I’m still here with you even though I disagree with many of your other rants ..

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Agreed, I don’t think we should be fire squading protesters, although Dr Alexander is a breathe of fresh air. Never fails to tell his opinion on how it is

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Fun to read, though tragic deaths occurred due to the 'depravity' of these bureaucrats (rather, 'democrats').

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yes, tragic...and they must be accountable

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