Pulmonary fibrosis has a three- to five-year life expectancy, and there is no way to heal from this lung scarring. As someone who narrowly escaped PF by self-diagnosing my hypersensitivity pneumonitis in time to avoid this fatal outcome, I am acutely aware of how dangerous this disease is.

Given how clueless my doctors were about my condition, most people will likely go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as COPD.

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Does this come from repeated bouts with pneumonia?

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No, hypersensitivity pneumonitis is unrelated to pneumonia. It involves developing a sensitivity to a particular antigen (huge range of possibilities, so identifying the antigen is another challenge), and your body begins attacking your lungs when you’ve inhaled the antigen. The only way to prevent its progression to pulmonary fibrosis is to avoid the antigen for the rest of your life.

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Oh ok. What is pneumonitis then?

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“Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a type of allergic reaction that causes inflammation in your lungs. Bacteria, fungi, animal and plant proteins, and other allergens can cause HP. Acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis can get better, but chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis can cause irreversible lung damage and scarring.” (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17898-hypersensitivity-pneumonitis)

Here are a few links with more details:





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It causes all these unforeseen serious diseases, but the authors of the case reports say the "safety has been established." How the hell has it been established when everyday you're discovering all these new life-altering problems?

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That disclaimer (or a similar one) appears to be the price paid for permission to publish. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to comply.

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A person I met in a pulmonary hypertension group got PH from the shot. The shot caused micro clots in the lungs, damaging her alveoli and causing backup pressure in her RV. Dr refuses to believe it, yet she was healthy prior to the shot.

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One of the guys in our hockey beer league reported similar symptoms after Rat Juice 2.

He was having difficulty breathing + his blood pressure blasted off.

He told me that the doctor informed him that this was due to anxiety... from his job... he is a sky dive guide and has been for over a decade... suddenly he is anxious about jumping from a plane...

He is (was) a fit man in his mid 30's.

Have not seen him in a few months so not sure if there has been any improvement

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So sad. It seems “anxiety” is the new catch all diagnosis when a Dr has no clue and is truly blind to what is going on, or is trying to cover up real damage if they do know.

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“Although the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines have been established, further studies are needed to estimate long-term data and reports of rare adverse reactions. We present the clinical course of two cases, review previously published case reports on COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-related ILD and discuss the relevant findings.”

Put another way, yes, our premier ship the Titanic took a sudden detour to the bottom of the Atlantic, but other than an uncharacteristic rare change in direction, it’s a supremely safe and effective way to get where you’re headed.

Could I book you a suite on our latest seaworthy vessel, the Afterlife?

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Is there anything this marvelous potion can't do? So many wonderful diseases and afflictions can be delivered right to your body with any injection. I think I saw the ad on TV tonight. Or, maybe that was for an different wonder drug.

Just think of all the new drugs big pharma will invent to treat all these problems and all the new drugs they will create to treat the new problem you will have from taking the drugs that were supposed to fix the old problems.

It's a treadmill you will never got of off, and that is why I refuse after neatly 73 years to even put my baby toe on that treadmill. Within a few years or sooner, big pharma will become the number one murderer in the US and perhaps the world. Big pharma drugs will be the number one cause of death surpassing the totals of the other causes in the top 10 combined. Certainty, a proud record to cheer about.

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I think we are there now.

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I will be 72 next month. I won’t take anything either.

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my best friend and her sister both had this condition. jennifer had a fever on 3/16/20 but otherwise felt ok. she wanted a covid test but her pulomonologist didn't have any. neither did the walk in clinic she tried. on 3/17 she walked to columbia presbyterian, a few blocks from where she lived. they gave her a covid test, she was positive and they had a ventilator with her name on it. on 4/1/20, they tossed her body onto a freezer truck in preparation for her lonely burial.

she had oxygen tanks at home which she could have used. if covid hadn't been relentlessly pushed by the media and public health, she might have treated it like any old flu.

a year later, her sister got the J&J vaccine. within a month, she felt so terrible that she called an ambulance to take her to the hospital where they also put her on a vent but only for 4 days. she called me when she was back to consciousness. she was surprised to learn that she had "upper right chamber heart damage" significant enough that they asked her to sign a DNR. she refused but died a few days later anyway.

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Heart wrenching!

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I personally know a 50 year old woman who nearly died from surgery to biopsy a mass in her lung when she suddenly had chest pain, swelling around her throat and inability to breathe. This started within days of her second Pfizer COVID vaxx. She was diagnosed with “interstitial lung disease” which was attributed to her working as a signaler on a road crew for a few months. She had no previous health issues and still has periodic relapses. I asked her surgeon if he thought the condition was related to the vaxx - he said it never occurred to him but he would “look into it.” Of course, that never happened.

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At least he played along. Most will just shut you down.

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This article hits home. My Father developed Pulmonary Fibrosis after getting a flu shot 20 years ago. He lived with it for 3 years, died at 73. He told me he never felt the same after that flu shot. I researched it and found some evidence that it was connected, but couldn’t prove it. This is the main reason we didn’t engage in participating in the warp speed experiment vaccine for covid.

Thanks you Dr Alexander for this article. It’s helped me a great deal.

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I should preface, it’s helped me because I was told there was no way his diagnosis was connected to the shot. In my heart we both knew.

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Some doctors can be heartless, unconcerned. They feel threatened by informed patients. More worried about malpractice insurance claims. They consider it "damage done" and shrug itt off. Glad this article brought you vindication and hopefully some consolation.

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Yet they still promote the vaccines. My hairdresser got the covid in late spring in 2020, then a couple months later got the J&J vaccine, she ran a high fever sick in bed for 3 days, she told me yesterday she still has trouble breathing, since getting the vaccine. According to doctor's Malone and McCullough and others, these J&J work like the mRNA vaccines if I remember correctly. Will you comment on this Paul? I would like to send this to my friend. She has a appointment with a Pulmonary doctor next week. Boggles the mind, that people would continue to take a drug, that after they have a reaction, go back for more. Unbelievable to us.

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Hello, this is Rupert Sayre, the associate of The Shadow. I'm sorry for the tardiness of my report but I had a lot of internet research to do and preserve before I posted this up -- in case it disappears forthwith.

First, an update on the Covid-Injection-Illness Man (Pfizer, one dose, Spring 2021) that I'm helping.

At last report, the swelling and inflammation were reducing in his feet and ankles: this meaning that the blood inflammation and clotting were reducing overall. Next, he developed high blood pressure and felt weak. He then took a day off from taking the Zelenko Protocol (Zinc, Zinc Ionophore [Quercetin], Vitamin C, Vitamin D.) This was around a Friday, as I recall.

On the same Friday, he took his folk remedy of garlic and vinegar to lower his blood pressure. It seemed to work but his blood pressure wasn't measured. He did the same on Monday.

On Tuesday, he took his remedy again went out shopping with his wife and took his blood pressure when he came back and it had improved. When he first noticed his blood pressure it was around 180/100 -- definitely concerning. After his remedy and some light walking it was around 140/90 -- a good improvement.

At this point, I asked if he was going to continue taking the Zelenko Protocol. He said he'd take it again if he had another problem. He also suggested to me that I look at my own feet. So, it didn't look like I was going to be able to do any more research with him.

Still, I got a blood sample from him the next day as I was curious to see what had changed. What I saw in the microscope was that the large clots had broken into smaller pieces and the clumped blood (sludge blood) became thinner.

At this point, I hypothesized that the Zelenko Protocol had broken up the large clots and had raised his blood pressure with the clumped blood. It also looked like his remedy of garlic and vinegar had made his clumped blood thinner. Plus, the light exercise of shopping might have burnt up calories and reduced the cholesterol in his blood which might have also reduced the blood clumps size.

On Friday, his blood pressure was high again even without taking the Zelenko Protocol. I got another blood sample from him on Saturday morning and saw "less mysterious objects" and that another large clot had formed.

Today, on Tuesday, I saw him holding his head once again; and so it looks like this series of events will be repeating itself sometime in the near future. I don't want to repeat my research again and will take it up again if he decides to continue treatment at the stage where we left off.

It is up to other researchers to conduct their own research and compare theirs to mine. I used a fully-functional children's microscope that cost me less that $30. So, there is no financial excuse for most people not to be conducting their own microscope research into the blood of the Covid-Injection Injected.

To keep this short, I will place my microscope research and other findings into a subsequent post.

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Rupert, your research is awesome. I am sure it has answered questions to many who are suffering with this illness. I believe some doctors know more than they are telling their patients. They are afraid to say the cause is from the jab. Thanks for sharing, you are amazing.

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Kook squad

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Can you get tested for that? Do you know anyone will look at my husband’s records for that? Does it produce blood clots?

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my wife's aunt, around age 70 is dying of this now... long sad progressive hellish way to die.

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There should have been some control for The Mask!

They contain micro plastics and other chemicals that could trigger and or accelerate DIF and since most people who bought into the v@((*ne also bought into and religiously wore those masks the two cannot be separated in studying DIF.

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"Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal interstitial lung disease characterized by progressive scar tissue formation."

But surely it would have been a lot worse if they hadn't been vaccinated!

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Hello, this is Rupert Sayre, the associate of The Shadow. Now, on to my microscope and other research.

I started my microscope research into the blood of the Covid-Injection Injected (Covid-Vaxxed) because I was tired of all the hearsay and wanted to have a look at the real deal: the blood of the Covid-Vaxxed.

I had no preconceptions and only curiosity.

What I first saw was that the Covid-Vaxxed had 30% more blood clots than the non-Covid-Vaxxed. I also saw a huge mass that I didn't know what it was. It consisted of light brown rocks, long thin tubes, and clumped red blood cells.

At first, I thought all these long thin tubes were fibrin -- the protein that causes blood clotting to stop bleeding.

I next saw what I thought were probably the lipids/fats and mRNA of the Covid Injection. Along with these I thought I might have seen the Polyethylene Glycol.

After viewing the microscope research of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Shimon Yanowitz I saw that the mysterious long thin tubes I saw in the Covid-Vaxxed Blood matched what they determined to be Graphene Oxide.

This being the case, most of what I saw in the Covid-Vaxxed Blood was Graphene Oxide.

After continuing research into Graphene Oxide in the Covid-Injections, I came across the research of Karen Kingston (1, 2) where she found a patent for Graphene Oxide in the Covid Injections (3) and also the lipid-spike protein components of the mRNA injections (4). By the way, these web-pages have been saved on The Wayback Machine is case they should disappear suddenly (5).

So, it is entirely possible that Graphene Oxide is the main component in the Pfizer Covid Injection as Graphene Oxide was already being researched for use in vaccines(6).

Based on the above, the Pfizer Covid Injection my subject received in the Spring of 2021 had roughly the following components:

60% Graphene Oxide (long thin tubes, black clouds, shards, chips)

20% Cholesterol (light brown rocks)

15% Lipids and mRNA (yellow cloudy clumps and tiny grey spheres)

5% Polyethylene Glycol (round white sphere)

All this Graphene Oxide in the Covid Injections explains the mysterious "magnetic skin" that was seen in the Covid Vaxxed (7).

The Graphene Oxide in the Covid-Injections also explains the mysterious "mac addresses" transmitted by the Covid-Vaxxed (8).

One of the most advanced researchers into this subject of removing graphene oxide from the body is Outraged Human who has a Substack account (9).

Finally, all of my findings were warned about in a prophecy back in 2021 (10).

The Shadow is your worst nightmare.




Graphene Oxide Is the Main Ingredient in Covid Jabs, Says Former Pfizer Employee

by JD Rucker

September 1, 2021

...In an interview with Stew Peters on July 28, Karen Kingston said graphene oxide was not listed as an ingredient, because the manufacturers claimed that it was a trade secret. It was therefore not included in Biotech’s patent filing as an ingredient in the Covid-19 shots, since it is purported to be the intellectual property of the pharmaceutical giant.

Kingston explained that while the ingredient was redacted from Pfizer’s US patent due to its alleged status as a “trade secret”, it was actually included in Pfizer’s Chinese patent application.

According to Kingston, the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine are essentially the same injection. It is therefore interesting to note that in the July 2020 Moderna patent [US #10703789B2], lipid nanoparticles, the phospholipid, the cholesterol, the cationic (positive ionic-charged lipid) and the PEGylated polyethylene glycol lipid are also listed as was done for the Pfizer product.

The Chinese patent described the compound hydrogel, composed primarily of graphene oxide. She has no doubt that these jabs contain the ingredient that the Japanese government has now alluded to in their ban on alleged “contaminated” vials of these products. “I’m as confident that graphene oxide is in these as I am that gravity exists,” she said. She also underlined that graphene oxide was the “main ingredient in the Covid shots”....



Stew Peters With Karen Kingston - Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Kill Shot'

First published at 22:15 UTC on July 28th, 2021.




Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier



Without these lipid shells, there would be no mRNA vaccines for COVID-19

Fragile mRNA molecules used in COVID-19 vaccines can’t get into cells on their own. They owe their success to lipid nanoparticles that took decades to refine

by Ryan Cross

March 6, 2021 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 99, Issue 8

...LNPs used in the COVID-19 vaccines contain just four ingredients: ionizable lipids whose positive charges bind to the negatively charged backbone of mRNA, pegylated lipids that help stabilize the particle, and phospholipids and cholesterol molecules that contribute to the particle’s structure. Thousands of these four components encapsulate mRNA, shield it from destructive enzymes, and shuttle it into cells, where the mRNA is unloaded and used to make proteins. Although the concept seems simple, perfecting it was far from straightforward.

Over more than 3 decades, promising lipids studied in the lab often failed to live up to their potential when tested in animals or humans. Positively charged lipids are inherently toxic, and companies struggled for years before landing on formulations that were safe and effective. When injected intravenously, the particles invariably accumulated in the liver, and delivery to other organs is still an obstacle. Reliably manufacturing consistent LNPs was another challenge, and producing the raw materials needed to make the particles is a limiting factor in the production of COVID-19 vaccines today....





Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant

Wanjun Cao 1 , Lin He 2 , Weidong Cao 3 , Xiaobing Huang 2 , Kun Jia 4 , Jingying Dai 5



1 of 6


Synthesis and conclusion of the survey work carried out by Amar GOUDJIL

European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance

Mamer, 06th June 2021.

(translation from French: Marie De Plume)


Maria Zee interviewing Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger


Remove Nanotech From The Body Using Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc.


Published Thursday






Nov 10, 2022

Here are my ideas, and more importantly, my experiences, regarding C-19 and vaccine injury possible causes and treatment:

In my opinion Covid-19 is a misdiagnosed disease

Since graphene is widely used in masks, PCR tests, as a biocide in chemtrails, added to food and drugs, and its mechanisms of toxicity are well known, we should investigate oxidative stress as a possible cause of Covid - particularly a severe form of the disease

For this reason, oxidative stress can be the real cause of severe Covid-related complications and deaths, such as low saturation, organ failure, blood clots, strokes, etc. - adding to this the erroneous treatment with toxic antiviral drugs (e.g., Remdesivir) instead of antioxidant treatment....



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None of the people whjo have done the appropriate spectroscopy have found graphene oxide.

The poison is in the engineered biochemistry. You're part of the kook squad.

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