Why doesn't Macron call on Hamas terrorists to stop placing women and babies above or in underground tunnels and bunkers where they also store weapons?

Terrorists all use these same tactics, then blame the other for what THEY did. They are lawless criminals. They do not have an allegiance to peace or law. They have an allegiance to a misguided belief.

And the media is complicit in the propagandizing of the public.

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Is it all a false flag operation to get the Gaza gasfield and the canal head-port in northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!


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Tend to your own mess Macron.

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The Muslim march to the sea will come from many angles unless STOPPED NOW! Macron is a whimp and wants Iranian oil deals IMO as Biden has let EU down! Europe has allowed unprecedented infiltration with a people who enjoy MEDIEVIL existence! France is one of 21 countries that touch the Mediterranean Sea- why do they not see they are in the cross hairs of from the River to the Sea includes them! Study history and the Muslim procreation and process of world domination includes the destruction of everyone NON MUSLIM and SOME MUSLIMS MODERATES! Biden has jeopardized USA for 50 years and now the worst over the last 3 years BIDEN has Dementia - his strings are coming from OBAMA the MUSLIM MARXIST MANCURIAN PRESIDENT! Americans need to fully embrace and be ready for change of leadership and SELF PROTECTION!

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Maybe macron should ask HamASS to stop using women and babies as human shields while demanding they release the hostages...full stop

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It's the same coward speech tj☻ in Canada gave. Both afraid to expose the real guilty party - Hamas - using their people as human shields or staging to blame Israel. Very grim consequences without being able to trust or compromise with Hamas.

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He says that for fear of his country being overloaded with radical attacks, which already is, France is a lost country since its masonic revolution

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More Divide and Conquer on the menu.

In order to justify America bombing the shit out of Iran, we need the arab world to attack Israel. To have that happen puppet professors are whipping their students up into a rage of anti Israeli sentiment (oh yeah, they're not innocent by any means but that's not the point). Now European leaders are getting into the act. That will give confidence for the Arab world to attack Israel which will give the globalists their problem-reaction-solution for another war that American tax payers are going to get fleeced over, yet again. Expect the debt to hit 50trillion in no time...

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Almost 4,000 babies are murdered in France each week from abortion. Macron, maybe you should concentrate on saving those most innocent of humans first and set an example for other countries to follow first.

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I'm French and I can say unequivocally that Macron is a piece of shit. And why doesn't he mention all the help IDF is trying to provide to the civilians and the babies in Gaza?

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As opposed to killing his own people via a syringe!

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Macron should shut his pie-hole. Is he not responsible for the Covid 19 vaccination death and injuries in France? Innocent women and children? What a YGL LOSER HYPOCRIT. Allow those who consider themselves innocent to leave Gaza and then flatten it forever.

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