a prion region in the spike protein of the original SARS-CoV-2, and in all the “vaccine” variants built from the Wuhan virus; 26 cases of Creuzfeldt-Jacob Disease in 2021 average 11 days post shot
Yup. I think that meets the definition of horrible Kathleen. Even more horrible if the dying is due to having been mandated to take the mad cow shot in order to keep your job or put food on the table for your family.
...and the disease is fast acting. Not a long time from symptoms to death.
The VA is still pushing covid shots and boosters. Received an email from the VA that vets can receive the booster and the flu shot the same day. They are ignoring the suspicion that for some over 65, receiving the booster and the flu shot at the same time can cause a stroke.
Veterans are denied medical care if they are not wearing a mask.
When a vet applies for a disability rating because of injuries and illness incurred while on active duty, we always joke that claim is sitting under some lazy government worker's coffee cup.
Still unfortunately, a choice. That's when the breadwinner must take a commitment to living and rejection honoring the reptilian mind. Survival. Survival.
We may all soon be there if we let them win.
Community resistance. Be the change you want to see. We have everything to loose. We let them kill the Kennedys, and do 9-11, and pillage the resources both human and natural leaving our treasury fiat and flat broke.
I have a friend who had heart damage after shot 2 --- was told not the jab.
Proceeded to jab 3 -- the same day of the jab she experiences numbness in one hand... loss of strength. Doctor says maybe it's the jab... after a few weeks the problem spreads --- doctor says can't be the jab -- more tests >>> ALS. Death Sentence.
She believes it is not the jab. All her friends believe it is not the jab. They will continue to jab and not warn anyone off the jab
Ah yes, the covidian credo. Sorry but I found the emails I used to get from the "Nigerian prince" with my secret inheritance more convincing.
Seriously, I hear you. It's astounding to me, truly astounding how many people I know who have suffered some health problem directly following a jab, then they go to the doctor, the doctor says, laughingly, oh no, that (heart pain and palpitations, muscle cramping, weird full body rash, severe pain, mental fog, blood clot, copious unusual bleeding, double-vision, tinnitus, nausea, severe muscle cramping, turbo cancer, vertigo, and so on) that is NOT anything from the vaccination, absolutely NOT.
That's just the people I know. I have also been transcribing testimonies for 2 years now. Just to give a flavor, here's a pair of brief testimonies from the same person:
If I could say one thing to Mark McGowan* it would be, pull your head out of your a*s and do something about the health system because people like me with these injuries, we need this acknowledged and we need help. I have to wait until December to get an implant put in for my heart and to see a cardiologist. I have to wait 10 months to see a neurologist. And this is on the public health system. It's only a few months shorter on the private health. But I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get these specialists. And this is just in Perth. No one wants to know about this. No doctors want to help. Tried the F L triple C protocols,** tried some detoxing stuff that I found online. I have been doing some research, but so far I'm getting worse. If anyone in the media, independent media sees this, please share it because politicians need to know, this is what people are suffering with. There are people out there that are worse than me.
I got these vaccines so that I could go to work, and basically what's happened since then is I've just gotten sicker and now I'm unable to work. So I've had nine hospitalizations now and every time I've gone to hospital they keep telling me that it's my anxiety and take my medication, or "you're just having a panic attack." I'm sorry sick of being gaslighted. My symptoms have been diagnosed with pericarditis. I've got heart palpitations which get really, really strong, and I've got valve problems where I have regurgitation in the valves. Now I never had a heart problem before this. And now it's like heart failure. It's not good. I've got to have a heart bug implanted soon. I'd heard no [inaudible], they've lost three referrals so far. I have like this constant pain that's always there, it's always sharp. It worsens when I get the palpitations. I've always got shortness of breath, like someone sitting on my chest. Now I haven't caught covid at all. So definitely not that.
I asked a doctor a year or so ago about the vax injuries she is seeing ... she said that she has so many people coming in with a wide range of health issues and 'they blame everything on the vax'...
I said that doesn't sound great ---- oh no she says -- I meant that as a joke. Every little health problem is now caused by the vax. She truly believed the vax was not causing the problems
Almost all vaccines trigger hundreds to many thousands of wide-ranging adverse reactions. Almost all drugs do the same, but the number for each is much smaller.
In the US, people here are trained by their own parents and doctors starting in babyhood or very young childhood to blindly take pharma products without paying attention to warnings. This is constantly reinforced later in life through repetitive messaging by the media and others. It's very difficult breaking through that programming. It doesn't help that your side automatically blames the COVID shots for everything because this causes almost everybody else to tune out.
The infected and injected versions of the agent, flu shots, and perhaps some other things alone or in combination can lead to heart damage and/or ALS. Most (not all) health problems are related to oxidative stress, inflammation, or both. The former commonly induces the latter. Both of these apply to both of your friend's issues. There is some evidence ALS is related to autoimmunity. Some studies show the antibodies created for the infected and injected versions of the agent are autoantibodies.
Suggest your friend request labs to check inflammatory markers, presence of autoimmunity, and a lymphocyte panel to check her B and T cells. IMO she should stop taking all vaccines for everything. Good luck trying to break through all the programming. IMO she should stay away from anyone sick or recently jabbed for anything. It's very important to do this if there is any sign of autoimmunity or her lymphocyte ranges are not normal.
To prevent or neutralize oxidative stress requires excess electrons. These can be obtained by grounding the body (bare skin) to natural earth (which has a negative charge) and/or consuming sufficient antioxidants every day. There are many anti-inflammatories which she can try to check which works best on her body. If both of these can be kept low, that may be all that's needed to stop the progression of the ALS and heart damage.
The "entire prion region disappears completely in the Omicron variant".
Omicron apparently came from a mutation from the original Wuhan strain, sometime in 2020. This strain died out and around a year later Omicron arrives supposedly having crossed to mice, mutated and crossed again back to humans.
I speculate that the good guys took the Wuhan strain, put it through serial passage via mice, attenuated the virus and re-released it across the world in stages as a natural vaccine.
By being mild, impossibly infectious and without prions, Omicron ended COVID19, all the restrictions, the vaccine bioweapons and the "Great Reset".
I lost my brother to CJD within time mentioned in article. 2nd Covid shot within weeks of first symptoms. Horrible dreadful disease. He was healthy then couldn’t stand . Progressed to death in 11 weeks.
Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Foundation, interviews Richard Pottorff and Ginger Bitner, the husband and the mother of 58 year-old Tammy Pottorff who within a week after her second covid jab came down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), an incurable prion disease.
STEVE KIRSCH: These [prion] diseases don't happen by chance. So when they do happen, and they're happening in a short amount of time after people get these vaccines. And there are dozens and dozens and dozens of people who are getting these prion diseases within a short amount of time of the vaccine. And that is statistically impossible if the vaccine didn't cause it.
RICHARD POTTORFF: She was very active. She was very good with numbers. And very good speaking. She had a better sense of direction than I did, I have. And very musically inclined. And she never met anybody she didn't want to talk to.
GINGER BITNER: She was always very active, vivacious, friendly, outgoing. Enjoying life.
STEVE KIRCH: Just to clarify, you're her mother.
STEVE KIRSCH: So she didn't have any kind of brain abnormalities or anything at all. Perfectly healthy.
GINGER BITNER: Absolutely not.
STEVE KIRSCH: And so when did she start exhibiting symptoms that would be consistent with a prion disease?
GINGER BITNER: Well it took six days for the swelling to go down in her arm and her fingers. And it was underneath her arm as well down her left side. And once that swelling went down— and it was very, very hot the whole time. Unbelievable.
STEVE KIRSCH: Hot. As in to touch.
GINGER BITNER: Yeah. Oh yeah. You didn't have to touch it, you could have your hand four inches away from her and I could feel the heat and she had a knot there also when she came back to the car after she got her second vaccination.
STEVE KIRSCH: Did you go to the doctors and say, hey, what's going on here? I think, you know, we're having a severe reaction.
GINGER BITNER: Well first of all she went back into the CVS store where she got her second vaccination. And her first vaccination. And they said, that's normal. I mean, that can be normal for some people, is the wording. And it'll dissipate. It'll go down. It'll take a little time. So she came to the car and of course we drove on home. It took six days for that swelling to go down, putting ice on it, and so forth. And the very next morning after the swelling went down she woke up and she was shuffling her feet like she, just shuffling. She could not walk normal and she was having difficulty finding her words, to talk to us.
STEVE KIRSCH: OK. So basically she is now suffering from a prion disease six days after she got the vaccine. And perfectly healthy, nothing like this before.
GINGER BITNER: That's correct.
STEVE KIRSCH: And it's unmistakable. So you must have gone to, talked to lots of doctors about this in the six, it took you six months before they were able to schedule a spinal tap in order to do the assessment to definitively say that she has CJD, right?
GINGER BITNER: Well it took five months to even get her into Stanford. We tried to get her into Stanford, UCLA, UC San Francisco, and they couldn't see her for six months. And they told us, my gosh, that's terrible, they said,because we've had a very big increase in neurological problems where people need to come here.
GINGER BITNER: And that's why they're backed up.
STEVE KIRSCH: Wow that's strange. A sudden, a huge increase in neurological problems.
GINGER BITNER: Yeah. And the receptionist on the phone told me that. No doctor ever admitted that or said it.
STEVE KIRSCH: I wonder what could be causing that.
STEVE KIRSCH: Can't figure it out.
RICHARD POTTORFF: [laughs] There's no telling.
STEVE KIRSCH: Yeah. Yeah. So they wouldn't, they didn't, like, when you asked them, hey, why is it so hard? Eh, we've just had a rash and we have no clue what's causing all these but we're just, like, in demand all of a sudden.
GINGER BITNER: That's right. This is the receptionist saying this, not a doctor. A doctor never, every doctor I took her to, and I took her to several, they all [shakes her head]. They wouldn't even consider a connection with the vaccination. At all.
STEVE KIRSCH: Oh! You mean that safe and effective vaccine that she took.
GINGER BITNER: Oh yes. In fact the first neurologist she went to indicated it was all in her mind. The second one I took her to, that was in charge of the whole division here in Palo Alto, said, stress.
GINGER BITNER: Stress can cause these things.
STEVE KIRSCH: Ah, stress.
STEVE KIRSCH: There you go. So it wasn't until six months later that they actually did the test to find out whether she's got it or not.
GINGER BITNER: That's right.
STEVE KIRSCH: And then they even tried to bury that, right? That it wasn't in the hospital record?
RICHARD POTTORFF: It was but [inaudible] the records.
STEVE KIRSCH: You asked for the records and that wasn't included in the records.
STEVE KIRCH: The most important thing wasn't included in the records. How about that.
GINGER BITNER: Hmmm. Imagine. How could that happen.
STEVE KIRSCH: How could that have happened?
STEVE KIRSCH: Did they have an excuse for why they put everything except for the definitive diagnosis of CJD in the—?
RICHARD POTTORFF: Well they haven't returned our phone calls.
I was taught prions cannot be killed by heat. We had protocols to dispose of surgical instruments after suspected / confirmed prion cases - as the instruments cannot be sterilized
The horrors just keep on coming. Know why? Because everyone is herded into the same thinking, that we must obey some group from above - some global drivers of humanity. Everyone buys into it yet cannot see how this works. They cannot take an aerial view of these patterns. What is the energy that enables ALL of this? Think now. It has five letters and begins with an "m" and ends with a "y". Yet every single person reading this, has an account with the demons.
Going to leave this here. CJD is appears in tribal groups in New Guinea and “Jews”. New Guinean tribes where it is observed are known cannibals. Something dangerous about eating pineal glands and brains of others. How is spike protein like a prion? Check out video of HRC spazzing out at September 11 memorial.
Prions are misfolded proteins that cause a chain reaction ( & ultimately destruction ) in surrounding tissues , usually the brain. They can be ingested ( most common ) or inhaled.
A priori evidence that unprecedented rapid progression of prion encephalopathy results from the injections that induce spike production. Any questions?
Horrible way to end your life. As Jacques Attali, the globalist and World Enslavement Forum cooperator once noted, that concentration camps will not be necessary, that they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.
Actually I expect that the cattle industry will have to again deal with MC disease to get people from eating beef. You can bet the fear campaign is ready to rolled out as in "transferrable". Poultry has already under gone this with the over the top culls for avian flu. The fact this disease is showing up in people without this connection being made is a question that may soon be answered once enough people are affected.
Horrible way to die.
Yup. I think that meets the definition of horrible Kathleen. Even more horrible if the dying is due to having been mandated to take the mad cow shot in order to keep your job or put food on the table for your family.
...and the disease is fast acting. Not a long time from symptoms to death.
The VA is still pushing covid shots and boosters. Received an email from the VA that vets can receive the booster and the flu shot the same day. They are ignoring the suspicion that for some over 65, receiving the booster and the flu shot at the same time can cause a stroke.
Veterans are denied medical care if they are not wearing a mask.
I am so sick of this crap! 3 years of fear porn.
Three years of waking up more and sniffing out the rats in the rabbit holes.
Try to see it from the VA perspective. If the strokes kill enough vets then that will save money for the VA.
When a vet applies for a disability rating because of injuries and illness incurred while on active duty, we always joke that claim is sitting under some lazy government worker's coffee cup.
It's: "Deny. Deny. Until they die."
Still unfortunately, a choice. That's when the breadwinner must take a commitment to living and rejection honoring the reptilian mind. Survival. Survival.
We may all soon be there if we let them win.
Community resistance. Be the change you want to see. We have everything to loose. We let them kill the Kennedys, and do 9-11, and pillage the resources both human and natural leaving our treasury fiat and flat broke.
Prions are what I feared most with this technology, even more so with breaking through the blood brain barrier via LNPs
Also see: https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/infective-prions-deliberately-made
& If those who are injected are releasing prions via exosomes …. It’s the end game.
The mRNA injections are the Fauci's solution for the release of SF-2 virus. Experimental and not safe and deadly! Read it here!
5 months? They will never make the connection
I have a friend who had heart damage after shot 2 --- was told not the jab.
Proceeded to jab 3 -- the same day of the jab she experiences numbness in one hand... loss of strength. Doctor says maybe it's the jab... after a few weeks the problem spreads --- doctor says can't be the jab -- more tests >>> ALS. Death Sentence.
She believes it is not the jab. All her friends believe it is not the jab. They will continue to jab and not warn anyone off the jab
Ah yes, the covidian credo. Sorry but I found the emails I used to get from the "Nigerian prince" with my secret inheritance more convincing.
Seriously, I hear you. It's astounding to me, truly astounding how many people I know who have suffered some health problem directly following a jab, then they go to the doctor, the doctor says, laughingly, oh no, that (heart pain and palpitations, muscle cramping, weird full body rash, severe pain, mental fog, blood clot, copious unusual bleeding, double-vision, tinnitus, nausea, severe muscle cramping, turbo cancer, vertigo, and so on) that is NOT anything from the vaccination, absolutely NOT.
That's just the people I know. I have also been transcribing testimonies for 2 years now. Just to give a flavor, here's a pair of brief testimonies from the same person:
Posted on realnotrare.com home page
[video of trembling woman speaking]
August 19, 2022
If I could say one thing to Mark McGowan* it would be, pull your head out of your a*s and do something about the health system because people like me with these injuries, we need this acknowledged and we need help. I have to wait until December to get an implant put in for my heart and to see a cardiologist. I have to wait 10 months to see a neurologist. And this is on the public health system. It's only a few months shorter on the private health. But I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get these specialists. And this is just in Perth. No one wants to know about this. No doctors want to help. Tried the F L triple C protocols,** tried some detoxing stuff that I found online. I have been doing some research, but so far I'm getting worse. If anyone in the media, independent media sees this, please share it because politicians need to know, this is what people are suffering with. There are people out there that are worse than me.
# # #
*Western Australia Premier.
**FLCC Protocols for Covid-19:
* * * * * * * *
August 19, 2022
I got these vaccines so that I could go to work, and basically what's happened since then is I've just gotten sicker and now I'm unable to work. So I've had nine hospitalizations now and every time I've gone to hospital they keep telling me that it's my anxiety and take my medication, or "you're just having a panic attack." I'm sorry sick of being gaslighted. My symptoms have been diagnosed with pericarditis. I've got heart palpitations which get really, really strong, and I've got valve problems where I have regurgitation in the valves. Now I never had a heart problem before this. And now it's like heart failure. It's not good. I've got to have a heart bug implanted soon. I'd heard no [inaudible], they've lost three referrals so far. I have like this constant pain that's always there, it's always sharp. It worsens when I get the palpitations. I've always got shortness of breath, like someone sitting on my chest. Now I haven't caught covid at all. So definitely not that.
I asked a doctor a year or so ago about the vax injuries she is seeing ... she said that she has so many people coming in with a wide range of health issues and 'they blame everything on the vax'...
I said that doesn't sound great ---- oh no she says -- I meant that as a joke. Every little health problem is now caused by the vax. She truly believed the vax was not causing the problems
Then I put this in front of her https://pdfhost.io/v/nvrgA~sEJ_VAERS_Heart_Damage_V8
She went all shrill on me ... and said I am not going to argue with you -- and booted me out.
Almost all vaccines trigger hundreds to many thousands of wide-ranging adverse reactions. Almost all drugs do the same, but the number for each is much smaller.
In the US, people here are trained by their own parents and doctors starting in babyhood or very young childhood to blindly take pharma products without paying attention to warnings. This is constantly reinforced later in life through repetitive messaging by the media and others. It's very difficult breaking through that programming. It doesn't help that your side automatically blames the COVID shots for everything because this causes almost everybody else to tune out.
The infected and injected versions of the agent, flu shots, and perhaps some other things alone or in combination can lead to heart damage and/or ALS. Most (not all) health problems are related to oxidative stress, inflammation, or both. The former commonly induces the latter. Both of these apply to both of your friend's issues. There is some evidence ALS is related to autoimmunity. Some studies show the antibodies created for the infected and injected versions of the agent are autoantibodies.
Suggest your friend request labs to check inflammatory markers, presence of autoimmunity, and a lymphocyte panel to check her B and T cells. IMO she should stop taking all vaccines for everything. Good luck trying to break through all the programming. IMO she should stay away from anyone sick or recently jabbed for anything. It's very important to do this if there is any sign of autoimmunity or her lymphocyte ranges are not normal.
To prevent or neutralize oxidative stress requires excess electrons. These can be obtained by grounding the body (bare skin) to natural earth (which has a negative charge) and/or consuming sufficient antioxidants every day. There are many anti-inflammatories which she can try to check which works best on her body. If both of these can be kept low, that may be all that's needed to stop the progression of the ALS and heart damage.
The "entire prion region disappears completely in the Omicron variant".
Omicron apparently came from a mutation from the original Wuhan strain, sometime in 2020. This strain died out and around a year later Omicron arrives supposedly having crossed to mice, mutated and crossed again back to humans.
I speculate that the good guys took the Wuhan strain, put it through serial passage via mice, attenuated the virus and re-released it across the world in stages as a natural vaccine.
By being mild, impossibly infectious and without prions, Omicron ended COVID19, all the restrictions, the vaccine bioweapons and the "Great Reset".
If so, who would the good guys be?
I lost my brother to CJD within time mentioned in article. 2nd Covid shot within weeks of first symptoms. Horrible dreadful disease. He was healthy then couldn’t stand . Progressed to death in 11 weeks.
"Richard Pottorff's wife came down with CJD, a fatal prion disease, a week after getting the shot"
by Steve Kirsch
October 22, 2022
Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Foundation, interviews Richard Pottorff and Ginger Bitner, the husband and the mother of 58 year-old Tammy Pottorff who within a week after her second covid jab came down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), an incurable prion disease.
STEVE KIRSCH: These [prion] diseases don't happen by chance. So when they do happen, and they're happening in a short amount of time after people get these vaccines. And there are dozens and dozens and dozens of people who are getting these prion diseases within a short amount of time of the vaccine. And that is statistically impossible if the vaccine didn't cause it.
RICHARD POTTORFF: She was very active. She was very good with numbers. And very good speaking. She had a better sense of direction than I did, I have. And very musically inclined. And she never met anybody she didn't want to talk to.
GINGER BITNER: She was always very active, vivacious, friendly, outgoing. Enjoying life.
STEVE KIRCH: Just to clarify, you're her mother.
STEVE KIRSCH: So she didn't have any kind of brain abnormalities or anything at all. Perfectly healthy.
GINGER BITNER: Absolutely not.
STEVE KIRSCH: And so when did she start exhibiting symptoms that would be consistent with a prion disease?
GINGER BITNER: Well it took six days for the swelling to go down in her arm and her fingers. And it was underneath her arm as well down her left side. And once that swelling went down— and it was very, very hot the whole time. Unbelievable.
STEVE KIRSCH: Hot. As in to touch.
GINGER BITNER: Yeah. Oh yeah. You didn't have to touch it, you could have your hand four inches away from her and I could feel the heat and she had a knot there also when she came back to the car after she got her second vaccination.
STEVE KIRSCH: Did you go to the doctors and say, hey, what's going on here? I think, you know, we're having a severe reaction.
GINGER BITNER: Well first of all she went back into the CVS store where she got her second vaccination. And her first vaccination. And they said, that's normal. I mean, that can be normal for some people, is the wording. And it'll dissipate. It'll go down. It'll take a little time. So she came to the car and of course we drove on home. It took six days for that swelling to go down, putting ice on it, and so forth. And the very next morning after the swelling went down she woke up and she was shuffling her feet like she, just shuffling. She could not walk normal and she was having difficulty finding her words, to talk to us.
STEVE KIRSCH: OK. So basically she is now suffering from a prion disease six days after she got the vaccine. And perfectly healthy, nothing like this before.
GINGER BITNER: That's correct.
STEVE KIRSCH: And it's unmistakable. So you must have gone to, talked to lots of doctors about this in the six, it took you six months before they were able to schedule a spinal tap in order to do the assessment to definitively say that she has CJD, right?
GINGER BITNER: Well it took five months to even get her into Stanford. We tried to get her into Stanford, UCLA, UC San Francisco, and they couldn't see her for six months. And they told us, my gosh, that's terrible, they said,because we've had a very big increase in neurological problems where people need to come here.
GINGER BITNER: And that's why they're backed up.
STEVE KIRSCH: Wow that's strange. A sudden, a huge increase in neurological problems.
GINGER BITNER: Yeah. And the receptionist on the phone told me that. No doctor ever admitted that or said it.
STEVE KIRSCH: I wonder what could be causing that.
STEVE KIRSCH: Can't figure it out.
RICHARD POTTORFF: [laughs] There's no telling.
STEVE KIRSCH: Yeah. Yeah. So they wouldn't, they didn't, like, when you asked them, hey, why is it so hard? Eh, we've just had a rash and we have no clue what's causing all these but we're just, like, in demand all of a sudden.
GINGER BITNER: That's right. This is the receptionist saying this, not a doctor. A doctor never, every doctor I took her to, and I took her to several, they all [shakes her head]. They wouldn't even consider a connection with the vaccination. At all.
STEVE KIRSCH: Oh! You mean that safe and effective vaccine that she took.
GINGER BITNER: Oh yes. In fact the first neurologist she went to indicated it was all in her mind. The second one I took her to, that was in charge of the whole division here in Palo Alto, said, stress.
GINGER BITNER: Stress can cause these things.
STEVE KIRSCH: Ah, stress.
STEVE KIRSCH: There you go. So it wasn't until six months later that they actually did the test to find out whether she's got it or not.
GINGER BITNER: That's right.
STEVE KIRSCH: And then they even tried to bury that, right? That it wasn't in the hospital record?
RICHARD POTTORFF: It was but [inaudible] the records.
STEVE KIRSCH: You asked for the records and that wasn't included in the records.
STEVE KIRCH: The most important thing wasn't included in the records. How about that.
GINGER BITNER: Hmmm. Imagine. How could that happen.
STEVE KIRSCH: How could that have happened?
STEVE KIRSCH: Did they have an excuse for why they put everything except for the definitive diagnosis of CJD in the—?
RICHARD POTTORFF: Well they haven't returned our phone calls.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you don't know.
GINGER BITNER: No we don't.
A friend's mother died from this several years ago from eating squirrel brains. . A Louisiana delicacy apparently. Horrible death.
Silly cow - you need to cook them thoroughly and add some tabasco!
I was taught prions cannot be killed by heat. We had protocols to dispose of surgical instruments after suspected / confirmed prion cases - as the instruments cannot be sterilized
The horrors just keep on coming. Know why? Because everyone is herded into the same thinking, that we must obey some group from above - some global drivers of humanity. Everyone buys into it yet cannot see how this works. They cannot take an aerial view of these patterns. What is the energy that enables ALL of this? Think now. It has five letters and begins with an "m" and ends with a "y". Yet every single person reading this, has an account with the demons.
This caught my eye when it came out. https://pharmaphorum.com/news/shock-as-astrazenecas-charismatic-cancer-rd-chief-jose-baselga-dies
Going to leave this here. CJD is appears in tribal groups in New Guinea and “Jews”. New Guinean tribes where it is observed are known cannibals. Something dangerous about eating pineal glands and brains of others. How is spike protein like a prion? Check out video of HRC spazzing out at September 11 memorial.
Prions are misfolded proteins that cause a chain reaction ( & ultimately destruction ) in surrounding tissues , usually the brain. They can be ingested ( most common ) or inhaled.
A priori evidence that unprecedented rapid progression of prion encephalopathy results from the injections that induce spike production. Any questions?
More than 26 cases. I had a case in my practice Spring 2021 that became symptomatic within a few weeks of 2nd Pfizer vax and died within 2 months.
Spouse did not want it reported so it wasn’t.
So probably take the 26 cases and multiply it by “X” as I’m sure there are many more cases.
A coworker’s husband had similar thing- CJD diagnosis to death over a short time frame post covid vaxx
With pushing 2000 recognized possible "side effects", there may be nothing known this injectable will not exacerbate if not outright cause.
In case you have not seen it.
Great article! Everyone should read it.
Horrible way to end your life. As Jacques Attali, the globalist and World Enslavement Forum cooperator once noted, that concentration camps will not be necessary, that they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.
Actually I expect that the cattle industry will have to again deal with MC disease to get people from eating beef. You can bet the fear campaign is ready to rolled out as in "transferrable". Poultry has already under gone this with the over the top culls for avian flu. The fact this disease is showing up in people without this connection being made is a question that may soon be answered once enough people are affected.