Why isn't the FBI investigating Maxine Waters for domestic terrorism?

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She on the "right side of the fence ", dontcha know...

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May 13·edited May 13

Oh my! But I heard Biden tapped her (sorry for that mental picture) to be his campaign manager. I do believe she’s perfect for the job. Two crazy old Democrats, brains filled with spiders and mold, pissing their pants while foaming at the mouth as staffers wipe their butts. (Write a song about that Don Henley, you old commie.)

Crazy old Soft Serve Joe and Cooter CraCra Brown: A match made not in heaven, but Washington DC—a place slightly south of hell.

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Expert commentary and analysis!

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May 13·edited May 13

Thanks for commenting.

It’s really just spleen venting—but I think that I speak for so many when I say that we’ve all had enough of the DC Circus Delirious and the insane clowns traveling shit show. We goottttaaaa make this end.

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The visuals you created are like a comedy show made in hell. Pity is that they are true.

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May 14·edited May 14

Just writing it makes me feel slightly unhinged; but what can I do? Pretend all is well? All is normal? That what is occurring is just political stuff, just differences of opinion? when we have actual delulu demons running our country?

We need Jesus. Bigly. One look at who is in the Cabinet should let even the most casual observer understand that things just aren’t right.

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that lady is a section 8 and needs to be sent to the puzzle factory.

but what would i know.. i live in the woods🤣🇺🇸

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Unhinged ?

You're being too kind, Paul.

She be effin' Fruit Loops crazy.

How sad that there are people out there who believe such....craziness....and eat this....craziness....up.

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Glue factory yikes. She even called on people to kill anyone that didn't have darker skin tone. I can't help what pigment came out with. Got black purple blue knees and the rest is red that looks like a road map of sorts. Got brown blotches after wound semi heal some of them on the legs with layer of skin with healing stuff on top of it. The lady is a few cards short of a deck even with additional cards to count as a card needed it is still very short. It's like why does she attack with hate when haven't done anything against the individual. Retirement home for political party let them suffer in their own misery. She can go pound where it don't shine!

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The loons have gotten away with murder (character assassination), and likely real murder, for so long, thanks to Main Stream Media, why would they stop now?

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Thank you for placing your wisdom onto print!

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“Ms. Gorilla glue dentures lady” 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Watson “America Has A Problem”

Isn’t it an absolute shame or should I call this a “scam”?

The reality is, Maxine “Nutcase” Waters, shouldn’t be anywhere remotely close to political power!

She’s nothing more than a “grifter”! Her ‘entire life in politics! “Lie, steal, Lie” then repeat.

Exactly how a washing machine works, on the rinse cycle, now isn’t she?

This same process works, term after term, every election cycle! For years I’ve been asking myself, how do these same people win, term after term?

Something called “election fraud”? Yes Watson, I believe you’re correct! Unless her constituents are so inept? Impossible Holmes, “Nothing is impossible Watson until it’s proven improbable”!

Everything they touch, turns to gold! Golden parachutes, golden gated community’s, with golden laced security border walls. That’s it Watson, I think you’re on to something here ole boy.

Each and every “grifter” in congress all have a nice, comfy, cushioning place, secure with all the “Golden Trimmings” to lay their “Ugly Personas” down at night!

What’s the problem Holmes, do you have an issue with that? They’ve earned it Holmes, are they not “entitled” Holmes? Yes Watson, you’re right again.

They’re so well off, they have too much and like the concerned citizens they are, they loan millions to their children! Boy oh boy, aren’t we the people blessed?

Our blessings are so huge, thanks to all the “Maxine Waters” working painlessly long hours, so we the people have such nice and safe neighborhoods to grow up in!

You know Holmes, some have bars on their windows, pistols under every cushion, an endless supply of medical supplies, ie: heroine, fentanyl, cocaine, hybrids thc products, dispensaries, all abundantly close by in their neighborhood.

What’s wrong with that Holmes? Nothing Watson, nothing at all. Yes Watson you’re correct again ole boy, I wasn’t thinking clearly, I’ve been working too much lately.

God forbid Holmes. What Watson? I forgot about alcohol Watson. You know how important alcohol is? San Francisco now supplies or soon to be, supplying it to homeless people.

How wonderful is that Watson, how intoxicating and how addictive, American Cites have become? Yes Holmes isn’t that the “American Way”?

Now this should answer why they’ve opened our borders. We mustn’t forget about, illegal criminals, terrorist and jihadist!

No, no,no, they too should have the right for “we the people taxpayers”, to supply all their medicinals too, right Holmes? Yes you’re right about that Watson, good thing you stopped over today ole man.

After all, wasn’t it Obama who said “You Made Enough Money”? Yes Watson, I believe you’re right again, ole buddy! Yes, yes, yes it was Obama, gee what a great grifter he is!

Even out of office Watson, he keeps on taking, what a great leader he is Holmes. I know Watson, Obama’s the “grifter that keeps on grifting”!

I’m broke every week now Watson. I can’t afford food, my scripts, and I make $35K a year. I believe Watson I’ll work a second job. Then I should I’ll be able to buy groceries and pay my bills.

Why didn’t I think of theis sooner Watson? We wouldn’t want to lose any of these great public servants now, would we Watson? No of course not Holmes, of course not.

No worries Obama and Maxine, your kindness with taxpayers moneys, my labor and overtime taxes and now a second job, we will ensure all your mansions and Olympic swimming pools are paid for.

Can’t forget about all the illegal workers y’all employ, we wouldn’t want them to lose their jobs to, now would we Watson? No Holmes of course not, then who would cut their manicured lawn? Certainly not Americans Holmes, they’re too expensive. Oh right you are ole boy, right you are!

No, no Holmes, the illegals are the only ones who “Make America Great Again”. They’re the ones who built America. Didn’t know that Watson. Didn’t know that. Remember Holmes, Obama said he’ll tell us when “We Made Enough Money”?

Yes, yes you’re right ole man, I must be careful about my second job income. Good point ole boy. They’re always looking out Americans, now aren’t they Watson?

Funny you mentioned who really built America, because Obama said, “you didn’t build that”, remember Watson? Yes Holmes I do believe so. I’ve heard that phrase before Watson. Now there’s new catch phrase, I think they call it “MAGA”? Yes Holmes you’re right! But that was the “criminal” who’s on trial for something like, 97 counts! Despicable man, despicable Holmes! NOT!, IMO, Trump is the only one standing up for America and every American!

You know Watson, I didn’t have to work 3 jobs when that “MAGA” guy was running things. Elementary Holmes, elementary, Americans are supposed to give all their money to the “grifters” in


Then the “Grifters” take their cut and pay for their manicured lawns the illegals take care of. Boy Watson something else is wrong in America today. I can’t put my finger on it yet.

And don’t worry about a thing, I’ll work longer hours so all your constituents Maxine have plenty of “mind altering drugs” at their disposal. I’m so sorry I didn’t get that third job now.

Of course you will Holmes. Yes Watson that’s it, a third job! Right ole man, how selfish of me! I’ll update my papers and get my vaccine passport stamped tomorrow ole boy. I’ll start looking for my third job tomorrow Watson!

Does anyone see a pattern here? How insidious, how despicable these “grifters” are? This is life in America because of Washington DC!

While more and more Americans work two, three and sometimes four jobs, to make ends meet, these “deplorable grifters” have all the luxury’s, limousines, frequent flyers miles, etc. And the they have to gonads to call us “Nazis” or white supremacist or whatever they want.

Oh darn Watson you’re really nailed it again ole buddy, they do fly for free, now don’t they? Good ole Watson, taxpayers money again! I keep forgetting about that. Boy Watson they really have Americas best interest at heart, don’t they ole boy?

That’s right Watson, I must be working to much. I’ll sleep when I’m dead Watson, seems to be the only way for me nowadays.

What, taxpayers are paying for this nonsense too? Watson, America has a problem! A simple solution, rid the politicians, rid all the redundant government agencies, dissolve the NEA, FDA, CDC, CIA, FBI, Oh sure Watson why not the NSA too, almost forgot about them. Good thinking ole man, good going.

Welcome to America, the greatest shit show of “political grifters” on earth”! Lead by? The WEF, WHO, UN and of course Obama and Maxine Waters and all their cronies! Each and every one of them! They’re all crooks, they’re all corrupt and they all MUST BE REMOVED & REPLACED!

Unfortunately, know Watson, they really have Americas best interests at hand. Yes Watson they do, one hand in the “register” the other in their pocket! Or should I say, “Our Pockets”!

And I know, we all know, that’ll never happen! They’ll keep getting elected. Yes this is America and yes we are FUZKED, we all know it. Yes Watson they know it too! They’re the ones responsible for this!

They’re collapsing the dollar, deliberately, which was inevitable, they’ve overrun our borders, deliberately they’re overrunning our greatest cities, deliberately! All Watson is deliberate delusion created and implemented by, “Narcissistic Psychopaths”!

Each and every one of them are Watson, Dr Moriarty couldn’t help these “psychotics”, as brilliant a Dr he is, Watson!

We have been told how wonderful the economy is, the job market and inflation is only transitory. Does anyone now believe a word of this?

Are we all going to sit back, allow this nonsense to continue? I don’t know how. I’m not any sort of expert. I do know this, America and the entire world needs a healthy heavenly world today filled with prayers.

They’re paying themselves magnificently, rather they have stolen themselves magnificently and ahh ha yes Watson, I need a fourth part time job! So I can eat.

I know, I make too much money now! Shame on me! $40K is a lot per year Watson, I know and I should be grateful, I know, and yes, illegals and criminals, terrorist, jihadist are people too. I know that as well.

Even though they’re chanting “Death to America”, by George Watson I don’t know what I’d do without you? They’re angry that’s why.

They’re angry, they!have this paid-in- full, new American life as illegal criminals, terrorist and jihadist. But it isn’t sustainable for them!

They deserve more. All of US, myself included and all of you no good, rotten SOB American taxpayers, have taken everything from these “poor” illegally entered, criminals,terrorist and jihadist!

How dare US? They’re simply looking for a better life. Yes Watson ole man, you’re right once again, they should be able to protest peacefully. All while they chant “Death to America”, I know Watson it’s their right as “Illegals”, shame on me again.

Isn’t this the American way Watson?

Maybe, no I can’t work a fifth job, why not Watson? Ahh ha, too much money, right again ole buddy, $41,464 / year is the cutoff! I’m sure glad you and me had this discussion Watson, I don’t know what I’d do without you, ole man.

Sadly, this story is playing out all across America. People are starving, homeless, jobless and penniless. I too walk a fine line today because of Washington DC!

This is a sad state of affairs America is in and are being lead towards and heading towards the abyss. We’re all being herded to slaughter by the “Judas Goat”!

Actually, an entire army of “Judas Goats” is more like it.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Wish I could refute at least one point, but I cannot. One issue, am so tired of the BS, racist crap, coming from all colors. I lost very good Black friends because they were harassed for associating with me. This is one reason I've spent so much time on it.. The Black history of slavery is not totally what they say. Many came as indentured servants. When that was paid, they could obtain land. Anthony Johnson was one of those men. He supposedly ended up with 250 acres. One of his indentured servants was John Casor. John left when his indenture was completed. Johnson took him to court in VA in 1655 and won. It was a Civil case. He was the first LEGAL slave. However MA allowed slavery in 1641, some were White, but were considered indentured servants by one standard and slaves by another. L

Lots of variations of the terms, hard to sort out. People like mad max just keep adding fuel to the fire instead of researching and telling the truth (guess that's a bad word).

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So true what you’ve pointed out here Teri. All we have to do is point to the “1619 project”!

It is all lies, designed to help push along and engrain this complete dribble / narrative, into society, worse through, our children and grandchildren are being infected with this BS!

Facts matter! Today, one group holds the loudspeakers and the other group has become muted!

Whether they’re called left or right, democrats or republicans are today, completely irrelevant.

Today IMO Teri, America has “communist” and “patriots”! Eventually and very close today, “One Party”! The same way they’re trying to destroy President Trump. Their strategy is backfiring, so will the “Black vs White” or “Oppressed vs Oppressors” on and on, round and around they go! Throwing as much at the wall as possible!

Obviously, one of their many symptoms, as I call them, are these culture wars being waged.

They also are using financial warfare, “Cloward and Pivens”, social warfare “Saul Alinsky”, “Maoism”. Designed once again, to collapse American society.

Their list of symptoms, listed above, are being forced upon us, and are being waged to fight the disease, which is “Capitalism”!

Capitalism allows for individuals to grow and succeed. Allows for Individuality! Capitalism is not perfect. Yes it can be corrupted. Yes that’s what’s happened to all of our taxpayers money. These cronies have corrupted capitalism and placed it on steroids! All the monies are being funneled to Ukraine! The most corrupt country on earth! And with zero accountability? This is what’s called “Crony Capitalism”!

This is corruption at the highest level! The shadow government overlords! They are not dysfunctional, they know exactly what they’re doing, which is to “Systematically Destroy America”! All while these corrupt communist in Washington DC get filthy richer and further away from any accountability!

They are literally stealing our tax dollars while destroying us with our own money!

Overwhelming and ultimately tanking the dollar off the world market! This is already happening. Overburdened cities with illegals and terrorist, jihadist and the worst of the worst criminals gangs!

The black vs white and all the other symptoms we see happening, have been implemented in order to deflect and distract! Yes they’re very real and will become part of the new and improved, “One World Order”, if the WEF, the WHO, etc prevail?

America must be destroyed in order for the “One World Order” to succeed globally! Which is why so many destructive and designed to overwhelm symptoms have been imposed on Americans!

“All these destructive components are individually designed to complement each other when collectively deployed!They cannot stand individually for very long and must be integrated together for maximum societal cultural change and effectiveness.

But first, as Obama said he wants to

“Fundamentally Transform America”

which this is what he’s exactly doing. Biden hasn’t a clue what’s happening. Which is how and why all of this is happening and they’re getting away with it!

Obama is the primary steering mechanism who’s charting America directly to HELL! Along with SOROS, Schwab, WEF, WHO, and all the NGO’s, etc. They’re all “narcissistic psychopaths” and HATE AMERICA and want a “One World Order”!

This is what infuriates me the most! So useless idiots, like Obama who believe he can and he knows better than anyone! Along with the rest of these “Useful Idiots” they believe they have the right to “Tear America” down and rebuild America in their own image!

Which is why these people are so VERY DANGEROUS and Psychological misfits or narcissistic psychopaths!

Something much larger is aiding and abetting these American Hating Communists or whatever anyone wants to call them! They certainly don’t like, love or want America to become stronger and better! The systems are changing daily. Socialist or Marxist or Maoist or Naziism. They’re using all kinds of ideological methods!

Think about everything happening and you’ll find parts of all “Not for me only for thee” government controlled systems being staged!

Eventually, one system orb some type of combined systems, will prevail and become the dominant government control system! It certainly won’t be capitalism!

I pray I’m wrong Teri. Honestly they’ve thrown so much shit at the wall, it’s difficult to see what kind of country America will retain. What will America become? It’s difficult to envision.

To summarize, black vs white is only a symptom of a much larger disease America has been deliberately infected with! The same was they forced mandated and experimental unknown untested, “Death Shot” to the heart shot! Otherwise known as “Bioweapon Injection”!

Thanks Teri for allowing me to reply. “We the people” must help others understand and take a stand if America is going stay standing for another 250 years!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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And yet the DOJ is pushing for a sentence of 10 years plus on the Uhurus for ‘sowing discord’. She must have immunity other socialists don’t qualify for.

If it weren’t for double standards, our ‘justice’ system would have none at all.

The FBI will slam a liar with perjury, but clear the way for a demagogue like Waters to “speak her ‘truth’ — ‘sowing discord’ among her constituents far and wide. Then they would shut down an organization that has actually committed to doing good for the community (Uhurus), and wonder why hate is so strong in race-baiting districts.

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One can tell that Maxine ‘gets it’

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