No wonder Trump is always in the DS's crosshairs, as the first leader since Kennedy to openly and effectively oppose the global cabal, to marshall the support of the White Hat alliance that formed after JFK's assassination, which they saw as an inside (CIA) job. When Epstein-victim-attorney Brad Edwards reached out to the Florida elite, he says that Trump was the only one who helped him. Cathy O'Brien, MKUltra survivor and whistleblower, says that her handlers told her to AVOID Trump because he was NOT part of their pedophile/Deep State network (Access Denied; The Tranceformation of America). Belgian therapist Carine Hutsebaut, who counsels both pedophilia victims and perpetrators, said in an interview with Sean Stone, that Trump has been the ONLY world leader to do anything about taking on the global pedophilia network. Some of Trump's earliest executive orders targeted the pedophilia system, including going after their financial assets. And he had directed federal agencies to begin releasing the 6000 suppressed patents ("free energy" systems, new healing technologies), which, of course, strike right at the heart of Big Pharma and the Energy Cartel. The administrative agencies reluctantly began a slow drip/release, only to virtually stop as soon as the corrupted 2018 elections took place. Trump was interested in restoring the "gold standard" for US currency, which would have kneecapped the Federal Reserve's petrodollar (https://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/precious-metals-investing/gold-investing/trump-gold-standard/ Of course, now that even states within the U.S. are looking at going to asset-backed currencies (and the BRICS alliance grows daily), the days of the Fed are numbered (if it's not virtually done/gone already). THANK YOU, DONALD TRUMP, for being willing to go through this arduous process of taking down the cabal, of waking people up to their agenda, while taking an unprecedented level of "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" in the process!

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Trump 2024! Four years of peace & prosperity! He’s not a war mongering, uni-party stooge. I hope he finally cleans house & reveals all the corruption. I wish he would denounce the C19 jabs. This “warp speed” crap will be used against him so he better denounce the poison.

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I’m sure he has good reason for what he’s doing.

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Great information and spot on. They want him gone at any cost. Yet, he is divinely protected. This is a more spiritual war than many know or understand.

Praying to see death and destruction to those like mad cow and that pin head black bitch.

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I do think that there is special protection around him :-)... and I look forward to finding out if any of Derek Johnson's information on the military code, the executive orders, have actually been playing out in the background. In the meantime - keeping an open mind - watching for subtle signs of validation..

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Very educational post! Thanx.

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Tanya Marquette, the mainstream media want to make you think Trump is bad but you're misinformed. He is a narcissist but thank God because he wouldn't be able to withstand what has been thrown to him if he wasn't. He got us out of the who, un and green new deal. The who wants to control our health sovereignty. The un is a child trafficking organization and the green new deal is a hoax to push globalists agenda of the people being denied using oil and eating meat while they feast on flying in their private jets and gorging on filet mignon. Trump has good intentions for us. What policy of his hurt you? Go to rumble and watch DONALD TRUMP'S RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS. This is what they want you to do... hate him so they can continue stealing from us and staying in power and making themselves rich off our taxes! Biden is a real jerk but Obama is the evil behind the selling off of America to the satanic globalists who traffic children. They are brainwashing our kids with transgenderism to wipe out the next generation and replace them with the illegals they invited in. The deep state shadow govt wants America destroyed and please open your eyes and listen to Trump directly instead of listening to reporters say what he said because they all lie and twist his words.

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He is in their way. He is their greatest obstacle and he has a huge part of America on his side, and they know it. He did not receive an envelope.

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What were those envelopes all about? Was that all staged?

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Trump is not my preferred candidate in Republican primary, but if he wins the nomination, voting for him is the obvious choice. He was clearly in the top 20% of all presidents (perhaps without OWS he'd be in the top 10%), and Biden is clearly in the bottom 2% of presidents (do the math).

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Trump is my preferred candidate, with many of my reasons enumerated in my longer comment, but I appreciate the continuum upon which you place Biden v Trump :-)...

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People still don't get it. This whole Election process is a fabrication. We the People, never

elect a President. Those politicians are all the same. No wonder the Republicans crossover

party lines.

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A system can be both rigged and somewhat functional at the same time.

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Yes, but functional for the Leftists not Conservatives. I don't know about you, but

all the done on purpose tactics JOEBAMA has caused is killing us moneywise.

Inflation, food, medical, gas, and on and on.

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Yes, I agree that under Barack America and Brandon, collectively known as the Obiden administration, we have slouched very quickly towards Gomorrah and have little left of a functional government at the national level.

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So, true....

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Maddow obviously does not know our president.

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No Deal Maddow

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May God help Donald Trump.

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Maddow I expected.....but look how all those running against him have convicted him....and would pardon him....give me a break.....until Biden and Obama and all the rest of them are in jail there is nothing but political agenda hitting at Trump....

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NO. They just wish he would. NO WAY.

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Biden is the bottom.

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Biden is lower than pond scum

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This is about a 2 hour long excellent video about the Deep State Shadow Govt controlling our country. Please watch and share it. Trump has taken so much crap from these evil liars when all he wants to do is make things great for the American people and the world too, in a way. He didn't get us into any wars, and wars are what the elite profit off of. He is a threat to their unending riches and corruption so they are trying to slander and silence him. We have to wake the sheep Trump haters up!


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The man-woman trying to cut deals on his-her own.

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"I had not thought about it until..."

Of course.

You could set your watch by the pattern of BS coming out of the clowns in the wannabe dictator's coterie of court jesters.

If my eyes were to roll any further, they might not return.

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Always amusing to read these comments only Trump the man who has been proven to have lied over 30,000 times my president is our savior. The most narcissistic, egotistical, insecure, selfish and sociopathic person in this country is hero, worshiped by people who project all of their own insecurities onto this all time ConMan.

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Trump will win !!! Period. Every country is scared of him winning and exposing there lies and corruption

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Look,I think they know it's only a matter of time before there gig is up.And I believe it's a short time.There completely exposed now.Even those late to the party,who were previously dragging there feet have to own up now or it's curtains for them and they know it.Time to pay the piper.

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That would be a realistic way out for Trump but the man is such a narcissist and so committed to totalitarian fascism with himself the 'leader' that he never would. Remember his own legal team advised him to return stolen documents that would have made the investigation go away but he refused. This is his typical response to advice throughout his stolen presidency. The man is a disaster that hates democracy and rule of law except if it is his.

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What planet are you from?

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