Over 80, never injected, got Covid 10/21. No drugs, just boosted immune system with key items like D, Zinc and NAC. The saving grace was my D was 70 ng’s!

For 3 years not one word to American public on how to boost immune system!

Fast forward and Jan 23 got it again. This time Ivermectin and nutrients. Lasted less than a week ! The key is top notch nutrients and D over 50 NGs!

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If only we could have a Nuremberg-like trial, however it seems highly unlikely it will get to this stage unless the fallout, dare I say it, gets worse. To the point where nobody can deny it. How sad.

Look how devastating fear can be.

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My dad never turned CNN off. His wife, my stepmom, a cardiomyopathy patient since 1983, would surely die if she got Covid. He was terrified of being the one to kill her. Saint Fauci said to get “vaccinated”. So...“Vaccinated” he got, and then again and then after receiving his “booster”, his life came to an abrupt end with a massive heart attack 11-12-21. This happened exactly one week after his doc gave him a clean bill of health.

I hadn’t seen him in two years prior to his last day because of how afraid of any of us potentially exposing his wife. Shortly after his passing, I was ostracized by my family for simply implying the blessed shot may have been responsible. Although it still hurts on occasion, I am so glad I trusted my gut when things weren’t adding up to me early 2020. There are not enough words to adequately express my gratitude for those such as Dr Paul Alexander, that finally made it all make sense and have remained courageous enough to tell the truth, against the cruel insanity these heroes have been mercilessly ridiculed by.

Thank you🙏🏼

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Yes, all of those things were known to those paying attention. Lies heaped upon lies, and those with a measure of knowledge and intelligence knew something was wrong. When people started reporting on how covid had been knocked down overnight after taking HCQ, when Trump was demonized for suggesting HCQ could help, when hospitals running protocols only counted you as immune following infection as long as you had a high antibody count, it was incredibly obvious we were dealing with pseudo science. Arbitrary social distancing requirement of 6 feet used as an excuse not to let workers refusing the shots be allowed into the workplace. Houston Methodist mandating employees who worked remotely and had zero patient contact - this was relentless, merciless brutal emotional violence inflicted upon those who knew the shots were killing and maiming. The jeering and smug demonization of the unjabbed - all socially engineered through propaganda much in the same way leftists socially engineered lunatic level hatred for one of the most successful presidents ever...and a questionable landslide vote for a senile, corrupt puppet moron president...all of these things played a role in the deception. Our country has been under siege. We've been duped and lied to, and those most susceptible to being co-opted in this massive scam are the ones who most need to hear that we've been duped, and are the ones most inclined to reject the notion. Brainwashed and unable to form an opinion without being told by CNN what to think.

There are layers upon layers of deception. The covid lie falls apart regardless of what level of evidence you look at, whether anecdotal stories of people who know someone that died, or medical peer reviewed literature, or hard statistics on how widespread covid became in the most highly vaccinated countries. Hospital "treatment" protocols that coldly sent patients to their deaths while hospitals profited....such madness and evil has not been seen directly by most alive today. It's no wonder that the naive are still utterly misled. "Get your boosters" is this era's equivalent of "board the cattle cars".

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They just kept tightening the screws throughout the first year. Absurd. And they never tried to allay the public’s fear. They just helped increase it.

They all showed themselves to be the monsters they are.

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i knew most of what you wrote very early.only because i am inherently hyper-curious. Dr.Alexander do you know Dr. Reid Sheftall? amazing intellect and moral compass. i listened to him discuss with Dr. Jay Batthacharya for several hours. the clarity of Reid's math borne from his Physics training in combination with his medical training proved elegantly persuasive. he nailed much of the reality of Covid very early.

thank you for your own intellectual superiority and ethical drive. dave wilkinson

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Yes, I knew they were lying all over the place by mid-2020. PCR was EUA, death rates, case rates, CV19 was not even nearly as dangerous as they were pretending. The whole thing was absolutely overtly rigged. So everyone around me stood on their stickers and got shots from daddy government to make the bad stuff go away. It was like a cult. Nothing would convince them of the scam. nothing.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

Indeed. The pandemic that wasn't. That "covid" death number could be over reported by as high as ~95-96% based on earlier data out of italy (I think it was) and recent CDC "admissions".

Depending on how one does the calc's it could be possible to arrive at ~90% (I guess, I still think they are hedging). The lowest I have ever been able to achieve with reasonable estimates on what felt to be the low side is about 92%. But it isn't hard to obtain 95-96%.

The data in the early days (and even now) are so "mushy", it's like we are groping in the dark, but there is a bit of light so yea.

At least we are getting numbers closer to what is likely true.

And it is also worth remembering when processing this. The flu all but disappeared, and the average age of a "covid" death is near life expectancy.

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Yes, Kill them all. I will be the first to line up and watch after what they have done to me and my family.

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iv)PCT test was actually 95% false positive

- is that PCR?

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I had an idea today. Someone had mentioned putting markers up ( flags or ribbons) to represent deaths from Covid vaccines. They are doing this in Europe, so I looked it up. The problem here is it wouldn’t last, or we would need a “ protest” permit, too much red tape to take up that much space in a park, etc.

So, what about ribbons around trees or anywhere? Like back in the war days,


But, maybe instead of yellow we do red, white & blue. The elite globalists hate our national pride and love for this country. They want us to be all one country under tyrant rule.

I think we show them, visually, that we will defend this country to the end. We can use yellow- but definitely not white. That’s a sign of surrender, and that won’t happen.

The ribbons can represent lost loved ones to the Covid vaccine. It can represent how strong we are & that we will not forget the last 3 years. Names can go on a larger ribbon or words “ we won’t forget”, on others. Or just plain, doesn’t matter. And if it really takes off, it would send a message nationwide & worldwide that we are DONE with the lies, the bioweapons, and continual fear- mongering, by these cowards. Mostly, it would represent the individuals, and their families that have paid the biggest price of all. And the deaths will continue, unfortunately, as will unknown side effects from these experiments in our bodies. We can’t wait any longer to do something.

I can get this to as many substacks as possible. And if others do the same, we can get this to go viral. It certainly can’t hurt. And letters to local papers, in the editorials, can explain the ribbons. When a lot are seen and duplicated, the message will be loud and clear. We can do this! What do you think?

I love the chalk idea but I live in drip, drip, drip, Seattle. Waterproof ribbon should work.

Also, painted rocks along paths or parks with Bioweapon victim’s names, etc. would make people pause. It’s time to get busy.

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Yes I’ve learned these things from you and other dissidents from the science, political and medical communities. However, to see all these facts in one spot is shocking.

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I was permanently banned from LinkedIn and Twitter, and suspended numerous times on FB, for writing that covid hospitalizations and deaths were overcounted by 300-400%. The CDC made it legal to overcount and falsely covid deaths and hospitalizations. All for the purpose of manufacturing fear, which in turn caused people to comply with tyrannical mandates and line up for injections of deadly products.

In early 2020, the CDC changed their cause-of-death guidelines, telling doctors to list covid as cause of death even on symptoms alone.




Dr. Annie Bukacek tells the extent to falsely labeled covid deaths by the CDC in this video:


The CDC started lumping together all flu, pneumonia and covid deaths as one category - and all such deaths are counted as covid. This is right on the CDC’s own website. From the CDC website:

- Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.

- Counts of deaths involving pneumonia include pneumonia deaths that also involve COVID-19 and exclude pneumonia deaths involving influenza.

- Counts of deaths involving influenza include deaths with pneumonia or COVID-19 also listed as a cause of death

- Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, pneumonia, or influenza, coded to ICD–10 codes U07.1 or J09–18.9.

Here’s just one example of how the CDC cause-of-death changes were used to justify falsely inflated covid deaths. Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health, said this in a press conference: “The case definition is very simplistic. That means, that if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have covid, that would be counted as a covid death. It means, technically even if you died of clear alternative cause, but you had covid at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death. Everyone who is listed as a COVID death, doesn’t mean that was the cause of the death, but they had COVID at the time of death.”


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Europe here. When the psyop first started, some of the messaging was actually pretty accurate. For example, we were told that we had to destroy our entire way of life in order to "Save Granny", in other words, they actually told us in early 2020 that the risk to younger people was negligible. Same with face diapers, they said they were approximately 10% effective but they had to be mandated anyway as an "additional layer of protection". But as time went on, they gradually changed the narrative on pretty much everything.

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Yes we knew all this Doc because specialists like yourself have been advising us since May 2020.

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As a long time nurse.... I’m deeply embarrassed by the medical community and their “leaders.” Even I won’t trust them again. Talk about a bunch of go alongers. How weak. How pathetic.

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