This fraud freak man with a penis CHEAT (for that is what he is) says his strategy and cycling skills helped him; what a sick joke, this moron, this filthy freak transgender freak thinks he won fairly
The government was crooked then, too. I remember my high school gym teacher.
She was obsessed with volleyball. She sit on the bleachers and constantly yelled at everything you did wrong. I tried out for the drill team in junior high, but I just
couldn't get those dance steps and my feet going with the rhythm You were
more agile that me. I'm not there yet. Still holding on to the end of the 60's. :-)
I was in a small HS and wound up as a lineman against some brutes because others were More Agile it seems.
Societies left alone sort these things out and people find their place given an equal playing field. Some have more to offer, but are worthless without our support.
Fake Money has destroyed the equal playing field.
Keep kicking Sweetie, we can't let that bastards control our opportunity to be the best we can and be proud of our efforts.
He is creep freak. But I hold more responsible the people who allow him to compete, including the women who still engage in sports that allow men to be women in competition.
He should never of been allowed to compete in a women’s sport bloody cheat he is .This is disgusting and should not be allowed . Cheat cheat that’s all you are mate Cheats don’t prosper .😡😡😡
Women must cancel these competitions en masse. They lose sponsorship money without competitors racing, shut down the event. Boy(haha)cott this cheating.
i'll say it again- this will not stop until actual women refuse to compete with fake women. sorry ladies, grow a pair, stand down and walk away. someone is going to come in second in every race but you don't have to come in second to a man
well, parents of younger girls, specifically fathers, should be declaring war, marching into locker rooms that their daughters are being shamed into sharing with intact boys/men and tossing the guys out.
if a rapist went into a ladies changing room, all hell would break loose but if the rapist claims to be a chick, it's supposed to be ok.
if the girl is afraid to speak up, afraid to lose her scholarship, whatever, her father needs to teach her some courage.
but really, it's so discouraging that women keep competing in these races. give william thomas the pool to himself. let this austin creep race alone. if there's no second or third, there can't be a first
Trophies mean nothing any more. Nor do Emmy's, Pulitzer Prizes, etc., etc., etc.
Satan has captured ALL of that shit.
Remember, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize :-(
Yeah, that was the biggest joke of my lifetime (that I remember).
So true. And then proceeded to bomb the hell out of defenseless middle East countries and destroy Libya and steal their Treasure of Gold and Humans.
Homo Puppet for the Deep State.
Obama's a traitorous fraud. He married a tranny, Big Mike.
And he likes it.
LOL. I was GOOD at dodge ball at 150 lbs in High School. Took out the big guys easily because I was more agile, and had more focus.
I'm near 70 and still do my own work.
And THAT is why dodgeball was eliminated at govt schools, and why kids are wearing helmets and knee pads.
It's all about dehumanizing and freedom to be God's Creation.
The government was crooked then, too. I remember my high school gym teacher.
She was obsessed with volleyball. She sit on the bleachers and constantly yelled at everything you did wrong. I tried out for the drill team in junior high, but I just
couldn't get those dance steps and my feet going with the rhythm You were
more agile that me. I'm not there yet. Still holding on to the end of the 60's. :-)
I was in a small HS and wound up as a lineman against some brutes because others were More Agile it seems.
Societies left alone sort these things out and people find their place given an equal playing field. Some have more to offer, but are worthless without our support.
Fake Money has destroyed the equal playing field.
Keep kicking Sweetie, we can't let that bastards control our opportunity to be the best we can and be proud of our efforts.
I will :-) Take Care+
A monumental travesty of reality.
Call him out - at least you have the balls, Dr Alexander!
He is creep freak. But I hold more responsible the people who allow him to compete, including the women who still engage in sports that allow men to be women in competition.
Cattexas - Yes! The women could & should end this!!!
Yes, women need to speak out- loudly!!!
If whole teams refused to participate, it wouldn't take long. The college women have the most to lose in scholarships, etc.
He should never of been allowed to compete in a women’s sport bloody cheat he is .This is disgusting and should not be allowed . Cheat cheat that’s all you are mate Cheats don’t prosper .😡😡😡
Women must cancel these competitions en masse. They lose sponsorship money without competitors racing, shut down the event. Boy(haha)cott this cheating.
If women refused to compete it would be over. These trannies don’t want to compete against each other so the nonsense would end. Say NO!
Headline correction. Failed male cyclist beats women in race
I would add, Satanic Captured organization awards one of their disciples a Prize.
Women allow this nonsense to go unchallenged? Ok!
Yes, women need to get vety vocal about this. These ‘transitional’ men still have the strength of men. What a fragile ego they must have!!!!
Chop your dick if you wanna play with the girls!!!
So sick of this.
Another loser in his MALE field.
Still has unfair testosterone advantage+ muscle development piror to having whatever done...
Absolutely right, DF.
He's delusional but not that delusional. He KNOWS he's cheating but thinks he's gaslighting us.
The emperor has no clothes.
Sick! 🤮
At the end of the race they should have walked him into an asylum
Sorry, I just don't get the whole 'biological men in women's sports' thing... 🤔
And, frankly, I don't even get the 'my pronouns' thing!
Satanic Captured organization awards one of their disciples a Prize.
I always love reading your intro into these things, Dr.Alexander! You have a gifted mind.
i'll say it again- this will not stop until actual women refuse to compete with fake women. sorry ladies, grow a pair, stand down and walk away. someone is going to come in second in every race but you don't have to come in second to a man
Exactly! We can’t do it for them. They have to stand up for themselves.
well, parents of younger girls, specifically fathers, should be declaring war, marching into locker rooms that their daughters are being shamed into sharing with intact boys/men and tossing the guys out.
if a rapist went into a ladies changing room, all hell would break loose but if the rapist claims to be a chick, it's supposed to be ok.
if the girl is afraid to speak up, afraid to lose her scholarship, whatever, her father needs to teach her some courage.
but really, it's so discouraging that women keep competing in these races. give william thomas the pool to himself. let this austin creep race alone. if there's no second or third, there can't be a first
Fantastic post, Carolyn.