I love how you just state the obvious, with emphatic clarity. In a world that becomes more dissociated from reality by the day, it is needed.

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Good role model....revisiting the kid who announced the emperor had no clothes!

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That about says it all. Thank you for your words of wisdom, Dr. Alexander!!!

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I think it's insidious sinister social conditioning the next generation into becoming sexless/genderless nano/genetically engineered synthetic biology robotized SLAVES to their globalist predator ruling technocrat megalomaniac overlords who want to play god and have total control via AI algrithms they program. Such evil garbage cannot work, complex living beings can never be mechanized machines that these psychopaths yearn for.

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ah, reality. i'd like to identify as a person not hindered by gravity but... splat

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And television is promoting, honoring and putting transgender on a pedestal. The shows featuring transgender “queens” is multiplying at an unprecedented pace. The Hollywood gossip shows are glorifying and idolizing the transgender. It’s horrific.

Action4Canada is fighting the indoctrination … Notices of Liability and info on their website.


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You weren't, by any chance, that little kid who shouted that the emperor had no clothes?

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What, you think you are a biologist?

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Cheers 🤜🤛👊👊👊👊👊

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Cringe to wonder what they are doing with tampons….

Alice Cooper sums it up: ‘Only Women Bleed’. It’s about domestic violence victims, but the title has a dual meaning. This performance is passionate and powerful: https://youtu.be/1yALNSd0iME

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Did you see.

Now there’s Trans Race

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Important to know who is behind this trans craze.  Including the BBC, our friend from the Trusted News Initiative.


There are lots caught up in it who are wanting to be allies, or wanting to help kids be accepted for being gender nonconforming.   But just like the manipulative disaster that is pharma democide cloaked in language of protection, the trans push doesn't respect the gender nonconforming, it tries to remake humanity without informed consent, using confused children as pawns.   Besides transgender, there's postgender / gender nullification - "nullos".

Post gender is one step from post human / trans human.


Is this the "science" that this madness rests on, an experiment saying if a kid goes for pink they're a girl, action figures they're a boy, and shows interest in both - means they are Neither A Boy Nor A Girl.  That sounds as solidly scientific as the data used to push these covid injections onto the world. 

https://www.transgendertrend.com/?s=bbchttps://www.transgendertrend.com/the-bbc-presents-im-a-non-binary-ten-year-old/(from 2016) - "Despite the recent outcry over the Science Museum’s “What Sex Is My Brain?” exhibit, the BBC continues to relentlessly promote brain sex theory by another name, the latest example being “I’m a non-binary 10-year-old” on Radio 4 last week.This show seriously presented the idea that a ‘girl’ brain is recognisable by ownership of a Barbie doll and a ‘bright pink bedroom’ and a ‘boy’ brain by the preference for ‘pirates, Iron Man, Wolverine and Peter Pan.’ Not only that, but that it is from observation of these preferences that we can divine whether a child is actually, in reality, a boy or a girl. A child who has a range of interests, including some from the gender ‘pink’ box and some from the gender ‘blue’ box, must therefore, we are told, be ‘non-binary’ which means that they are (actually, in reality) neither a boy or a girl."

This is so wrong. And I (used to be) the furthest thing from conservative minded when it comes to things of (consensual) sexualities and identities. But this is beyond. And it is driven by forces of control manipulating genuine feelings

The trans madness will be exposed with the pharma corruption. So many ruined lives and grieving parents.

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i love how they fall back on stereotypes. but that is typical of drag

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The residents of Woketopia have massively overplayed their hand about [you pick the subject], and to that I say 'Here's a stage and a microphone.'

'Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake'

- Napoleon

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I just got back from the new Disney movie about Buzz Lightyear. In the movie Buzz’s female copilot falls in love with another woman and they have a baby! Insane how they are trying to normalize this for our kids!

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Next Disney movie is a gay spiderman. :-O

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100% with you on this. It's gross depravity. Society is increasingly degenerate.

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Well said! We absolutely need more people to stand up and reject the idea that it is acceptable to push this on children. Why are so many adults okay with sexualizing children, taking them to pride parades and drag shows, many of which include crude, vulgar, and inappropriate behaviour? Why are schools teaching children that they can be a boy or a girl, or both, or neither, and that the doctors just "guess" at their gender when they are born? What is this crap??? And, when these programs are put into elementary schools, why aren't the teachers standing up and stating that there is no way they are going to "teach" this garbage to innocent children? The schools started off saying that it was because they don't want kids to be bullied, but now they aren't even hiding it - they are openly teaching queer theory, CRT, transgenderism and everything else in between. If this doesn't stop, there is going to be an entire generation of completely messed up individuals. God bless you, Dr. Alexander, for speaking out!

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Wait, has that been fact-checked?

2A can make a male bleed though ...

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