was done to you, is seemingly being done to you & you are lapping it up; today, you listen to people e.g. Kariko, who brought the very same mRNA technology in the vaccine that kills & harms you
My problem with Malone is his lack of forthrightness regarding everything he knows about mrna technology and the plandemic. He knows much more than he has said.
Malone is surely a Narcissist and using the exact pattern upon the Breggins. This must be paid attention to for the health of the Breggins. When this is exposed the Breggins will know how to handle it emotionally correctly. Blessings of strength, I pray for the Breggins.
I've deleted many posts here and on other stacks for fear Malone wants to sue anyone who even questions mRNA platform and his stance on it.
Medical articles show mRNA gene editing causes unwanted genetic mutations. Spicing, inserting, all of it is a risk, not just LNP and spike. People who support him dont care. They attack anyone who isnt promoting him. They stalk other honest publishers on substack and pretend to be friends to get their private information. He says the truth is a lion... then why not let it speak and stand or fall? He called me and others trolls for asking honest questions.
It's painful to realize those who claim to fight for us would prefer to sue us for questioning their truth.
I raised honest respectful questions on Nass's page. She didn't answer any of them. Her exact words to me were Heidi "put up or shut up." Neither option gives me answers I requested. It was rude, disrespectful and shows her allegiance.
I don't read Nass anymore. If you want to bullet point her post or even better your view of it I'll read it but I have zero respect for her
Btw most of my comments with him in it include his exact quotes, links and medical article links. I'm not just making things up. I have real concerns
Interesting. The main point of her article is that the Breggins’ claim that Malone could have somehow just made some calls to his former pals at the CDC and FDA and put an end to all of it, and that he’s gotten rich over all this, are untrue. And in fact, she quotes Catherine Austin Fitts, who seems to make the same point that lesser known Breggins are getting traction from renowned Malone, and that they are creating division between two parties who are both on the same side vs the globalists.
There’s some good details in there and for that reason I’d suggest you read it.
To your comment about Nass’ attitude, I have seen a couple interviews with her and I understand why you feel the way you do based on her comment of put up or shut up. Nass appears to be in the short-side when it comes to bedside manner. However, I believe her to be sincere and authentic about specific details on the story, and I think we need to all take stock and try to come together.
One of the other comments here by another one of Alexander’s readers, shows exactly the problem. He says “Please continue exposing Malone for the vile swamp creature he is”, to which I can only reply, if Malone is a vile swamp creature, what do we call Fauci, Birx, Walenski, Bourla, Schwab, and Trudeau, etc...?
You're coming at it from a profit stance. I'm coming at it from a concern for our future.
In his interview where he claimed he was warned off gene editing, got into vaccine manufacture, mentored under the leading researcher on reverse transcription then started making mRNA vaccine tech. He worked at Salk. He calls Fauci by his first name, credits him for helping get his patents. His wife published an article about how wronged he was for not getting accolades and credit for his inventions. He has or had patents on everything from DNA transfection, LNP, luciferase....
Does any of this sound like someone who wants to protect all of us from mRNA vaccines, gene edited food? Or does it sound like someone who wants to resurrect the mRNA platform when covid vaccines fail? Could it even be that he is angered he didnt get the credit he deserves so he is tearing down these vaccines specifically, not all mRNA vaccines? If so what does that mean?
Those are all true facts. That is his history. But like many who really had no idea that the tech would be put to such evil use, he even got jabbed himself and was injured.
The tech itself isn’t the most dangerous part of the jabs. The tech he invented definitely has risks, but it was developed for helping get drugs into cancer cells, so people who would be taking it are already at a big risk for death, so the direct risks from the tech might be worth it if there’s a chance the drug they’re trying to get inside certain cells can actually get there via the LNP. The issue with the jabs is that the mRNA being delivered is for a pathogen. Malone’s work was with the LNP, not the mRNA for the spike protein.
Here's the thing with me. My son has a genetic deletion. Over 20 years ago I started doing medical research to find a cure for him. I was desperate for anything. I read about children dying from gene editing. The twin girls who had their genes edited to be immune to AIDS are now thought to be at risk of early death. I did research on reverse transcriptase (which he claims to have done) because my son's deletion is of an end cap telomere. Telomerase keeps the telomeres long and has proven to extend the lifespan of chickens. It also allows RNA to reverse transcribe into DNA. It is in all of our cells.
RNA disruptions may cause cancer. Splicing itself may lead to cancer. Hijacking RNA enzymes may lead to cancer. Their own medical articles show this platform leads to genetic mutations. Children who did survive gene editing developed genetic mutations leading to leukemia.
I was doing free research for a business and offered this treatment for my son. The head researcher said he could get me connections, a funder who would help my son ...but remember this person cuts women's breasts off for fun. I already knew this was something that could kill him and decided against it before he offered. What does it tell you if a parent of a suffering child who wants a cure, has studied enough through the years to know this is not safe.
I feel anyone who has been in this field of research for decades cannot possibly be more ignorant than me. He is so much more knowledgeable and well spoken I havent 1/10th of the knowledge he does, the behind the scene testing and studies showing the failures, failures which arent published only given small mentions in larger articles. How can he not have know the dangers especially when, before he even began his research, his own boss warned him off?
It makes me very uncomfortable when someone wants accolades for their knoweldge then claims ignorance to the dangers
-38:40 Tony came to me one day (Anthony Fauci) with a paper that hadnt even come out yet on positively charged lipids and negative polynucleotides and they would spontaneously assemble. This new tech caused spontaneous assembly mixed with other lipids that fuse with cell membranes and stick to surface of cells, causing DNA transfection in the nucleus of cells.
-41:20 I filed patents at Salk using RNA as a drug
-Things came together I was able to deliver RNA into every cell I tested
This led to testing and a PNAS paper that people still use as a basic construct.
-Approx 45 minutes I theorized the mice were building immunity to this foreign gene.
-47 minutes This made retroviral gene therapt perfect for vaccine use ...
Why is everyone silent about the lawsuit? Gee, not a word of support from highly visible people, like doctors, scientists, alternative media, etc. I've seen people supporting RM on social media, etc. What happened to the freedom movement? If people are scared of voicing their public support for the Breggins, then I guess freedom of speech is gone. Fear = no freedom of speech.
If highly visible people can't publically voice words of support for the Breggins because of fear then that should tell you something. Imo, it means there's no freedom movement and I can't take certain people seriously. It's all BS to me now. I want no part of it.
Maybe others have pointed this out-- I'm just catching up-- but Malone recently put out a "ten rules to live by" and the very first one was: "respect for (good) authority." The second one invited us to be humble.
Sounds great! Except how to we tell if an "authority" is "good" or not unless we can boldly (not humbly) question authority, ask for answers, and demand accounting?
There are plenty of good cops out there but those good cops are good partly because they do what they're told, and a "good" authority telling a truly good cop what to enforce when that "good" thing is an extension of police state conditions and undue restrictions on personal autonomy and the right to move freely, isn't something that we should simply humbly respect. I'm trying to point out that this entire notion of what's "good" or not is up for debate, and who is to tell us-- or demand of us-- that we should simply obey or respect "good" authority?
As someone who was willing to grant that Malone is a decent person despite his behavior toward the Breggins, Malone's "rules" are a huge red flag. This is insidious, nasty stuff, and surely if he really were in the medical freedom movement, he'd know that.
If your first rule is to follow authority, and you are asserting yourself as *the* authority, it's pretty certain you're dealing with a narcissist.
Narcissism is just a particular flavor of sociopathy. Hollywood would like us to think that sociopathy is very rare, it's someone wearing a hockey mask or holding a chain saw, but it's probably at least one in ten in the US.
You do not want to be alive when the Fed loses complete control
What If the Fed Has Lost Control?
When this bubble bursts, there will be no fourth or fifth bubble, there will only be rubble.
The US economy and its financial system operate under the implicit belief that the Federal Reserve controls the direction of the economy and finance. This belief isn't in Fed influence, it's in Fed control: the Fed can reverse a stock market decline on a dime, it can reverse a recession, it can do "whatever it takes" to keep markets stable and expansive.
The history of the past 30 years seems to support this belief. Every time a financial crisis has manifested, the Fed has "saved the day" with some new policy extreme, changing the rules, jacking up its balance sheet 10-fold, and so on.
The flaw in this confidence in Fed control is the three speculative bubbles that have inflated and burst in the era of Fed Control, 1995 to the present. These bubbles could not have inflated without a "dovish" Fed pushing interest rates down and juicing the financial system with liquidity / credit. Since all speculative bubbles eventually burst, the Fed is forced into "rescue mode" which requires ever more extreme manipulation, oops, I mean intervention, to stabilize the bubble bursting and inflate the next bubble.
What few entertain as a possibility is the Fed is losing control of the economy and finance for systemic reasons that have nothing to do with Fed Policy per se. In other words, it's not a "Fed policy error" that brings the system down, it's much larger forces: diminishing returns and second order effects.
In a recent interview, a Catholic priest and exorcist compared abusers to demons. Gaslighting, 5th gen warfare, psy ops - all are abuse in the most classic sense. You cannot fight a demon or abuser on their terms, if you come from a defensive or tit for tat, position, you can never win, because abusers and demons summon their power from a dark and powerful place.
What you have to do with demons and abusers is put them back on their heels, question their character, question their ethics, question their motives. "What's wrong with you? Are you always this abusive/ dishonest/ misleading/ disrespectful, etc.?" And it has to be done where you put them on the defensive. You also need to talk to them as if they are a bad child, and you are the adult. Calm, but solid in your place over them because these are really bad, dangerous people, and they need to be challenged and stopped.
Having knowledge of the tactics being used against us while asserting our authority as sovereign and free living souls is the best defense.
We are the many. They are the few.
Patriots have maintained their integrity throughout this monumental struggle, and we will not be dragged into the mud on behalf of some guy with a personal agenda.
While enjoyable, I think Desmet's book has two major flaws.
One is that in talking about past mass formations a significant portion of the people involved can eventually be deprogramed to move past the movement when enough failures occur to prove conclusively that it is wrong. While one can be an ex-Cutlist or ex-Nazi, one can never be an ex-Vaccinated.
Secondly, Desmet really downplays the idea that the Covid mass formation didn't really need a leading cabal. Given that the planning, resources, media control, and government involvement necessary to execute the Covid Scam, his thesis is it would have happened without that. If so, why the need for such draconian totalitarian forces used to implement it if it would have occurred spontaneously? There were Nazis before Hitler, but you would have never heard of them without him.
A final thought about Demet's book. He says the only way to overcome one mass formation is with another.
Well stated Vic. I read the book myself. It was interesting but slightly bland. Hindsight is 20:20/ex post facto and all that. Just like economists can only tell one what went wrong after the financial destruction has already wrecked things.
I watched an interview with Desmet on the Corbett Report and he seemed a nice enough bloke and was pretty engaging.
Not sure what the fuss was about the book. It was just a proposal - nothing more or less. Didn't the Breggins tear his thesis to shreds?
Doesn't that go some way to explaining Malone’s detest for the Breggins.
All the same, it's all just one-upmanSHIT to me.
Let's move forward beyond vacuous and self-serving personalities.
Personally I never liked Malone..I knew he was a snake in the grass from the start. He doesn't even LOOK remotely trustworthy as bad as that may be to say ..looks evil though to me. Thank you for that fascinating breakdown of his psyop inspired (and adopted) psychological abuses. Dr Breggin and his wife are heros and I think they're fantastic. Absolutely that cpl has done more than Malone has or will. I wish he'd just stfu and mind his own considering he's not helping and only causing (more) harm.
Cyberstalking refers to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other telecommunication technologies to harass or stalk another person. It is a form of intimidation and fear-inducing behavior that is methodical, deliberate and persistent. Cyberstalkers use social media, Internet databases, search engines and other online resources in order to cause anxiety or terror in others.
How about practicing what we preach and facilitate an open debate with moderation?
Please continue exposing Malone for the vile swamp creature he is.
Thank you Paul.
My problem with Malone is his lack of forthrightness regarding everything he knows about mrna technology and the plandemic. He knows much more than he has said.
Malone is surely a Narcissist and using the exact pattern upon the Breggins. This must be paid attention to for the health of the Breggins. When this is exposed the Breggins will know how to handle it emotionally correctly. Blessings of strength, I pray for the Breggins.
Bless the Breggins.
I've deleted many posts here and on other stacks for fear Malone wants to sue anyone who even questions mRNA platform and his stance on it.
Medical articles show mRNA gene editing causes unwanted genetic mutations. Spicing, inserting, all of it is a risk, not just LNP and spike. People who support him dont care. They attack anyone who isnt promoting him. They stalk other honest publishers on substack and pretend to be friends to get their private information. He says the truth is a lion... then why not let it speak and stand or fall? He called me and others trolls for asking honest questions.
It's painful to realize those who claim to fight for us would prefer to sue us for questioning their truth.
I raised honest respectful questions on Nass's page. She didn't answer any of them. Her exact words to me were Heidi "put up or shut up." Neither option gives me answers I requested. It was rude, disrespectful and shows her allegiance.
I don't read Nass anymore. If you want to bullet point her post or even better your view of it I'll read it but I have zero respect for her
Btw most of my comments with him in it include his exact quotes, links and medical article links. I'm not just making things up. I have real concerns
Interesting. The main point of her article is that the Breggins’ claim that Malone could have somehow just made some calls to his former pals at the CDC and FDA and put an end to all of it, and that he’s gotten rich over all this, are untrue. And in fact, she quotes Catherine Austin Fitts, who seems to make the same point that lesser known Breggins are getting traction from renowned Malone, and that they are creating division between two parties who are both on the same side vs the globalists.
There’s some good details in there and for that reason I’d suggest you read it.
To your comment about Nass’ attitude, I have seen a couple interviews with her and I understand why you feel the way you do based on her comment of put up or shut up. Nass appears to be in the short-side when it comes to bedside manner. However, I believe her to be sincere and authentic about specific details on the story, and I think we need to all take stock and try to come together.
One of the other comments here by another one of Alexander’s readers, shows exactly the problem. He says “Please continue exposing Malone for the vile swamp creature he is”, to which I can only reply, if Malone is a vile swamp creature, what do we call Fauci, Birx, Walenski, Bourla, Schwab, and Trudeau, etc...?
You're coming at it from a profit stance. I'm coming at it from a concern for our future.
In his interview where he claimed he was warned off gene editing, got into vaccine manufacture, mentored under the leading researcher on reverse transcription then started making mRNA vaccine tech. He worked at Salk. He calls Fauci by his first name, credits him for helping get his patents. His wife published an article about how wronged he was for not getting accolades and credit for his inventions. He has or had patents on everything from DNA transfection, LNP, luciferase....
Does any of this sound like someone who wants to protect all of us from mRNA vaccines, gene edited food? Or does it sound like someone who wants to resurrect the mRNA platform when covid vaccines fail? Could it even be that he is angered he didnt get the credit he deserves so he is tearing down these vaccines specifically, not all mRNA vaccines? If so what does that mean?
Those are all true facts. That is his history. But like many who really had no idea that the tech would be put to such evil use, he even got jabbed himself and was injured.
The tech itself isn’t the most dangerous part of the jabs. The tech he invented definitely has risks, but it was developed for helping get drugs into cancer cells, so people who would be taking it are already at a big risk for death, so the direct risks from the tech might be worth it if there’s a chance the drug they’re trying to get inside certain cells can actually get there via the LNP. The issue with the jabs is that the mRNA being delivered is for a pathogen. Malone’s work was with the LNP, not the mRNA for the spike protein.
He claims to have worked with mRNA.
Here's the thing with me. My son has a genetic deletion. Over 20 years ago I started doing medical research to find a cure for him. I was desperate for anything. I read about children dying from gene editing. The twin girls who had their genes edited to be immune to AIDS are now thought to be at risk of early death. I did research on reverse transcriptase (which he claims to have done) because my son's deletion is of an end cap telomere. Telomerase keeps the telomeres long and has proven to extend the lifespan of chickens. It also allows RNA to reverse transcribe into DNA. It is in all of our cells.
RNA disruptions may cause cancer. Splicing itself may lead to cancer. Hijacking RNA enzymes may lead to cancer. Their own medical articles show this platform leads to genetic mutations. Children who did survive gene editing developed genetic mutations leading to leukemia.
I was doing free research for a business and offered this treatment for my son. The head researcher said he could get me connections, a funder who would help my son ...but remember this person cuts women's breasts off for fun. I already knew this was something that could kill him and decided against it before he offered. What does it tell you if a parent of a suffering child who wants a cure, has studied enough through the years to know this is not safe.
I feel anyone who has been in this field of research for decades cannot possibly be more ignorant than me. He is so much more knowledgeable and well spoken I havent 1/10th of the knowledge he does, the behind the scene testing and studies showing the failures, failures which arent published only given small mentions in larger articles. How can he not have know the dangers especially when, before he even began his research, his own boss warned him off?
It makes me very uncomfortable when someone wants accolades for their knoweldge then claims ignorance to the dangers
His own words, link below:
-38:40 Tony came to me one day (Anthony Fauci) with a paper that hadnt even come out yet on positively charged lipids and negative polynucleotides and they would spontaneously assemble. This new tech caused spontaneous assembly mixed with other lipids that fuse with cell membranes and stick to surface of cells, causing DNA transfection in the nucleus of cells.
-41:20 I filed patents at Salk using RNA as a drug
-Things came together I was able to deliver RNA into every cell I tested
This led to testing and a PNAS paper that people still use as a basic construct.
-Approx 45 minutes I theorized the mice were building immunity to this foreign gene.
-47 minutes This made retroviral gene therapt perfect for vaccine use ...
Why is everyone silent about the lawsuit? Gee, not a word of support from highly visible people, like doctors, scientists, alternative media, etc. I've seen people supporting RM on social media, etc. What happened to the freedom movement? If people are scared of voicing their public support for the Breggins, then I guess freedom of speech is gone. Fear = no freedom of speech.
The fox in the hen house. Dressed as a chicken!
If highly visible people can't publically voice words of support for the Breggins because of fear then that should tell you something. Imo, it means there's no freedom movement and I can't take certain people seriously. It's all BS to me now. I want no part of it.
Maybe others have pointed this out-- I'm just catching up-- but Malone recently put out a "ten rules to live by" and the very first one was: "respect for (good) authority." The second one invited us to be humble.
Sounds great! Except how to we tell if an "authority" is "good" or not unless we can boldly (not humbly) question authority, ask for answers, and demand accounting?
There are plenty of good cops out there but those good cops are good partly because they do what they're told, and a "good" authority telling a truly good cop what to enforce when that "good" thing is an extension of police state conditions and undue restrictions on personal autonomy and the right to move freely, isn't something that we should simply humbly respect. I'm trying to point out that this entire notion of what's "good" or not is up for debate, and who is to tell us-- or demand of us-- that we should simply obey or respect "good" authority?
As someone who was willing to grant that Malone is a decent person despite his behavior toward the Breggins, Malone's "rules" are a huge red flag. This is insidious, nasty stuff, and surely if he really were in the medical freedom movement, he'd know that.
If your first rule is to follow authority, and you are asserting yourself as *the* authority, it's pretty certain you're dealing with a narcissist.
Narcissism is just a particular flavor of sociopathy. Hollywood would like us to think that sociopathy is very rare, it's someone wearing a hockey mask or holding a chain saw, but it's probably at least one in ten in the US.
You do not want to be alive when the Fed loses complete control
What If the Fed Has Lost Control?
When this bubble bursts, there will be no fourth or fifth bubble, there will only be rubble.
The US economy and its financial system operate under the implicit belief that the Federal Reserve controls the direction of the economy and finance. This belief isn't in Fed influence, it's in Fed control: the Fed can reverse a stock market decline on a dime, it can reverse a recession, it can do "whatever it takes" to keep markets stable and expansive.
The history of the past 30 years seems to support this belief. Every time a financial crisis has manifested, the Fed has "saved the day" with some new policy extreme, changing the rules, jacking up its balance sheet 10-fold, and so on.
The flaw in this confidence in Fed control is the three speculative bubbles that have inflated and burst in the era of Fed Control, 1995 to the present. These bubbles could not have inflated without a "dovish" Fed pushing interest rates down and juicing the financial system with liquidity / credit. Since all speculative bubbles eventually burst, the Fed is forced into "rescue mode" which requires ever more extreme manipulation, oops, I mean intervention, to stabilize the bubble bursting and inflate the next bubble.
What few entertain as a possibility is the Fed is losing control of the economy and finance for systemic reasons that have nothing to do with Fed Policy per se. In other words, it's not a "Fed policy error" that brings the system down, it's much larger forces: diminishing returns and second order effects.
More: http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2023/05/what-if-fed-has-lost-control.html
In a recent interview, a Catholic priest and exorcist compared abusers to demons. Gaslighting, 5th gen warfare, psy ops - all are abuse in the most classic sense. You cannot fight a demon or abuser on their terms, if you come from a defensive or tit for tat, position, you can never win, because abusers and demons summon their power from a dark and powerful place.
What you have to do with demons and abusers is put them back on their heels, question their character, question their ethics, question their motives. "What's wrong with you? Are you always this abusive/ dishonest/ misleading/ disrespectful, etc.?" And it has to be done where you put them on the defensive. You also need to talk to them as if they are a bad child, and you are the adult. Calm, but solid in your place over them because these are really bad, dangerous people, and they need to be challenged and stopped.
Playing 5GW only drags us into their sick game.
It’s a losing proposition.
Having knowledge of the tactics being used against us while asserting our authority as sovereign and free living souls is the best defense.
We are the many. They are the few.
Patriots have maintained their integrity throughout this monumental struggle, and we will not be dragged into the mud on behalf of some guy with a personal agenda.
While enjoyable, I think Desmet's book has two major flaws.
One is that in talking about past mass formations a significant portion of the people involved can eventually be deprogramed to move past the movement when enough failures occur to prove conclusively that it is wrong. While one can be an ex-Cutlist or ex-Nazi, one can never be an ex-Vaccinated.
Secondly, Desmet really downplays the idea that the Covid mass formation didn't really need a leading cabal. Given that the planning, resources, media control, and government involvement necessary to execute the Covid Scam, his thesis is it would have happened without that. If so, why the need for such draconian totalitarian forces used to implement it if it would have occurred spontaneously? There were Nazis before Hitler, but you would have never heard of them without him.
A final thought about Demet's book. He says the only way to overcome one mass formation is with another.
Well stated Vic. I read the book myself. It was interesting but slightly bland. Hindsight is 20:20/ex post facto and all that. Just like economists can only tell one what went wrong after the financial destruction has already wrecked things.
I watched an interview with Desmet on the Corbett Report and he seemed a nice enough bloke and was pretty engaging.
Not sure what the fuss was about the book. It was just a proposal - nothing more or less. Didn't the Breggins tear his thesis to shreds?
Doesn't that go some way to explaining Malone’s detest for the Breggins.
All the same, it's all just one-upmanSHIT to me.
Let's move forward beyond vacuous and self-serving personalities.
A good evening to you ;))
Very well done.
But, we do know who the enemy is:
Personally I never liked Malone..I knew he was a snake in the grass from the start. He doesn't even LOOK remotely trustworthy as bad as that may be to say ..looks evil though to me. Thank you for that fascinating breakdown of his psyop inspired (and adopted) psychological abuses. Dr Breggin and his wife are heros and I think they're fantastic. Absolutely that cpl has done more than Malone has or will. I wish he'd just stfu and mind his own considering he's not helping and only causing (more) harm.
Thank you. Lots of food for thought. I'm trying hard to figure this all out.
Cyberstalking refers to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other telecommunication technologies to harass or stalk another person. It is a form of intimidation and fear-inducing behavior that is methodical, deliberate and persistent. Cyberstalkers use social media, Internet databases, search engines and other online resources in order to cause anxiety or terror in others.
How about practicing what we preach and facilitate an open debate with moderation?