Attacks on Stew Peters & the 'Died Suddenly' video are wrong, misguided & the enemy wins; you must unify to fight the globalist & malfeasants; & we will not fight the leftist deepstate
with kid gloves & rainbows & butterflies, no this is WAR! & as they seek to destroy us & have killed people with lockdowns & fraud COVID injection, so we must decimate them; see Kingston's substack
Karen Kingston’s substack on the attacks on Stew Peters is bang on and I share and support her please. Karen likes Stew’s work. I see no issue with it for Stew is our answer to the filthy left radical swamp media. Corrupted media. He gives them what they give and some. He ‘throws’ down like it should, no kiddy gloves here.
Come on, we face one really dark enemy. Let us stop this. Let us unite. Malone, Breggin, Stew et al. You guys are adults. Work this out amicably and quietly and nicely. Let us come together, we have different ways of getting there but same destination. I urge all to step back, regain regard and respect. Move on. We must be our brother’s keeper, exercise gracious mercy. Learn to say “I am sorry” or ‘I did not mean that”. I urge. I pray for the lord to grant you all favor and blessings, to protect you all and to do the next best right thing. In the meantime, thank you all for the great work you do.
We can use tactics and emotion to convey our message sure, but having watched the ‘doc’ ...nah...I don’t think stew’s is a winning strategy. Read Matthew Crawfords (rounding the earth substack) take on this, it’s in depth, fair and Matthew has been a data analysis warrior on Covid. Hard pass on Stew, ‘watch the water” and now this? I don’t see how he’s helpful. Sorry.
"Died Suddenly" has been, in effect, peer-reviewed. Some of the criticism is valid. Take it into account, remove the big foot and similar stuff and the few factual inaccuracies and re-release it. It will then be not only still a good film but a better film and the jab advocates will be deprived of ammunition.