We can use tactics and emotion to convey our message sure, but having watched the ‘doc’ ...nah...I don’t think stew’s is a winning strategy. Read Matthew Crawfords (rounding the earth substack) take on this, it’s in depth, fair and Matthew has been a data analysis warrior on Covid. Hard pass on Stew, ‘watch the water” and now this? I don’t see how he’s helpful. Sorry.

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"We can use tactics and emotion to convey our message".

Yes! Rethoric must be used to its fullest extent and power in waging this war but there's too much Truth that can be used in clever and emotional ways to have to fall back on low quality or poorly vetted information like stew so often does. Our enemies can be shamed and ridiculed well enough with the actual Truth.

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I find Stew Peters distasteful, but he has done some good things. I wish this wasn’t about Peters and instead about the material.

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As Crawford explains well, some of the worst "allies" are the ones whose output is a balanced mix of truth and lies. Stew often says good and accurate things but he lies too often to be trusted.

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I guess...maybe it’s just me but as one who’s monomaniacally focussed on all things covid/NWO....there was nothing new in that film for me. And I couldn’t imagine sharing it with the covidiots or fence sitters in my life...so what good does this half truths doc serve other than discrediting us while filling stews coffers?

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I don’t disagree. I see Peters as a ‘shock jock’ who is self serving. If his film helped our case, great. Otherwise, I’m wary of his motives

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At least opened some more eyes..

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Yes, the “died suddenly” material opened eyes and it was valuable, but I and others whom I know were taken aback by the opening bits considered by many to be conspiracy theory. When we view a solid video we are eager to pass it on to woke friends, hoping to make a difference. We agree we would not send this along b/c of the opening. Seriously, how hard would it be to remove those bits and remaster? Not to do so smacks of pride.

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GVB/Malone's conversation while on a scenic vacation didn't have much traction.

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"Died Suddenly" has been, in effect, peer-reviewed. Some of the criticism is valid. Take it into account, remove the big foot and similar stuff and the few factual inaccuracies and re-release it. It will then be not only still a good film but a better film and the jab advocates will be deprived of ammunition.

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Great. But this could/should have been done before release...we know this because I’ve been seeing all the same info for many many months. So why make yet another disreputable, half-truth doc??

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The same reason “Watch the Water” even saw the light of day. Stew doesn’t seem capable of that depth of thought.

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I agree. It would have been better if it was done before release. It's played into the hands of the Jonathan Jarrys and David Gorskis of this world. Why give ammunition to the shills and apparatchiks of Pharma and the 48% of Dems who want imprisonment for those who question the vax, the 55% of Dems who want fines for the unjabbed and the 29% of Dems who want the children of the unvaxxed removed from their care?

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Stew could collect the criticism and make a a Suddenly Died 2.

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Stew does Stew. He's getting people to talk about the film - good for him. How much do you want to bet if he did a staid data and charts doc that NO ONE would talk about it. Nobody would care and the jab advocates wouldn't need ammunition because the advocates wouldn't even watch it or know that it exists.

The covid data schmata has been out since day one. We are three years into this crapfest and we're complaining about Big Foot? Come on people, get a grip. The only thing I will suggest to Stew for his second film is that he replaces the real people clips with animated characters, so everyone won't get their panties in a wad over a basketball player.

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Big Foot didn't bother me. I found it entertaining. Adolescents would too and they are a demographic at high risk who really need to see the doco. It's good that it's not boring and you are right that a staid data and charts doco would be. The most important thing, apart from reaching a wide audience, is not to have factual inaccuracies.

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It is perfectly ok to criticize, but everybody is free to create their own documentary if they believe they can do better. There was nothing new in the documentary except that more embalmers have come forward. The real challenge is to breakthrough to the people sheltered in the "Trusted News Initiative" safe spaces. Stew is not the enemy. It's google. facebook, twitter, government and the "news" media that have been hiding the truth from the people.

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Amen. Everyone can make their own "perfect" documentary that nobody watches. I make animations that nobody watches.

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AMEN and I agree 100%.. Be mad at the people who have done this to humanity.... Save all that contempt for them and them only, they have caused all this disunity and death, and that was always part of their plan.. Do not let them win anything anymore...

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I was shocked when I first found out about this unthinkable problem. All documentaries can be critically and constructively criticised for possible improvements. 10 million + views in a week is a huge achievement and one would surely think inspired by. Carry on regardless and the documentaries coming.

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Thank you Dr Alexander for being a voice of reason. Some can take it for what it’s worth. But then there are those waiting in the wings to blow things out of proportion then build on that to create their own narrative. We can’t let that happen here because this is too important. People have chosen sides & in the scope of the Covid nightmare + the deadly injections, all concerned need to agree to disagree then shake hands. Get back business of exposing this crime against humanity.

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the litmus test is where does dr alexander and karen kinsgston stand on Spike Protein.

People need solutions about these injections. everything else is a side show to divert attention.

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It's important to "keep your eyes on the ball"! Please read the Good Citizen. An amazing voice to cut through the bs.


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Read it...sigh...humans will human🤷‍♂️

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I agree. We are at war, but not with each other.

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Watch the Canadian Uninformed Consent ( tinyURL.com/MustSeeDocumentary ) movie and The Real Anthony Fauci movie too.

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Those with brain cells operating will reject the mRNA shots. These shots are lethal and have no redeeming qualities. Those who prefer to think the weird clots are not related to the shots should take as many shots as possible.

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I think Died Suddenly is a good documentary, despite having some factual inaccuracies. I liked the music and, although my first reaction was WTF?, was okay with the MKULTRA STUFF, depiction of ISIS beheader and victim, JFK assassination, moon landing and Big Foot etc. It's entertaining. However, it feeds into the narrative that opponents of the jab are what the media and jab proponents in Australia at least refer to as "cookers." That's not what is needed.

"Cooker," typically said with a sneer and often with an accompanying eye roll, is a derogatory term meaning "nut job anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist." It was apparently first used to describe the Australian anti-vax trucker convoy that descended on the Australian capital at the start of the year in solidarity with the Canadian trucker convoy.

We should not, in my opinion anyway, be reinforcing a perception that jab opponents are whack jobs. My preference would be to replace some of the "conspiracy theory" stuff with depictions of the Nuremberg trials, delivery by judges of guilty verdicts and the passing of sentences, and depictions of gallows and hangings, and lots of them. I think it would be better for the critics to be talking about that than to be talking about how "anti-vaxxers" believe in crazy conspiracy theories and are a bunch of cookers or whack jobs and therefore are not credible and nothing in the film can be trusted.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

the litmus test is where do you or anyone stands on SPIKE PROTEIN ???

The main issue is to discuss/research how these injections cause damage and what can we do about it. the other things are just a side show ... if karen kingston, stew etc. spew misinfo that is damaging. i never heard bossche or even malone talk much about Spike Protein.

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I’m beginning to think that we have no idea what is in these shots that is killing people.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

true, but a lot is known about the spike protein at least, the worst toxin human has ever made. the claim is made that by poisoning our bodies, we will get used to this poison. you might want to follow WMC, really good research.


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Has anyone actually SEEN the spike protein? Has anyone actually seen the ‘virus?’ We have seen computer generated images of the ‘virus,’we have seen computer generated images of the genetic sequence, we have been told that this is the problem but we have been lied to about everything, maybe there is something else in the shots that is harming & killing people?

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sure, pfizer and moderna tells it to you upfront. the trick is that they say it stays at injection, it disappears etc. in fact it goes into your blood stream, ovaries, and all other organs even breaks brain barrier. dr. chetty explained this from the start, together with quite a few other doctors. here is something very recent from another doctor.


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So, I have heard all that before & have great respect for Dr. Marik & Dr. Cole. I have a background in microscopic cellular diagnosis of cancer & I would like to SEE those slides with the spike protein. I’m in no way saying that they are not telling the truth but are they actually SEEING the spike protein or the damage supposedly from it. All these symptoms could be caused from the lipid polyethylene glycol ( which is derived from petroleum) envelope that supposedly carries the spike protein? But that doesn’t explain the amyloid problem. I am just very suspicious of everything it’s the ‘if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail’ kind of thing.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

probably you want to check out WMC ... he is a researcher like yourself in that area. meanwhile i understand massachussets is giving 75$ to anyone willing to take another shot which is tempting with holidays approaching. if they get double shots it goes up to 250$, it makes you wonder if is really intended to protect you or what ...

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There are two aspects to the covid bioweapons (virus/disease and shots): 1) spike protein and 2) virus mutation. The focus up until now has been on virus mutation. GVB and Malone will only talk about this because they have no idea what the bioweapons do on the human body. Fortunately for humankind, God has the mercy and stopped the virulent virus mutation train wreck by releasing Omicron. Now, the focus is on the spike protein, which is in the virus/disease AND the shots. This is what is killing people suddenly. The fibrous clots are VERY IMPORTANT and nobody in the medical industrial complex gives a damn about them. God sees and something is coming about them - just like Omicron.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

yes sounds familiar

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this is not directly related but I think people need to know this about Dr. Simone Gold and frontline doctors .https://open.substack.com/pub/reinettesenumsfoghornexpress/p/americas-frontline-doctors-all-roads?r=r631&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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You need to post that on Jeff Childers' "Covid and Coffee" stack.

He "multiplied" Simone Gold. (Raised a lot of money for her.)

I mentioned the (dropped) lawsuit a while back. Posted links.

Virtual crickets on that stack.

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thanks. Excellent suggestion

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Exaggeration has no place in science.

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Unfortunately criticism of Peters "Died Suddenly" is not without merit if left to stand unchallenged. The question now is was this documentary done intentionally in this manner for a discrediting effect? Ergo the confusion and back biting within the freedom movement this documentary has caused. Obviously Peters must answer these questions and as yet I have not read, seen or heard Peters offer any rebuttal on the accusations made. If Peters is on "our" side he needs to come clean about his documentary and his personal role in making it one way or the other. As it stands he, his documentary or anything else he puts forward OR CONNECTED to him will now be tarred with the same brush. Which while unfair in some cases, Kingston comes to mind, this is the nature of the war being waged.

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I have thought long and hard about how to build an opposition coalition. The issue is that many of the people who hate the sociopathic globalist agenda also hate each other. White nationalists, Nation of Islam, Orthodox Jews, everyday people who don't want to be associated with any of those groups ... The list goes on.

The answer is "leaderless resistance," also called the phantom cell strategy, which was used effectively during the American Revolution, and also by less noble causes, such as the KKK. I explain more about it here:


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