Thanks for the quoted studies. These are not new though, some over a year old. So, not related, at least directly, to the latest viral mutations. I suppose the Omicron is a godsend to us, to even the playing field between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, as now the vaxxed are preferably infected. Without health consequences for either - a perfect natural vaccination campaign bypassing the vaxxing. A golden opportunity to change the terms of engagements for/by the ppl, as it were. act now, as the gov'ts clamp down according with the WEF programme.

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IF, IF, they allow it to spread.

I saw an article by Die Fackel 2 where he quoted the symptoms of omibulla reported by the Norwegian PH: they were the symptoms of plain-old-boring flu!

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Does Dr Malone, and others, have current clinical experience?

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