Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

No, our government, nor the governments of other countries, is not up to the job. Maybe, it should also be added that governments should not be controlled by outside sources, allowed to get rich from lobbying monies, direct investments in the companies they oversee, or outside quasi-governing bodies.

Edited to correct punctuation.

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I believe a lot of sheep are starting to wake up, but so many sheep will never!

There are 3 kinds of people 1. Those that know 2. Those that know after being told 3. Those that will never know

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Great article ( as always). Well reasoned and spot on…

My only quibble is you didn’t go after the medical societies and insurance companies for their culpability.! They are equally responsible and culpable for the rollout, demand for acceptance and destruction of EBM. I graduated med school In 1991 and was already hearing about this great new approach. Thankfully, I also had a good BS meter that allowed me to realize when things were being shoved down our throats “just because”.

The AMA, and the NBMS and the insurance co giants have all used this “EBM scheme” to enrich themselves, steal from the doctors, enslave the doctors and their practices (ins co’s) and ultimately harm the health of Americans (and ruin medicine).

There is no longer any “care” in healthcare….and there hasn’t been any for at least 15 years….the thing is Corona took any final veneer of respectability and tore it off. Now everyone can see what a sham it all has become.

I love the practice of medicine. I am a very good clinician. I opted out of Medicare 15+ years ago and insurance companies 12 years ago (still pestered by them for prior authorizations 😡). I got an alternate board certification last year and am letting my ABMS one lapse. When I quit the ABFM two years ago (-after over 30 years of membership- ) they said NOTHING! They could not care less!! All that matters is bowing down to the current “thing” (CRT now).

Medicine is ruined! Patients don’t trust us (rightfully). And to be honest, the last thing I want is to go to a doctor for anything!!

I have had a cash practice for the last 12 years. And recently have slowed down to weekly appointments there and house calls/telemedicine/ and seeing local patients from our farm (about 2 hours from practice

At home (on my little sustainable farm).

I really enjoy your work. I look up to you, McCullough and Alexander(and others)…. feel like I know you. I have been in the trenches for the last two + years with you. It’s such a bummer that so many of the people I thought of as colleagues and good docs have just buckled and drank the Koolaid.

Keep up the good work. I hope we all get to meet up some day for a beer and a debrief.

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Great article ( as always). Well reasoned and spot on…

My only quibble is you didn’t go after the medical societies and insurance companies for their culpability.! They are equally responsible and culpable for the rollout, demand for acceptance and destruction of EBM. I graduated med school In 1991 and was already hearing about this great new approach. Thankfully, I also had a good BS meter that allowed me to realize when things were being shoved down our throats “just because”.

The AMA, and the NBMS and the insurance co giants have all used this “EBM scheme” to enrich themselves, steal from the doctors, enslave the doctors and their practices (ins co’s) and ultimately harm the health of Americans (and ruin medicine).

There is no longer any “care” in healthcare….and there hasn’t been any for at least 15 years….the thing is Corona took any final veneer of respectability and tore it off. Now everyone can see what a sham it all has become.

I love the practice of medicine. I am a very good clinician. I opted out of Medicare 15+ years ago and insurance companies 12 years ago (still pestered by them for prior authorizations 😡). I got an alternate board certification last year and am letting my ABMS one lapse. When I quit the ABFM two years ago (-after over 30 years of membership- ) they said NOTHING! They could not care less!! All that matters is bowing down to the current “thing” (CRT now).

Medicine is ruined! Patients don’t trust us (rightfully). And to be honest, the last thing I want is to go to a doctor for anything!!

I have had a cash practice for the last 12 years. And recently have slowed down to weekly appointments there and house calls/telemedicine/ and seeing local patients from our farm (about 2 hours from practice

At home (on my little sustainable farm).

I really enjoy your work. I look up to you, McCullough and Alexander(and others)…. feel like I know you. I have been in the trenches for the last two + years with you. It’s such a bummer that so many of the people I thought of as colleagues and good docs have just buckled and drank the Koolaid.

Keep up the good work. I hope we all get to meet up some day for a beer and a debrief.

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Dr John Campbell does a great job going over this BMJ article. He is becoming more incredulous over the state of healthcare every week.


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So believe Dr. Fraudchi, who has never treated patients (or very few) and none with Corona virus, vs Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Zelenko, and all the others that have successfully treated thousands. Just amazing that people believe Fraudchi still and the gov.

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Besides *Dr. Robert Malone, who else is also MRNA vaccinated among; Cole, McCullough, Zelenko, Shankara, Bhakdi etc.?

*See Rogan transcript

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I would care more about whether jab pushers like Topal, the surgeon generals, et al...are actually jabbed. But this may prove out by untimely deaths anyway, if the niacinimide and other known protocols are not followed to decrease the spike damage.

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I've been told McCullough is not COVID vaxed.

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I believe he is and did it before he knew of the dangers!

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He seems pretty relaxed for someone who is facing a long painful death from a deteriorating immune system. Just sayin....

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I believe that is correct.

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