Justice department? Come on people, why the double standard? You are stoking race war and it will come if this does not stop and IMO Biden INC stoked this psycho up to do this...
The issue is NOT whether the alleged attacker was black or white - the issue is that media will choose to ignore THIS particular crime, BUT HAD the attacker been a WHITE man, attacking BLACK women - it's all over the news, a racially motivated "hate crime"...... awfully difficult to not see that this is true, imo.
Yes but the problem is also that whites are endlessly demonised for violence and racism when in fact white people are the least violent race in America aside from east Asians. The racial difference is so stark that white men commit fewer murders per capita than black women. Did you know that?
I wouldn't dispute that this is true - but my issue is the manner in which this is "promoted" , advertised, by the media. It is certainly NOT accidental, the skewed focus.
THAT is most bothersome - and the question is " WHY ? ".
The issue here is black on White crime. Check the stats on this. The issue is black on White crime and this fact is fast becoming the main talking points and there are many books written (based on statistics) on this extremely violent issue. And be aware that the stats are also misleading to an extent because the social justice warriors and White apologists lump violent hispanic offenders in with European Whites so that idiots can read the stats and proclaim that Whites are causing violence when in reality it's hispanics and blacks and Native Americans filling the prisons with extremely violent acts against their own and their next favourite target Caucasians.
Is every black man a potential killer, rapist, pimp, drug dealer?
You Americans need to broaden your understanding of the causes of crime and park your very own wholesale rampant racism of putting blacks in "they're all criminals until proved otherwise" box.
You're the one saying every black man is a potential killer, pimp or drug dealer. Where did you get those ideas? No one here said it. It's an irrefutable fact based on hard data there is far more black on white crime than vice-versa. The highest crime rate is black on black. You can argue as to cause of the black on black crime but it surely can't be racism.
At least he didn't have sex with his pitbull and then murder his kids, unlike the white American mom in the linked story. This type of thing is becoming too common.
Judge REJECTS plea deal for Pennsylvania mom who 'hanged son, 8, and daughter, 4, with dog leash after having sex with pit bull' saying it 'does not serve the interests of justice'
Mom 'hanged son, 8, and daughter, 4, with dog leash after having sex with pit bull'. Lisa Snyder is accused of killing four-year-old Brinley and eight-year-old Conner in September 2019 in the basement of their home in Albany Township, Pennsylvania
And the violent murders by blacks that the media ignores? I don't see a link but I'll assume it's the daily mail which seems to be an anti-white psy-op like most mainstream media. Why do you suppose that despite committing more than half of murders in the US, stories like this don't appear about blacks in the daily mail? DM also runs non-stories about racist white Karens in an obvious attempt to stoke racial resentmemt. They must be so excited when a white person finally does something violent that they can report on with a photo of the evil white perp.
One of the victims is reportedly a judge and another was reportedly an artist. The offender is likely mentally ill. He reportedly attempted to attack a male victim first. There is no evidence that any of the four stabbing victims was targetted by race.
The US is in a fantasy land, deep in denial, protecting its leaders like Kamala Harris, unwilling to look honestly into how African Americans came to be enslaved in large numbers throughout the US and the Caribbean.
" ... although John Hope Franklin and I (we discussed it afterwards) were both aware that Sephardi Jews in the New World had been heavily involved in the African slave trade. Why did two professional historians in a university setting hesitate to provide our colleagues with such an important piece of information? I cannot answer for Franklin but I, as a Jew sitting in a Jewish institution that was entertaining an African-American guest, felt that pointing out the role of Jews in the history of Black slavery would, in this context, have constituted something of a betrayal."
The Uncomfortable Relationship African Enslavement in the Common History of Blacks and Jews, Ralph A. Austen, Tikkun, March/April '94, pp. 66-68 and 86
"Jews and blacks - both groups are such wonderful comedians, entertainers and actors - on account of their joint suffering and prejudice experienced."
For anyone in the genre know, tragedy and comedy straddle the very same line and the very best comedians do the self-deprecating shtik.
The point now is, who the players are and who are the played?
In my mind, I'm saying in fantasy-land-central USA (credit to ANW), kikes are the former and niggas are the latter.
Have a look at who the marionette proper was in the pre-Weinstein Hollywood clusterfuck shit show. And then see how the imagined storyline was woven into popular culture via film media and you'll soon realise with 2023 eyes that the fiction storyline fucked you at least twice.
Once to deceive you from the real history and create almost a mythology around groups of people; and then to control the fake reported story (fiction) in the world of alleged non-fiction reportage aka journalism/mass media.
Elon Musk’s X Corp Will File “Thermo-Nuclear” Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Media Matters on Monday After Catching Them in Major Fraudulent Activity
I'm not really a fan of the humble-SA-beginnings-to-uber-riche-world-player EM, so I will accept his media whore self-aggrandisement plug medium of X's purported anti-kike lies lawsuit, simply on face value.
"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." ~ George Soros (interview with Germany's BILD newspaper - September 2014)
The lessons of history are continually ignored. Feed fear, resentment and victimhood to one part of the population and then blame another as the cause. Violence invariably occurs. Maybe it's not being ignored. Maybe its what the media and leftist politicians intend. A reckoning will come. It always does.
The same people who own the media owns the politicians. Follow the money and you see MSM ownership is concentrated in a few hands. Who owns those owners? That's where it gets murky.
#diedsuddenly -- All the death and destruction is daily being thrown into a blender of death/violence and there has been NO retribution for any of it! My patience and empathy or lack of it is waning as it seems like evil begets evil begets MORE evil.
"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." ~ George Soros
(interview with Germany's BILD newspaper - September 2014)
So sorry this happened to these people... Do not condone violence, we should have more than enough history to know it does not solve anything... But to all of a sudden " Good Doctor" to say because this happen to be a black person stabbing white people, now all of a sudden its going to be a race war.. Black people have been murdered and ravaged for over 500 years, and you are talking about a race war because a black person stabbed, not killed but stabbed white people.. You have got to be kidding me.. If black people had your mentality the " Race War" would still be raging after 500 years of total violence and anything and everything you can think of and slavery against black people.. How many white mass shooters have killed black people???.. You have an absolute lot of nerve.. Please stick with cv19, and stay away from talking about Jihadism and race wars.. Your tribalism comes out Everytime, and the TRUTH disappears at the same time Everytime..
Bill, the statistics are quite clear & they do not support the media narrative (which it seems you have bought into).
Blacks are much more likely to victimize whites than vice versa. The biggest threat to a black man is another black man, not a white, Hispanic, or Asian, or a policeman.
Oh & note there was no gun to blame & still people got hurt.
Oh and who was it that sold black Africans into slavery? Other black Africans. And they were doing it before the white Europeans came along (Arab Muslims were the buyers-- and still are).
Most mass shooters are minorities, not white, and most serial killers are black. The fact that you don't know this shows how biased media is against White people.
Actually, the data shows that blacks in America have killed 100k Whites more than the reverse over the years. Sorry that that doesn't fit your narrative.
"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." ~ George Soros
(interview with Germany's BILD newspaper - September 2014)
Hawks Perch LOL, good name for a person who sees things with the qualities of an animal, instead of a human, but its understandable LOL.. I know what you are trying to do, but even though I know Soros is no good, and has a God complex and is deranged, I know he said this, and at some level he would be correct.. But let me ask you this question Hawks Perch.. Explain to me in what state have black people been put in after 500 years of physical, mental, spiritual and financial devastation, that makes them so easy to manipulate, hmmm I wonder what that could be and also when you open this Pandora's box, do you truly believe especially after the last 4 years of the scamdemic that white people since this countries inception are not easily manipulated LOL.. If you do not think that is true, then you just proved my point, by trying to prove a LIE, instead of embracing TRUTH, but I know I cannot expect TRUTH after all these years, I expect the responses I get and got.. Like I always say, its easier to look out the window or in other words blame the victim, rather then look in the mirror at yourself and ancestors, nobody wants to do that, like Al Pacino said the high road is to damn hard, so take the easy way blame somebody else, and last but not least George Soros is white along with everyone else who owns society, MSM, corporations, banks, statistics , history, etc., etc.. Wonder how that happened.. But enough said I am done.. Keep your conscience and guilt tolerable, like I said I never expect truth or self reflection..
Hate crimes against Whites have increased 40% since 2018 showing the effect of the media on real crime.
Encouraged by leftist politicians and spread by the media.
What a pity that the races weren't reversed. We would have a massive media national festival on our hands! Sorry Biden, CNN, MSNBC, etc. :(
The issue is NOT whether the alleged attacker was black or white - the issue is that media will choose to ignore THIS particular crime, BUT HAD the attacker been a WHITE man, attacking BLACK women - it's all over the news, a racially motivated "hate crime"...... awfully difficult to not see that this is true, imo.
Yes but the problem is also that whites are endlessly demonised for violence and racism when in fact white people are the least violent race in America aside from east Asians. The racial difference is so stark that white men commit fewer murders per capita than black women. Did you know that?
I wouldn't dispute that this is true - but my issue is the manner in which this is "promoted" , advertised, by the media. It is certainly NOT accidental, the skewed focus.
THAT is most bothersome - and the question is " WHY ? ".
I know why. It's not something we can talk about without being canceled. Do you?
Please, RFC, do tell....."safely", if possible and if necessary.
Then you talk about brain ded bye den.
Anything can be converted to 'special language that their 'putter can't pick up (I used to play golf).
The issue here is black on White crime. Check the stats on this. The issue is black on White crime and this fact is fast becoming the main talking points and there are many books written (based on statistics) on this extremely violent issue. And be aware that the stats are also misleading to an extent because the social justice warriors and White apologists lump violent hispanic offenders in with European Whites so that idiots can read the stats and proclaim that Whites are causing violence when in reality it's hispanics and blacks and Native Americans filling the prisons with extremely violent acts against their own and their next favourite target Caucasians.
See the book "White girl bleed a lot" for the truth about black on white crime.
Yes Thank you I already knew about the book. I've heard so much about it and great discussions while Colin was alive.
Who gives a fuck that he was black.
Is every black man a potential killer, rapist, pimp, drug dealer?
You Americans need to broaden your understanding of the causes of crime and park your very own wholesale rampant racism of putting blacks in "they're all criminals until proved otherwise" box.
You're the one saying every black man is a potential killer, pimp or drug dealer. Where did you get those ideas? No one here said it. It's an irrefutable fact based on hard data there is far more black on white crime than vice-versa. The highest crime rate is black on black. You can argue as to cause of the black on black crime but it surely can't be racism.
That's great input Barry! We'll take your suggestions under advisement.
So he was yellow?
At least he didn't have sex with his pitbull and then murder his kids, unlike the white American mom in the linked story. This type of thing is becoming too common.
Judge REJECTS plea deal for Pennsylvania mom who 'hanged son, 8, and daughter, 4, with dog leash after having sex with pit bull' saying it 'does not serve the interests of justice'
Mom 'hanged son, 8, and daughter, 4, with dog leash after having sex with pit bull'. Lisa Snyder is accused of killing four-year-old Brinley and eight-year-old Conner in September 2019 in the basement of their home in Albany Township, Pennsylvania
That is a spectacular case, ANW.
Clearly her game was doggy-style or death.
Dont mix up things sir, white lunacy is another theme in the thematic park that the USA is
And the violent murders by blacks that the media ignores? I don't see a link but I'll assume it's the daily mail which seems to be an anti-white psy-op like most mainstream media. Why do you suppose that despite committing more than half of murders in the US, stories like this don't appear about blacks in the daily mail? DM also runs non-stories about racist white Karens in an obvious attempt to stoke racial resentmemt. They must be so excited when a white person finally does something violent that they can report on with a photo of the evil white perp.
Yes it was in the Daily Mail. I overlooked the link but have now posted one from another publication. I am glad you are not anti-white.
Full throttle red line 9,000rpm irony....I bust my nut and then again.
One of the victims is reportedly a judge and another was reportedly an artist. The offender is likely mentally ill. He reportedly attempted to attack a male victim first. There is no evidence that any of the four stabbing victims was targetted by race.
The US is in a fantasy land, deep in denial, protecting its leaders like Kamala Harris, unwilling to look honestly into how African Americans came to be enslaved in large numbers throughout the US and the Caribbean.
" ... although John Hope Franklin and I (we discussed it afterwards) were both aware that Sephardi Jews in the New World had been heavily involved in the African slave trade. Why did two professional historians in a university setting hesitate to provide our colleagues with such an important piece of information? I cannot answer for Franklin but I, as a Jew sitting in a Jewish institution that was entertaining an African-American guest, felt that pointing out the role of Jews in the history of Black slavery would, in this context, have constituted something of a betrayal."
The Uncomfortable Relationship African Enslavement in the Common History of Blacks and Jews, Ralph A. Austen, Tikkun, March/April '94, pp. 66-68 and 86
"Jews and blacks - both groups are such wonderful comedians, entertainers and actors - on account of their joint suffering and prejudice experienced."
For anyone in the genre know, tragedy and comedy straddle the very same line and the very best comedians do the self-deprecating shtik.
The point now is, who the players are and who are the played?
In my mind, I'm saying in fantasy-land-central USA (credit to ANW), kikes are the former and niggas are the latter.
Have a look at who the marionette proper was in the pre-Weinstein Hollywood clusterfuck shit show. And then see how the imagined storyline was woven into popular culture via film media and you'll soon realise with 2023 eyes that the fiction storyline fucked you at least twice.
Once to deceive you from the real history and create almost a mythology around groups of people; and then to control the fake reported story (fiction) in the world of alleged non-fiction reportage aka journalism/mass media.
Well pointed out, my nigga ANW.
Relatedly, Barry:
Elon Musk’s X Corp Will File “Thermo-Nuclear” Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Media Matters on Monday After Catching Them in Major Fraudulent Activity
MEDIA LIES ABOUT ELON MUSK: Accuses Elon of Promoting Anti-Semitism After He Points Out the ADL’s Well-Documented Racist Attacks on White People
I'm not really a fan of the humble-SA-beginnings-to-uber-riche-world-player EM, so I will accept his media whore self-aggrandisement plug medium of X's purported anti-kike lies lawsuit, simply on face value.
"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." ~ George Soros (interview with Germany's BILD newspaper - September 2014)
Woa relax there cowboy! Blacks do most crime in USA i believe, so they stating FACTS!
But I'm
More curious of their religion than color
Of skin..
Watch yr neck folks🪓one of these religions ain't
Like the others ! And that's a FaaCT!
Take another look at the Talmud if you think it's anything like Christianity. It's very similar to Islam.
The lessons of history are continually ignored. Feed fear, resentment and victimhood to one part of the population and then blame another as the cause. Violence invariably occurs. Maybe it's not being ignored. Maybe its what the media and leftist politicians intend. A reckoning will come. It always does.
Who owns the media? Who owns the politicians?
The same people who own the media owns the politicians. Follow the money and you see MSM ownership is concentrated in a few hands. Who owns those owners? That's where it gets murky.
BlackRock, Vanguard, StateStreet, GoldmanSachs just for starters...
#diedsuddenly -- All the death and destruction is daily being thrown into a blender of death/violence and there has been NO retribution for any of it! My patience and empathy or lack of it is waning as it seems like evil begets evil begets MORE evil.
Things will get worse. Biden etc want it that way. I’m sickened.
And without a gun --so it doesn’t count
"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." ~ George Soros
(interview with Germany's BILD newspaper - September 2014)
CRT 101
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…it may just be a BLACK-racist.
Knives are very effective in gun free zones.
What justice?
So sorry this happened to these people... Do not condone violence, we should have more than enough history to know it does not solve anything... But to all of a sudden " Good Doctor" to say because this happen to be a black person stabbing white people, now all of a sudden its going to be a race war.. Black people have been murdered and ravaged for over 500 years, and you are talking about a race war because a black person stabbed, not killed but stabbed white people.. You have got to be kidding me.. If black people had your mentality the " Race War" would still be raging after 500 years of total violence and anything and everything you can think of and slavery against black people.. How many white mass shooters have killed black people???.. You have an absolute lot of nerve.. Please stick with cv19, and stay away from talking about Jihadism and race wars.. Your tribalism comes out Everytime, and the TRUTH disappears at the same time Everytime..
Intraracial murders of black on white are 9 times higher than white on black.
Everything the media has told you about black victimhood at the hands of Whites is exactly the reverse of the truth.
Bill, the statistics are quite clear & they do not support the media narrative (which it seems you have bought into).
Blacks are much more likely to victimize whites than vice versa. The biggest threat to a black man is another black man, not a white, Hispanic, or Asian, or a policeman.
Oh & note there was no gun to blame & still people got hurt.
Oh and who was it that sold black Africans into slavery? Other black Africans. And they were doing it before the white Europeans came along (Arab Muslims were the buyers-- and still are).
Government school education on display.
LOL... Believe what you want we all know the truth.. Ever hear of Portugal??? Whatever makes your guilt more tolerable..
Most mass shooters are minorities, not white, and most serial killers are black. The fact that you don't know this shows how biased media is against White people.
Most mass shooters are mental health patients on psychiatric meds. FACT.
Actually, the data shows that blacks in America have killed 100k Whites more than the reverse over the years. Sorry that that doesn't fit your narrative.
LOL.. Your 100k BS, to 50 million, your move.. No narrative just truth..
I don't understand your response. What's 50 million?
"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." ~ George Soros
(interview with Germany's BILD newspaper - September 2014)
Hawks Perch LOL, good name for a person who sees things with the qualities of an animal, instead of a human, but its understandable LOL.. I know what you are trying to do, but even though I know Soros is no good, and has a God complex and is deranged, I know he said this, and at some level he would be correct.. But let me ask you this question Hawks Perch.. Explain to me in what state have black people been put in after 500 years of physical, mental, spiritual and financial devastation, that makes them so easy to manipulate, hmmm I wonder what that could be and also when you open this Pandora's box, do you truly believe especially after the last 4 years of the scamdemic that white people since this countries inception are not easily manipulated LOL.. If you do not think that is true, then you just proved my point, by trying to prove a LIE, instead of embracing TRUTH, but I know I cannot expect TRUTH after all these years, I expect the responses I get and got.. Like I always say, its easier to look out the window or in other words blame the victim, rather then look in the mirror at yourself and ancestors, nobody wants to do that, like Al Pacino said the high road is to damn hard, so take the easy way blame somebody else, and last but not least George Soros is white along with everyone else who owns society, MSM, corporations, banks, statistics , history, etc., etc.. Wonder how that happened.. But enough said I am done.. Keep your conscience and guilt tolerable, like I said I never expect truth or self reflection..