Reports that the potable water supply there from the government is now making people ill. Fever, chills.

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Saw that from Vigilant Fox as well.

I can’t say I’m surprised - they say look to incompetence before one assumes it’s malice ... but is any government THIS incompetent? Or malicious, for that matter.

I put nothing beyond this crooked, insane regime. Nothing.

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Perhaps it’s that the malicious are also frequently incompetent? These days clinical narcissism certainly appears to be the predominant personality disorder shared among those seeking political and/or public administrative power, regardless of party affiliation.

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No to your first sentence.

Dr. Tess Lawie Sp? Very important watch.


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I watched it but I don’t know who she is or the precise reason I should take her word for all that she said. No disrespect intended. Just looking to get to the truth as efficiently and expeditiously as I can.

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If you read all the comments on this story and follow the links you will find most all of the answers. Lots of hours of back up research proof is behind this information here of many individuals that are abreast of the situation. If you haven't been researching for the last 3 years almost every day and ignoring the Psych Ops campaign and TV telling you what to think, you won't be where most everybody else is here.


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Margie simply pointed out that if an event is political then it was planned; only she provided a touch of style with history

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Your adverbs are not the way to do accurate research. Unfortunately it doesn't always work that way.

Wouldn't that be nice!

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I’ll watch it shortly. Presently in the EU so not everything is available from here without a VPN. Frankly Brussels is taking on a distinct Peking flavor of late.

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Sorry, there are two different stories going on here in the comments at once. Hopefully you can separate them.


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so sad where we are - god be with you Rosalind and all, the police stopped people from evacuating (road block) and told people to shelter in place , and siren system never went off , they announced fire was contained, the "storm" never had come from "that" direction, in Maui (ever) look at below links its seems to be directed energy weapon, situation, i mean if you look at all of the links you will see what i mean - or tell me different is ok i will accept? can you 'we 'i explain this , how?

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The only explanations I see are nefarious and intentional. Did you see any video of the strange lights ? A tubular beam . Looked like a science fiction movie.

Sorry I don’t have a link, it was on Instagram or tiktok & I’m not on there.

They didn’t even try to hide the direct energy.

A lot like paradise California.

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Hey Rosalind, i did not see that particular one, but i don't doubt it, it seems to be some sort of microwave beam tech, i am not up on it, (just the ones going into our veins and biofield, but it seems rather than the dark ashe look of most fire situations i can remember, the buildings turn to white ashe bit particles, like all gone, that is not normal i don't think , i had not paid attention to CA and Canada in last few years but having a look it is fairly clear , but yes it is like they want YOU TO KNOW, which is why i say they roll abuse out to all , i have seen this personal overt for years - God speed and love to you all

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I am smelling Psych Ops again...

I saw them...reported at an earlier time period by weeks/months.

The lasers that they use to incinerate people and their houses and try to start fires are invisible energy rays from my understanding. They are used in medicine frequently. Obviously smaller scale size. They do the same think in medicine - obliterate/vaporize.

Why don't we have a ton of eye witness accounts from this town? If lasered, they houses would go very quickly as opposed to slowly with a moving fire. ( that did not burn trees )

Where are all the cell phone videos and postings from the friends and neighbors of locals. Of course they brought phones in for the people because they give them to the illegals crossing over...🤔 Again we should have first hand accts!! Real ones, not cia stand ins and this police guy bringing in fakes. How long has he been working in his position. Let me guess...

You likely have seen some or all of these but here there are.





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Also the lasers work from the inside out vs a regular fire that is blown from the outside in.

This is an obvious and diagnostic difference.

Laser technology is well know. Should not be a lot of mystery here. Look up Electrical Engineering Journals, Direct Energy Directorate ( part of Air Force ) all published info.

Was it from a plane or satellite, we know whose plane it would be, is it the same owner for the Sat or some other entity that has a lot of Sats floating around in orbit like Elon.

Secondly it could theoretically be planted fires - thermite and sulfur - again but that is alot of man power and access for rigging that. Would be nice to ask the locals if any "inspections " were going on throughout Lahaina recently.

All I can say is do not watch TV and pay attention to nothing you are being fed. Read.

Do you own sourcing. Original sources as much as possible.


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Saw TLAV. Thank you for the links.

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check this: Elana Freeland's Geoengineering, no index (damn) about page 19; Event: Santa Rosa fires, about 2017, a witness noted a blue laser light in a column of glowing air, straight down, if I recall, ignited fires in clear earth. Elana's point was that aluminum nanos from decades of chems was the combustion, if I recall. Also, the fires at Paradise, CA were similar to Santa Rosa but don't recall as much detail. (I so close to complaining to Elana about her lack of an index in her material that begs one. Oh well)

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Thanks. I haven’t read her in a while. Appreciate the approximation!

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Eyewitness account of blockage. Start at 22 min mark.


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Psych Ops and Scam again.

The guy with the SAT phone looks like a Fed and please notice he is interviewing someone with a brand new bright green, premade!!! T-shirt saying " Build Back ( Better) " . Sound familiar ? Wow, how did they anticipate the shirts? Bet we are going to see a lot more of these shirt orders ? and stooges.

I would not send money, scam again.

The Evils are going to pretend they are helping ( like they always do ) and are going to be BUYING these people. And of course their land, in a time of their duress and stress.


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Find out the manufacturer of the shirt and trace to see when the order was placed and for how many and who made and paid for the contract.

I can make a good guess but I won't.

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They realtor may be okay and Fish is likely telling the truth and the realtor didn’t stop him. So. At least the shirt didn’t say “Builderberg Back Better.”

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Marxist Leftists will destroy something they’re trying to take over in the process. Makes spotting them easy. Don’t want to be a 15-minute city? Fine.

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* saw that from vigilant Fox ( twitter and substack)

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What an f ing surprise. No wonder they were turning away any locals help. Per tic toc and twitter locals.

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Right? That’s where I saw the laxer like light too, very obvious it was a weapon that started it. So disgusting. Now the Realator’s are swooping in to steal their property for pennies.

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RM, Orca namely, after she bought over 900 plus acres a few months ago. This is all so obvious I cannot stand it.

Did you see this?


Here is the copy of the POTUS twitt with O'Biden saying he " is Laser focused on..."


O'biden regime laughing their asses off at the citizens they are murdering/incinerating and every other person in America.

Save it. They will deny it at some point.


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Thanks. It was atrocious. Now the water the government provided is making people sick. They are relentless.

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Have you read all BB's stuff?


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Rosalind, i say some intense things sometimes, i do not want to do that, but i have experienced abuse in type of MK ultra/ cointel pro/ tech experiment even though it may seem hard to believe for some, pardon. But i am afraid they are rolling out to all what am i suppose to do ? other than tell , best

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It’s a much bigger problem than most people realize. You don’t have to apologize to me. I’m glad you can be honest here. My creepy grandfather was cia, so I can relate a bit.

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Off topic but have you heard of Girl Next? A recent fiction movie. I loved it but it comes with a trigger warning! The spark was another one I liked.

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Try blade runner 2049

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Our dystopian future of transhumanism as dictated by Schwab and Tuval Harari

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People are waking up

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Not before time.

Sometimes it just has to be the Pirate’s Code: them what falls behind, gets left behind.

If the normies ARE waking up, they’d better haul all their friends and neighbours along for the ride, and quick. Or there won’t be a real America to wake up in.

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Slow to awaken and most likely it's too late. Sad but true.

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Mass shootings are almost always filled with questions that make no sense. I'm from Blacksburg, VA, the home of Virginia Tech also known for the largest college mass shooting. The failure was immense. The police chief of Virginia Tech received a massive raise after the shooting, and the FBI stood down for well over an hour before entering Tech. Another oddity is that they demolished the building where the shooting occurred soon after the shooting.

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They also demolished the school for Sandy Hook, which was a complete and total hoax. Honestly, I initially believed the VA tech story, but now after all of the shooting hoaxes, I'm suspicious.

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......And wasn’t the Va. Tech shooter stopped by a student who ran out to his car and got his handgun ? Unlike the “vax” claims, it really could have been so much worse!

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Same FIB False Flag sh..it. Same MO and basic story over and over.

Psych Ops

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Boats in the ocean burning, circle of fire around Lahania?



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Great video. Oprah also belongs to one of those big groups like club of Rome, I don’t know what they’re called but it’s about depopulation the group includes people like Warren Buffet

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Eugenicist's group, can't think of any new groups, but where planned parenthood came from originally.

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Yes on this site WLT ( don't mean to be political at all- this is good vs evil ) there are pictures of her and John somebody a well known " Satanist - religion leader and Pedo " . She has her arm around him. He is frightening. Sorry I don't have the link. I did know she was evil and part of the WEF but I did not think I needed to save it.

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There are no coincidences...

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That was just another psyop, with impossible scenarios when you look at it.

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In reply to Sage Hana post

Spot on as Pelletier being in place to thwart investigations, kind of like the guy being promoted from MI Whitmer kidnapping scam, and then promoted to DC for J6.

Pelletier and Lombardo, were key along with all the spooks in the 3 letter agencies in the LV coverup and then the administrator who Killed the journalist Jeff German who was putting the screws to them.

Great documentary on LV shooting for anyone who hasn't seen it. Hard to believe Lombardo could be elected Gov now, and sadly (waking up to facts), Trump supported him, when there was a Patriot running against him. Trump tends to back those he feel can win, or I used believe more so.





They don't do well when they've been uncovered and their bread and butter is being threatened, of course much different at this low level.

Democrat Clark County official Robert Telles was arrested on Wednesday evening on suspicion of murder in connection with the fatal stabbing of Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Jeff German.


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There's a video on Rumble that shows a older man saying that MPD was blocking people from leaving Front St. He tried to reason with them but gave up and just figured "they knew something I didn't." Pelletier was the incident commander. He was also incident commander at 1 October Vegas massacre. The gates to the concert were closed after the concert began and locked, trapping people like sitting ducks. They had to storm the gates to knock them over to get out.


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He is a reptile.

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The LV guy is a fixer, but the shooting was a SAUDI op gone wrong for Prince "Bone Saw"

Now it turns out that the principal investor in the China building a super port at the Lahaina site is non other than SAUDI, so the FIXER must make sure that all waters are smooth so that every thing goes according to Saudi/China/Israel Plans;

In Israel, China recently 'sold' the Haifa-Port ( biggest port on Atlantic Basin ) to India, now They want to build the same a Eastern terminus for silk road, this time rather than Chinese paying for the mega-port it will be SAUDI, who will then probably sell out to India or China.


Many say all this is fair, because China bailed out USA in 2008, and China took ownership of Hawaii & west coast USA, and are now taking physical ownership. This is not unlike UK-London taking paper ownership of DC in 1871, but not taking real ownership of USA until 1913 when they created FED-Res Bank, a UK London Company

The Gov of Hawaii Green also has ties to Saudi, and of course police fixer Pelletier; The normal narrative on the concert mass-murder was that it was a staged cover-up for an attempted murder on the Saudi elites staying in the Hotel on the Penthouse top-level

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Wow, that was a big cover up.

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For anyone interested in more digging into the Vegas operation:

https://www.winterwatch.net/?s=las+vegas+shooting (one of my favorite sites for psyops)

Sane Progressive Shows How Las Vegas Shooting Was Staged Rig


(this woman, Debbie Lusignan, aka Sane Progressive, was very good at these psyops--she was a nurse, so could catch the medical fakery. She did lots of good videos, but then all of the sudden all of her work was taken down. Apparently she was threatened by the govt, and in a panic asked everyone to take down mirrors of her work. She later popped up during covid as Nurse Rose, but apparently last Dec she died of mysterious circumstances)

Paul Craig Roberts- letters from surgeons on Las Vegas



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Same SAUDI fixer in LV, now in MAUI - Lahaina fixing Saudi mob problems

Who is John Pelltier Police Chief Lahaina, and how is he related to the SAUDI bone sawman??

Actually this is topical, because SAUDI cash is going to PAY for the NEW port at Lahaina, owned by CHINA, but in Indian names, but real 'cash' comes from Saudi via the PEDO-DOLLAR.

Remember LV shooting was a deep state operation (with FBI/CIA read "Maui Police Chief John Pelletier") done by lefty and democrat financier Prince Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud and his BFF Washington Post (Jeff Bezos) "writer" and arms dealer Jamal Khashoggi to kill MBS (who was in LV in Al Waleed's hotel (Four Seasons) - same as the pasty).

The outcome was Al Waleed ended up hanging up side down in a hotel in SA with his feet beaten morning, noon and night, Khashoggi went to pieces and Bezos has his bare *** photos with his MTF girlfriend release to the public resulting in a billion dollar divorce.

The 99 dead Americans in LV were an Operation Northwoods distraction like the hundreds that died in Operation destroy America in Hawaii. These people are psychopaths want you dead.

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Recall here that BEZOS is major HAWAII land owner 2nd only to Ellison&Gates

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Do you even for a second assuming your HUMAN know what the substance of this sentence is saying??

real 'cash' comes from Saudi via the PEDO-DOLLAR.

Do you understand that since 1970's that USA has shipped 10K children a year to be fucked to death in MENA, and now after +50 years SAUDI has cancelelled the deal cuz all the kids have meth, fentanyl, and crack in their blood, which make them useless for organ harvesting

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Does this explain the letters delivered on camera at the Pres.BushSr funeral saying "Thank you for playing. Game over." signed by ? a sultan. ( Can't recall which one ) ?

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Probably some thing like that, don't forget that during Bush-Sr POTUS the entire time Warren Buffet from Omaha's 'boystown" was flying in little fresh boyz nightly to be ass-fucked, even OP had a name "The Franklin Coverup"


SInce 1970's "FINDERS" have been kidnapping 10k children a year from USA and shipping them to SAUDI to be sex slaves, that is why we have the PEDO-DOLLAR, and that is why when we went off 'gold' in 1972, they agreed to Kissingers PEDO-Dollar

Saudi is just ZOG, Post WW2 the bush nazi's put the house-of-saud in charge of the oil-fields of Saudi, so they all have a mutual satanic family basis



The point here is that once ZOG SAUDI/CHINA/INDIA takes over Hawaiian Islands, which is going to be very soon, get your small children and women out of there, because THEIR system eats children like Moloch, fucks them to death, and then organ-harvests them for storage in Israel

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Thanks for connecting the dots and sharing.

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Curious why do you study this stuff if you be an 'autism mom' and I know many, they have never had time their own life; Why bother with saving the world?

Or are you one of those ANGRY for "THEM" creating the autism in the first place?


I often think, if they were do smart, they why do they raise so many of us to "Hate the system from birth?"


I have traveled and sailed the world and hung out with the elite & bottom, and I can say some of the dumbest MOFU's I have ever met are the so called "Elite"

If you took away their Wagner or Blackwater tomorrown they would be Bambi in he headlights of I5 in LA.

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No - I don’t have time to save anyone else just do what I can to protect my own tribe and support efforts on the local level. I also advocate for those who need assistance. I’m married to a great man & we support each others interests as well as our sons needs. We have a life. We are not an angry “them” . We do not hate on others.

My son who has autism is an adult now. He is stable and is doing great.

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Ok great, then still same question, why do you waste your time on this forum? Just to vent, or to seek change, or influence?


What's the point? You understand that the forum is 70% bots, and 10% of the humans can even tell the bot from human?

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Here to learn. Bots are everywhere, not just on this forum. I have as much right to be here as anyone else. That’s all I have to say to this.

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All comments here... saying what we all are thinking based on evidence and observation of the victims reporting. Many of us recall the discrepancies of the Vegas shooting investigation, ever changing storyline. Then it just went away.

No question malfeasance is invoked and we need to put Pelletier under a microscope. Can’t help but wonder if he is with the CIA?

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If they are in on it with the Billionaires then I guess that would be a yes.

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What an amazing coincidence.

Wherever he lands next I would move the hell out, fast.

Can you say WEF/Soros/Hates/Deepstate/Shadow USgov payroll?

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Ok, now I am reading that I am wrong and this is a Saudi hit for port rights...ok...more homework to do.

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What did this police chief say why he wasn’t able to or didn’t know how to stop what happened in Nevada and now Hawaii?

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Is that a new profile picture, Abigail? Your wedding picture? It's beautiful.

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Yes. Thank you! ♥️💔🥹

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