I haven’t had a chance to read the full study yet but I am wondering about the statement that all the injured fully recovered within 14 days. From my understanding you do not fully recover from myocarditis and pericarditis. I guess I need to read it in its entirety to understand that statement in the abstract.

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no they don't recover fully, myocarditis and pericarditis comes a knocking later on.., it is not a 'simple' or 'mild' issue.... it is up to us to make our own conclusions...the part of this paper is the methods and the data...I don't care what they think or decide or recommend etc. thats the power of the reader, just give me the data clean. and the data is damaging.

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Well I guess with 'recovery' they mean that the inflammation is gone after 14 days. Of course the already damaged parts of the heart will just be scartissue and the more you have it the more its a risk factor for later cardiac arrest and/or dangerous arrythmias. You definitely have a reduced life expectancy compared to if you would never had the myocardities. But they never explain this to the kids or their parents. I wonder when they figure it out.

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Thank you Dr. Alexander. I agree, so important to read the methods and results section rather than just reading the abstract and conclusion which can be very misleading.

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we have to read things to ensure the methods and quality is good, then we the reader decide the conclusions, not the writer.

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It is completely baffling to me, ‘just’ a layman, to read the article and then see the conclusion which whitewashes the results of the study. To say “mild” and “completely recover” is even to me complete BS or wishful thinking. If my heart, the organ which is life or death for me, has some kind of distress due to a medical intervention (this shot), then no way can this be a ‘mild’ thing. How can someone seriously make that conclusion of their own study. If I was one of those participants with any of the issues, I would demand to be on standing appointments with a cardiologist for regular follow ups, and I would demand a yearly ‘stress test’ (treadmill, monitors) to prove my heart is ok (hopefully the medical staff monitoring the test are current in their CPR training, seriously!).

Thinking about the study, I suppose the authors must make that dismissive conclusion in order to get published… perhaps that is a strategy to get by the reviewers who will read the abstract and conclusions and skim the details LOL.

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if they dont whitewash it, it likely wont get published

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There’s no full recovery. Could look like a clinical recovery of sorts but even that’s relative. For example no significant activity permitted for several months to a year for an athlete is pretty bad, no? Worse though is that any initial scarring will progress over time leading to ever increasing risk of heart failure or other potentially fatal cardiomyopathies, some treatable only with heart transplant!

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That statement and a few others were probably required to get it published.

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"fully recovered" .... 5 yr follow-up please?

Risk of irreversible myocardial/myocyte damage leading to increased morbidity and mortality, or changes (necrosis/apoptosis) that scar and alter condition, leading to arrhythmia?

...According to Pfizer: “Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies, including a 5-year follow-up study to evaluate long term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis/pericarditis.”

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“Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies.” Yeah my a$$!

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Sadly true. In 5 yrs it'll be unnecessary. The excess death in that group should speak for itself, as is already suggested elsewhere. Corporate globalist Pfizer will run with this for as long as they can possibly milk it, free of liability.

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Don’t worry, they are very likely working on a heart medication to sell you which you will be dependent on for the rest of your life. $$$$$. Can’t lose here, Pfizer…. Even better $ than boosters! If I didn’t have a conscience, I might even start buying their stock (or the partner they will work with…. They might need to play that trick to hide their culpability).

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Interesting to read some of the statements made by the Pre-Print's "Commenters", serving as a review.

One states:

"I humbly suggest a stronger conclusion than, "adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines should be moni­tored for side effects."

I suggest that all injections for adolescents in Thailand be stopped immediately until longer term harmful effects of the mRNA injection are studied (especially since recovery rate from Covid is estimated to be over 99%, and new studies have found the immunity from the injection wanes quickly)."

Another says:

' The sentence, "The clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days" could be misleading. Myopericarditis leads to cardiac tissue scarring and hence impaired ability to pump blood. Given that long-term prognosis is often poor, a "full recovery" would be unlikely and, therefore, dangerous to predict.

The data in general are quite disturbing, particularly in the light of the facts that: (a) the risk of SARS-CoV-2 to adolescents is statistically zero; and (b) the drugs are not vaccines, prevent neither infection nor transmission, do not reduce individual viral load and are proven uniquely dangerous. It is, in my view, about time the entire medical and scientific professions echoed the admirable Christine Anderson, Member of the European Parliament:

"This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history. Moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity." '

13 comments posted, and worth a read.

Here's hoping that we are witnessing the beginning of a break from the narrative and that more will step forward to speak out against all the 'misinformation' and gaslighting we have witnessed. Slow progress better than NO progress.

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They just don't care, they want us all dead, dying and sick! Someone or all need jail for Life! Or worse!

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200,000,000 vaccinated in US. Why hasn’t the CDC commissioned any simple studies like this? What about autopsies? Nothing from them except jingles on the radio that go 🎵 I’m getting boosted…boosting my immunity 🎵

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These adverse events are horrible, especially when you weigh in the fact that the injection does not work.

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Even worse now the jabbed have an increased risk of covid which can damage their heart additionally!

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"The jabbed are about to get a rude awakening. (Avoid hanging around elites)" -Internet Predictive Linguistic Analyst Clif High: https://rumble.com/v1f1zl7-the-jabbed-are-about-to-get-a-rude-awakening..html

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I've seen the Clif High portion of that video many times, and I keep thinking, "Oh, boy...oh, boy."

I can barely imagine what it'll be like.

It's almost hard to put into words. The best, most succinct way I can say it is that people's worldviews will fall apart.

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Agree. No one signed up to sacrifice their kids, and that's where the buck will stop IMHO

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Mike Adams of Natural news just posted results of breaking down extracted blood clots (in his accredited lab') of a person who died shortly after inoculation. The clots are not what can be considered blood clots. They are of an entirely different make-up. Not good news for the jabbed.

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From Thailand ... How about we do this here? It is not too hard and there are lots and lots of kids to be studied...

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Thanks, Dr. Alexander, for--quite literally and figuratively--adding your voice to this.

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btw, I cannot read everything so pardon me but please, no matter who, call me 'Paul' I am your equal.

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Okay, Paul.

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This video review of the study by Dr John Campbell is useful, I've used it to help alert my friends and relatives who are not up to speed:


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Curious about any adult study’s? I have had my Ventricular tachycardia under control for years but had to up my dose a few months after getting my 2nd vax. I’ve wondered if it was from the vaccine or stress from world events over the last couple years.

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