Obama, Biden INC. flooded USA with...this is now what we have to deal with and our law enforcement can once we give them tools, clearance; we need a MAGA jail (s) like Bukele's MEGA El Salvador jails
Literally tied up probably unfortunately. A high Gulf official quoted in the Wall Street Journal said just before the first Gulf war began, "You think I want to send my teen-aged son to die for Kuwait?" He chuckled. "We have our white slaves from America to do that." Nothing much has changed except the country Americans die for. Americans do die for their government and for another country but they don't die for their own country.
Don't worry they'll have a domestic force ready soon enough, just ones that won't hesitate to shoot Americans (they'll be illegals on a fast track service to ZOGofUSA) and have never read the constitution.
They are doing the Morgenthau plan 2.0 this time domestically. Same crop of treasonous retches appointed doing it too.
Ever heard of rabbit famine? Many cocksure whites have starved to death with virtually unlimited supply of rabbit to eat.
Humans at the 99th percentile can use just shy of 40g of protein a day for energy, before reaching toxicity. Cats can use 70% of their protein as calories. So while animals like humans dogs and cats are the closest in terms of gastrointestinal proportionality, the big difference is humans and dogs are faculatlive carnivores, humans perhaps are facilitative lipovores. Cats are apex carnivores, house or not and have no facilitative capacity. Both cats and dogs do better on leaner cuts since ancestrally lean cuts are we ever spared.
Quality and very stable fats particularly tallow are the single most valuable macro.
Pemmican is gross but you don't ever go hungry or energy slumps: 50%beef/50%tallow maybe mustard and pepper.
Beef and tallow are all anyone needs to survive.
Without ridiculous car intake today, worth noting that beef was actually the first antiscorbutic.
Stearic acid to add in as you acclimatise to a scarcity driven keto diet can do wonders, also to fight keto state ruination - is Stearic acid helps you eat more carbohydrates without exiting ketosis.
Ketosis is protein sparring.
20/20/60 protein carb fat can be done while there's still some semblance or choice 0/20/80 carb protein fat is always viable.
*<40 percent of macro intake being protein before toxicity I believe there is a gram figure that's widely applicable but I'm not sure anymore from memory
Do you ever mention who's to blame for the invasion of Christian countries worldwide?
Where did Mayorkas work prior to executing the most blatantly treasonous secretary role of all time?
Who's the feds biggest recipient of money to expedite and facilitate JFS, HIAS and a laundry list of other NGOs, who are Jewish and public facing.
Yet all we ever hear about is the barbaric acts they commit. That they are brown etc and rightful outrage but never naming of the culprits who let them in and paid for it.
Putting us all against one another leading the head of the snake intact to continue its treason.
They don't even hide it. Look at what they do to actual semities in Palestine : the Palestinians.
Ashkenazi which make up 97%+ of Israelis are mixed race east European (ultimately Asian descent but were driven out of Asia for cruelty and barbarism - literally a tale as old as time. These people mass converted in Khazaria, modern Ukraine. Or 0 claim to that land.
A book holy or not is a shit excuse for the nakba but these so called jews lie about virtually everything.
They're happy to call the world's premier terrorist and genocidal state their home.
Surely to God they wouldn't be fomenting racewars in "Edom". And they don't openly admit to planning to use Ishmael (Arabs) to be their broom to mop up edom (the west Christianity)
If you think this is some jew hating fever dream: I judge all people by their fruits and actions not immutable characteristics like race. 2, there is hours or rabbis explaining this goal in English if you go look.
Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder and President of the Pan- European Union, the original EU, said this in his 1925 book, 'Praktischer
Idealismus: ' "The man of the future will be mixed-race... The Eurasian-
Negroid race of the future... will replace the diversity of peoples... Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country... The general staff of both... are recruited
from Europe's spiritual leader race. the Jews. From the European quantity people... the mass, two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry... both believe in their higher mission, of their better blood... The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of future nobility."
Unfortunately this is an extremely projewish site. No matter what they do,they will.still be God's chosen people. The fact that they are stealing land from.the Palistineians is not important to our masters.
Except Zionists are identity thieves and they know it. That's why they DNA test for ashkenazi. They discriminate against the sephardic Jews in Israel
Issue is all the satanic Christian Zionists do not know this or how the Schofield bible lobotomised them and made them subservient to so-called jews and definitely the synagogue of Satan.
Christ wasn't a "Jew" and why are God's chosen people expelled 1030 times + from at least 109 countries city States and empires?
None of the Christian countries feared God's retribution or were they properly literate without subversive bibles in their hands 😅
This is beyond scary. What do we do. ? Bring our soldiers back to protect our homeland America.
They will be tied up in the middle east. You'll have to defend yourself
Literally tied up probably unfortunately. A high Gulf official quoted in the Wall Street Journal said just before the first Gulf war began, "You think I want to send my teen-aged son to die for Kuwait?" He chuckled. "We have our white slaves from America to do that." Nothing much has changed except the country Americans die for. Americans do die for their government and for another country but they don't die for their own country.
Yes Awake, if we don't want to stand up, and fight, each and everyone of us will be in chains or dead.
Yes, we must resist.
By all means..if you don't youll.be dead anyway
Don't worry they'll have a domestic force ready soon enough, just ones that won't hesitate to shoot Americans (they'll be illegals on a fast track service to ZOGofUSA) and have never read the constitution.
They are doing the Morgenthau plan 2.0 this time domestically. Same crop of treasonous retches appointed doing it too.
Yes , that's the plan.
That's why the jews want us disarmed.
Unless you guys are canning beef you won’t hold out long enough and fema will over food for guns 🥲.
We’re already disarmed here in the judeo-Bolshevik banana republic of Canada.🥲😅
Ever heard of rabbit famine? Many cocksure whites have starved to death with virtually unlimited supply of rabbit to eat.
Humans at the 99th percentile can use just shy of 40g of protein a day for energy, before reaching toxicity. Cats can use 70% of their protein as calories. So while animals like humans dogs and cats are the closest in terms of gastrointestinal proportionality, the big difference is humans and dogs are faculatlive carnivores, humans perhaps are facilitative lipovores. Cats are apex carnivores, house or not and have no facilitative capacity. Both cats and dogs do better on leaner cuts since ancestrally lean cuts are we ever spared.
Quality and very stable fats particularly tallow are the single most valuable macro.
Pemmican is gross but you don't ever go hungry or energy slumps: 50%beef/50%tallow maybe mustard and pepper.
Beef and tallow are all anyone needs to survive.
Without ridiculous car intake today, worth noting that beef was actually the first antiscorbutic.
Stearic acid to add in as you acclimatise to a scarcity driven keto diet can do wonders, also to fight keto state ruination - is Stearic acid helps you eat more carbohydrates without exiting ketosis.
Ketosis is protein sparring.
20/20/60 protein carb fat can be done while there's still some semblance or choice 0/20/80 carb protein fat is always viable.
*<40 percent of macro intake being protein before toxicity I believe there is a gram figure that's widely applicable but I'm not sure anymore from memory
Do you ever mention who's to blame for the invasion of Christian countries worldwide?
Where did Mayorkas work prior to executing the most blatantly treasonous secretary role of all time?
Who's the feds biggest recipient of money to expedite and facilitate JFS, HIAS and a laundry list of other NGOs, who are Jewish and public facing.
Yet all we ever hear about is the barbaric acts they commit. That they are brown etc and rightful outrage but never naming of the culprits who let them in and paid for it.
Putting us all against one another leading the head of the snake intact to continue its treason.
They don't even hide it. Look at what they do to actual semities in Palestine : the Palestinians.
Ashkenazi which make up 97%+ of Israelis are mixed race east European (ultimately Asian descent but were driven out of Asia for cruelty and barbarism - literally a tale as old as time. These people mass converted in Khazaria, modern Ukraine. Or 0 claim to that land.
A book holy or not is a shit excuse for the nakba but these so called jews lie about virtually everything.
They're happy to call the world's premier terrorist and genocidal state their home.
Surely to God they wouldn't be fomenting racewars in "Edom". And they don't openly admit to planning to use Ishmael (Arabs) to be their broom to mop up edom (the west Christianity)
If you think this is some jew hating fever dream: I judge all people by their fruits and actions not immutable characteristics like race. 2, there is hours or rabbis explaining this goal in English if you go look.
Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder and President of the Pan- European Union, the original EU, said this in his 1925 book, 'Praktischer
Idealismus: ' "The man of the future will be mixed-race... The Eurasian-
Negroid race of the future... will replace the diversity of peoples... Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country... The general staff of both... are recruited
from Europe's spiritual leader race. the Jews. From the European quantity people... the mass, two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry... both believe in their higher mission, of their better blood... The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of future nobility."
the future nobility."
More about Kalergi : https://themillenniumreport.com/2019/10/the-diabolical-kalergi-plan-and-extinction-of-the-white-race/
Unfortunately this is an extremely projewish site. No matter what they do,they will.still be God's chosen people. The fact that they are stealing land from.the Palistineians is not important to our masters.
Nonetheless, I totally agree with you
Except Zionists are identity thieves and they know it. That's why they DNA test for ashkenazi. They discriminate against the sephardic Jews in Israel
Issue is all the satanic Christian Zionists do not know this or how the Schofield bible lobotomised them and made them subservient to so-called jews and definitely the synagogue of Satan.
Christ wasn't a "Jew" and why are God's chosen people expelled 1030 times + from at least 109 countries city States and empires?
None of the Christian countries feared God's retribution or were they properly literate without subversive bibles in their hands 😅
I disagree it’s it’s not important. Rather people need to know they are Palestinians (Goyim) too and this is what awaits them/us.
I understand. I just corrected my statement above.
No worries, was a disagreement not a declaration of war😂. Kudos for clarification!
Bukele's system will.not work here.
According to InSightCrime.org
These jails are now being used as places to put political opponents of Bukele.
They also have exotic torture chambers.
The picture of a super clean punishment center are far from the truth.
Inside it's a gruesome page.out of the Spanish Inquisition.
As a country we've fought long battles without losing our Constitution.
Shall we burn it now for safties sake?
I hope not. MS 13 in El Salvador was relatively weak
When removed other gangs simply took over form neighboring countries.
Also when Bukele took over many civlians vanished.
The news that supports Bukele wants a police state. With the Plebs in total submission to the government.
We're better than that.
If you want freedom you'll have to fight for it just like everyone else
Neuter your friends and animals!