It works so well they are creating mRNA vaccines for livestock. If you won’t take the tox shot willingly it’s going into our food chain. Even vegans aren’t safe there’s a uni in the US. Developing gene altering DNA/RNA into greens. Would you like a vaccine with your salad.

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So, are you saying I’m fucked even tho I have never taken a vaccine, but most of my family has?

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Pretty much. Start stocking up food now, and try to get your own into production from heirloom seeds, because if they can't get to you one way, they will another. And kill off all the animals and the wildlife while they are at it and zoo animals and pets too. These people are demonic and anti life, anti God, anti everything that is good, true in the world...Spirit and soul they wish to destroy. They want life they control completely, a merge of biology and 'artificial' life/tech, in otherwords they want to BE GOD(s). The God of Creation that says 'be still and know I am God' is not lightly mocked - as they will come to find out...

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So that's why gates bought all that farmland, to ensure his own untainted supply

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The chances they can replace God are Buckley’s and none. They are mere mortals albeit evil . They can and will inflict considerable harm and suffering, but I doubt they will succeed.

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One viewpoint on "how they fail" can be explained by Bucky Fuller's "energy slaves." Their plan relies on access to cheap sources of surplus energy and cheap labor in full compliance to support their smart grid. In the meantime, our planet is overdue for a Carrington event. Some people suggest the fear campaign and obvious gaslighting are both a distraction for the general population and a signal for the resilient, collapse-able elements of society. Schwab's allows for "isolated pockets of self-sustaining community" who opt out of the Great Reset. The mass testing of gene therapy is intended to fasttrack cures to common diseases, the vaccine and digital passport are social engineering/compliance/IQ tests to establish parameters for experiment on re-writing DNA post-extinction (Moderna aka. Darwinian Chemical Systems and DOD's warp speed) while the elite prepare for the plotted geological and/or celestial event.

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Took a nice country drive to American Seed Co near Spring Grove, PA and picked up 5 pound bags of common vegetable seed.. sweet corn, bush beans.

My cousin got his friend to plow and plant deer food plots in a secluded section of our rural land. Nice crop of beets and turnips feeding the deer. Saw a nice young 6-point and 3 doe in one sitting munching on greens during rifle season. I figure to identify seasonal springs, build small retention ponds and find good location for IBC tote.

If you don't have access to rural land with a cabin for retreat, I suggest doing a search now for week to week, month to month cabin rental near state or national parks where you can go off season on short notice.

Stock your provisions with emphasis on proteins, carbs and heirloom seeds along with all the tools and fertilizer to start a survival garden. Perhaps book a stay in your preferred retreat location to meet locals, scout out places for community gardening and harvesting wild game and volunteer at food banks/charities to gain trust.

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Yes - this is an extinction event.

GFC alerted to me to the fact that we were on borrowed time... and it's been all bucket-listing till this hit in 2020.

Now we wait to die.

But keep in mind - if they just let civilization unravel without killing us first... the gates of hell would open.

This is for the better

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Yes. Seriously.

Says the guy who knew this was coming in 2008 and started acting upon this knowledge.

Here's the journey https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Covid, Climate emergency, Transition to Renewables and "Latest Discovery" of Fusion are cover for the end of cheap surplus energy, ecological overshoot and things hidden in complexity. Debt spiral is the result of payment now for a claim on a dwindling supply of cheap, on demand, easily extracted, future energy. Top-down solutions to the problem of increasing energy costs of energy, diminishing returns, worsening debt spiral and the collapse of complex societies are: nature as new asset class, harmful and exclusive tech and medical procedures dividing society, harvesting data and relying on strict narrative control, long emergency with collectivism, value extraction and social engineering ie. new lockdowns/fear campaigns, austerity through digital rationing/access/mobility, multipolar world order with regional energy alliances and smart cities with data/surveillance grids.

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It seems to be their ambition, but all the plans of mice and men eh

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This has been going on for a very long time primarily using tobacco to grow vaccines but rice is another favorite. In 2006 there was a broad contamination event w LL601 rice.. solution of course was to retroactively approve the strain then hush up possible toxic human health effects w that rice used to make beer.

Fun times Rockefeller-Gates Gods of global genome roulette!

Rice used by Anheuser-Busch Cos. to brew Budweiser beer is tainted with an experimental, genetically engineered rice strain, according to an analysis released yesterday by the environmental organization Greenpeace. Three of four samples of unprocessed rice from the beer maker's mill in Arkansas showed the presence of the strain, Bayer LL601, Greenpeace said.

Doug Muhleman, Anheuser-Busch's vice president of brewing, acknowledged in a prepared statement that US-grown long-grained rice "may have micro levels" of a genetically engineered protein called Liberty Link, but added that the protein is "substantially removed or destroyed" during the brewing of beer sold domestically.

The St. Louis company said the rice strain "is fully approved" by federal regulators, who deemed it "perfectly safe for human consumption."

Muhleman said Greenpeace's "false and defamatory" allegations came as retaliation for the company's spurning Greenpeace's call to boycott US farmers.


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Terrifies me.

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Try not to be terrified - it muddies critical thinking. We have choices we can live in fear or we can strive to have our best possible lives

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It's okay, I've been screaming about Mareks since the get go, even before Geert VB.

WHile I hope the plans of mice and men will go awry...the unfolding of the book of revelation terrifies me too. Please God Help Us All.

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Tbis is why gates and zuckerburg have bought up all of the farm land in the US. Mrna packed synthetic veggies.

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My sister and a friend of mine are both very sick. Both vaxed. My friend went to Redi-care she felt so horrible. They tested her for influenza A and B, both negative. Did not test for COVID. Sent home with steroids.

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Many people are telling me they have been terribly sick with Covid --- and that they are so glad they got boosted cuz if they were any sicker they thought they'd die.

I kid you not.

I want to burst out laughing when they say that ... but they are serious ... and they'd be greatly offended

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I'm down with offending people. I have burst out laughing. It was also enjoyable seeing the shocked dirty look I got.

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I m 62, and I think out loud... Not good for making friends.

I talk to dogs all the time.

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I much prefer dogs to humans

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Dogs are the only ones that listen. Dogs are waaaay better than humans.

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Cats here. But dogs are much better listeners. Wish I could have one.

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You gotta read this. If it’s what’s happening to them it’s not good. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/booster-caused-immune-tolerance-explains

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Thank you

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Ask them what their control was. I ask all of them that. Then they say what do you mean? And I say, well science needs a control, a shot, and a placebo. Then I ask them, "do you have a clone of yourself which you didn't give the shots to?" Because that's the only way scientifically to know. Then they flip out, get angry, and walk away. Not so scientific when it gets down to it.

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Let's face it... most people ... are MORE-ONS.

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I'm no scientist. But they weren't searching for truth by kicking fair questions out of the room

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People don't understand real science. They seem to think you twinkle your nose ("Bewitched" reference) and 💨 POOF! You've just proved something. Nope.

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Actually, merciful thing might be to laugh.


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Movie scene, A funeral. Eulogy begins, Fred died Wednesday, but IT WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE IF HE HADN'T TAKEN THE VACCINE

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If it hadn't been for the vaxx he would have died Tuesday!

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I think many, many are possessed.

People angry over this are only normal folks.

Add the ones that can laugh to... The best

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At least they did what they were supposed to do.

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Just following what BBCCNN said

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No, the real doctors say steroids stop the cytocine storm. The MSM doesn't give out good info.

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Didn't test for covid? Isn't that fascinating! Don't test, don't want to know, don't add yet another "vaccination" statistically significant and relative data point to actual science to destroy the "effective" narrative.

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Those were my thoughts as well. My friend was shocked and puzzled by the lack of testing. I explained it to her. Since we have talked about this numerous times since her J&J vax, ( I tried really had to talk her out of it as it was not mandated),she had everything she needed to treat and had done so since becoming Ill four days prior. She has no access to IV or HC so she had been taking Quercitin with zinc along with the other supplements. She had continued to get worse, thus the Dr visit. I sent her the FLCCC protocol so she could review and add to the treatment. Hoping she recovers soon.

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Hope she gets better soon! And re the lack of testing, maybe this opened her eyes a little. Just had another thought....maybe they didn't test her because they didn't want to be in a position of having to prescribe paxlovid.

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Yes, I've been saying this since the first inklings of the novel mRNA treatment getting exposed as a "leaky vaccine".

You'll notice that delta arrived at basically the same time as the original formula, and now that the bivalent formula is out, there is a bad flu going around.

Too coincidental to be a coincidence.

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The Bossche Mutation is imminent ...

Many people seem to want to hurry that along to prove that GVB was right... what's the rush :)

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The Vanden Bossche Wave, we call it here.

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Surely this was the plan when they created this virus. Wouldn’t you want to kill off all the non compliant people? It doesn’t make sense to kill the ones who followed orders.

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They wished to kill those that would first kill themselves (eg too stupid and desperate to do other than uptake the poison). Next they will come to the 'resistant' folks, and eventually control them via starvation/survival. But first they must do a few things... destroy wild life and animals, disconnect you from God/soul/spirit/afterlife (take your pick), then destroy fertility, keeping only a few Black and Asians around. The Asians are 'compliant' to authority, the Blacks can be manipulated and will breed and provide things like blood, organs and so forth that ARE NOT CONTAMINATED because oh YES they know that the spike sheds, that it is bio weapon of mass death. China knows, Deep State knows, the Elites ALL KNOW it. And though their actions they have arrived at a moment of death for all, eventually. Humanity 1.0 as created by God for certain.

The animals, God's creations.... Imagine the world of the Matrix? Or the many dystopias they have shown you? Logan's Run?// When you take the red pill and see that humanity is farmed and lives it live via 'neural hook ups' and 'tech' and no longer is interacting with the REAL world? There is no life left out there? Controlled programmed and not 'real world'.... that's the world they SALIVATE over....Gates has told you this, Soros as well, Klaus of course and all the WEFERS under him, Elon Musk, the Corpo rats living only for POWER and MONEY... these are very very sick people if you can honestly still call them humans... personally I think they are all posessed myself. And not by good, but by ultimate evil.

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Paul, I raise chickens. I hatch my own and I can say that in 30 yeses we've never had mareks disease in chickens. We've never had a mass die off except from predators. My birds live to about 7 years or morein general. They are all crossbreed as well which i think makes for a superior immune system. They've not had bird flu either...even when its been an issue in the area. They are raised on pasture as well, which I think makes a huge difference. I think virus is not the important issue. The terrain is the more important issue!

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Happy Holidays!! Hope you had a Great Christmas. It's hard the first year of a loss. Thank you for all you do and putting up the Good Fight for All.

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Would getting a natural covid infection be the best defense against this potential virulent strain for an unvaxed?

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It’s probably a safer bet than getting the “vax”. Caught between a rock and a hard place. I’ll take my chances with my immune system. 🤨

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Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

Here is your educations folks. Dr. Alexander, you are on the right trail. And here is the "why" of it all.

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Thank you for not calling this a gene "therapy" which those too ignorant to know that therapy means healing treatment continue to do....

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Not sure that's true when healing is the last thought evoked by hearing chemo-therapy. In my mind therapy translates as: Rx treatments may help, hurt or kill you so try it we'll see..

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Words have an etymological meaning which is what I was referring to, as contrasted with their use for advertising or propaganda purposes, or in personal opinion as in your discussion.

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It is critically important to remember that the so-called Covid "vaccines" are anything but. As you rightly point out Dr. A, these injections are a form of gene therapy, designed to instruct the injectee's cells to manufacture spike protein, a highly toxic pathogen. What could possibly go wrong ?!? :o In no way are the contents of the vials intended to block infection or transmission of an alleged viral pathogen, how could they? And they certainly don't as we know all too well by now. The very fact that the FDA had to redefine the term "vaccine" to now simply mean 'elicits an immune response' or words to that effect says all one needs to know. One thing they absolutely do (in addition to damaging various organs & bringing about dysfunction in numerous bodily systems) is degrade recipients' overall immune function. Thus more virulent pathogenic microbiology has little standing in the way of infecting an individual and inducing severe disease, along with what might have otherwise been relatively simple challenges to defend against. It's a perfect storm all right and anyone who unwittingly or otherwise subjected themselves to this harmful intervention is facing what may well prove to be an insurmountable weakening of their defenses, both innate & adaptive. The prognosis is not a good one sadly enough.

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So the leaky vaccine encourages mutations of a more virulent form that would likely be very bad for the unvaccinated? This would spur more people to be vaccinated then? Sounds like it is a perfect setup for big pharma to get everyone on the endless vaccination loop.

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So us unjabbed and covid recovered will get sicker too?

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Exactly as planned.

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Is this what’s happening in China? A more virulent and infectious strain of Omicron spreading through a dense vulnerable population.

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Of course it is. When was the last time flu season was all four seasons for 3 straight years. Btw, sars cov 2 has never beeen isolated, located in any human being, and iver 200 foia's proved this. No university, lab or other facility has every isolated sars co v 2.

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Yes.....and no. It's similar but maybe not exactly the same.

Someone postulated that "sudden death" might be the result of the viruses symptoms being suppressed, but the damage to organs still progressing until death, without the carrier aware of how bad things are.

It could be similar to giving too many pain killers, feeling no pain, and then dying of whatever was causing the pain...say a severed arm.

That may be one of the horrid things the covid shots are doing.

The body feels pain, and has illness "symptoms" for very good reason.



Your life depends on input from your body.

Ooohhh shivers up my spine...that's the plot of a 40s dystopian novel. People were quite "enhanced" and partially cybernetic...they could no longer feel pain, and minor scratches could lead to infection, sepsis and death if the body wasn't visually scanned constantly. Might have been a Cordwainer Smith novel....

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