So in short, if you're jabbed you may well develop cancer. I worry about my family because they are all jabbed, some as many as 4-5 times. In my family there are only 6 of us not jabbed and when we tell the jabbed ones the reason they're developing "covid" so many times is because they're jabbed, they tell us they don't want to talk about it. How do we reach these people, they've turned off their critical thinking skills for brainwashing skills.

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Give people hope. Share the studies on fenbendazole as a cancer treatment/cure. https://open.substack.com/pub/fenbendazole?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android

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The initial Case Report on fenbendazole is an 83 yr old breast cancer survivor developing metastatic BC “everywhere” a few months after the two Moderna shots in 2021. She eradicated her breast cancer with cheap, available, side-effect free fenbendazole and is cancer-free to this day, now 85. https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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It's good that Bonnie's breast cancer is back in remission. It's interesting that she had the booster anyway despite understandably not being happy to have it following her earlier adverse reaction to the shots it sounds like she was pressured. This happens a lot. Those responsible should not be allowed to get away wigh it.

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What is going on with IHR?? As far as I know, no country is dissenting the amendments. If passed, they will take effect May 2024. This will give the WHO complete control over all 194 nations. They can mandate jabs, close businesses, lock us down at home, mandate masks, stop all travel, require digital ID and health passports. This will be conveniently executed just before the elections. The WHO can also determine what the “emergency” is. Climate change, racism, poverty... you name it. It is totally freighting that the US is handing over sovereignty to the globalist WHO/UN. It will be the start of the one world government.

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Big Pharma has the perfect business model. Get you on life long drug protocol and if there's any chance you decide to stop , inject you with a bullshit vax that causes the disease to return so drug uptake continues.

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Hey! The medicine man loves it! More business for them! They don't give a damn if the immune system is screwed up by the mRNA injections. There is mucho money to be had!


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WARNING DANGER IF YOU ARE jabbed / vaxed prepare to suffer until your death

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Once you become trapped in the medical system's treatment maze, you are stuck for life and at the mercy of the drug lords. There is no salvation until they have murdered you after stealing your wealth.

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Prior conditioning takes precedence. Allow me to produce a quick example set; foreigners will NOT acculturate into our society ever. Takes three generations to acculturate; epigenes play the major role. Curiously, Swiss appear to understand epigenetics during Calvin's time as no one votes until third gen.

OK, so the wife was groomed for shots as an adult. At the time I did come across negative reports on vaccine history (I'm history and math teacher) but failed to dive deep enough for full understanding. She took all the mRNA jabs; I DID look into mRNA BEFORE she wanted the jab and informed that the product was not a vaccine and a pharma cartel agenda. That did not work as she was conditioned for the yearly flu vaccines AND is also a teacher thus conditioned that students 'must' have jabs and infants and the total pharma fake history of vaccines.

She is now in constant pain and I'm deep into everything that comes out for understanding the this Pharma cartel. She already refuses to listen to reason, early on. Now I don't dare to inform her that we're in major crap here as what she has to learn will freak her out far more than at present.

Bottom line, we have to be patient and stand by. I recommend that you buy Humphries' book (vaccine history) Delusions. If that book hits you right, have one extra on standby the moment a family member begins to question vaccines.

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...but it was over every bone you could think of.

As I think was pointed out in this substack a while ago, the monsters/lunatics at Moderna actually boasted that the mRNA can get into bone marrow.

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Excellent articles. worth reading and sharing..

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