Masking has nothing to do with protecting from non existent virus, We are the ""virus" ...

Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism

"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"


Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China

Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


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Masking children is literal child abuse. Terrorizing children to believe a negatively effective mask of any kind would protect them or worse that they are responsible for protecting others via their useless masks is a despicable, uniquely obtuse form of child abuse.

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COVID Operation Executive Summary

The virus held no danger so to fix this flaw the script was flipped to ensure that all of the preventative measures were overflowing with harm:

The masks were designed to devitalize you mentally, physically, & spiritually.

The propaganda was programmed to wreck your mind and install the “virus”.

The lockdowns were enforced to eviscerate your economies, education, and autonomy.

The injections are intended to erase you.

All of this damage is by design: death by a thousand cuts.

Masked Puppets, Liars, Believers, Shills, Marks, Sharks, & Irreparable Damage: https://bitchute.com/video/INgTcJUeHQK0 [6:50mins]

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Mandatory Masking: The Characteristics Of Our Mass Initiation Ritual Into the New Warped Normal: https://bitchute.com/video/BwPEFErJ3zE7 [12:36mins]

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Masking children was certainly one of the most prominent evils of this whole dishonest episode. But I wish to point your attention to the black mask. Was that not a symbol? I was surprised to see so many, particularly among the upper classes. It seemed to the face covering out of the medical realm, and signal that one was on the covidian team.

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This whole charade was never about anything but a test to see what we would put up with. Unfortunately we failed. People complied, they cut people out of their lives if not bowing to our owners. At this point facts are not going to matter to the maskateers, they must be mocked and laughed at. We all seen what works and what does not. Facts do not as anybody with a 3rd grade math education knows that those masks did not work 0.1 micron covid is orders of magnitude smaller than 1.0 the blue mask will filter out and 20+ for those cloth ones. We also seen what works, badgering, isolation, mocking etc... Humans are for the most part emotional people not factual. To win this fight we need to use emotion

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Few emotions have the power to manipulate the masses like FEAR. If the fear porn being peddled 24/7 by the 3-letter agencies, mainstream media, social media, tech giants, WHO, Gates, med journals, big pharma, politicians, paid celebs, et al don't constitute a highly coordinated agenda for bringing about Mass Formation (and all that follows) I don't know what does.

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Thank you (Dr.s Risch, Mccullough, Alexander, etc..) for standing up for the children. The childless, Socialist-Lesbians running the teachers unions sure as hell ARE NOT.

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Biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of the world.

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You miss a few major mask dangers in the article. When a mask containing a supposedly deadly virus is used it should be properly disposed of in a SAFE BIO HAZARD CONTAINER not put back into your pocket to be reused later. I mean who in their right mind would reuse a sterile mask once it has been used and may have the deadly virus in it and has all the other crap your breathing into it in it and now it has fermented in your pocket. Further most morons re-used the masks repeatedly, I mean how many people used a mask, disposed of it properly and each time they masked up used fresh sterile masks, NO ONE because I guess most people are stupid. Further, they put their bio weapon reused masks on every table they say at, left in the car, in the restaurants, etc.

Some people I know even used other peoples masks just to get into a store or whatever and never thought once to check if the other person had a deadly virus first. Yes, people are stupid, really stupid but you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them think.

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