that was no "WILDFIRE"!!! look at it...it's a fucking WAR ZONE. It looks like another DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON destruction to push the climate narrative AND LAND GRAB.WTFU!!!!!

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Exactly!!! This is a pattern of our government now. There is no way these were wildfires. They were intentionally set.

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Think it's time to abolish the govt.?

The USA Inc. And Federal Reserve are bankrupt and their corporation is no longer in charge. (they keep on operating like it ain't so)

It's said, they'll burn down the whole thing just to keep us from having it

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Yes it is since they have hijacked our elections and we have few law abiding officials in Washington. Obiden/Obama are traitors and its been Obama’s goal from the beginning to destroy our Country. He was part of the election theft and has bragged that its his third term. That’s why he never left Washington D.C. There are so many people in on this and are contributing to so much destruction of our food supplies, livestock, cities, towns and whatever else they can get their hands on. The complicity in all this by so many people is mind boggling but there are millions of us if we would organize and stop this. They want us dead or so controlled we will be slaves in their 15 minute cities, owning nothing and eating bugs. They are a bunch of evil satanists and its time people get their heads out of the sand.

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Yes, we Can organize and STOP this. Probably one mind at a time and with a movement. We need some smart leaders who can appeal to and motivate the people to join the movemrnt.

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No we don't need no movement. We need to talk with each other and pledge to each other to get off government. I'm already off it, but most people have let themselves be totally dependent on government for their income. Now we have to regroup and work out how we can depend on each other instead of the government. The days of government are over - no adult needs to be "governed". It's a silly notion. And now we can have our say on everything because we're connected.

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jews are spiteful mutants. Most trace their hatred of Caucasians back to Rome sacking the temple from 70-72AD, but I actually think they are more upset over whites creating the mirror.

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It really doesn't matter what the rulers or controllers are. What matters is why people believe they have to obey some dictator or group of dictators.

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Take another booster

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Are you a Nazi or just plain old KKK? Really!

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I am a white nationalist, and Leftist/Communist jews are the only enemy the white race needs to take seriously.

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Let's stop paying them. Refuse their services. Tell them to go take a hike. If many of us did this, it would count because it doesn't matter how much you hate the government - if you're still paying them, they really don't mind.

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I totally believe that.

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I’m thinking the same. If true we are all sitting ducks.

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Being sitting ducks is a very fowl situation to be in.

Seriously, the situation reminds me to reread Luke 13:34 and pray for protection.

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"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!"

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In 2,000 years didn't seem to help at all.

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Don't you get it - 2,000 years of prayers for nothing, to only be beset by a massive human culling. Where did all those prayers go? And why would god let all these horrors happen? But he will save you if you pray hard enough?

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There have been far more than 2,000 years of prayer, and many of those prayers have been answered affirmatively and positively. I recognize that it does take faith to see that.

The universe was obviously created by a creator; it is a form of intellectual blindness not to see that. That the creator is fundamentally a loving God is NOT obvious from studying nature or from studying history. Nevertheless, there is plenty of good news in the world, e.g. see https://youtu.be/jbkSRLYSojo.

I believe that

1) The creator is a loving God.

2) He chose to create humans in his image and give us free will to obey him (or not).

3) We chose not.

4) He is both just and merciful, demanding punishment for disobedience and offering us a way to escape that punishment.

5) He sent many prophets to reveal his will to us.

6) He sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to become human, obey him, and offer himself to suffer in our place.

7) Any human being who lived at any point in history can benefit from Jesus's sacrifice.

8) Ultimately Jesus will judge each of us.

9) The primary benefits of this belief are in eternal life.

10) The secondary benefits of this belief are in this life, yet those benefits are often wonderful for mankind.

My salvation is not based on whether I "pray hard enough", but rather whether I accepted Jesus's sacrifice.

Of course the human race could destroy itself and or a majority of species on earth by following a bunch of foolish and evil policies. Even if we forsake God, he won't forsake us, since instead he forsook Jesus on the cross, and 3 days later Jesus arose from the grave.

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yes, used in Iraq, and Paradise Ca,

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I saw that immediately,.. the aerial views show the cars and buildings cremated, while the trees are still standing.

That's Direct Energy weapon fires.

Miicrowaves Target metal.

This is murder and it's time to fight back.

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Saw that.

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If what you are suggesting is true, how do you "fight back"?

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That's a very good question. For one thing maintain every element of control that you can because this is all about control. So, use cash as often as possible and push back on any attempts to digitize currency that would be a first step. The other.. perhaps most important thing, is to continue to publish this information so that eyes open wide and the resistance grows. The maxim is still true there is safety in numbers. Okay, and here is my answer for the most powerful form of resistance and defense.. pray the prayers in job 18 and job 20 against these people. That's what those prayers are there for. At the end of the day, which this is, it is a spiritual battle... which calls for Spiritual weapons

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Using cash is a good idea although it's still bank-issued money and we have to get off that, but in the interim, till we do, it's wise to use cash as much as humanly possible. But to pray, what good is that? We'll just get crushed like insects if we relied on prayer. Although they are affirmations, there needs to be action. While people are still using the government services and incomes, and paying taxes, you can bet all the praying in the world will do nada.

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Action without prayer will be another study in futility. The luciferians and the witches do their chanting because it has power. The name of Jesus Christ has more. In 67 years I have never seen it fail. The rise of all this evil has been permitted by the reduction of the operation of authority by the church.

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In 2000 years we have not seen much to recommend that story of god and the bible. It is people, real people, like you and me and their belief systems that is the problem. The belief in debt-based money, in authority outside of our own authority of self, these are the main reasons we are in the state we're in. 2000 years of same old/same old just ain't cutting it.

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Not to push the climate narrative and land grab.

Lots of Hollywood Celebrities that live there. In the D.U.M.B.S, they child traffic, do horrific and vile things to children.

Yes, we are in a war and the USWhiteHats & The Global Military Alliances are taking the Deep State, child traffickers, etc down.

I feel bad for all the innocent people, the destruction.

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How do you know the "white hats" are "taking the deep state down"? Because you saw articles on it? We are in an information war. What if that's just a story to make you do nothing, to make you think something is being done when it isn't? And what about your part - everyone has to roll their sleeves up with this one. Nobody is exempt. We are all part of the problem and part of the solution. No more waiting for others to do it for us, we all need to get in there and figure it out, then take action. I don't mean fight, there is no point in fighting a huge machine. We need to have alternatives to everything government and get off their systems pronto.

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Oh my God. Oh my God!... It does Victoria...

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My first thoughts were whether these "wildfires" were started deliberately like the ones caused by arsonists in Canada but attributed to "climate change" by Trudeau and other radical climate crazies.

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In Canada, they dropped chemicals from planes all over the forests.

Why would arsonists be out in the woods burning up Canada?

Do you think they were paid a lot of money?

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You'd have to ask the arsonists who were arrested what their motives were.

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ANTIFA sorts have been arrested setting fires in remote places. They despise the order and beauty our ancestors handed to us, and are very well paid by the people who created ANTIFA, in Berlin, to communize Germany, back in the late 1920's.

What is truly despicable, the bankers who fund ANTIFA and similar causes, riots, use US to collateralize the debt they create via the Federal Reserve. In short, we fund our own destruction.

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They no doubt were paid a heck of a lot of money - to stay silent as well as do the dirty deeds. Debt-based money is why we are in this predicament.

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You asked me how I know that the WhiteHats Military & The Global Military Alliance are taking down the DeepState.....

You could start with watching the attached. Watch who stood with President Trump during his inauguration. Read all of his Executive Orders. Read the Law of War Manuals. Download a Flight App and see all the Military Planes that are up and look at their call signs. You can read what P.E.A.D’s are and CIG. You can research how many sealed indictments there are. You can research how many arrests have been made. Research the Expansion of GITMO. Research what D.U.M.B.S. are and where they are located.

Read the 700 page document ‘1776’. , etc. Go on Rumble, GAB, Signal, Telegram, Truth Social.

Read lots of Substacks.

I have been doing worldwide research for several years!

Take Care!



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Thanks for offering all that reading material but I asked you to tell me. It is your theory. How about you read how we can get out of this mess. Read the Egalitarian Proposal System: https://deniseward.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-proposal-system

Read how we can have a currency of our own:


Or read the entire architecture:


Politics is a dying function that is only keeping us down. What is the point of spending any time on it? I want to spend time talking about what WE can do, not what some "white hats" can do. You didn't explain to me why you believe they can do anything. I have heard and read about it years ago and so far, nada. Nothing has been done. You see, it's keeping everyone is a state of limbo - waiting for someone else to do what we actually have to do if we want out of this trap. Being sovereign is key. No longer do we need "representatives". It was always a farce but now there is absolutely no need as we can represent ourselves - why have a middleman or a babysitter? You need to be able as a sovereign to express your own ideas and opinions, and not just post links for someone else to do the work for you. It's very important to learn how to be sovereign as there are no models of it as yet.

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Off topic Kathleen but in some good news The Guardian doesn't always get it wrong. Most of the time yes, but not always. See the reporting below about the man they call "small, weak and reckless."

"Donors ignored the warnings of longtime political operatives who said DeSantis was 'undercooked', had a glass jaw and lacked the personal warmth and charisma required for retail politics. These appear to be have been borne out by a stagnant campaign in which the more exposure he receives, the less popular he becomes. Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman, who challenged Trump in the 2020 Republican primary, said: 'They all bet on DeSantis without knowing who the fuck he was, without understanding that he’s really bad and weird with people and also mean and cruel, even more so than Trump. They put all their chips on DeSantis before they knew who he was. That was a mistake because they don’t have an alternative.' "

Never Trumpers get ‘brutal wake-up call’ as Republican candidates flounder


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Seems you and I recognized DeSantis' flaws early on.

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Sadly, this will fuel calls for the feds to declare a state of emergency to deal with the crimate clisis [Brandon's words]. Instead it should call for better emergency preparedness and perhaps wilderness management near populated villages.

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NOT. This is NOT a "climate crisis". This is sophisticated technology called DEW Directed Energy Weapons and kabuki theater pretending it is the climate. Since the Rothschilds have the DEW weapons, I'd say the Rothschilds did it. They owned PG&E electricity in Paradise, CA and they burned it up just like what's happened in Hawaii, so I put 2 and 2 together...

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The Committee of 300, The Club of Rome, Bilderberg, etc...they control EVERYTHING.

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Looking at the footage, the techno induced "wildfires" don't burn trees that well as shown, glass on cars melt, and there is this 'burnt to the ground" white ash left... Very suspicious. Also they say they had numerous sirens on and messages on cell phones prior to the catastrophe, but a witness says they heard nothing. What gives? They say they are trying to get information through, people don't need info, they need hands on help. Ok, I sound like Celine Dion saying "send canoes, something...". It's a French Canadian thing!

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Unfortunately Celine Dion has been taken over by Hollywood and drinks adrenochromed blood of children. They are prone to the evil that engulfs them...kind of like selling your soul for fame and fortune.

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There are 2 explanations for her poor gaunt look and career on the rocks: I heard it happens when you are overly hooked on adenachrome, or as she says she suffers from a neuro degenative illness "stiff" body thing. Could we suspect the jabs?... God bless her (lost?) soul...

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And billions, just billions of dollars to repair the damage! Read: take more money from Americans to repair damage which we have ? created. Those who died--well, just casualties of...nature. Sort of like those who died in the Trade Towers, many of whom jumped to their deaths (?)

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Meanwhile, give another $10-20 billion to Ukraine to kill themselves to suicidally fight Russia. Most Americans couldn't even spot Ukraine on the globe!

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I'd say better to END the Reign of Rothschild monsters.

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You are 100% correct.

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I believe those fires were set on purpose but sadly no one will ever pay for their crimes.

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Lahaina is a cute, formerly "affordable" town on a super expensive island. The mayor, and key Senators involved in the "clean up" are all jews! Who will make a pretty shekel, displacing the natives. These types of events are as suspect and dubious as Convid. Most expelled people in human history.

EVERY single time!

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Not being a follower of Oprah--but seeing her photos in her Lady Bountiful role here-- wondering is her hair an example of cultural appropriation?

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Zionists, Khazarians...

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The universe is pissed off. I fully expect more of these "natural" disasters to occur.

There are consequences when human beings attempt to play God.

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Are you aware that Edward Dowd, who lives or lived on Maui is a BIG truth teller regarding the Cv issue as well as the financial debacle? Wonder if he has survived the fire on Maui? 🤔 hmm

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With the chaos it’s a wait and see. I’m hearing today there’s over a 1,000 people missing. My niece and her husband have been stationed at Pearl Harbor for a month. Waiting to hear to her what details she has to share. They are all in shock right now.

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https://www.schatz.senate.gov/ One of Hawaii's US Senators is a corrupt jew, the other a full fledged, anti-White Communist. Best friend retired to Hilo, and I have cycled up Haleakala a few times. I'm not a fan of the place, but this is 100% a "clear the poor native" directed energy beam exercise, and just as with the Biden DoJ and Immigration leadership, all the key people who will re-direct the land to jewish billionaires are, well, jews in Hawaii.

I simply do not know what it will take for these patterns to become obvious, and their existential danger evident. Wake up so called conservatives, NOTHING is being preserved. Your race is disappearing, as the media celebrates our demise, while calling us "replacement theory" lunatics. Our religions are being mocked and diminished (recently a Catholic woman could not adopt as she was considered anti gay). Our nation has wide open borders, which jews admit with glee they love, so they do not feel "threatened" by the whites who allowed them to arrive here by the millions, from 1870-1940.

We expel them yet again, or they will kill us. The Talmud tells them, to kill us and rule the world.

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East Palestine, Canada, now Maui, who will it b tomorrow? You? Me? You know it's all by design. We all need to talk.

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My heart breaks for Maui and my prayers continue for the Hawaiian people. All I can do is donate to the relief efforts and pray. But to those in Emergency Management who were responsible for issuing warnings prior to this really need to be under a microscope. And malfeasance is determined they should be charged accordingly. My niece and her husband are stationed at Pearl Harbor. I’m hoping to get some details from them soon.

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Another man-made government fire akin to the Canadian fires and more will globally follow. When will people not be so accepting.

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By the way that’s not a pic of me attached to this post

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