As the money pours in to pay for illegal’s we turn our backs on the veterans who fought for our freedom and safety. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/veteran-needs-vs-illegal-alien-costs

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Yes! And yes, illegal aliens get welfare benefits while our Vets suffer. It's disgusting.

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And vets get murdered in the hospital for money, plus they don’t have pay for benefits. ( save that for illegals) I have personal experience/ witness to this cold as ice genocide. My dad was COVID negative, captured, starved, tied down, forced air, massive cocktail of end of life drugs and dead in 12 days. We never got to see him. Even death row gets a phone call .. vets and Americans for freedom are the leaders enemies

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My heart breaks for you. I'm so very sorry. I'll light a candle in your Dad's honor. My Gringo is a Military Veteran, I absolutely hate how they're disrespected.

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Thank you .. that is very kind.

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More willfull destruction of the American culture.


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They’re planning on killing Americans with the Covid vaccines and replacing them with illegal. Aliens that they can control better.

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Thought this might enlighten a few people.

"Obama, Bush and Clinton have started an NGO to fly migrants into the US"

"The new NGO is reportedly teaming up with Welcome.US to raise money for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine and Nicaragua to be flown into communities across the country."


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thank the demonicrats and Illegal Usurper joe bLIARden

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I'm in California where Newsom is basically giving illegals Medi-Cal (Medicaid). So to all the poor, LEGAL residents of California a big "Screw You" if you can't find a Medi-Cal accepting doctor or if you have to wait hours and hours to get into an emergency room. Because when you can't find a doctor, you just go to the emergency room for your healthcare if you have Medi-Cal. People with jobs pay an arm & a leg for ins or pay an $850+ penalty at tax time for NOT having ins.

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I expect Biden, to give blanket ammnesty to anyone crossing our Northern and Southern borders, with possible Citizenship by Executive orders. With the threat; Vote Democrat, or be expelled....

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According to the Canadians commenting on Substack they have to be vx'd to cross the border.

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I thought sanctuary cities were SAFE... oops!!

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Adams also suffers from extreme cognitive dissonance. His book is all about informed consent - he ignored his doctor's advice on diabetes, and went to Dr. Esselstyn at the Cleveland Clinic, and with a Whole Foods, Plant-Based diet, he reversed his diabetes from an A1C of 17 down to below 6 in three weeks and restored his vision in his left eye within three months. That was when he was still reasonable as Brooklyn Borough President. Some of us had hoped that he would abandon DeBlasio's idiot script for Covid, with the famous ad, if my clotshot won't kill you, my cheeseburger will.

But it was not to be. The rules are different for Eric Adams and for the rest of us. No more informed consent for you, darlings! So it ends up that he promotes a whole foods, plant-based diet, which gives you a healthy microbiome in short order, but then he shoots up the same microbiome with a bazooka, aka. the ronajab.


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Paul and all,

Why is everyone still talking about problems?

Why is there no focus on real solutions YET?

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No surprise there! Thank you for speaking Truth!

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Oh oh he's done for now, what was he thinking saying a thing like that!! :))

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I’m from Canada and Our country is done Canadians need to wake up because this country now officially sucks But you folks in the United States need to step up and did what you need to do to survive and claim back what your veterans did for you way back don’t let the criminals win

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If immigrants succeed in destroying NYC, it would be a benefit to the rest of the country that has to put up with the continual flow of bovine excrement that they exude. It would also save the Russians a warhead.

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Ahh and they begin to eat their own, that's great to see.

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He actually said it was the "migrant crisis" that is destroying the city - he's trying to get [more] money from the feds. As for who gets put first in the pandering contest, I believe you. No mater who's on first, they will be put out to pasture when convenient.

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