Mayorkas Finally Admits "Acute & Immediate Need" To Build Border Wall In Texas; so Border wall was racist under Trump, now its ok under Biden INC?..I don't buy it, people going to make stolen tax
payer money, this is pay for play again, nothing Biden et al. does is money free and corruption free...Trump was always right on the wall yet Paul 'devil RINO' Ryan ensured he did not get the funding
Trump was right on rapist, murderers etc. coming in from the Southern border and they do and have and they do kill Americans…time to militarize the border with armed soldiers with 50 cal…make sure everyone know from 5 miles out, you touch the wall or fence illegally, you will be dealt with…give a 5 mile warning so no one can say they ‘did not know’.
This could only mean that the majority of dems are fed up with immigrant criminals: Biden has no choice than supporting the wall if he wants to have votes closer to Trump so that stealing the election again wouldn't be too obvious:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail and machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Dominion over US
You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?
This could be a very sinister move. There is no way Biden would stop illegal immigration at this time. They are putting up walls now that they have imported enough warriors to destroy this country. The wall is to keep Americans trapped in the USA while the government initiates the real Purge. That was the whole purpose of letting them all in. 90% young able bodied military age men. Why can’t people see what is happening? We are being set up.