This could only mean that the majority of dems are fed up with immigrant criminals: Biden has no choice than supporting the wall if he wants to have votes closer to Trump so that stealing the election again wouldn't be too obvious:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail and machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


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No, but t doesn’t mean anything like that PFN. Fed up with criminals? Never! They bail them out of jail like Soros and Kamala Harris does. You really think Dems care about anything but winning elections and having power over the plebiscites? They lie to our faces about walls. Watch them. Dems are the criminals.

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This could be a very sinister move. There is no way Biden would stop illegal immigration at this time. They are putting up walls now that they have imported enough warriors to destroy this country. The wall is to keep Americans trapped in the USA while the government initiates the real Purge. That was the whole purpose of letting them all in. 90% young able bodied military age men. Why can’t people see what is happening? We are being set up.

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We have one who can see!

They must destroy the American people to take over the world.

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So frustrating a few months ago Biden was auctioning off the trump wall supplies. So backwards, as usual. Better late than never?

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I think they are cleaning up our borders because of all the backlash of late and they are worried they are losing voters. The Dems also want to look good before the upcoming elections so it’s phase one of cleaning up . They will make things appear to be all better, life is great, by election time you will forget all about their totalitarian agenda

Trump 2024 🇺🇸

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The solution to this problem is vaccinate. All the aliens that come into this country illegally with all six Pfizer jabs in the same day. The word will get around and they will stay home.

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OMG we must do something the illegals won't come because of vaccine hesitancy.


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If Mayorkas says it's sunny I'd run to grab my umbrella. I don't trust anything anyone in Biden's administration says. They lie just like he does. Now they're getting some pressure from NYC Mayor Adams, the Chicago mayor, and others, But I don't expect the Bidenistas to change policy. They'll continue to leave the border wide open and drag their feet on "building" a wall or anything else.

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Money laundering into their pockets again! Perhaps since the Ukraine racket spigots are turning off slowly.

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Mayorkas is a jew, most of Biden's cabinet is. Their stated goal has been to destroy "Amalek," or basically the white race/Christianity. The Kalergi Plan, written by a jewish "count" was to mongrelize and breed the white out. Funded by jewish central banks, and fiercely defended by jewish media, white women are encouraged to breed with blacks and other invaders. if whites respond or complain, Larry Fink, and the jewish BlackRock/Vangard/StateStreet machine maintains lists so those whites never work again. Become popular and complain too loudly on jewish social media, you are first banned, then visited by the Skull and Bone FBI, a part of the DoJ, also run by a jew.

Go to free speech arenas like Gab, Odysee and SubStack, and an army of ADL, JDL, IDF, Mossad, Hasbara, Talpiot agents will call you a "nahtzeee," while never admitting that you are accurate.

I hope Hamas destroys Israel. Iran is funding them, and they discovered nearly $3 trillion in oil reserves a few years back. They can do it. And, they should.

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An administration of both criminals and fucking weassels

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I seriously doubt the wall will be built. There have been too many lies.

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Have you noticed how bald headed men are pretty evil.

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Impeachment for all of them.

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Talking points for the talking heads.

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Who has the contract now, hmm...

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Bit bloody late now.

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This same misfit, mayorkas a fucking weasel, just weeks earlier was trying to sell the steel in the original border wall that Trump put down-- It is total madness with the fucking circus ongoing in the Democrat whorehouse -and they are now confronted with a real threat as Putin has called their bluff

and he is not playing liars poker- he has told Blinken & Co that “when Russia nukes the US there will be no survivors”-- plain enough- yet our morons in the mil ind complex will not let up-as wel;l a noted

Kremlin peron announced the will to attack the 5 NATO nations-- NATO should take heed that the War that was started by biden-Obama_ Clinton and Bush ( the original neo-cons) using the bodies

of the ukraines as a NATO buffer may be at an end- as Matt Goetz blew up their plans for uniparty

CR of debt ingto infinity-The fed spent =3.3 billion on fancy office furniture while our people are fighting for economic survival- 250.000 for solar powered picnic tables for those scumbags at the CDC-Advanced Research Projects Agency spent 120.00 for ethan allen reclining armchairs

i am willing to spend 25 bucks to fucking bury these mother fuckers in a leaky pine box!!!!

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Supporters of building walls, be careful of what you wish for. Remember a wall has dual functions. I smell manufactured consent.

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