Mayorkas is like one of those wind up clown toys that has six words on the reel: the border is secure, white supremacist. The border is secure, white supremacist. The border is secure, white supremacist.

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There is something about that man that is very strange. I can't quite ;put my finger on it.

I can't believe the Republicans can't do a thing about him and his on purpose border

fiasco. Where is the Military? They are supposed to protect us from Foreign and Domestic

Enemies. What's going on in DC and in our Country is a total sham. No respect for our

Citizens and our Country. Homeland Security saying already that we need to be vigilant

because of future attacks in our Country. Why? Because, JOE and his Commies want

to somehow control the 2024 Elections.

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I agree with you on the odd behavior of Alejando Mayorkas. He behaves like a transhuman mind controlled robot. Maybe he’s had a chip implanted in his brain.

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Sorry, you had to retire, because of COVID :=(

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I didn’t have to, I made a choice. After the out patient clinic was shut down and re-opened there were lots of changes and training requirements including quarterly ACLS review. I thought that was odd. Now it all makes sense, sort of. Then the announcement that the mRNA shots would be made mandatory. I decided it was time to go. 2 former coworkers that I know of are vax injured.

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You might just be right. He doesn't act human does he? I believe JOE is Al because he had an aneurysm in the brain years ago. He literally doesn't have all his brains :-)

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I wonder about that myself. Look at his eyes, he’s not there.

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He has blue eyes, but sometimes they look very black and dark. Something is very strange.

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It is a planned attack, just like CV19.. They will use these illegal immigrants to police US citizens when it comes down to their NWO BS.. They know the US authorities will not do it, police, whatever, so they will use these illegals, "we just glad to be here" and will do whatever they are told or will be deported..

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Lynn, you are correct and I can tell you what is strange about this guy...

He doesn’t belong ...

He was born on a different continent for a good reason.

That is where He belongs. He is full of hate. Just like these extraterrestrials I see on my morning walks lately. Ontario here..

Is it so hard to open your mouth and say Good Morning???

If you can’t even do that why, WHY are you here???

Of course we know the answer.

It os part of the plan.

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LOL.. You are absolutely correct, and you have broken the code because they all have a certain amount of words on their clown toy reel.. It is either about transgender, vaccines, climate crisis, a virus, CBDC, etc., etc... On and on and on..

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I think he needs to show us his notarized Oath of http://christiannewswire.com/index.php?module=releases&task=view&releaseID=87161

Otherwise his words mean nothing. All his orders are illegal and sad should not be followed.

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Agree. Alejandro and his false attempts to control the border should be ignored. Guard & reserve troops need to be directed by the governors who sent them to drive illegal immigrants back across the border with what ever force necessary. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy driving the I haul was paid by 1 of the Soros funded organizations or FBI informant to do this false flag stunt. Really pathetic.

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I think all of them need to show their oath of office.

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I read that their oaths of office can't be officially found. Everything about JOE and his Commies don't add up.

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they dont have one they swore on the queeran MISSING OATHS: Biden officials swear no allegiance to the United States (feat. Todd Callender) https://www.brighteon.com/e5366970-58d0-434c-82c0-e9f1efb

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they can't

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Alejandro needs to do some hard time

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That’s not the penalty for treason.

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Impeach Myorkas. Enough already.

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Diversity hiring by the 3 letter agencies can become more than a little awkward.

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Now even Chick-fil-A has a DEI person. Aren't they supposed to be Christian?

Just being closed on Sunday doesn't cut it anymore.

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Stay away from ALL Fast food establishments. I will guess that all food from these establishments are contaminated.

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He's not a white supremacist, obviously, but he's not a "jihadist" either. He is an Indian Hindu with a Hindu-sounding name. The media is too quick to call everyone a "white supremacist" and you are too quick to call everyone a "jihadist." Why don't facts seems to matter to anyone anymore? https://twitter.com/ashoswai/status/1661243537512632320

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FACTS certainly aren't in their vocabulary.

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Psyop that no one believes.

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He was trying to take over the USA armed with a full automatic Uhaul and a ball point pen.

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U-Hauls are hard to find these days. Dead giveaway.

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Lol. Which is why I believe he was a paid false flag

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worth a try....the pen is mightier than the sword after all

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Of Course - certainly not a white supremest!

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Skin Color, Sex, or Creed isn't the issue, it's TRUTH that is under attack by EVIL.

Let's keep #EXPOSING the EVIL.

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I agree. I can't find words for what's going on. JOEBAMA and whoever they are have

pulled out all stops. For them anything goes and they GET AWAY WITH IT.

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dorkass mayorkass

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First, he DID NOT drive the truck INTO the white house..it was Lafayette Sq..he DID NOT drive into a barricade but a concrete curb..Second, the policy enforcers took the flag out of the BACK of the EMPTY truck and spread it on the ground for a photo op..another botched false flag event that the government tried to pull off. I would say he is a CIA or FBI paid stooge. NO weapons were found. How do I know this? Because the enforcers would have displayed them as well.

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At this point I think we need to pivot away from the " Virus", that never really existed, its only purpose was to get everyone to take their poison and make money at the same , which has been their business model since they started wars, and had investments in defense contractor companies stocks.. The ELITE love murdering and making money at the same time.. But we need to focus on the UN WHO treaty take over and the CBDC.. Those are the major threats to our freedom now.. They want us to focus on CV19 getting justice, and investigating Pfizer and Moderna, while they are trying to play Pinky and the Brain and trying to take over the world with the so called treaty and the CBDC... We need to let the representatives to this BS treaty conference know, that if they approve these power hungry changes that they better stay in Geneva, because they cannot come back here because they are traitors..

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"Mayonnaise" is a gaslighter douchebag!

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Fact: Joe & Hunter Biden are registered members of The World Economic Forum

Fact: Klaus Schwab, who is a Jew, a Radicalized, #FarLeft Extremist, who is focused on “The “Global Elites’ Climate Control ‘The Green New Deal’ and the ‘Globalized Agenda of killing of millions of Cows 🐄 [because of their flatulence being dangerous to humans’ was founded, by Schwab’s WEF’ “Secret Society” Aka [Other So-Called #SecretSocieties] #The Illuminati; #Skull&Bones ☠️ ; #TheFreeMasons 33°; #BohemianGrove that promotes #FarLeft #Radicalized #Indoctrination of Young Global Leaders. The most wealthiest people in the world; The most powerful people; The most influential Families in the world; The most politically connected; & The Descendants of The Thirteen Original Tribes who were & still are involved with “Child Sacrifices. They are BAAL Worshippers [False God of Fertility]. These people have been Sacrificing their own children by burning them to death, for thousands of years! Purely Demonic!

#AntiUSA #AntiCapitalism #Socialism/Communism #Agenda30




#BioWeaponLabs #DeadlyJabs

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I agree with your statements, except for one. Those Jews are not the actual original Israelites of the twelve tribes descended from Jacob. They are the Khazarians, the fake Jews.

Remember, the real Jews are only of two tribes - Judah and Levi. There are hundreds of millions of Israelites living today, who are descended from the other 10 tribes, who are not Jews.

Now, Soros may be an actual Jew, but he sold out his people to work for the nazis, who are still with is today, also the Khazarians, and headquartered in Ukraine. That is why Russia was forced to take a military intervention in Ukraine. Putin will not allow nazis on his border.

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Thank you so much for pointing that out. The Bible warns us of the "jews" who have infiltrated the "religion" but who are not.

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He's Caucasian, but he ain't "white."

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He’s not Caucasian or White!!!

Afghan or Pakistani most likely!!!

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You may want to do some research on what parts of the world people are Caucasian. You quite obviously haven't a clue that Caucasian is not a color.

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Most likely? What about Ecuadoran or Columbian? What about Brazilian? Such ethnicities often identify as White!

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"Identifying as" means nothing. This is NOT a Caucasian of European descent. Therefore NOT "white." Period. Full stop.

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And maybe he is of Spanish (Spain) background? It seem clear that your prejudices lead your thinking and not any understanding of how people self-identify. Given the racism in this country it is quite common for many people from the South to identify as white and that also goes for darker people from southern European countries. Not all Europeans are Nordic.

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The point I am seeing here is that this man is being used to push a certain agenda by the deep state DHS, and he clearly is not a "white supremacist". He may be any number of other ethnicities, perhaps Mayorkas is refusing to tell us. I think he was most likely known to the FBI, and this was a staged event. Regardless, they are lying.

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They are lying.

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All that can be said at the moment is that he attempted to drive a vehicle into the White House. Until more is revealed, it seems the sane thing is to not make judgements based on assumptions. It is typical that such assumptions and judgements reveal more about the person making the statements than the reality of the case. I have no idea why you assume he was known to the FBI and this was a staged event.

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He's a "person of color" no matter how he "self-identifies." We can see him with our own eyes. Apparently Majorkas is either blind or a liar.

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Why are you so angry. For many years people of such coloring were defined by the government as white/caucasian. It was a political struggle for people to self-identify which is now legal on the Census and in schools. Of course if you are of the white supremacist mindset and still hold that anyone with 1/8 Black history is Black in your book and therefore subject to the worse of racism in this country--well, I have nothing to say to you other than that we will disagree.

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